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Volume 41, Issue 6, December 2014

Online English edition of the Chinese language journal

Cite this article as: PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2014, 41(6): 810–816. RESEARCH PAPER

Field test of volume fracturing for horizontal wells in

Sulige tight sandstone gas reservoirs, NW China
MA Xu1,2,*, HAO Ruifen1,2, LAI Xuan’ang1,2, ZHANG Yanming1,2, MA Zhanguo1,2, HE Mingfang1,2,
XIAO Yuanxiang1,2, BI Man1,2, MA Xinxing1,2
1. Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an 710018, China;
2. National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low-Permeability Oil & Gas Fields, Xi’an 710018, China

Abstract: Based on the development degree of natural micro-fractures, rock brittleness and two-direction stress and other geological
conditions of the Sulige gas field, the feasibility of using volume fracturing to increase production was analyzed and verified by field test.
The Sulige gas field, a typical tight sandstone gas reservoir, has developed natural micro-fractures, with fracture complex index of
0.3−0.5, rock brittleness index distribution in the 36−52 and two-direction stress heterogeneity factor of 0.17. From the development ex-
periences of unconventional gas reservoirs abroad, the geological conditions in the Sulige gas field is suitable for volume fracturing.
Through lab experiments and pilot field tests, a volume fracturing technology for horizontal wells has been developed, which features
“fracturing with low-viscosity liquid, carrying proppant with high-viscosity liquid, combination of multi-scale proppants, and massive
fracturing at a high injection rate”. The technique had been applied in 42 wells of the Sulige tight gas field by the end of 2013. The initial
production of wells treated by this approach is 1.2 times that of the adjacent wells treated by conventional fracturing, indicating that the
technique can enhance the production of the horizontal wells in the Sulige gas field substantially.

Key words: Sulige gas field; tight sandstone; volume fracturing; natural fracture; brittleness; horizontal well; microseismic monitoring

1 Background and horizontal wells still cannot meet the demand of effective
development, and there is a crying need for effective tech-
Sulige gas field is located in Ordos city of Inner Mongolia,
nologies to enhance single well production.
where the Permian Shihezi Formation is the main pay with a
Horizontal well drilling technology, volume stimulation
porosity of 5%−12% and permeability of (0.01−2.00)×10−3
technology and micro-seismic real-time diagnosis technology
μm2. It is a typical tight sandstone gas pool, with multi-stage
have become three key technologies in North America to re-
sands stacking vertically, strong lateral heterogeneity and low
alize the “shale gas revolution”. The major domestic oil and
pressure coefficient, posing great challenge to development.
Horizontal well field trial started from 2002, and horizontal gas fields have drawn lessons from foreign successful experi-
well multi-stage fracturing was tested in 2008. In 2010 and ence and launched researches on tight reservoir explora-
2011, with the scale deployment of horizontal wells, progress tion[3−4]. After studying from foreign experience on unconven-
had been made constantly in multi-stage fracturing, promoting tional gas reservoir fracturing abroad, Changqing oil field
the establishment of two major fracturing technologies, sand carried out pilot test of volume fracturing in tight gas and oil
jet staged fracturing[1−2] and open hole staged fracturing. The field in 2012. The average daily production of seventeen ver-
pumping rate reached about 4.0 m3/min, and fracturing stages tical wells treated by volume fracturing was 46% higher than
reached 15 stages per well. As a result, the production of ho- that of the adjacent wells in the oilfield after half a year of
rizontal wells amounted to (3.0−5.0)×104 m3/d, 3 to 5 times production. The 6 horizontal wells have a daily production of
the production of near vertical wells. The significant effect in 6t higher than the conventional wells. The 6 vertical wells in
production enhancement promoted the large scale application Sulige gas field treated by mixed water volume fracturing[5−6],
of horizontal wells there. However, some wells in Sulige gas had a daily gas production of 1.4×104 m3, significantly higher
field have low production, especially tight sandstone in the than the comparative wells (Table 1). The result of volume
east part has high lateral heterogeneity, small thickness, and fracturing pilot test shows volume fracturing works well in
small drainage area. Therefore stimulation on both vertical tight oil and gas fields.

