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Experiment 2: COLLOIDS



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Romano Dina
Laboratory class schedule Laboratory Instructor/Professor


Table 1. Description of the various prepared colloidal solution

Colloidal System Observation

Fe(OH)3 sol After it was cooked, the solution turned darker.

Calcium acetate gel The solution's hue changed to transparent.

Benzene/water The solution is two layers thick and clear.

w/o detergent The solution is two layers thick and clear.

w/ detergent The solution turned opaque, with some visible particles at the
Cigarette smoke The air is cloudy or has visible particulates.

Exploratory Question/s:

1. What kind of colloidal system is the Fe(OH)3 sol? How is it formed? What is/are the expected
characteristic/s of Fe(OH)3 sol? Is it lyophilic or a lyophobic system?

Fe (OH)3 colloidal system is sol. It is made by dissolving 1.0mL of 1M FeCl3 in 50mL of hot water.
The look of a sol is meant to be translucent or transparent. The dispersion medium has no
attraction for the disperse phase of Fe (OH)3. There It is also likely to be unstable, irreversible,
and dehydrated. A lyophobic system is Fe (OH)3 (Sugathan, 2016).

2. What kind of colloidal system is the calcium acetate gel? How is it formed? What is/are
expected characteristic/s of the calcium acetate gel?

Calcium acetate has a gel colloidal system. It is made by combining 10 mL of ethylalcohol and 1
mL of aqueous saturated calcium acetate solution. When the dispersed phase is liquid and the
dispersion medium is solid, calcium acetate gel possesses the anticipated properties.

3. What kind of colloidal system is the benzene/detergent mixture? How is it formed? What is/are
the expected characteristic/s emulsion? What is the role of detergent in the preparation of this
emulsion? Is emulsion the same ad emulsion? Why? Why not?

Emulsion is the type of colloidal system formed by a benzene/detergent combination. It is made

by combining 10 drops of benzene/kerosene in 5 mL of water and then adding 2 mL of detergent
solution. The predicted property of an emulsion is that when benzene and kerosene were
combined, two separate layers developed. When the detergent is added to the mixture, it
functions as an emulsifier by stabilizing the emulsion since it possesses both hydrophobic and
hydrophilic properties. The terms emulsion and emulsoid are not interchangeable. Emulsoid is a
colloid solution that is lyophilic (loves solvent). It is also reversible, with gelatin being one example.
When we heated the solid gelatin, it became liquid, and when we cooled it, it solidified. In an
emulsion, two solutions that are immiscible with one another are stabilized by an emulsifier
(Sugathan, 2016).

4. How would you describe the smoke that was formed from the cigarette? What kind of colloidal
system does the cigarette smoke belongs? What is/are the expected characteristic/s of this
colloidal system?

The smoke produced by the cigarette does not leave a layer of moisture or dampness on the
surface, like fog or insect repellent sprays do. It does, however, leave a distinct odor on the
surface, such as on the hands and clothes, as well as ashes. The cigarette belongs to the aerosol
colloidal system. It is anticipated that its dispersed phase would be solid and its dispersion
medium will be gas.

Table 2. Observed properties of colloidal system


Colloidal Properties Observation

Reaction w/ AgNO3 There is a white precipitate on the ground.
Reaction w/ I2/KI The solution evolved into a blue/black color.
Particle Size
Fe(OH)3 The particle size is modest but greater than that of CuSO4.
Muddy water The particle size is big or visible to the naked eye.
CuSO4 solution Particles are tiny or invisible to the human eye.
Color before filtration The solution has a dark blue hue.
Color after filtration The solution's look became evident.
Tyndall effect
CuSO4 solution It is not affected by the Tyndall effect.
5% albumin The tyndall effect is present.
Fe(OH)3 sol The tyndall effect is present.
Distilled water It has a lower viscosity (based on the speed of the flow on the
5% albumin It has a modest viscosity.
Fe(OH)3 sol It seems somewhat less viscous than 5% albumin, but viscous
than pure water.

Exploratory Question/s

5. What is proven by the result obtained with the reaction of silver nitrate with the water in the
beaker? With I2/KI? What is the meaning of semi-permeability? What is permeable and what and
what is not? What determines permeability?

