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1.HUL company as introduced alovera based soap in a Indian market 8

months ago they have given you data soap usage and your expected to
advise them whether a soap appeals men women and children equally
are not using the chi square analysis and 5% level of significance.
Details Men Women Children Total
Liked the 230 340 900 1470
Disliked the 370 560 300 1230
Unsure 200 600 200 1000
Total 800 1500 1400 3700

H0 : The given Soap is not like by men, women and children equally.
Ha : The given Soap is liked men, women and children equally.
Degrees of freedom
d.f = (r-1) (c-1)
= (3-1) (3-1)
= 4.
Level of Significance 5% Assumed

Computations for Chi Square

0 E

230 317.84 7714.11 24.27

370 265.95 10826.40 40.71
200 216.22 263.09 1.22
340 595.94 65505.28 109.92
560 498.65 3763.82 7.55
600 405.40 37869.16 93.41
900 556.22 118184.69 212.48
300 465.41 27360.47 58.79
200 378.38 31819.42 84.09
∑= 632.44

E= (Row total)(column total)/Grand total

1.E230 =(800)(1470)/3700
2.E370 =(800)(1230)/3700
3. E200 =(800)(1000)/3700
4. E340 =(1500)(1470)/3700 7. E900(1400)(1470)/3700
5. E560 =(1500)(1470)/3700 8. E300(1400)(1230)/3700
6. E600 =(1500)(1470)/3700 9. E200(1400)(1000)/3700.
7. E900 =(800)(1230)/3700
Therefore Decision
X=0.05 and df= 4 is 9.48
The table value of 9.48 is lower than computed value of 632.44
Therefore We reject the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis is
It may be inferred that the given soap is like equally by men, women
and children.
2. Cadbury Company has introduced a lime flavoured chocolate into the
market recently you has been appointed as marketing consultant and
requesting to find out chocolate equally data of chocolate usuage for
the past 9 months as been provided to you. Using Chi Square of 5% and
1% advise the company.
Details 16-30 31-45 44-60 61-75 Total
Preferred 25 85 110 360 40 620
Do not 45 75 290 240 50 700
Not Sure 60 90 100 150 80 480
Total 130 250 500 750 170 1800

H0 : The given Cadbury company’s lime flavoured chocolate is not

preferred by certain age groups equally.
Ha: The given Cadbury company’s lime flavoured chocolate is preferred
by certain age groups equally.
Degree of Freedom
d.f= (r-1)(c-1)

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