Received date: 23 Jul. 2013; Revised date: 11 Jul. 2014.

* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the the PetroChina Science and Technology Program (2010E-23).
Copyright © 2014, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina. Published by Elsevier BV. All rights reserved.
MA Xu et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2014, 41(6): 810–816

Table 1 Results of volume fracturing test wells in the east section of Sulige gas field
Absolute open Daily pro-
Well Reservoir Porosity/ Permeability/ Gas satura- Proppant Pumping rate/ Injection fluid
Number flow (QAOF)/ duction /
type thickness/m % 10−3 μm2 tion/% volume/m3 (m3⋅min−1) volume/m3
(104 m3⋅d−1) (104 m3⋅d−1)
Tested well 6 5.8 10.7 1.0 63.2 33 5.5 946 9.00 1.4
11 4.5 10.9 1.0 65.0 26 2.8 534 7.33 0.9
tive well

According to Sulige gas field tight sandstone reservoir plexity in hydraulic fracturing with Fracture Complex Index
permeability, natural micro-fracture development situation, (FCI), and reflects the effect of volume fracturing. The FCI is
rock brittleness, bi-axial stress and some other geological the ratio of the width (Xn) to the length (2Xf)[10] of the fracture
conditions, the feasibility of increasing production with vol- network in hydraulic fracturing monitored by micro seismic,
ume fracturing in Sulige gas field was analyzed, on the basis that is
of understandings obtained from pilot test, volume fracturing FCI=Xn/2Xf (1)
experiment has been carried out to improve the production in The bigger the FCI value, the more complex and richer the
tight gas reservoirs and make clear the study direction of ho- fractures and the bigger the reservoir stimulation volume and
rizontal well staged fracturing. the better the stimulation effect will be. Well Sudong 1-1 is a
volume fracturing horizontal well in Sulige gas field. The FCI
2 Geologic conditions in Sulige gas field
calculated by substituting the facture width and half-length
Breaking the traditional production improvement mecha- monitored by micro seismic into the formula (1) mainly falls
nism, volume fracturing shifts the target from improving arti- in between 0.3 and 0.5, which indicates the fractures after
ficial fracture drainage area to expanding the gas reservoir volume fracturing in Sulige gas field are quite complex by
volume contacted by fracture, crushing the reservoir, and re- comparing the FCI of gas well fractures created by volume
alizing artificial permeability, greatly improving the single fracturing abroad[10] (Fig. 2).
well production and enhancing the ultimate gas well recov-
2.2 Horizontal stress
Through systematic analysis of the Barnett shale gas geo- We used two dimensional stress heterogeneity factor (Kh,
logic characteristics and volume fracturing pattern, we have defined as the ratio of the difference between maximum hori-
learned that the natural fracture, differential stress between zontal principal stress and minimum horizontal principal
maximum horizontal principal stress and minimum horizontal
principal stress, and rock brittleness are the key factors af-
fecting volume fracturing[8]. Communication of natural and
artificial cracks can significantly increase the complexity of
fracture. And the differential stress of two horizontal stresses
is one of the main control factors affecting communication of
natural and artificial cracks. Smaller differential stress is fa-
vorable for fracture diverting and bending, making it easier to
form complex fractures. Conversely, it’s hard to form complex
fractures. In addition, high rock brittleness is the key to keep
flow conductivity of complex fractures. The higher the elastic
modulus of the rock, the harder the rock, the higher the brittle
index, the more easily the shear failure will occur, forming
maintaining open state and certain flow conductivity of shear
fractures and rough joints [9].

