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9 1 420 Physical Chomistry ciation of gan (A) at 14. The percentage disso 30 min is fa) 60% fe) 10% : ¢ percentage of ROS 15, The mole P nt (a) 40% tb) 30% (a) 40% ud D) at 30 min. is (a) 50% fc) 60% PRACTICE SET-3 (Single Correct Answer Type) In which of the following reaction, the value of <_ will be equal to K, OF "280, @) +0, == 280, (g) (b) COCI, (g) CO (g) + Cl, (g) (c) 2NO(g) N, (g) +O, (g) @ N,(g)+3H,(g) == 2NH,(e) For the reaction: 1 $05) +5 Ong) 80x) If K, = K. (RT) where the symbols have usual meaning then the value of x is. (Assuming ideality) 4 @ 5 () z @ A @ -5 1 For the reaction: CO (g) + 5 0, (g) =* 00,(@); ® ) is equal to ke (a)RT (©) JRE The value of ky for the reaction: 2HS ,, => 2H, +5, ; ‘ 1) * Sig) is 1.2 x 10 (in atm unit) at 127°C. The value of ke for this reaction at 127°C is 2 (a) L210 a (0.082400)? (b) (RT? 1 d) 1.2x1072 (0.082x400) (a) 2x10 (0.082127) (b) _, 1.2102 ° (8.3x400) 5. For the reaction: Ag + 2 Bi == 3C, 1000 K. The value of ky, 5x 104R 5x10 R~ + Digi ky wg sequal ty fa) @ 5x 10%, For the reaction: 2A cg) + Big) = Cig) + Dig, the value of K, will be: = fre) (2) _V ty Me AJ (mu) (RTP s}0) (2) Ay (ap) URE (ap) (RT © Seren Y) (2c) (a0) {&) - (2n) (np) (RT If the equilibrium constant for the reaction: 1 80 yq) = $0 a6q) + F Ong is 5 x 102 then the equilibrium constant for the reatig 20g) —2 S09) + Ong at the same temperature is @ 25x 108 (b) 4x 10? (© 2x 10° @) 25 x 108 The following equilibrium are given Nog) + 8Haig) = 2 NHgig) ; Ky Nave) + O2(@) = ZNO) ; Ko Hogg) +5 Oar) = H20q@) i Ks The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2NHai@) +2046) = Ng) + 3%) in terms of K,, Ky and Ky is: KiKy KK} (2) o SS KK} o @ KKK, Ky 4 Ky are the respective equilibriom Ki, and Ma ants forthe Following essititrea DNs OF 2 Moray * Oman! Kr age BED FORE Ke ‘The equilitrivm conetant for the eqaititeiam, 2 OO MO, fe (gq) * Naw wm) KK o (i) Ky RK YK VK Jo. Atacortain temperature, nitragen and hydrogen react to form ammonia Nyig) + AN gig) BE IN) when initial amounts of No, Hy and NHg are xed, the concentration of Nily increases mi Which «tatemente below ix true ? (a) KexQ Kes Q wKerQ (a) More information ix needed ( make a atatemont about Ko 1. At acortain temperature, SOy and O, reacts te form SOs 280g (g) + 0,4) SHE 2SOs (w). Whon 0.02 mole of Og is mixed with 0.6 mole of S04 and 0.30 motes of SOs in # 2 litre vessel, the concentration of SOy decrease, Which statements below is (ruc? (a) Kee Wb) Ky s 28 fo) Koo (@) Kes 35 12, For the equilibrium ; PO, SE PCL, Cl Ke = Ga temperature remains constant fa) K.will increase with the increase in volume ) K, will not change with the change in volume (©) Ky may increase or decrease with the change in volume {@)_ K will inerease with deeroase in volume. 18, Ifthe system CaCOgis) => Cals) + COR) at equilibrium at constant temperature and Oharmteat fvimbe of matin of Cal 9 the eoanel in doubled (a) The reaction quotient ia doubled Oy) The reaction quotient Q is halved fe) The number of mates of COz prosent at equilibesun it halved (a) The partial proanure of COy in the veaset remains unchanged or the chemicatl reaction, 3Xig) Vig) got XY). The amount of X,Yig) at equilibrium is affected by wb © w 18. In the reaction, Aggy tA Bag 2 ABs ALSO ‘The decompostion of AB (jq) will be favoured at (a) low temperature and high pressure (b) high temperature and low pressure (c) low temperature and low pressure (@) high temperature and high pressure 16. Consider the following equilibrium in a closed vessel, COCL(R) s== COKR) + Chuo. At fixed temperature the volume of the vessel is doubled, For this change, whieh of the following statements holds true regarding the (Ky) and the extent of dissociation («) (a) Both Ky and « remains constant (b) Kp increases but @ decreases (e) Ky does not change but @ increases (@) Both Ky, and a will increase 17, A reaction proceeds with no evolution oF absorption of heat, the equilibrium constant at temperature T, and T, are: @ K,>K, ib) K (Bre ) (Ky), < (Soe a © (K) =), © (=a, co (5 )= er, 21. cA+BB = 1C+8D In above reaction under low p temperature conditions equi backward direction, s0 correct set is: ta) (w+)> (148); a> 0 by (w+B)< (148); 4H >0 fe («+ p)> (748): AH <0 (a (a+B)< (148); 4H <0 2. ‘The variation of equilibrium constant with temperature is given by van't Hoff equation a(ink,) ane Gi 7g Assuming AH° remains constant over a temperature range, which of the following plot is correct for an exothermic reaction? ow pressure and high ilibrium shifts in which is eK, lock, a ol ©) cum Kt wn log | —— va © ao ————> an xt Tog el 2. 24. 25. at ~ ion of equilibrium ‘the variation of on The perature is given by van't Hotty __ a (inky) _ ak ghich 16 gp Wr emains constant over a temperaty,, remeh of the following plot is conregy endothermic reaction? fh ¥ iy Matin Astuming ay log kr log kp (a) J (bo) ING (Kt loa) © < @ Es (a) (ye For a reversible reaction: A+B = ¢ log ke de ee (B)=2.0x10%mot sal B)-Loxiestiq where x is the amount of ‘A’ dissociated, The value of equilibrium constant is (@) 10 (b) 0.05 (© 20 (@ Can't be calculated The forward rate constant for the elementary reversible gaseous reaction: NgOqg) == 2NOg—) is 2.40 x 10-8 sect} at 300 K. What is the nt constant for the reverse reaction at the sant temperature if 10- moles of NO. and 10 mule of N04 are present in a 10 litre vessel * equilibrium? (a) 2.40 x 10° L mol" sec (b) 1.20 x 10! L mol! sec" (© 4.16 x 10!2 L mol"! seo (@) 2.40 x 107 L mol! see x 30. Tra rementdio wantin Ve N he nitiel ereonte@Hion OFA and Rarea aid Weal hain OO NUNN ANNETTE AT Samal (So 8) Wwepbielyy expres NAY @ Feema at Ry, Roo At BWLD Reet Nyaeded eo Se w e Rye Geers @ RR: ® Re RD POA issoates as HNN 1 & ctosat WAATHON. yesh, Re = Me tO AP totat pressare at equilibria of the Haein yaistare Fe P and dagaee of dissactation oF PCY, go au. The partial presen oF POL WHT e_\p 20 )p w (x85) wes) 2a «_\p of) (a) ‘Por the reaction: COC SE Vy + Chay re EK, = SS for SOG at a given temperate sat aquilibriam, What dissociation of COCg gs Gitte new Ky, for SNe dissockation of COCK gas at equilibrium at same temperature? 3 s @ 5 o 5 3 a «© s @ 35 The decompasition of NO, to Nt out at 280 K in chloroform, When the equilibrium has been established 0.2 mole of NO, and 2 x 10S mole of NO, ary present ina 2 litze solution, The equilibrium eonstant (KY for the reaction: NyOq(@) == INOgiwdis fa) 2x10° a 2x104 ) ix 10 wd) 2x105 For the action, 2HL(g) === Haig) + Iaie). ‘The degree of dissociation (a) of HT(g) is related to the equilibrium constant, Kp by the Dats carried a. a Shouioat Raut aaa SANA, VeayRy ay w eRe WV beaky. Weed degree of dissociation of NOK Gd