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Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

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Investigating the prevalence of febrile convulsion in Kayseri, Turkey:

An assessment of the risk factors for recurrence of febrile convulsion
and for development of epilepsy
Mehmet Canpolata,* , Huseyin Perb , Hakan Gumusc , Ferhan Elmalid, Sefer Kumandase,*
Erciyes University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey
Erciyes University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey
Erciyes University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey
Erciyes University Medical School, Department of Biostatistics, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey
Erciyes University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey


Article history: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and recurrence of febrile convulsion
Received 25 July 2016 (FC) and risk factors for development of epilepsy in school children throughout in the Kayseri provincial
Received in revised form 19 December 2017 center.
Accepted 8 January 2018
Method: Ten thousand individuals selected using “stratified cluster sampling” from a student population
Available online xxx
of 259,428 inside the Kayseri Urban Municipality represented the study sample. Fifteen thousand
questionnaires were distributed, of which 10,742 (71.6%) were returned. Telephone interviews were
performed with the families of the students reported as having undergone FC, and the medical records of
patients with a history of hospitalization were evaluated. Data were analyzed on IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0
Febrile convulsions package program. Significance was set at p < 0.05.
Prevalence Results: Prevalence of FC was 4.2% in girls and 4.3% in boys, with a total prevalence of 4.3%. Recurrence of
Risk factors FC was observed in 25.4% of cases. Risk of recurrence increased 7.1 times in subjects with a history of FC in
Kayseri first and second degree relatives, 17.8 times in those with fever interval <1 h before convulsion and 17.6
times in those with pre-convulsion body temperature <39  C. Epilepsy developed in 33 (7.2%) cases.
Neurodevelopmental abnormality was the most important risk factor for epilepsy (21.1-fold risk
Conclusions: Analysis revealed that FC with a good prognosis had a high rate of recurrence and a higher
risk of epilepsy than in the general population. The prevalence of FC in the province of Kayseri was closer
to that in developed rather than developing countries.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Epilepsy Association.

1. Introduction FC is the most common childhood seizure disorder [3].

Incidence and prevalence of FC is thought to vary depending on
Febrile convulsion (FC) is described by the International League geographic, socioeconomic variations, and genetic disposition.
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) as convulsion occurring during febrile Previous studies have reported prevalence of FC up to the age of
disease in children aged over one month with no previous afebrile 7 between 2% and 8% [3–8]. The prevalence in the USA and Europe
convulsion, with no infection involving the central nervous system is reported at 2–5%, at 6–9% in Japan and 14% in Guam [9–12]. The
(CNS), and with no identified cause such as electrolyte imbalance, prevalence in Turkey is uncertain, although prevalence of FC have
metabolic disorder, intoxication or trauma [1–3]. Onset after the been reported in primary school children at Diyarbakır and final
age of 7 years is rare [1]. year students at Istanbul University 8,9%, 5,5% respectively. Aydın
et al. [15] reported a lifetime prevalence of FC of 9,7% in a study
from the province of Izmir
FC recurs in approximately 25–50% of children with FC [1–3].
* Corresponding authors. Recurrence in cases with onset below the age of 1 year is
E-mail addresses:, approximately 50%, and approximately 10% in cases with onset
(M. Canpolat), (H. Per), (H. Gumus), (F. Elmali),,
after the age of 3 [3]. The main factors increasing the risk of (S. Kumandas). recurrence of FC are seizure onset below the age of 1 year, family
1059-1311/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Epilepsy Association.
M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47 37