2.1 Nature fracture

The reservoirs in east section of Sulige gas field can be di-

vided into three kinds according to pore types: intergranular
pore-dissolution pore, dissolution pore- intracrystalline pore,
and intracrystalline pore, some reservoirs have high-angle
(Fig. 1) natural fractures and rich cross beddings which are
the basis to form complex fracture network, and can facilitate
the creation of relatively complex fractures in volume frac-
Cipolla C L[10−11] described the fracture type and its com- Fig. 1 Fracture imaging of Shihezi Formation in Well Su1-1
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Fig. 4 The stress-strain experiment analysis of H8 member

sandstone core from Well Su1-3 (confining pressure 20)

ruptures at small deformation under pressure in lithomechan-

Fig. 2 FCI of fractures created by volume fracturing at home ics. Rock is divided into three categories in engineering: brit-
and abroad tle rock which is less than 0.03 in axial strain when fracturing,
semi-brittle rock which is 0.03−0.05 in axial strain, and plastic
rock which is greater than 0.05 in axial strain[12]. The
stress-strain indoor experiment on the cores collected from H8
member sandstone reservoir in eastern Sulige gas field shows
that the sandstone axial strain before fracturing is between
0.010−0.015 (Fig. 4), less than 0.03, indicating brittle rock.
Rock brittleness index is an index to judge if the reservoir
is good for fracturing obtained from the North American shale
gas development. When its value is greater than 40, rocks tend
to form complex. The higher the brittleness index of shale, the
more complex the fracture network is likely to be after frac-
turing[13]. The formula to calculate rock brittleness index is[13]
Fig. 3 Two dimensional stress heterogeneity factor and fracture
morphology EBRIT = [(Ec−Ecmin)/(Ecmax−Ecmin)] ×100 (2)
υBRIT = [(υc−υcmax)/(υcmin−υcmax)] ×100 (3)
stress to minimum horizontal principal stress) to describe the
BRIT= (EBRIT + υBRIT)/2 (4)
fracture morphology. According to the results of physical
where, EBRIT is brittleness index calculated by using the com-
modeling experiment and simulation: when Kh is greater than
prehensively measured elastic modulus, dimensionless; υBRIT
0.2, single crack is likely to occur (Fig. 3), and when Kh is
is brittleness index calculated by using the comprehensively
between 0 and 0.2, fractures or reticular cracks with certain
measured Poisson’s ratio, dimensionless; Ec is comprehen-
complex are likely to occur after fracturing. We conducted
sively measured elastic modulus, MPa. Ecmax, Ecmin are the
stress experiment on 48 pieces of cores from Shihezi Forma-
maximum and minimum value of comprehensively measured
tion H8 member collected from different blocks in Sulige gas
elastic modulus (Ec), MPa. υc is comprehensively measured
field, the results (Table 2) show that the Kh value of H8 mem-
Poisson’s Ratio; υcmin, υcmax are the maximum and minimum
ber sandstone in eastern Sulige is 0.169, that in central Sulige
value of comprehensively measured Poisson’s ratio(υc); BRIT
is 0.170, which means the sandstone of Shihezi Formation H8
is rock brittleness index, dimensionless.
member in Sulige gas field can form relatively complex frac-
The rock brittleness index of H8 member sandstone in Su-
lige gas field calculated by using (2)-(4) formulas distributed
2.3 Rock brittleness in the 36-52 (Fig. 5).

The rock brittleness is defined as the property that rock 2.4 Reservoir permeability

We built a horizontal well numerical model based on geo-

Table 2 Core stress analysis result of H8 member sandstone in
logic conditions, production performance, and the complex
Sulige gas field
fracture shape induced by volume fracturing in Sulige gas
Vertical Maximum hori- Minimum hori- Differ-
field. The model 2000 m×800 m×15 m in size has a grid step
Block earth stress/ zontal principal zontal major ence/ Kh
of 20 m×20 m×5 m, the horizontal section length of 1 200 m,
MPa stress/MPa stress/MPa MPa
12 fractures, main fracture length of 440 m, cluster spacing of
59.45 51.14 43.76 7.38 0.169 20 m, secondary fracture spacing of 20 m, flow conductivity
Central of main fractures of 40 μm2·cm, and flow conductivity of
63.48 55.88 47.76 8.12 0.170
block secondary fractures of 4 μm2·cm. We set different permeabili-
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MA Xu et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2014, 41(6): 810–816

