Distinctive Lifestyle: Speaker: Yoong Yee Seng

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WMCMlk 9:00am 12 September 2021

Sermon Outline
Distinctive Lifestyle
Speaker: Yoong Yee Seng
Exodus 23:1-17

1. Live honestly (v1-9)

i. Do not be a ___ ___ __ witness just to help another person (v1)

ii. Do not _____ ____ a crowd (or demonstrate) for _ _______motives (v2)
iii. Do not act unjustly _________ _ the poor or ___ ___ the poor (v3, 6)
iv. Do not ________ __bribes/no corruption (v8)
v. Do not ______ ____ foreigners/migrants (v9)

2. Live rhythmically (v10-13)

i. Sabbath: rest for _____ __ and rest for ____ ______

ii. Sabbath is not defined in terms of _______ _____ of activity but ____ ________ from that kind
of activity in the labour of the other six days
iii. Sabbath or Sunday as the LORD's Day should be understood as a ___ _________ of "rest and

3. Live joyfully (v14-17)

i. Festival of Unleavened Bread: Commemorates the __ __________

ii. Festival of Weeks: Commemorates the giving of the _ _______ at Mount Sinai.
iii. Festival of Tabernacles: Commemorates the _______ ___ journey.
iv. Advent: Commemorates the coming of our ________ ___.
v. Good Friday: Commemorates the ________of Christ on the cross to secure our __ ___________.
vi. Easter: Commemorates the _________ ______ of Jesus; we serve a __ ________Saviour

1. What are some of the features that mark you out as a Christian in your social circle?
2. What are some of the challenges to live honestly in our corrupt environment that nothing gets done unless
some incentives are given? Cite personal experiences.
3. How do you "Remember the Sabbath (Sunday) and keep it holy"? Check your normal Sunday routine and
discuss whether each of the activity upholds the essence of Sabbath.
4. Good Friday is observed in a solemn mood whereas Christmas and Easter are celebrated with much joy. Do
you think the Christian message is proclaimed by the way we commemorate these events?
5. Has the church lost the distinctiveness of Christmas as a result of commercialism by the business
and entertainment world? Is it appropriate to have Santa Claus or Santarina tagging along in our
caroling or Christmas parties?

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