history, low fever during FC and short-lived fever before seizure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and
[3,16,17]. the Guidelines for Epidemiologic Studies recommended by
Progression to epilepsy in FC is a controversial subject. The risk International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) – Commission of
of progression to epilepsy in single FC is regarded as no different to Epidemiology and Prognosis (CEP)-1993 was distributed to schools
that in the general population (approximately 0,5%), although a for the purpose of determining the prevalence of febrile convul-
reported rise to 2–10% as risk factors increase [3]. Risk factors for sion. “Having experienced FC” represented the dependent variable
epilepsy in the literature include a family history of epilepsy, of the research. Age, sex, social security, consanguineous marriage,
neurodevelopmental abnormality, complex FC and short fever residence, parental education level, history of FC in the family and
interval before seizure [1,3,18,19]. family history of epilepsy were independent variables of the
This study was planned as the second stage of our work research into FC. The first 22 questions concerned the subjects’
assessing the prevalence of epilepsy in school children aged 7–17 sociodemographic characteristics. The remaining 18 questions
in the Kayseri provincial center in the 2010–2011 academic year were drawn up in line with the Epidemiological Studies Guidelines
[20], and it was performed in districts in the Kayseri provincial recommended by ILAE–CEP–1993. Cases were reassessed at the
center in order to determine the prevalence of FC in 7–17 years old 2nd and 3rd states of the study using a separate patient assessment
children who had experienced FC when they were 1 month-old to 6 form consisting of 35 questions in order to elicit detailed
year-old. The results were analyzed for assessing the risk factors for information in patients who had undergone FC. Students described
recurrence of FC, and development of epilepsy in patients as having undergone FC according to the results of the 2nd stage
diagnosed with FC, and monitoring of FC. questionnaire were reassessed on the basis of school counseling
service records or telephone interviews with families. In order to
confirm diagnosis of FC in the telephone questionnaire, we
2. Materials and methods
inquired whether the case had been diagnosed with FC by a
health institution. Students monitored at any health institution
This study was approval by the Local Ethics Committee of
with a diagnosis of FC and agreeing to interview were invited for
Erciyes University (2015/404).
check-up at our clinic in the 3rd stage. Seizure semiology, physical
examination, drugs used for treatment, recurrence of FC and risk
2.1. Determination of sample size factors for epilepsy were evaluated. Available imaging records and/
or reports for first electroencephalography (EEG) performed after
The population of this cross-sectional study consisted of FC attack and EEGs performed after 6, 12 or 24 months were
259,428 students attending a total of 725 primary and high school reassessed, and the results were recorded as normal or pathologi-
or equivalent institutions inside the borders of the Kayseri cal. Findings for patients who had undergone cranial imaging
Metropolitan Municipality, 184,281 (71.03%) receiving primary [computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging
education and 75,147 (28.96%) secondary education (high schools) (MRI)] and whose imaging records were available were reassessed.
[21]. The stratified cluster sampling method was used. Results were recorded as normal or pathological, and no additional
cranial imaging and EEG were performed.
2.2. Selection of individuals
2.4. Statistical analysis
In the light of the approximately 75–80% return rates in
previous prevalence studies, 15,000 questionnaires were distrib-
Data were analyzed on the IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 package
uted. Primary (71.03% of the population, sample size 10,655
program (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, USA). Descriptive
students) and high (28.96% of the population, sample size 4345
statistics were expressed as number (n), percentage (%) and
students) schools were grouped separately to determine their
mean  standard deviation (x  sd). Normal distribution of nu-
weights within the population, the proportions of which were
merical variables were investigated using the Shapiro-Wilk test
represented within the population. Schools were stratified
and Q–Q plots. The two group independent samples t test was used
according to socioeconomic level, 20% high, 60% medium and
in two-group comparisons. Categoric variables were analyzed
20% low, from Kayseri Provincial Education Directorate Statistical
using the chi square test. Binary logistic regression analysis with
Office data proportional to national socioeconomic group classi-
Wald backward elimination was used to determine risk factors.
fications and socioeconomic groups in the population. Each school
Significance was set at p < 0.05. Levels of significance were derived
within these strata was regarded as a cluster. Seven schools
as for two-tailed tests.
(clusters) of the 145 schools with a low socioeconomic level, 21 of
the 435 schools with a moderate socioeconomic level and 7 of the
145 schools with a high socioeconomic level were determined
3. Results
using simple random sampling. Schools in each set were numbered
on the basis of alphabetic order, and schools were selected on a
The study group consisted of 10,742 children, with a return rate
random basis with the help of a computer program. A study
of 71.6%.
population of 15,000 students was established using random
sampling in such a way as to include 3000 high socioeconomic
3.1. General demographic findings
level students, 9000 medium socioeconomic level students and
3000 low socioeconomic level students, equally divided between
A total of 10,742 individuals, with a mean age of 12.013.16
males and females, from classes in the 35 identified schools.
years, 5312 (49.5%) male and 5430 (50.5%) female responded to the
questions in the questionnaire (p = 0.112). Completed question-
2.3. Study protocol naires were received for analysis from 7790 (72.5%) primary school
students and 2952 (27.5%) from high school students. Examination
Following receipt of approval from the Provincial Education of the economic status of the cases comprising the sample revealed
Directorate, a questionnaire consisting of 40 items prepared in line that 20.8% had a good level of income, 58.3% a moderate level and
with prevalence study criteria for developing countries 20.9% a low level.
Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of students with febrile convulsion, risk factors for first febrile convulsion, risk factors for recurrence of febrile convulsion-1 and risk factors for development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion-1.

Question Answer Risk factors for first febrile convulsion Risk factors for recurrence in febrile convulsion 1 Risk factors for development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion

With febrile convulsion Without febrile p Recurrence of febrile Recurrence of febrile p Development of epilepsy Development of epilepsy p
convulsion convulsion Yes convulsion No after febrile convulsion after febrile convulsion
Yes No

n Percentage n Percentage n Percentage n Percentage n Percentage n Percentage

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Sex Male 230 50.3 5082 49.4 0.702 62 53.4 168 49.3 0.437 20 60.6 210 49.5 0.220
Female 227 49.7 5203 50.6 54 46.6 173 50.7 13 39.4 214 50.5

Type of delivery Cesarean 75 16.47 2187 21.3 0.013 18 15.5 57 16.7 0.763 6 18.2 69 16.3 0.776
Normal 382 83.6 8098 78.7 98 84.5 284 83.3 27 81.8 355 83.7

Time of birth Premature 37 8.1 587 5.7 0.073 12 10.3 25 7.3 0.105 6 18.2 31 7.3 0.022
Term 410 89.7 9521 92.6 99 85.3 311 91.2 25 75.8 385 90.8
Late 10 2.2 177 1.7 5 4.3 5 1.5 2 6.1 8 1.9

M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

Birth Weight < 2500 gr 67 14.7 1205 11.7 0.118 20 17.2 47 13.8 0.467 5 15.2 62 14.6 0.853
2500– 289 63.2 6891 67.0 68 58.6 221 64.8 22 66.7 267 63.0
3500 gr
>3500 gr 101 21.3 2189 21.3 28 24.1 73 21.4 6 18.2 95 22.4

Consanguineous Yes 87 19.0 1562 15.2 0.027 22 19.0 65 19.1 0.982 11 33.3 76 17.9 0.030
No 370 81.0 8723 84.8 94 81.0 276 80.9 22 66.7 348 82.1

Degree of 3rd degree 65 74.7 1185 75.9 0.667 10 45.5 55 84.6 0.002 8 72.7 57 75.0 0.672
between mother
and father
4th degree 13 14.9 268 17.2 7 31.8 6 9.2 1 9.1 12 15.8
Other 9 10.3 109 6,9 5 22.7 4 6.2 2 18.2 7 9.2

Mother’s age 38.38  6.65 37.70  6.01 0.032 36.91  6.36 38.88  6.68 0.006 37.45  7.00 38.46  6.62 0.406
(x  sd) age age

Mother’s Illiterate 20 4.4 316 3.1 0.001 3 2.6 17 5.0 0.184 2 6.1 18 4.2 0.823
education level
Literate 16 3.5 245 2.4 4 3.4 12 3.5 2 6.1 14 3.3
Primary 263 57.5 5266 51.2 69 59.5 194 56.9 20 60.6 243 57.3
Middle 56 12.3 1299 12.6 12 10.3 44 12.9 2 6.1 54 12.7
High school 78 17.1 2136 20.8 17 14.7 61 17.9 5 15.2 73 17.2
Higher 24 5.3 1023 9.9 11 9.5 13 3.8 2 6.1 22 5.2

Mother’s Unemployed 426 93.2 9326 90.7 0.262 108 93.1 318 93.3 0.718 30 90.9 396 93.4 0.571
Teacher 14 3.1 356 3.5 5 4.3 9 2.6 1 3.0 13 3.1
Health 5 1.1 174 1.7 1 0.9 4 1.2 0 0.0 5 1.2
Other 12 2.6 429 4.2 2 1.7 10 2.9 2 6.1 10 2.4
Father’s age 42.07  6.42 41.75  6.34 0.294 40.41  6.27 42.64  6.38 0.001 40.21  6.95 42.22  6.36 0.084
(x  sd) age age

