Phrasal Verbs

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1 BRING ABOUT Causes/Results War brings about untold miseries.
2 BRING FORTH Results/Causes World Wars brought forth untold miseries.
3 BRING FORWARD Announce The government has brought forward the new plans of
4 BRING IN Yield/Income My job does not bring in much.
5 BRING OUT Publish I am going to bring out a new novel this year.
6 BRING UP Care She brought up an orphan child.

7 BREAK DOWN Cease to function His truck broke down on the way to factory.
8 BREAK OFF Remove something She broke off a piece of bread.
9 BREAK WITH To end the relation He broke with his family for nothing.
10 BREAK INTO Enter forcibly The thief broke into the house last night.
11 BREAK AWAY Escape The prisoner broke away from the jail.
12 BREAK IN Train He breaks in horses.
13 BREAK OUT Abrupt start World War I broke out in 1914.
14 BREAK THROUGH Make a way forcibly The crowd broke through the gates of the parliament.
15 BREAK UP Disintegrate Break up the chocolate and place it in the bowl.

16 BLOW OFF To remove with blow The wind blew her hat off.
17 BLOW DOWN To down with blow The wind blew down the trees.
18 BLOW OUT Extinguish The candle blew out as she opened the door.
19 BLOW OVER End of blow The storm blew over in the night.
20 BLOW UP To fill in the air Blow up the tyre please.

21 BEAT DOWN Strong light The sun was really bating down and we could not stay outdoors.
22 BEAT OUT Win a competition No one can beat me out in this race.
23 BEAT UP Attack violently The snatcher beat him up and took his purse.
24 BEAT OFF Waste time You should not beat off your time.

25 CARRY OUT Execute He agreed to carry out my orders.

26 CARRY AWAY Excessive enthusiasm The girl was carried away by her piety.
27 CARRY ON To continue You are making good progress, please carry on.
28 CARRY OFF To remove something Thieves broke the store window and carried
off jewelry worth thousands of dollars.

29 CALL FOR Demand His master called for an explanation.

30 CALL IN Summon The judge called in me yesterday.
31 CALL ON Brief Visit She called on me a few days ago.
32 CALL OFF To end a strike The laborers called off the strike.
33 CALL OUT Emergency call A senior doctor has been called out for this serious issue.


34 CALL UP To summon for The government has called up the retired armed persons.
service in forces

35 COME ABOUT Happen How did these things came about?

36 COME OFF Take place When will the convocation come off?
37 COME OUT Emerge It came out that he had been guilty.
38 COME BY Gain I came by this book yesterday.
39 COME TO Reach Things will come to normal soon.
40 COME UP Unexpected I have come up with a new idea of investment.
41 COME ROUND Recover I expect that he will come round in a few weeks.
42 COME ACROSS Unexpected meeting I came across my old friend in the market yesterday.

43 CUT OFF Suspend The electricity of the hotel has been cut off for nothing.
44 CUT DOWN Reduce The government should cut down the oil prices.
45 CUT OUT Remove from a large She cut out a picture from the newspaper.
46 CUT UP Upset Mrs. Meldon was cut up due to her son's death in war.

47 DO AWAY WITH Eliminate Evils must be done away with it.

48 DO FOR Suit This coat will do for me.
49 DO UP To button She did her coat up.
50 DO IN Kill They did the enemy in.
51 DO WITHOUT Manage without I don't have sugar, you have to do without it.

52 DRAW BACK Stop He drew back from attacking the snake.

53 DRAW IN/INTO Include Do not draw me in this matter, I m already occupied.
54 DRAW UP To draw something We are drawing up the new time table.

55 DIE AWAY Become fade The sound of the music died away.
56 DIE DOWN Gradual death The fire is drying down, put more woods in it.
57 DIE OF Reason of death She died of cancer.
58 DIE FOR Strong desire We are dying for a visit to Madina.
59 DIE OUT Becoming extinct Markhors are dying out due to illegal hunting.

60 FALL AWAY Left alone Selfish friends fall away in poverty.

61 FALL IN WITH Agree I do not fall in with your views.
62 FALL IN To make a line The soldiers have fallen in the prade ground.
63 FALL APART Ruining condition His car is falling apart due to his own carelessness.
64 FALL OUT To quarrel He fell out with me for nothing.