Fig. 6 Relationship between permeability and production in-

crease times

In 2012, without changing the well structure, volume frac-
turing was used in a horizontal well with an open hole com-
pletion diameter of 152.4 mm in Sulige gas field. The volume
fracturing job was carried out with 114.3 mm open hole pack-
ers at pumping rate of 6−10 m3/min. The stage number
reached 23.
Horizontal well volume fracturing effects with different
types of pad fluid were compared. When the pad was 100 m3
slick water and 140 m3 base fluid and the pumping rate was 8
m3/ min, fracture monitoring result shows that the fracture is
nearly EW, perpendicular to the minimum principle stress
direction of H8 member in Sulige gas field. The fractures are
asymmetric, the northwest wing is 205 m long, 170 m wide
and 79 m high. The calculated reservoir stimulation volume is
about 485×104 m3. When the pad fluid only contained 230 m3
of base fluid and the pumping rate was 10 m3/min, the north-
west wing of the fracture is 220 m long, 55 m wide, and 48 m
Fig. 5 Brittleness index evaluation results for H8 member in high. The calculated reservoir stimulation volume is about
Well Su1-2 156×104 m3. Fracture monitoring shows that the fracture cre-
ated by using slick water and base fluid as pad fluid is wider
ties to simulate and compare the production increase times
and more complex than that created by using base fluid only
after horizontal well production for 10 a (the ratio of volume
(Figs. 7 and 8).
fracturing horizontal well productivity and conventional frac-
turing horizontal well productivity). The simulation results
show that the volume fracturing produced a fracture network
with certain complexity, increasing the effective contact area
of reservoir, resulting in gas discharge area much larger than
conventional staged fracturing. As the permeability decreased,
the production increase times of horizontal well volume frac-
turing increased sharply. When the permeability was (0.1−1.0)
× 10−3 μm2, production increase times reached 1.175−1.500
(Fig. 6). The permeability of H8 member in eastern Sulige gas Fig. 7 Micro-seismic monitoring chart of fracturing with a pad
of slick water and base fluid in Well Su1-6
field is (0.018−0.320) × 10−3 μm2, so we can see volume frac-
turing has a certain production improvement room.

3 Volume fracturing design

3.1 Fracturing technology
The main characteristics of tight oil and gas reservoir vol-
ume fracturing abroad are high pumping rate, large amount of
fluid, low proppant concentration, and small proppant size,
and the fracturing process adopted mainly includes open hole Fig. 8 Micro-seismic monitoring chart of fracturing with base
packer staged fracturing and fast drillable bridge plug staged fluid only as pad in Well Su1-6
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MA Xu et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2014, 41(6): 810–816

Table 3 Comparison of volume fracturing and conventional fracturing parameters in Sulige horizontal wells
Stimulated reservoir
Horizontal sec- Gas reservoir Stage Proppant Pumping rate/ Injection vol- QAOF/
Fracturing technology volumn (SRV)/
tion length/m length/m number volume/m3 (m3⋅min−1) ume/m3 (104 m3⋅−1)
104 m3
Volume fracturing 1 000.0 8 562 6.0−10.0 5 494 1 035 45.98
Conventional fracturing 944.2 93.0 7 249 2.4−3.5 1 937 272 15.03