Father’s education Illiterate 6 1.3 79 0.8 0.004 3 2.6 3 0.9 0.262 2 6.1 4 0.9 0.210
Literate 10 2.2 107 1.0 4 3.4 6 1.8 1 3.0 9 2.1
Primary 185 40.5 3501 34.0 42 36.2 143 41.9 11 33.3 174 41.0
Middle 77 16.8 1818 17.7 15 12.9 62 18.2 5 15.2 72 17.0
High school 102 22.3 2691 26.2 29 25.0 73 21.4 7 21.2 95 22.4
Higher 77 16.8 2089 20.3 23 19.8 54 15.8 7 21.2 70 16.5

Father’s Unemployed 6 1.3 76 0.7 0.540 1 0.9 5 1.5 0.897 2 6.1 4 0.9 0.039

M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

Teacher 21 4.6 462 4.5 6 5.2 15 4.4 3 9.1 18 4.2
Health 6 1.3 111 1.1 1 0.9 5 1.5 0 0.0 6 1.4
Other 424 92.8 9636 93.7 108 93.1 316 92.7 28 84.8 396 93.7

Family’s income Good 73 16.0 2160 21.0 0.001 17 14.7 56 16.4 0.136 4 12.1 69 16.3 0.662
Medium 259 56.7 6005 58.4 59 50.9 200 58.7 18 54.5 241 56.8
Low 125 27.4 2120 20.6 40 34.5 85 24.9 11 33.3 114 26.9

Residence Own home 286 62.6 6487 63.1 0.169 66 56.9 220 64.5 0.066 19 57.6 267 63.0 0.086
Lodging 7 1.5 304 3.0 0 0.0 7 2.1 2 6.1 5 1.2
Rented 164 35.9 3494 34.0 50 43.1 114 33.4 12 36.4 152 35.8

Number of people 3 or less 40 8.8 1014 9.9 0.206 8 6.9 32 9.4 0.763 2 6.1 38 9.0 0.887
in household
4 183 40.0 4077 39.6 47 40.5 136 39.9 15 45.5 168 39.6
5–6 201 44.0 4670 45.4 54 46.6 147 43.1 14 42.4 187 44.1
7 or more 33 7.2 524 5.1 7 6.0 26 7.6 2 6.1 31 7.3