65 FALL ON Attack The soldiers fell on the enemy.

66 GIVE AWAY Distribute The principal gave away the prizes.

67 GIVE IN Retreat The two boys fought until one gave in.
68 GIVE OUT Announce The government will give out the new educational policy.
69 GIVE UP To abandon He has given up smoking.
70 GIVE OFF Emit Boiling water gives off steam.

71 GET ABOUT Travel It is easy in this city to get about by bus.

72 GET AHEAD To win Ali got ahead in the race.
73 GET ALONG Progress He is getting along well in his business.
74 GET AWAY Escape Three men got away in the stolen car.
75 GET OVER Conquer He got over all his difficulties.
76 GET THROUGH Pass He got through the BA exams this year.

77 GO ABOUT Wander I saw a beggar going about from door to door .

78 GO AFTER Chase The police went after the escaped prisoner.
79 GO AGAINST Oppose Do not go against the wishes of your family.
80 GO AT Attack The dog went at the beggar.
81 GO DOWN Reduce Egg prices usually go down in summer.
82 GO OFF Finish The effect of the drug will go off in an hour.
83 GO THROUGH Study deeply You should go through with this book.
84 GO WITHOUT Manage without He went out many days without water.

85 HOLD BACK Hesitate Never hold back from telling the truth.
86 HOLD DOWN To minimum level The government should hold down the oil prices.
87 HOLD FORTH Long/Boring speech When we left, he was still holding forth on politics.
88 HOLD IN Holding feelings She held in her anger when he abused her.
89 HOLD OFF Delay The rain held off till we reached home.
90 HOLD ON Wait Hold on for a second please.
91 HOLD OUT Stay His money will not hold out long.
92 HOLD OVER Delay The meeting was held over until friday.
93 HOLD WITH agree I cannot hold with his views.

94 HANG Hover The hostel wardecaught him while he was hanging about girls'
95 HANG ON Wait Please hang on a minute while I put on my coat.
96 HANG OVER Delay The decision of the case is still hanging over.
97 HANG UP To hang something He hung up his coat on a peg.


98 KEEP AT/ON/UP Continue You will succeed if you keep at/on/up your work.
99 KEEP AWAY Distant Keep away yourself from bad habits.
100 KEEP BACK Keep secret Ali keeps nothing back from me.
101 KEEP DOWN Cease to increase Government should keep down the oil prices.
102 KEEP IN Hide She did not keep her anger.
103 KEEP IN WITH Keep good terms Ali keeps in with his boss.
104 KEEP OFF Stay away Keep of yourself from smoking.
105 KEEP OUT Keep out He was kept out in the storm.

106 LET DOWN To disappoint I know he will not let down my expectations.
107 LET IN Allow entry He does not let the customers in after 12 o'clock.
108 LET OFF To do fireworks The boys were letting off fireworks.
109 LET OUT Cry She let out a scream.

110 LIVE BY To behave according He argued that even criminals have a code of ethics that they live
to belief by.
111 LIVE DOWN Make people forget She cannot live down her failure.
about something
112 LIVE FOR Devote Abdul Sattar Eidhi lived for humanity.
113 LIVE IN In country /condition He lived in England for two years.
114 LIVE OFF Source of income The farmers live off the land.
115 LIVE ON Continue to live He lived on fifteen years after his wife died.
116 LIVE OUT The things one has He succeeded in living out his dreams
dreamed of doing
117 LIVE UP Meet expectations He could not live up to his parents' expectations.

118 LOOK AFTER Care He looks after his brother in the absence of his parents.
119 LOOK AHEAD Foresee I am looking ahead that she will not marry him.
120 LOOK AT Gaze Look at your plans
121 LOOK AROUND Explore I am looking for a house in this area.
122 LOOK BACK Recall He sighs when he looks back on his past.
123 LOOK DOWN To look as if someone The rich looks down upon the poor.
UPON is inferior
124 LOOK FOR Search I am looking for an old book in this library.
125 LOOK FORWARD Hope with pleasure I always look forward to your visit.
126 LOOK INTO Investigate I shall look into the matter personally.
127 LOOK OVER Bird view The doctor looked over the samples.
128 LOOK UP TO Respect You should always look up to your teachers.

129 MAKE AWAY Carry something away He snatcher made away with my cell phone.


WITH illegally
130 MAKE FOR Go towards I am making for my home.
131 MAKE OF Create opinion What do you make of the new principal?
132 MAKE OFF Flee The thief had made off before the police arrived.
133 MAKE OVER Legally handover He made over his business to his son.
134 MAKE UP False story she could not make up a story about her rudeness.
135 MAKE UP FOR Pay back She is trying to make up for her sins.

