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Grade: Date
Objetivo de O.A.5: Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos simples no literarios, que contengan
Aprendizaje palabras de uso frecuente, familias de palabras, estén acompañados de abundante apoyo
(OA) visual y estén relacionados con los temas y los elementos del clima)
Comprensión lectora
Habilidades Expresión escrita

Instrucciones Generales:
• Lee con atención cada actividad que debes realizar.
• Responde con letra y números claros.

1. Match words and pictures (Une las palabras con las imágenes): What’s the weather like? It’s …
2. Add Y after the noun to form an adjective (Añade una “Y” al sustantivo para formar el
adjetivo. Los sustantivos con astericos repiten la ultima letra antes de la Y).

 *Sun  ……………………….
 Rain  ……………….……….
 Wind  ………..…………….
 Cloud  ……………………….
 Snow  ………..…………….
 Storm  ……………..…….
 *Fog  …….……………….

3. Look at the picture and select the correct alternative. (Mira las imágenes y selecciona la
alternativa correcta):

What is the weather like?

It's windy It's windy It's windy It's windy

It's rainy It's rainy It's rainy It's rainy
It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny
It's snowy It's snowy It's snowy It's snowy

It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny It's hot

It's stormy It's cloudy It's windy It's windy
It's rainy It's lightning It's a rainbow It's rainy
It's snowy It's snowy It's snowy It's snowy
4. Look at the map and describe the weather in each city. (Mira el mapa y describe el
clima en cada ciudad):


Sacramento Denver

Las Vegas

Dallas Miami

1) The weather in Miami is .

2) The weather in Denver is .

3) The weather in Chicago is .

4) The weather in Las Vegas is .

5) The weather in Dallas is .

6) The weather in Sacramento is .

7) The weather in Atlanta is .

8) The weather in Seattle is .

9) The weather in Boston is .

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