40 M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

3.2. Febrile convulsion focal convulsion and 410 (89.7%) experienced generalized convul-
sion. Two hundred forty-three cases (53.2%) experienced tonic
Second and third stage analysis on the 868 (8.1%) cases reported convulsion, 71 (15.5%) clonic convulsion, 55 (12.0%) tonic-clonic
as having experienced FC revealed that 397 (3.7%) cases had and 88 (19.3%) atonic convulsion. Mean length of febrile episode
experienced febrile disease only and had no history of FC, that 14 was 9.23  8.91 min (min–max: 1–60 min). Duration of episode
(0.1%) cases had presented due to FC and been diagnosed with was less than 15 min in 399 cases (87.3%) and longer in 58 (12.7%).
meningitis and that 457 (4.3%) cases had experienced FC. The FC EEG was performed after FC in 103 cases (22.5%), comprising 40
patient group thus consisted of 457 patients. cases (10.7%) presenting to hospital with simple FC and 63 (75.0%)
presenting with complex FC. A total of 67 (65.0%) first EEGs were
3.3. Febrile convulsion prevalence findings pathological, 21 (52.5%) in cases of simple FC and 46 (73.0%) in
cases of complex FC. Final EEG was normal in 101 (98.1%) of these
A total of 457 (4.3%) subjects with a mean age of 12.64  3.23 cases, while final EEG was pathological in 2 cases (1.9%) of complex
months had experienced FC, 230 (50.3%) males and 227 (49.7%) FC.
females. The male female ratio was 1:1 (p = 0.702). The prevalence Cranial imaging was performed in 105 cases (23.0%), 43 (11.5%)
of FC was 4.3% in boys and 4.2% in girls, for a total prevalence of of simple FC and 62 (73.8%) of complex FC. One hundred four
4.3%. (99.9%) of these cases were reported to be normal. Lumbar
puncture (LP) was performed in 31 cases (6.8%), and meningitis
3.4. Febrile convulsion general demographic findings and risk factors was diagnosed in none of these cases. Of the 31 cases in which LP
in first febrile convulsion was performed, 14 (45.1%) were aged under 12 months at time of
LP, 9 (29.1%) were aged 12–24 months and 8 (25.8%) were aged over
The socioeconomic characteristics of the participants are 24 months.
shown in Table 1. Prevalence of FC was 3.3% in those with a good One hundred twelve cases (24.5%) received antiepileptic
level of income and 5.6% in those with low income (p = 0.001). therapy due to FC, 47 (12.6%) with simple FC and 65 (77.4%) with
Examination of parental education levels in subjects with FC complex FC, while antiepileptic therapy was not recommended in
revealed a prevalence of FC of 7.1% in those whose fathers were 345 cases (75.5%). Sixty (53.6%) cases received phenobarbital
illiterate and a prevalence of 3.6% in children of university therapy, 22 (19.6%) with simple FC and 38 (33.9%) with complex FC.
graduates. The difference was significant (p = 0.001). Prevalence of Thirty-three cases received sodium valproate therapy, 8 (7.1%) with
FC was 6.0% in children of illiterate mothers and 2.3% in children of simple FC and 25 (38.5%) with complex FC, while intermittent
university graduates (p = 0.001). Prevalence of FC in subjects born rectal diazepam therapy only was advised in 19 cases (17.0%), 17
by cesarean delivery was 3.3%, and 4.5% in those born by normal (36.2%) with simple FC and 2 (3.1%) with complex FC. Mean length
vaginal delivery (p = 0.013). of treatment was 30.02  20.14 months in simple FC and
FC was most commonly experiences between the ages of 18–24 34.20  18.95 months in complex FC. We learned that no
months; 126 cases (27.6%) were identified in that age group. FC significant drug side-effects had been observed.
attacks were observed in 54 cases (11.8%) before the age of 6
months, in 75 cases (16.4%) aged 6–12 months, in 28 cases (6.1%) 3.5. Febrile convulsion recurrence
aged 12–18 months, in 124 cases (27.1%) aged 24–60 months and in
41 cases (9.0%) aged 6 years or more. Age at FC could not be Recurrence of FC was observed in 116 cases (25.4%), 62 boys
remembered in 9 cases (2.0%). (53.4%) and 54 girls (46.6%). Of the cases in which FC recurred,
Cause of fever in subjects with FC was upper respiratory tract recurrence was observed once in 54 cases (46.5%), twice in 27 cases
infection in 221 cases (48.4%), lower respiratory tract infection in (23.3%), 3 times in 18 cases (15.5%) and 4 or more times in 17
86 cases (18.8%), urinary infection in 37 cases (8.1%), acute (14.7%). Recurrence after first FC was observed in less than 1 month
gastroenteritis in 66 cases (14.4%), acute otitis media in 35 cases in 10 cases (8.6%), in 1–3 months in 40 cases (34.5%), in 3–6 months
(7.7%), post-vaccination temperature elevation in 10 cases (2.2%) in 53 cases (45.7%), in 6–12 months in 7 cases (6.0%), in 12–24
and FC associated with other nonspecific infections such as viral months in 3 cases (2.6%) and after 24 months in 3 cases (2.6%).
exanthematous disease in 2 cases (0.4%). Pre-FC febrile disease was Recurrence of FC took place in the first 6 months in 88% of cases.
present in 410 cases (89.7%). Age at final FC was below 6 months in 2 cases (1.7%), 6–12 months
A history of FC was determined in the mothers of 45 cases (9.8%) in 11 (9.5%), 12–18 months in 23 (19.8%), 18–24 months in 16
with FC, in the fathers of 36 cases (7.9%) and in the siblings of 189 (13.8%), 24–60 in 51 (44.0%) and 72 months of more in 13 (11.2%).
cases (41.4%). A history of FC was present in more than one family Mean age at final convulsion was 27.95  19.22 months (min–max:
member in 9 cases (1.9%). FC was determined in the families of 261 2–108 months). The risk factors associated with FC recurrence are
cases (57.1%) with FC. The most common age at undergoing FC in presented in Tables 1 and 2.
the siblings of subjects with FC was 18–24 months, in 61 cases Logistic regression analysis was performed in order to examine
(32.3%). Body temperature was below 39  C in 113 cases (24.7%) in the effects of more than one variable together. A final model
the seizure period and above 39  C in 344 cases (75.3%). A history of containing 3 variables (history of FC in the family, duration of fever
short fever lasting less than 1 h before seizure was determined in pre-convulsion and pre-convulsion temperature) was obtained as
115 cases (25.2%) and of prolonged fever lasting more than 1 h in result of the analysis. Accordingly, subjects with a history of FC in
342 cases (74.8%). A family history of epilepsy was present in 27 first and second-degree relatives had a 7.1-fold greater risk of
cases (5.9%), a history of attending a crèche in the period when FC recurrence, those with pre-convulsion duration of fever <1 h a
was experience in 18 (3.9%), neurodevelopmental abnormality in 17.8-fold greater risk of recurrence and those with pre-convulsion
24 (5.3%), hospitalization exceeding 30 days in the neonatal unit in fever <39  C a 17.6-fold greater risk of recurrence (Table 3).
17 (3.7%) and a low APGAR score (<7) in 114 (24.9%). Thirty-four
cases (7.4%) with FC had received mother’s milk for a short time, 3.6. Risk factors affecting development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion
less than 6 months, 333 cases (72.9%) for 6–12 months and 66 cases
(14.4%) for 12–24 months, while 24 cases (5.3%) no mother’s milk. Epilepsy was determined in 33 (7.2%) of the patients presenting
Simple FC had been experienced in 373 cases (81.6%) and with FC (457 subjects), 20 (60.6%) male and 13 (39.4%) female. Total
complex FC in 84 (18.4%). Forty-seven cases (10.3%) experienced prevalence of epilepsy after FC was 7.2%, 5.7% in girls and 8.7% in
M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47 41

Table 2
Risk factors for recurrence of febrile convulsion-2.

Recurrence of Febrile Convulsion Yes Recurrence of Febrile Convulsion No p

n Percentage (%) n Percentage (%)

Age at first FC 6 months or less 15 12.9 39 11.4 0.216
6–12 months 20 17.2 55 16.1
12–18 months 10 8.6 18 5.3
18–24 months 36 31.0 90 26.4
24–60 months 29 25.0 95 27.9
72 or more 6 5.2 35 10.3
Do not remember 0 0.0 9 2.6

FC in family Yes 45 38.8 93 27.3 0.026

No 71 61.2 248 72.7

Body temperature pre-FC <39  C 77 66.4 36 10.6 <0.001

>39  C 39 33.6 305 89.4

Duration of fever pre-FC < 1h 67 57.8 48 14.1 <0.001

> 1h 49 42.2 293 85.9

Epilepsy in family Yes 8 6.9 19 5.6 0.601

No 108 93.1 322 94.4

Type of FC Simple 70 60.3 303 88.9 <0.001

Complicated 46 39.7 38 11.1

Characteristic of seizure Focal 26 22.4 21 6.2 <0.001

Generalized 90 77.6 320 93.8

Form of seizure Tonic 72 62.1 171 50.1 0.054

Clonic 15 12.9 56 16.4
Tonic – clonic 7 6.0 48 14.1
Atonic-Hypomotor 22 19.0 66 19.4