According to the results, the reaction of NaCl in silver nitrate produces a white precipitate, but the
reaction of starch in the presence of iodine solution produces a black/dark blue precipitate.
Despite being in a cellophane bag, they interacted with their separate solution due to semi-
permeability. It indicates that a specific particle can travel through a membrane, a hole, or the
pores in the bag and react with the fluid around the bag. When it comes to iodine and starch,
iodine is permeable but starch is not. In the opposite reaction, silver nitrate is permeable but salt
is not. It happened because the particles of starch and salt are huge, but the particles of iodine

and silver nitrate are small, allowing them to pass through the cellophane bag and react with the
starch and salt. Thus, the permeability is dictated by the particle size (Sugathan, 2016).

6. What is the Tyndall effect? How is Tyndall effect observed in this experiment? Which of the
four substances exhibit Tyndall effect? Why do they exhibit Tyndall effect?

The Tyndall effect is caused by light scattering by colloidal particles. It was noticed in the
experiment by shining a light in the solution that the light can be clearly visible in the 5 percent
albumin and the Fe (OH)3 sol because the solutions held by the 5 percent albumin and the Fe
(OH)3 sol are colloidal. Finally, neither the water nor the CuSO4 exhibit the tyndall effect. It
indicates that their particles are larger than those of the CuSO4 solution and water, which have
smaller particles (Hardwood & Petrucci, 1997)

7. Account for the difference in color of the filtrate of aqueous methylene blue and that of the
original mixture. What is the importance of the principle of adsorption in colloidal system? What
determines the adsorbing power of a given adsorbent? Relate this to colloidal system.

Adsorption means adhering to a system; thus, the importance of the adsorption principle in
colloidal systems is that the repulsion between the adsorbed ions and the colloidal particles keeps
the particles sticking together rather than dispersing together, and the adsorption principle also
stabilizes the colloid. The adsorbing power of a specific adsorbent may be calculated based on
surface area, adsorbate type, pH of the solution, temperature, mixed solutes, and adsorbate
nature. Because activated charcoal has a desired surface to volume ratio that permits it to connect
with the methylene blue, it adsorbs the methylene blue, resulting in a clear solution after filtering.

8. How ‘filterability’ does distinguishes the particle size of the three given systems in the

The capacity of the solution to pass through filter paper distinguishes particle size. The particles
that would have remained on the filter paper will next be examined. As a result, we can see that
the muddy water has the biggest particles, followed by the CuSO4 solution, which has the smallest
particles since no particles are likely to remain in the filter paper. While the Fe (OH)3 sol would
leave some particles on the filter paper, this might indicate that it contains considerably larger
particles than the CuSO4 solution but much fewer particles than the muddy water.

9. What are the factor/s affecting viscosity of a substance? How would these factors account for
the observed viscosity difference of the substance used in the experiment?

The morphologies of the molecules, the attractive interactions between the molecules, and the
temperature all influence the viscosity of a material. These parameters are noticed based on how

long it takes the chemicals to flow through a pipet, according to my observations. Water flows the
quickest at normal temperature because it has the lowest intermolecular force. While 5 percent
albumin and Fe (OH)3 have stronger intermolecular forces and larger particle sizes, they both
flow slower than pure water.

Table 3. Precipitation of Colloids: (a) the number of drops of electrolyte required to precipitate
a colloid; (b) appearance of precipitate formed when two colloids are mixed together

(a) Precipitation by a
Fe(OH)3 sol Before precipitating the Fe(OH)3 sol, which produced a
reddish brown precipitate, 10mL of NaOH were added to
the iron solution.
5% gelatin 3mL of (NH4)2SO4 was added initially, but no visible
precipitate developed, therefore 3g of solid (NH4)2SO4
was added, which generated a thick white precipitate.

(b) Mutual precipitation

Gelatin + Fe(OH)3 When the gelatin was treated with 10% Hg(NO3)2, it
separated into two layers, one of which is a white
precipitate on top and a thick clear liquid on the bottom.