VOR The vat of Ky Bw the reaction WAG > DO QUN + CLD wilt bo da) cagnal to tho total pressure at equitirinar wy ( & ) ofthe total pressure at equilibria wo {§) ome totat prosauine at equiitiriam ad) S times ofthe total pressure at equilibria Rie the satseous equilidrinny Aggy? Rags 22 AR the equilidrinay constant at a cortain fomepratare is 48. Than equimolar mixture of Ayana By is heated in a closet container to this temperature, the mole fraction af By in the equilibrium mixture ist wo 9 9 8 1 @) 8 @ 3 ‘The equilibrium constant (K)) for the reactio NO, NO, At AOTC is found to be GAO mu of Hy, AC what pressatre will NyO4 gas bo halt dissociated? fa) 820M ay) 480 mm (© Sedma @ 980 me A molecule AB dissociates as: IABY BAy t Bae “Phe initial pressure of AB was 1000 mm of Hg, the pressure becomes 1250 mm of Hy when the equilibrium is attained, Cateulate K, for the jon assuminys volume remains constant, w w reneti @ 125mm () 500 mm, @ 20mm @ 625mm 424 Physical Chemistry 35. The degree of dissocia 37. 39, ;. For the reaction (i) and (ii), tion of PCl5 at 1 atmosphere pressure is 0.2. The pressure at which PCl; dissociated to 50% is fa) 0.32atm (b) 0.24 atm (ce) 0.125 atm (d) 0.43 atm COClaig) = Cty) + Clare) Nq04¢g) = 2NOzi—) Given: (Ky), :(Kp), = 9:1 If the degree of dissociation of COCI, and NzO, be the same, then the total pressure at equilibrium (i) and Gi) are in the ratio .... (a) 3:1 ) 36:1 () 1:1 . @ b2 For the following equilibrium, the ratio of theoretical and experimental vapour density is 1.5. NgO4(g) == 2NOp(g) ‘Thus NOy in the total mixture is % by volume (a) 50% (b) 75% (o) 67% (d) 33% At 627°C and one atmosphere, SO; is partially dissociated into SOz and Oz by the reaction: 1 803 ig) == SOr) + } Ong) The vapour density of equilibrium mixture is 30. The %age of dissociation is () 33% ) 15% (©) 67% (d) 25% At 200°C PCI, dissociates as follows: PClyg) T= PClyy) + Clyg, It was found that the equilibrium vapours are 62 times as heavy as hydrogen. The degree of dissociation of PCI; at 200°C is (a) 10% ) 42% (© 50% (@) 68% The abnormal molar mass ofa mixture obtained by dissociating is 80 g/mole. What is the 4. 42. 43. . ee percentage dissociation of S N,04(@) == 2NO, «8? (@) 15% ©) 64 () 2% ® 306 For the equilibrium reaction, NOug = 2No NO, is 50% of the total temperature. Hence y, equilibrium mixture is (a) 345 ) 25 (©) 2 @ x» XY, gas dissociated as X¥yp) yy When initial pressure is 800 mm j1°”*2'% pressure developed at equilibriyyy © #4 ty Hg. What fraction.of XY, ig disociga hy ated? Volume lume Pour deat (a) 10% ) 20% (©) 25% @ 30% Cis) + H20(@) == COC) + Help, p Fiizo are the equilibrium pressure of? H,0(p) respectively. For this reacting whiehe the following relation is true at cw! temperature ? atten (@) Phys PPro 0) Puy Rip a‘ (© Pao va, @ Prox fi Suppose that the equilibrium LagdC20y5(8) == Lay0q(s)+3C0(g) + 200yp is established by placing 0.1 mole of Lay((,0,) in an evacuated 10 litre container held st temperature (T) at equilibrium. If the total pressure is 0.2 atm, its Kp(in atm unit) is equal to: (a) 3.5x10-3 (b) 1x10°% (©) 4104 (d) 0.45 Dissociation of NH,HS (s) is an example of heterogeneous equilibrium: NH,HS(s) == NH, (g) + H,S(@) ine It is found that at 25°C, in a closed a containing NH,HS (s), the pressure was") to be 0.64 atm. K, for this reaction at 2 _— 0.32 atm? ) 0.94 atm? 1.024 x 10-1 atm?