136 PULL APART Separate She pulled the meat apart with fork.
137 PULL IN Stop The train pulled in on platform.
138 PULL OFF Stop at roadside He pulled off the road to get some food.
139 PULL THROUGH Recover The doctors think that the patient will pull through soon.
140 PULL FOR Encourage The fans were pulling for their team.
141 PULL AT To pull something The child pulled at his tea shirt, wanting him to leave.

142 PUT ASIDE Ignore They put aside their quarrel and became friends.
143 PUT ACROSS Explain The teachers put across the things well.
144 PUT AWAY Saving She puts away little money every month.
145 PUT DOWN To humiliate No one an put us down until God desires so.
146 PUT FORWARD Propose The plan that she has put forward is workable.
147 PUT IN Break off It is not to put in during the lecture.
148 PUT OFF Delay The meeting has been put off until next weekend.
149 PUT ON Wear He put one new shirt to attend the marriage of his friend.
150 PUT UP Present The file has been put up before the boss.
151 PUT UP WITH Bear I cannot put up with his rude remarks.

152 PAY BACK Payment of debt I will pay you back within a week.
153 PAY FOR Atonement You have to pay for your misdeeds.
154 PAY OFF Bring fruit Your hard work will pay off.
155 PAY OUT Payment He paid out $500 to get his car repaired.

156 RUN Meet surprisingly He ran into/across an old friend at the party.
157 RUN AFTER Chase The policeman ran after the robber.
158 RUN AWAY Flee He ran away from home at the age of 16.
159 RUN DOWN Hit She was run down by a car.
160 RUN IN Running of vehicle The new car must be run in properly.
161 RUN OFF WITH To take something He ran off with money.
away illegally
162 RUN ON To continue after the The meeting ran on after 5o'clock.


163 RUN OUT Finish The forests are running out.

164 RUN OVER To knock down He was run over by a speeding car.

165 REACH OUT Help She reached out when he lost his job.
166 REACH OUT FOR Achieve something They are reaching out for major reforms.
167 REACH DOWN To stretch to do Tom reached down to pat his dog.

168 STEP FORWARD To offer service Ali stepped forward to challenge the opponent.
169 STEP IN Intervene The army stepped in the politics because of politicians.
170 STEP OUT To leave a place The principal just stepped out of the office for class inspection.
171 STEP AHEAD Better prepared I am one step ahead of my competitors.
172 STEP DOWN Resign She stepped down as party leader a week ago.

173 SET ABOUT Begin She set about cleaning the house.
174 SET AGAINST Oppose She has set herself against smoking.
175 SET APART/ASIDE To keep something Several acres of public land have been set apart/aside for
separate recreation.
176 SET DOWN To write She sets her feelings down in the diary.
177 SET IN Begin The summer season has set in.
178 SET OUT/OFF Start Journey It was quite sunny when we set out/off.
179 SET ON/UPON Attack She set the dog on/upon her enemy.
180 SET UP To launch a business She has finally set up her own business.
181 SET TO Work enthusiastically We will succeed if we all set to our work.
182 SET FORTH Present He has set forth his view of life in his new book.

183 TAKE ABACK Astonish The news took us aback.

184 TAKE AFTER Resemble She takes after her grandmother.
185 TAKE AGAINST To start disliking She took against him when he did not propose her.
186 TAKE APART Separate into He took apart the pistol to clean it.
different parts
187 TAKE BACK Return I will take back this coat and get a larger size.
188 TAKE IN To receive as a guest She was homeless, so we took her in.
189 TAKE OFF Remove He took off his clothes and jumped into the river.
190 TAKE ON Accept responsibility I cannot take on any extra work these days.
191 TAKE OVER Acceptance of She took over as a manager last month.
192 TAKE TO Like someone They took to each other once.
193 TAKE Make someone agree The mother took her round to marry Ali.


194 TAKE UP WITH Adopt company His mother is worried because he has taken up with bad boys.
195 TAKE UPON Decide Aki has taken upon to marry a widow.
196 TAKE DOWN Take back the words Please, forgive me I take down my words.

197 WORK ON Influence I am working on my boss to give us the day off.

198 WORK OUT Exercise rigorously Wow! you are looking good. do you work out?
199 WORK OVER Physically injure He will talk, once we work him over.
200 WORK UP Excite He worked up the public's passion to rage.

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