Exploratory Question/s:

10. How can electrolytes promote the precipitation of colloids? Discuss the mechanism of
precipitation of colloid by an electrolyte? Which of the two colloids precipitate first? Why?

The electrolyte facilitates colloid precipitation by serving as a stabilizing factor. The ions of the
electrolyte adsorb the particles of the participant. As a result of the addition of a suitable
electrolyte, the precipitate was transformed into a colloidal state. The Fe (OH)3 colloid is the first
to precipitate. Because the addition of (NH4)2SO4 reduces the concentration of the water solution
available for the protein solution, it precipitated first. Because 5% albumin contains more water
molecules, it requires a considerably greater concentration of salt to be precipitated. While Fe
(OH)3 is a heavy metal, it contains less water molecules, resulting in considerably quicker
precipitation (Sugathan,2016).

11. How colloids can promotes the precipitation of another colloid? Discuss the mechanism of the
mutual precipitation of colloids?

The isoelectric point of one colloid facilitates the precipitation of another. When the pH of the
solution rises above the isoelectric point, the protein molecule transforms into a negatively
charged anion, exhibiting repulsive forces. Hg(NO3)2 is a positively charged heavy metal ion that
binds to the negatively charged anion and precipitates it (Novák & Havlek, 2016).

Table 4. Demonstration of Donnan Membrane Equilibrium

System Before standing After standing

Water + NaOH The hue of the solution is lighter. The hue of the fluid in the beaker

turned darker.

Gelatin + NaOH The hue of the solution has The hue of the solution got lighter.


Exploratory Question/s:

12. Account for the difference in the color of the two-solutions after 30 minutes. Why is the color
on one test tube lighter, and darker, and darker in another? What happens? What is meant by
Donnan Membrane equilibrium?

The solution within the cellophane bag containing water+NaOH interacted with the
phenolphthalein in the beaker, resulting in a considerably deeper pink solution inside the bag.
Meanwhile, the cellophane bag holding gelatin+NaOH got lighter because the phenolphthalein
solution had much smaller particles than the gelatin+NaOH, allowing it to slip through the holes
in the cellophane bag and subsequently react with the gelatin+NaOH in the beaker. The variation
in hue between the two solutions is due to dialysis. The phenolphthalein is now linked to the
gelatin+NaOH solution within the cellophane bag and is not escaping, therefore the concentration
of phenolphthalein in the beaker is lower than it was at the start of the experiment. One example
of proving the Donnan Membrane Equilibrium is dialysis. Dialysis works on the basis of the
principle of

Like how the phenolphthalein reacted with the gelatin+NaOH in the experiment, a molecule with
a smaller particle can pass across a semipermeable barrier; the phenolphthalein solution contains
smaller molecules that flow to the bigger molecule, which is the gelatin+NaOH. As a result, the
phenolphthalein can pass through the cellophane bag (Sugathan, 2016).


Novák, P., & Havlíček, V. (2016). Protein Extraction and Precipitation. Proteomic Profiling and

Analytical Chemistry, 51-62. doi:10.1016/b978-0-444-63688-1.00004-5

Sugathan, D. P., MSc. (2016, October 19). Colloids [Ppt].

Viibzz lab (Youtube channel). (2020, July 30). Precipitation Reactions of Proteins : Biochemistry

[Video file]. Retrieved from

Jaymer Andrada (Youtube channel). (2018, September 12). FeCl3 + NaOH reaction [Fe(OH)3

precipitate formation] [Video file]. Retrieved from


Ms. Amy's Classroom (Youtube Channel). (2018, October 15). Osmosis Experiment: Dialysis

Tubing Lab [Video file]. Retrieved from

ChemProfJH (Youtube Channel). (2020, March 23). Dialysis Lab Video [Video file]. Retrieved


Hardwood, W. S., & Petrucci, R. H. (1997). General chemistry: Principles and modern

applications, seventh edition (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wei, S. Y., & Deng, X. H. (2013). Adsorption Removal of Fluoride from Aqueous Solution by

Hydroxy-Iron Pillared Montmorillonite. Advanced Materials Research, 781-784, 2273-


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