Recurrence within the same day Yes 14 12.1 11 3.2 <0.001

No 102 87.9 330 96.8

Length of seizure <15 min 86 74.1 313 91.8 <0.001

>15 min 30 25.9 28 8.2

More than one finding of complex FC Yes 11 9.5 15 4.4 0.041

No 105 90.5 326 95.6

Sex Female 62 53.4 168 49.3 0.437

Male 54 46.6 173 50.7

Neurodevelopmental abnormality Yes 12 10.3 12 3.5 0.004

No 104 89.7 329 96.5

Use of mother’s milk 0–6 months 11 9.5 23 6.7 0.345

6–12 months 87 75.0 246 72.1
12–24 months 15 12.9 51 15.0
None 3 2.6 21 6.2

Low APGAR score or history of resuscitation Yes 34 29.3 80 23.5 0.208

No 82 70.7 261 76.5

Long-term treatment Yes 61 52.6 51 15.0 <0.001

No 55 47.4 290 85.0

Hospitalization Yes 100 86.2 241 70.7 0.001

No 16 13.8 100 29.3

Length of hospitalization <1 day 49 42.2 99 29.0 0.012

1–7 50 43.1 134 39.3
7–14 1 0.9 4 1.2
15–30 0 0.0 3 0.9
>30 days 0 0.0 1 0.3
None 16 13.8 100 29.3

Hospitalization in the neonatal ICU exceeding 30 days Yes 14 12.2 3 0.9 <0.001
No 101 87.8 338 99.1

EEG performed post-FC Yes 64 55.2 39 11.4 <0.001

No 52 44.8 302 88.6

First post-FC EEG Normal 19 29.7 17 43.6 0.151

42 M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

Table 2 (Continued)
Recurrence of Febrile Convulsion Yes Recurrence of Febrile Convulsion No p

n Percentage (%) n Percentage (%)

Pathological 45 70.3 22 56.4

Final post-FC Normal 64 100.0 37 94.9 0.067

Pathological 0 0.0 2 5.1

EEG: Electroencephalography, FC: febrile convulsion, ICU: Intensive care unit, APGAR: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration.

Table 3
Logistic regression analysis results for risk factors for recurrence of febrile convulsion (FC).

Logistic regression model Logistic regression model %95 CI for odds

(Odds Ratio)

History of FC in the family Other 1 –

With history of FC in first and second degree relatives 7.1 1.6–31.3

Pre-FC body temperature >39  C 1 –

<39  C 17.6 3.6–84.9

Duration of fever pre-FC >1 h 1 –

<1 h 17.8 3.6–86.6

boys. There was no significant difference between boys and girls in [9–12,27–32]. Baldin et al. [33] reported a prevalence of FC of 1.5%
terms of epilepsy after FC (p = 0.220). Risk factors affecting in a study of school children aged 6–16 in the USA in 2012. The
development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion are presented in prevalence of FC in Turkey has been reported as 3.5–9.7% [13–
Tables 1 and 4. 15,34]. Total prevalence of FC in our study was 4.3%, 4.2% in girls
Logistic regression analysis was performed in order to examine and 4.3% in boys. Comparing our findings with those from studies
the effect of more than one variable. Variables identified as being investigating the prevalence in the same age group, they are close
associated with epilepsy at single-variable analysis were included to those from developed countries. The lower prevalence of FC in
in this model. Following analysis, a final model containing two developed countries may be associated with the higher socioeco-
variables (first EEG after FC and neurodevelopmental abnormality) nomic levels in those countries, a more aware patient and family
was obtained. According to this model, the risk of developing profile, patients presenting to hospital earlier and hospital records
epilepsy was 4.5 times higher in subjects with pathological EEG being better and more accurate.
after FC and 21.1 times higher in those with neurodevelopmental FC is more common in boys than in girls. Özmen et al. [35]
abnormality (Table 5). reported a ratio of 1.36/1 in a study from Turkey. However, the
difference was not significant in several studies. Pavlidou et al. [28]
3.7. Prognosis in febrile convulsion and types of epilepsy reported a male/female ratio of 1/1. The male/female ratio in our
study was 230/227 (1.01/1), with gender-specific prevalence of
Four hundred twenty-three (92.6%) of the 457 cases diagnosed 4.2% in girls and 4.3% in boys. Prevalence rates were slightly higher
with FC resolved in a healthy condition. Sequelae developed in boys than girls, but the difference was not significant (p = 0.702).
involving epilepsy in 33 cases (7.2%) and somnambulism in one The prevalence of FC in cases with a good level of income was
case. Types of epilepsy occurring in FC based on the ILAE 1989 3.3%, compared to 5.6% in those with poor income (p = 0.001).
classification are shown in Table 6. Of the 19 cases developing Prevalence of FC in subjects with illiterate fathers was 7.1%, and
temporal, frontal, parietal and occipital lobe epilepsy, temporal 3.6% in those with university graduate fathers (p = 0.001).
epilepsy occurred in 15 (78.9%), frontal in 2 (10.5%), parietal in 1 Prevalence of FC in subjects with illiterate mothers was 6.0%,
(5.3%) and occipital lobe epilepsy in 1 (5.3%). Nine (27.3%) of the 10 and 2.3% in those with university graduate mothers (p = 0.001).
patients in the “Other generalized idiopathic epilepsies” group Aydın et al. [15] investigated the relationship between prevalence
were identified as being in the “generalized epilepsy with febrile of FC and sociodemographic factors in Turkey and reported that FC
seizures plus (GEFS+)” group according to the ILAE 2001 was approximately 2.13 times more prevalent in families with a
classification of epileptic seizures. low socioeconomic and cultural level and emphasized that the
main reasons for this were families lacking information about FC
4. Discussion and having inadequate access to health services. Similarly, a higher
prevalence of FC has been reported in developing countries
Febrile convulsions are the most common cause of convulsion compared to developed countries [36–40].
in the pediatric age group [22–26]. They are reported in 2–5% of FC is observed in the 1st month at the earliest. It has no upper
children [7,24–26]. FCs are generally regarded as benign, although age limit. Onset is within the first 2 years in approximately 50% of
they also involve risks of recurrence and leading to afebrile children, is most common at months 18–24 and rarely emerges
convulsions, and are therefore of considerable importance [3,24– after the age of 7 years and is generally seen between the ages of 3
26]. Publications have reported a higher prevalence of FC in months and 5 years [3,41–47]. In this study, in agreement with the
developing countries than in developed ones. The prevalence of FC literature, most common age at FC was between 18 and 24 months
in the pediatric population has been reported as 2–5% in Europe in 27.6% of cases. FC began below the age of 2 in 61.9% of cases.
and America, 6–9% in Japan, 0.5–1.5% in China, 4.1% in Switzerland, The origin of FCs is associated with viral infections in
2.9% in Greece and 5–10% in India, while an incidence as high as approximately 80% of cases; it may be associated with various
14% has been reported in a study from Guam in the Pacific islands causes such as upper respiratory tract infection or pharyngitis,
M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47 43

Table 4
Risk factors affecting development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion-2.