Through a large number of lab experiments and vertical stimulation volume increases as pumping rate increases (Fig.
well field pilot tests, constant optimization of fracturing pa- 10). When pumping rate of volume fracturing reaches 6−10
rameters and process, we have come up with the volume frac- m3/min (3−4 m3 in conventional fracturing), its reservoir sti-
turing process for horizontal wells in Sulige gas field featur- mulation volume reaches (400−906)×104 m3, which is more
ing low viscosity fluid breaking open fracture, high viscosity than two times of the stimulation volume of conventional
fluid carrying proppant, combination of proppant in different fracturing. Under the same proppant volume and pumping rate,
sizes, and high pumping rate and large injection volume. reservoir stimulation volume increases as the total injection
volume increases (Fig. 11). When total injection rate reaches
3.2 Key parameters of volume fracturing
700−1 500 m3 in volume fracturing, reservoir stimulation
Reservoir stimulation volume refers to the total reservoir volume amounts to (400−900) ×104 m3. So increasing pump-
volume reached by the complex fractures created by volume
fracturing. In conventional low permeability reservoir stimu-
lation, the fractures designed are single long fractures with
two symmetric wings, and the fracture design focuses on the
optimization of fracture conductivity and length; while vol-
ume fracturing focuses on the design of fracture network
aiming at increasing stimulation volume.
Different fracturing methods were used on horizontal wells
with similar physical properties in the same block in Sulige
gas field (Average porosity 8.5%, average permeability 0.51×
10−3 μm2, and average gas saturation 57.3%). The treatment
parameters are listed in Table 3. Downhole micro-seismic Fig. 9 Top view of micro-seismic monitoring chart of volume
fracture monitoring shows conventional fracturing in hori- fracturing and conventional fracturing
zontal wells produced fractures 120−240 m in half- length,
65−165 m in band width, 34−54 m in height, and that is a
reservoir stimulation volume of about 272.0×104 m3; while
volume fracturing technology created fractures 180-390 m in
half- length, 100−310 m in width, 42−79 m in height, that
means a reservoir stimulation volume of about 1 035.0×104
m3. Thus it can be seen volume fracturing resulted in longer,
wider and higher fractures than conventional fracturing (Fig.
9), and the stimulation volume is more than three times of that
of conventional fracturing.
On this basis, four more horizontal wells with target zone Fig. 10 Relationship between SRV and pumping rate
similar in physical properties in eastern Sulige were tested
(average porosity 7.9%, average permeability 0.41×10−3 μm2,
and average gas saturation 56.5%). Downhole micro-seismic
fracture monitoring was employed to analyze the effect of
proppant volume (30 m3, 40 m3, 50 m3, 70 m3 and 100 m3)
and total injection volume (300 m3, 400 m3, 500 m3, 600 m3,
700 m3, 800 m3, 1 000 m3, 1 500 m3 were used) on the stimu-
lation volume. Different groups were tested at different pump-
ing rates of 3.5 m3/ min, 4.0 m3/ min, 6.0 m3/ min, 8.0 m3/ min,
and 10.0 m3/ min. The comparison study shows: under the
same proppant volume and same injection volume, reservoir Fig. 11 Relationship between SRV and injection volume

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Table 4 Comparison of parameters between volume fracturing and conventional fracturing in H8 member sandstone, Sulige gas field
Fracturing Well Horizontal sec- Effective Fracturing Proppant Pumping rate/ Injection QAOF/ Daily produc- Casing pres-
technology number tion length/m length/m stage volume/m3 (m3⋅min−1) volume/m3 (104 m3·d−1) tion/104 m3 sure/MPa
42 1 282 878 9.3 523.0 8.0−12.0 5 510.0 62.9 6.2 (37wells) 19.4
73 1 233 802 8.8 389.0 3.2−5.0 3 868.0 41.0 5.0 (46 wells) 20.3

ferent sizes, and high pumping rate and large injection vol-
ume” has been establish and applied successfully in Sulige
gas field. Fracture monitoring results show horizontal well
volume fracturing has formed fractures with certain complex-
ity, increasing the reservoir stimulation volume.
By the end of 2013, volume fracturing had been applied to
42 wells in Sulige tight gas reservoirs. The initial daily pro-
duction of these wells was 1.2 times that of conventional
fracturing wells.
The effectiveness of open hole packoff has an effect on the
result of volume fracturing. The study next step is to carry out
tests of bridge plug staged multi-cluster fracturing in ce-
Fig. 12 QAOF of horizontal wells in east Sulige gas field
mented wells, to explore new ways of enhancing production
ing rate and injection volume can effectively enhance reser- with volume fracturing.
voir stimulation volume.
4 Field test and evaluation
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