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What are Creative Expressions?

- They refer to various forms of expression or art forms.

Part 1: Classical Art Forms

Visual Arts
- Are unique expressions of ideas, beliefxs, experiences, and feelings presented in well-
designed visual forms
- Types:
- 2D - Photography, painting, etc.
- 3D - Sculpture, Mixed Media Installations
- Artists:
- Photographer: Jilson Tiu (2D)’
- Abdulmari Imao National Artist “Sarimanok (2D)
- Sarimanok Series - Acrylic on Canvas 2012
- Printmaker: Manuel Rodriguez Sr. "Father of Philippine Printmaking" (2D)
- Simbang Gabi
- Sculpture: Napoleon Abueva National Artist for Sculpture "Father of Modern
Filipino Sculpture" (3D)
- Kaganapan - Marble
- Luis Yee, Jr. (Junyee) “The Father of Installation Art in the Philippines”
- Two Fools - wood, metal, and color
- Kulang sa Drum - life sized sculptures of the Siete Pintados series, wood
and mixed media, 2008

- Art and science of designing and constructing structures that enclose space for a variety
of human needs

Literary Arts
- Describes as the organization of words to feel pleasure
- Through words, literature elevates and transforms experience beyond mere pleasure
- :literature also functions more broadly in society as a means of both criticizing and
affirming cultural values.

- is human movement created and expressed for an aesthetic purpose.

- art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or
emotional expression
- Usually based of off cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and in most western music,
- From the greek kinesis “movement”
- The production of films as an art

Dramatic Art
- “Theatre” (or theater)
- Concerned almost exclusively with love performances
- Action is accurately planned to create a coherent and significant sense of drama

Part 2: Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage

- Refers to physical aartifacts produced, maintaines, an transmitted inter generationally in
a society.
- Ex. buildings, monuments, and other tangible products

- Oral traditions and expressions
- Epic Chants - When both his Anggoy and his mother had passed on, Nong
Pedring continued the tradition, collaborating with researchers to document what
is customarily referred tobas Humadapnon and Labaw Dunggon epics. A
- Performing arts
- Social practices and festive events
- Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- Artists:
- Casquemanker: Teofilo Garcia
- Calinog, Iloilo - Federico Caballero
- Textile Weave: - Lang Dulay
- Art in the community
- Tabugnaw - A unique, functional and elegant headpiece that shields him from the
rain and the sun. Made of native gourd, hollowed out, varnished to a bright
orange sheen. Line with finely woven rattan matting
- Artists
- Epic Chanter: Federico Caballero (Visayas) 2000
- Textile Weaver: Lang Dulay (Mindanao) 1998

Contemporary and Other Forms

- Contemporary
- refers to art made and produced by artists living today as a response to our
global environment
- Contemporary artists reflect and comment on modern day society
- Contemporary artists may question traditional ideas of how art is defined, what
constitutes art, and how art is made, while creating a dialogue with—and in some
cases rejecting—the styles and movements that came before them.
- Artists
- Synesthetic Art: Melissa McCracken - The Artist who paints what she
- Nick Cave - Soundsuits
- Guan Xiao - Juxtapositions
- Outsider Art
- any work of art produced by an untrained idiosyncratic artist who is
typically unconnected to the conventional art world
- Encompasses a much greater range of "vernacular and 'marginal arts'."
- Known successively—and at times concurrently—as “popular painting,”
“modern primitive art,” “self-taught art,” and “contemporary folk art.”
- It encompasses a lot of different types of art makers
- Local Artists
- Leeroy New
- Co designed a rubber suit that lady gaga wore
- Aliens of manila
- Polyp
- Rey Bollozos
- BFA degree from Ford Academy of Arts
- Asymptomatic Medusa
- Rene Pilapil
- Mindanawon

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