Development of epilepsy Yes Development of epilepsy No p

n Percentage (%) n Percentage (%)

Age at first FC 6 months or less 6 18.2 48 11.3 0.163
6–12 months 2 6.1 73 17.2
12–18 months 1 3.0 27 6.4
18–24 months 7 21.2 119 28.1
24–60 months 11 33.3 113 26.7
72 months or over 6 18.2 35 8.3
Do not remember 0 0.0 9 2.1

FC in the family Yes 19 57.6 242 47.1 0.955

No 14 42.4 182 42.9

Body temperature pre-FC <39  C 16 48.5 97 22.9 0.001

>39  C 17 51.5 327 77.1

Duration of fever pre-FC <1 h 12 36.4 103 24.3 0.124

>1 h 21 63.6 321 75.7

Epilepsy in the family Yes 1 3.0 26 6.1 0.467

No 32 97.0 398 93.9

Type of FC Simple 15 45.5 358 84.4 <0.001

Complicated 18 54.5 66 15.6

Characteristic of seizure Focal 12 36.4 35 8.3 <0.001

Generalized 21 63.6 389 91.7

Form of seizure Tonic 25 75.8 218 51.4 0.059

Clonic 2 6.1 69 16.3
Tonic – clonic 2 6.1 53 12.5
Atonic-Hypomotor 4 12.1 84 19.8

Recurrence of seizure within the same day Yes 4 12.1 21 5.0 0.081
No 29 87.9 403 95.0

Length of seizure <15 min 29 87.9 370 87.3 0.919

>15 min 4 12.1 54 12.7

More than one finding of complex FC Yes 3 9.1 23 5.4 0.381

No 30 90.9 401 94.6

Neurodevelopmental abnormality (Previous neurological finding) Yes 14 42.4 10 2.4 <0.001

No 19 57.6 414 97.6

Use of mother’s milk 0–6 months 3 9.1 31 7.3 0.512

7–12 months 26 78.8 307 72.4
13–24 months 4 6.1 62 14.6
None used 0 0.0 24 5.7

Low APGAR score and history of resuscitation Yes 6 18.2 108 25.5 0.351
No 27 81.8 316 74.5

Use of cigarettes by mother during pregnancy Yes 11 33.3 67 15.8 0.010

No 22 66.7 357 84.2

Long-term antiepileptic treatment Yes 27 81.8 85 20.0 <0.001

No 6 18.2 339 80.0

Hospitalization Yes 32 97.0 309 72.9 0.002

No 1 3.0 115 27.1

Length of hospitalization <1 day 16 48.5 132 31.1 0.049

1–7 16 48.5 168 39.6
7–14 0 0.0 5 1.2
15–30 0 0.0 3 0.7
>30 days 0 0.0 1 0.2
None 1 3.0 115 27.1

EEG performed post-FC Yes 28 84.8 75 17.7 <0.001

No 5 15.2 349 82.3

First EEG post-FC Normal 3 10.7 33 44.0 0.002

Pathological 25 89.3 42 56.0

Final EEG post-FC Normal 27 96.4 74 98.7 0.464

44 M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

Table 4 (Continued)
Development of epilepsy Yes Development of epilepsy No p

n Percentage (%) n Percentage (%)

Pathological 1 3.6 1 1.3

Recurrence of FC Yes 23 69.7 93 21.9 <0.001

No 10 30.3 331 78.1

Number of recurrences of FC 1 6 26.1 45 48.4 0.199

2 7 30.4 20 21.5
3 4 17.4 14 15.1
4 or more 6 26.1 14 15.1

EEG: Electroencephalography, FC: febrile convulsion, APGAR: Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration.

Table 5
Logistic regression analysis results for risk factors affecting development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion.

Logistic regression model Logistic regression model %95 CI for odds

(Odds Ratio)

First EEG Normal 1 –

Pathological 4.5 1.2–18.2
Neurodevelopmental abnormality No 1 –
Yes 21.1 4.1–107.0

EEG: Electroencephalography.

Table 6
Types of epilepsy developing in febrile convulsion according to the ILAE 1989 classification.

1989 ILAE classification of epilepsies n %

Localization-related 20 60.6
Generalized seizures 12 36.4
Uncertain whether focal or generalized 1 3.0

Total 33 100

According to the 1989 ILAE classification subtypes of epilepsy n %

Localization-related Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms 1 3.0

Temporal, frontal, parietal, and occipital lobe epilepsy 19 57.6
Generalized Epilepsy with grand mal (GTCS) seizures on awakening 2 6.1
Other generalized idiopathic epilepsies 10 30.3
Uncertain whether focal or generalized Epilepsies and syndromes uncertain whether focal or generalized 1 3.0

Total 33 100

acute otitis media, lower respiratory tract infection, urinary tract 10.3% focal convulsion and 89.7% generalized convulsion. Tonic
infection, acute gastroenteritis, roseola infantum and non-infec- convulsion was determined in 53.2% of cases, clonic in 15.5%, tonic-
tious diseases [24,28,41–45]. Convulsions appearing with 2 weeks clonic in 12.0% and atonic convulsion in 19.3%. Mean duration of
of vaccination exhibit similar characteristics to FC, and frequently febrile seizure was 9.23  8.91 min (min–max: 1–60 min), and
develop in association with high fever after diphtheria-tetanus- seizures lasted less than 15 min in 87.3% of cases.
pertussis vaccination and measles vaccination [3]. In this study, The most important risk factors in FC are temperature and age
and in agreement with the literature, 48.4% of patients were of the child. The higher the temperature, the greater the risk of FC
identified as experiencing FC in association with upper respiratory [3]. Four risk factors have been reported to affect first FC. A history
tract infection, 18.8% with lower respiratory tract infection, 8.1% of FC in a first degree relative, hospitalization in the neonatal unit
with urinary tract infection, 14.4% with acute gastroenteritis, 7.7% exceeding 30 days, neurodevelopmental abnormality and crèche
with acute otitis media, 2.2% with high fever after vaccination and attendance are regarded as the main risk factors. FC develops in
0.4% in association with other nonspecific infections, such as viral 28% of cases if at least two of these risk factors for first FC are
exanthematous disease. present [3]. One study of 10,224 children with a history of FC in a
FC is simple in 80–85% of cases and complex in 10–15% sibling reported that number of hospitalizations, gestational age
[3,43,44]. Seizures in FC are generally brief, generalized, tonic- and low birth weight increase the risk of FC [46]. Studies in recent
clonic, tonic, atonic and rarely partial [3]. In a study of 482 cases, years, however, report that the association is not that explicit [24].
Sfaihi et al. [41] observed 55.6% tonic-clonic seizures, 16.8% tonic, In this study, 3.9% of patients attended crèche during the period
12.4% atonic, 9.1% clonic and 6.2% focal, and reported a mean length when FC was experienced, 5.3% had neurodevelopmental abnor-
of seizure of 7 min (min–max:1–30 min), with 68% of cases lasting mality and 3.7% of patients were hospitalized in the neonatal unit
less than 5 min. In our study, and in agreement with the literature, for more than 30 days. Of the cases presenting with FC, 74.6% were
81.6% of cases underwent simple FC and 18.4% complex FC, with monitored in hospital and 25.4% were monitored without being
M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47 45