(d) 1.024 = 107} atm () © 4g, Solid NH,HS dissociates into NH, and HS ata certain temperature, the equilibrium pressure efpatm. If now Nil is pumped into the system ssf pat the partial pressure of NH becomes P, tbe the partial pressure of HS ? what will @ Pe @) Ps wo PB @ PG 47. To the system: [atl » + H,Oy theat === LaClO,, + 2HChe equilibrium more water vapour is added with temperature and volume constant. If the p of water vapour doubles for the new Pquilibrium, the pressure of HClis increased by the factor of @ 2 ®) 1 () 1414 @ 3 is taken in a 100 litre vessel 14, 100gmofCaCO;(s) at 1000 K, when it decomposes according to reaction: CaCO, (s) == Ca0(s)+ Ope) ‘The equilibrium constant (K,) for this reaction 34 1000 Kis 10 atm. The partial pressure of CO developed in the vessel is (@) 10atm (b) latm () 0.821 atm (@) O.latm 49. Ina LOlitre aqueous solution when the reaction 2 Ag* (aq) +Cu(s) == Cu* (aq) + 2Agis) reaches equilibrium, [Cu] =xMand [Ag] =9M. If the volume of solution is doubled by adding water, then at equilibrium [cu ]=500. [ae ; sk g f@) 3 ) [cu ]> 50, [as* Seo Vv > (@ [cu ]<5o0. [as* whe wie whe Z g @ [cu] <5. [se*]< Chemical Equilibrium 425 50. 60 ml of Hz and 42 ml of L, are heated in a closed vessel. At equilibrium thi At equilibrium the vessel contains 25 m OFF. Which of the following enpresions canbe used to calculate ned to calculate the degree of diseoiation of eg i-a V2 aCe 2-@) f) © PRACTICE SET- 4 (One or More than One Correct Answer Type) L Which of the following statements about the reaction quotient (Q) is/are true? (a) The reaction quotient may sometimes be zero. ‘The reaction quotient may be larger than the equilibrium constant. (b) (©) The reaction quotient may be smaller than the equilibrium constant. (@) ‘The numerical value of the reaction quotient changes with time as a reaction proceeds. If the pressure on an equilibrium mixture of the three gases NO, Cl, and NOCL 2NO™) +Claig) = 2NOCKs) is suddenly decreased by doubling the volume i the container at constant temperature, when the system returns to equilibrium (a) The concentration of NOC! will have int () The number of moles of Cl will have increased (© The number of moles of NOCI will have decreased (@ The value of equilibrium constant (K,) will have in For which of the following system at equilibrium ‘at constant temperature will decreasing the volume cause no shift ? (a) Haig) +002) = CO%p) + H20%e) (b) 2NOg) +O) =2NOAey (©) Haig) +1aig) = 2Hhey (@ 2NOxq) = NOx) ae —Chae ANSWERS L & 2 ©) 3. 4.) 5) & @ 7 @ 8 9% @ 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (@) 13. (© 14. (a) 15. (b) PRACTICE SET-3 lL © 2 @ 3. @ 4. (b) 5. (co) 6. &) 7 @ 8. ©) @ 10. (b) 11.) 12, (b) 13. @ 14. (a) 15. (©) 16. (©) 1.) 18. (e) 19. @) 20. (a) 21. (©) 22. (b) 23. (©) 24. (e) 25. @ 26. (a) 27. (@) 28. (b) 30. (@) 31. (@) 32. (b) 33.) 34. (0) 35. (0) 36. (b) 87. (©) 38. (c) 39. @) 40. (a) 41. (@) 42. (o) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45. (©) 46. (b) 47. (©) 48. (©) 49. (©) 50. (b) PRACTICE SET-4 1. (abcd) 2.(b,e) 3.(a,e) 4.(d) 5. (bo) 6 (ed) 7 @ 8.(a,b,d) | 9. (b,c) 10. (acd) 11.(¢d) 12. @ 13. (ad) 14. (c) 15. @) 16. (aa) PRACTICE SET-5 1 @ 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5. @ 6. @ 7. @ 8.(@) 9. (a,b,e,d 10. (a) 11. (de) | 12 @

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