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PED 7- The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Name: Amarille, Jay Mark D.

BSED English 3A
Module No: 4

Lesson 3 Contextualization of the Curriculum

Areas Best Practices Needs Improvement

1.Reforms  Republic Act 10533, the Basic  Instead of focusing on root

Education Act, or K-12 law. The causes of
2016 law adopted new curricula underperformance, such as
and added two more years of weak governance, political
high school and a mandatory discontinuity and lack of
kindergarten year, aligning the accountability, critics also
education cycle with the suggest that quality issues
standard global practice of 13 stem from the government's
years. propensity to address input
 Expansion of the government’s shortages through new
conditional cash transfer classroom construction,
program. teacher hiring, and textbook
 Policy reform, standards setting procurement (PIDS, 2009).
and resource generation" were  Low completion rates and
the new responsibilities of the weak student performances.
central office, while regions
would monitor implementation
of those standards in divisions
and schools within their
jurisdiction and provide general
operational support (e.g. payroll
preparation, in-service training,
and school engineering) (PIDS,

2.School  DepEd underwent a major  Head teachers and school

Management restructuring of its office principals are obliging to
functions and staffing in 2015, satisfy and elaborate data
including an effort to strengthen collection analysis, and
policies of school-based implementation processes.
management.  Project teams should
 DepEd implementing an interact with students and
updated school led planning stakeholders to gain
approach. insights about the school
 Implementation of Enhanced processes and needs.
School Improvement Plan,  Needs improvements both
School Report Cards, School stakeholders and parents to
Governing Councils, Parent aware the development of
Teachers Associations, and the institution.
Result-Based Performance
Management System.
 Strengthen policies of school-
based management.

3.Institutionali  The DepEd officials stated that  Impact remains limited

zation there may be plans to engage especially in cases where
CMS in schools’ level no clear “fix” is present,
monitoring. especially as DepEd
 The CMS Secretariat trains provides inconsistent
local infomediaries to collect support and the
information during school visits organization faces
and also interact with resistance from local
communities, school officials, governments and school
and government stakeholders principals.
to promote engagement to  low technology adoption
address local school issues. and a poor philosophy of
transition, constrained the
organization's influence, a
conceptual shift that
prioritizes data usage over
data storage and
distribution gives greater
capacity to solve school
quality and student learning
4.Handling  The Philippine education  Teacher needs to see the
Challenges system's information-based value in using data in reform
and reforms are aimed at fostering processes and everyday
Opportunities an emphasis on learning and decision making.
success, encouraging public
participation, and improving
transparency mechanisms that
are compromised by corruption
and mismanagement
 President Rodrigo Duterte
issued executive order in 2016,
establishing a Freedom of
Informational law.
 The national government
introduced a full disclosure
policy to incentivize the
disclosure of local financial
data to encourage the tricking
down of these transparency
and accountability initiatives.

5.Curriculum  Academic history secretaries  Curriculum should provide

strive to emphasize program detailed guidelines to
changes, performance teachers and to students,
assessment, ranking, and on what to teach and what
school-based administration needs to be learn.
 Provide an effective scaffolding
for learning.
 Give students an opportunities
to practice new skills


Read the published research entitled “THE PERCEPTION OF THE PARENTS AND
IN THE PHILIPPINES” by Nhelbourne K. Mohammad (click the link below for reference
or search the paper in Google). Write a three-page reflection paper on the challenges of
the K to 12 curriculum implementation that you have observed and also provide
opportunities for improvement that you can suggest. You will be graded based on the
following criteria: Presentation of Argument (content and relevance) -50 points, Flow of
Ideas (Coherence and Unity) -30 points, Mechanics (proper grammar and spelling) -20

Globally competitive is the words that I remember about the k to 12 program that
was signed by former President Benigno “NoyNoy” Aquino III’s. there were change
happening for our educational system according to some teachers this new curriculum
will help the students to be globally competitive by developing their skills, talents and
knowledge in different fields either in academic, arts, sports and technical vocational
course. I’m one of the first students who benefit the k to 12 and I was confused to
choose what strand I belong to but I choose to stay in Maparat National High School
because it’s hard for me to transfer due to lack of financial assistance to another school
I choose the TVL strand food processing NC II that was so exciting because I can learn
new skills by processing different foods.

Implementing a new curriculum in education has its own goal. the goal of K-12
program is to create an education system that will produce a productive, competent and
essential life-long learning and employment. We know that Philippines is belong to a
poor country and the only thing to change it is educating the next generation so that
they can find decent job and can supply the needs of the family. Some company said
that they can accommodate and hire senior high school students if they are competent
enough for the company by this it could help those students who can’t go to college and
they can even practice their skills in the workplace. According to the research study, the
implementation of the K-12 program could help to develop the language skills of the
children. It stated in the study that, children can learn best when they use the language
they already understand especially in elementary education, and believed that students
enable to learn second language faster.

Even though K-12 curriculum has a lot of challenge and difficulty encountered,
but still it brought quality education to student, because K-12 Program is a learner
centered curriculum wherein K-12 focuses on the learning progress of the student. It
prepares the students to college so that they can have already a background what is the
hardship in college. And another thing also is that some Filipinos who are working
abroad like they are college degree holder but they are lack two years because the
Philippines education before without the k to 12 it is only 4 years in secondary school
that was also the consideration in implementing this curriculum to produce quality
education and qualified educational attainment.

Despite from the successful implementation of k to 12 there were still existing

problems that government should look up to like the preparation we know that the
government are not ready to fully implement this in educational system because it
needs to hire new teacher for senior high school and it takes time to train them as well
and also the facilities needed for the students so that they can performed well it needs
more budget to make this possible next the equipment needed specially the technical
vocational livelihood they cannot performed only in paper they need to performed it in
actual so they need some equipment for this also aside from the vouchers they gave
both public and private school still parents can have a big adjustment in terms of
financial and lastly the limited courses to offer in school students cannot choose what
they want because they are lack of equipment to offer the result there were students are
being mismatched.

The benefits of the program brought to the life of students in the future. K-12
programs can help the students to prepare for higher education, enhance their skills,
entrepreneurship, and employment. They must see this as positive to prepare the
students in a real life situation because learning never stops so this kind of education
can bring a lot of learning they can develop their talents and skills also. So the parents
must support their students because in college there were a lot of things that can be
harder so through this it prepares the student for that because there was subject that
are already in college they give as an idea already about college. Preparation is very
important to student so that they would know already they have already a background
that would make them easy to catch by the time that they are already in college and
they can meet the competency for the specific areas or field.

To be globally competitive it needs cooperation coming from the parents,

teachers, stakeholders and the students because I believed despite from many
problems in implementing k to 12 there were so many reason to continue it there were
so many benefits that we can get from it. We just have to help each other to achieve
what we want for our education in our country. It prepares the student for their future to
be brave enough to face challenges in their life.

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