hospitalized. Premature birth was present in 8.1% of cases with FC 4.1. Recurrence of febrile convulsion
and 5.5% of those without FC, and gestational age had no effect on
FC (p = 0.073). FC recurs in 25–50% of children. Recurrence occurs in the first
A history of FC in a first degree relative and elevated year in approximately 75% and in the first 2 years in 90%. The risk of
temperature during a febrile illness are known to play an recurrence increases with the number of risk factors. The risk of
important role in the development of first FC [3]. At the same recurrence in subjects with no risk factors is approximately 14.3%,
time, genetic factors are also known to be important in FC. A rising to 50–60% in those with more than 3 risk factors risk
history of FC in the family has been reported as a risk factor for first [3,35,51–55]. Single recurrence level is cited as 40–64%, and the
and recurrent FCs, presence of FC in the family is cited at 26–54% in level for 3 or more recurrences is 9–27% [36,41,55]. In this study, in
the literature [3,34,36–39]. In our study, too, FC was present in the agreement with the literature, recurrence was observed in 116
family of 57.1% of cases with FC; a history of FC was present at levels cases (25.4%). Recurrence was determined once in 46.5% of cases,
of 9.8% in mothers, 7.9% in fathers, 41.4% in siblings and 1.9% in twice in 23.3%, 3 times in 15.5% and 4 or more times in 14.7%.
more than one relative. Consanguineous marriage was determined Recurrence of FC occurred in the first 6 months in 88.8% of cases.
in 15.2% of cases without FC and 19.0% of those with FC (p = 0.027). Age less than 18 months (or under 12 months), history of FC in
This indicates the importance of genetic factors in the appearance the family, low fever and a history of fever lasting less than 1 h
of FC. Despite the powerful family history in FC, the mode of before seizure are known certain risk factors for recurrence of FC. A
transmission is unknown. It is usually multifactorial, with history of epilepsy in the family is regarded as a probable risk
autosomal dominant inheritance in a smaller group. Gene loci in factor. Neurodevelopmental abnormality, complex FC, more than
chromosomes 6, 8 and 19 have been implicated [3]. one characteristic of complex FC, sex and race are widely regarded
Studies have reported that the prevalence of epilepsy in the as not representing risk factors [3,41,52]. In this study, comparison
families of children with FC is greater than that in the normal of first FC in the first 24 months or the subsequent period as age
population, ranging between 1.6% and 9% [36]. Sfaihi et al. [41] threshold for recurrence of FC revealed greater recurrence in the
reported a history of epilepsy in the family at 5.6%. In this study, first 24 months (59.7%) and that recurrence was higher in subjects
and in agreement with the literature, a family history of epilepsy experiencing first FC at early ages, although there was no
was determined in 5.9% of cases. statistically significant difference in terms of age at first attack
The accepted body temperature threshold in FC is reported as compared with cases with no recurrence (p = 0.216). History of FC
38 C in some studies and 38.5  C and above in others. Sfaihi et al. in the family, pre-FC fever below 39  C, first FC being observed in
[41] reported that the level was FC was higher above a mean body less than 1 h after body temperature elevation, complex seizure,
temperature of 39  C, Okumura et al. [48] of 39.4  C and Knudsen focal seizure, recurrence within the same day, seizure duration
[49] of 39.5  C. FC generally developed within 1–24 h following >15 min, more than one finding of complex FC, neurodevelop-
elevated body temperature [47]. In this study, in agreement with mental abnormality and long-term hospitalization on the neonatal
the literature, body temperature was below 39  C in 24.7% of cases ICU were increased risk for recurrence of FC. (p values 0.026,
at time of seizure and above 39  C in 75.3% of cases. A short pre- <0.001, <0.001, <0.001, 0.001, <0.001, <0.001, 0.041, 0.004 and
convulsion history of fever lasting less than 1 h was determined in <0.001, respectively) (Table 2). Ages of mother and father in cases
25.2% of cases and of fever lasting more than 1 h in 74.8% of cases. with recurrence of FC were lower than those with no recurrence (p;
The diagnostic value of EEG is limited in children with FC. It is 0.001 and 0.006, respectively) (Table 1). Logistic regression
normal in 60% of simple FCs. However, EEG abnormality is reported analysis performed in order to examine the effect of more than
at a level of 2–86% [3]. There are no FC-specific EEG findings. EEG is one variable on recurrence of FC revealed, in agreement with the
not generally recommended in FC. In complex FC, EEG abnormality literature, that the risk of recurrence increased 7.1 times in subjects
may occur in subjects with neurodevelopmental abnormality and a with a history of FC in first and second degree relatives, a 17.8 times
history of FC in the family, although the clinical significance is greater risk in those with pre-FC duration of fever <1 h and a 17.6
controversial [3,50,51]. In this study, EEG was performed post- times greater in those with pre-FC body fever <39 C (Table 3).
seizure in 22.5% of all cases, 10.7% of those with simple FC and In this study, in agreement with the literature, recurrence of FC
75.0% of cases of complex FC. Sixty-five percent of first EEGs were was not correlated with such factors as sex, type of delivery, time of
pathological, while 98.1% of final EEGs were normal. This supports birth, birth weight, consanguineous marriage, educational level of
the idea that routine control EEGs are not useful guides in parents, parental occupations or family income (p > 0.05) (Table 1).
monitoring and treatment. No statistical correlation was also determined between recurrence
CT and MRI are not essential in FC and are not routinely of FC and first and final electroencephalography findings, presence
recommended, although there is broad consensus regarding their of epilepsy in the family, use of mother’s milk, a low APGAR score
performance in cases with focal neurological deficit [3]. In this or a history of neonatal resuscitation (p > 0.05) (Table 2).
study, too, cranial imaging was performed in 23.0% of cases, of
which 99.% were normal. In agreement with the literature, this 4.2. Risk factors affecting development of epilepsy in febrile convulsion
supports the idea that imaging is not essential but may be
considered when indicated, but is not required as a routine The risk of progression to epilepsy in FC is a subject of debate.
procedure. The risk in children with a single simple FC is regarded as low and
Lumbar puncture (LP) in FC is controversial, but it advised in no different to that in the general population [3]. The most
cases with suspicion of meningitis and patients aged under 12 important risk factors for epilepsy after FC are regarded as
months. In this study, LP was performed in 6.8% of the 457 cases of neurodevelopmental abnormality, complex FC, and duration of
FC, and meningitis was diagnosed in none of these. In addition, fever before FC seizure [3,29,41,53]. Presence of more than one
45.1% of those receiving LP were aged under 12 months. feature of complex FC is also regarded as a risk factor [3]. One study
Phenobarbital or sodium valproate are preferred in long-term reported that multiple episodes of FC and onset of FC episodes after
prophylactic treatment of FC [3]. In this study, long-term treatment the age of 3 as risk factors [28]. In their study of 428 cases of FC,
with phenobarbital or sodium valproate was given to 24.5% of cases Sfaihi et al. [41] reported a post-FC prevalence of epilepsy of 1.2%.
with FC, and no significant drug-related side-effect was deter- They also showed an increased risk of epilepsy in subjects with
mined. fever <39 C during seizure and those with complex FC. Other risk
46 M. Canpolat et al. / Seizure 55 (2018) 36–47

factors they cited were focal, prolonged seizures, seizures determined in 7.2% of cases and somnambulism in one case.
recurrent in the time of the same febrile illness, neurodevelop- Generalized, absence and partial type episode have been described
mental abnormality and a positive family history of epilepsy. They in FCs [3]. In this study, too, 19 (57.6%) of the 33 cases in which
described neurodevelopmental abnormality and the most signifi- epilepsy developed post-FC were complex partial in character,
cant prognostic factor. Hwang et al. [53] assessed 204 cases and while 12 (36.4%) were generalized. Epileptic episodes were
observed unprovoked seizure in 23%. They reported onset of FC compatible with GEFS+ in 9 cases in which generalized episodes
seizures after the age of 3, a positive family history, abnormal EEG were observed.
findings and fever <39 C as risk factors for epilepsy. They also The main limitation of this study is that the questionnaire
reported no increased risk associated with low socioeconomic return rate was 71.6%. This may be due to the study being planned
status, age of mother at birth, cesarean delivery, low birth weight as a questionnaire study, to its being based on voluntary
or premature birth. Pavlidou et al. [29] reported that epilepsy participation and to families with no history of epilepsy or FC
developed in 5.4% of 501 cases of FC, and that 4 or more showing insufficient interest in the study. Another limitation is
recurrences of FC and focal seizures when duration of fever was that no information was obtained concerning whether families
short represented a high risk of progression to epilepsy. with no history of epilepsy or FC in their children had members
In our previous study, we determined a prevalence of epileptic with epileptic seizure or FC and the impossibility of accessing
seizure in school children in Kayseri of 0.6% in girls and 0.9% in demographic and clinical data if individuals with FC and/or
boys, for a total prevalence of 0.8% [20]. In this study, the post-FC epileptic episode existed.
prevalence of epilepsy was 5.7% in girls and 8.7% in boys, a total In conclusion, the prevalence of FC in Kayseri, 4.3%, is closer to
prevalence of 7.2%. In agreement with the literature, this finding the prevalences in developed countries. The most important risk
shows that the risk of epilepsy increases in FC. In agreement with factors for recurrence of FC are a history of FC in first and second
the literature, risk factors for epilepsy developing post-FC were degree relatives, pre-convulsion fever lasting less than 1 h and pre-
body temperature below 39  C, complex FC, first EEG being convulsion fever <39 C. Epilepsy occurs at a level of 7.2% in FC, and
pathological, seizures being focal and neurodevelopmental abnor- the risk is higher than in the general population. The most
mality (p = 0.001, <0.001, 0.002, <0.001 and <0.001, respectively). significant risk factor in terms of development of epilepsy is
Logistic regression analysis revealed a 4.5-fold greater risk of neurodevelopmental abnormality.
epilepsy in subjects with first EEG after FC being pathological, and
a 21-fold greater risk in those with neurodevelopmental abnor- Contributors
mality (Table 5). In contrast to Pavlidou et al.’s [29] study,
recurrence of FC (independent of number of recurrences) was Canpolat M and Kumandas S were proposed the study and
significant as a risk factor for epilepsy (p < 0.001). Again in contrast wrote the first draft. Kumandas S helped the writing. All authors
to that study, no statistical correlation was observed between contributed to the design and interpretation of the study.
duration of fever before FC and development of epilepsy. In Kumandas S, Gumus H, Elmali F, Per H, and Canpolat M are the
contrast to Hwang et al.’s [53] study, no correlation was guarantor.
determined between a history of epilepsy in the family and
development of epilepsy. This may be due to a positive family Competing interest
history being present in only one case with epilepsy after FC in our
study group and to such cases being inadequately represented in No conflict of interest.
the study population.
Hwang et al. [53] emphasized that onset of FC seizures after the Funding
age of 3 years increased the risk 4.99-fold. In our study, first FC in
the cases subsequently developing epilepsy was after the age of 2 None.
in 51.5% of cases, and in 35% of those with no epilepsy. This finding
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