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Post-partum Care - lying flat on her back with knees bent, a

 Postpartum exercises woman folds her arms across her chest

 Initiation of Lactation and raises herself to a sitting position
 Relief of Discomforts - expends a great deal of effort/tires a
 Hygienic measures postpartal woman easily
 Maintaining adequate nutrition - begin gradually and work up slowly to
doing 10 times in a row
Physiology of Breastfeeding
1. Abdominal breathing  delivery of placenta causes decrease in
- started on first day after birth progesterone level, stimulating production
- lying flat on her back or sitting, a woman of prolactin
should breathe slowly and deeply in and  breast milk formed in acinar and alveolar
out 5 times, using her abdominal cells
muscles  Colostrum - 4th month of pregnancy
- check: watching her abdominal wall rise  Transitional breast milk - 2nd-4th day
 True or mature breast milk - 10th day
2. Chin-to-chest  Milk flows from alveolar cells, where it is
- excellent for the second day produced, through small tubules to
- lying on her back with no pillow, a resevoirs for milk, the lactiferous sinuses.
woman raises her head and bends her This constantly forming milk is called
chin forward on her chest without foremilk. Its availability depends very little
moving any other part of her body while on the infant's sucking of the breast. As the
exhaling infant sucks at the breast, oxytocin causes
- should start gradually, repeat no more the collecting sinuses of the mammary
than 5 times the first time and then gland to contract, forcing milk forward
increasing it to 10-15 times in through the nipples. This is called the let-
succession down reflex.
- can be done 3-4 times a day  A let-down reflex is also triggered by the
- check: woman will feel her abdominal sound of a baby crying or by thinking about
muscle pull and tighten the baby. New milk, called hind milk, is
formed after the let-down reflex.
3. Perineal contraction (Kegel exercises)
- add on the third day Advantages of breastfeeding for the mother
- woman tightens and relaxes her  preventing breast cancer
perineal muscles 10-25 times in  uterine involution
succession as if she were trying to stop  empowering effect
voiding  reduces cost of feeding and preparation
- check: will feel her perineal muscles time
 bonding between mother and child
4. Arm raising
Advantages of breastfeeding to the infant
- helps both breast and abdomen return
 breast milk contains IgA, which prevents
to good tone
the absorption of bacteria and viruses by
- add on the fourth day
the GI tract
- lying on her back, arms at her sides, a
 Lactoferrin - interferes with the growth of
woman moves her arms out from her
sides until they are perpendicular to her
body. She then raises them over her  Lysosyme - enzyme that destroys bacteria
body until her hands touch and lowers  L-bifidus - prevents diarrhea
them slowly to her sides  ideal electrolyte and mineral composition
- should rest a moment, then repeat 5  Lactose - rapid brain growth
times  Protein in milk is easily digested-rapid brain
5. Abdominal crunches  nutrients enough to supply infant's needs
- advisable to wait until 10th or 12th day  avoid exposure to cow's milk (allergy)
after birth  formation of dental arch
Beginning Breastfeeding
 should begin as soon after birth as
possible, inside the birthing room
 stimulates release of oxytocin
 let-down of milk
 uterine contraction
 important for infants to open their mouths
wide enough to grasp both nipple and
 effective sucking
 emptying of collecting sinuses
 woman should place her infant first at the
breast at which the infant fed last in the
previous feeding
 ensure breast is completely emptied at
every other feeding
 do not offer bottles of breast milk until 4-
6 weeks of age
 it takes less energy for an infant to suck
a bottle
 Milk looks like nonfat milk, thin and almost
blue-tinged in appearance.
 before breastfeeding - wash hands

Position: Promote Adequate Sucking

 lying on her side with a pillow under her  To stimulate milk production and ensure
head- relieves fatigue as it allows her to adequate fluid intake
rest on the bed  keep infant awake – stroke the back,
 football hold - with the baby supported on change baby’s position, rub the arms
a pillow and chest, change diapers, tick baby’s
 brushing infant's cheek - rooting reflex  urge infant to suck
 if woman has large breasts - grasp the  If not sucking well
areolar margin between thumb and  use breast massage
forefinger, holding the bulk of the breast  Provide immediate support if problems
First Few Days  Provide information regarding techniques
 babies fed every 2-3 hours for burping the breastfed baby
 frequent feeding  infants swallow air when breastfed
 colostrum  placing baby over one shoulder and
 the more the breasts are emptied, the gently patting or stroking the back
more efficiently they fill  holding the baby in sitting position on
the lap, leaning the child forward against
After Feeding: one hand, with the index finger and
 TEACH mother to insert a finger in the thumb supporting the head. The other
corner of the infant’s mouth or pull down hand pat's the babies back
infant’s chin to release suction
Breast Engorgement
foremilk hindmilk  3rd or 4th day after birth, breast milk forms
 breast distention
 hardness
 tenderness
 heat in the breasts
 skin appears red, tense and shiny
 vascular and lymphatic congestion arising
from increased blood and lymph supply
 infants have difficulty sucking on engorged
breasts because areola is too hard to grasp
6. avoid use of hand pump
Prevent/Relieve Engorgement  pressure can cause fissures
 empty breasts of milk - allow infant to suck  use electric or batter-operated pump
often instead
 firm-fitting bra Sore nipples are not a contraindication to
 if infant cannot grasp a nipple - warm packs breastfeeding
or standing in warm shower minutes before
feeding combined with massage Hygienic Measures
 manual expression or the use of breast  include perineal care as part of her daily
pump after breastfeeding bath and after every voiding or bowel
 symptom of engorgement is healthy, an movement
announcement her breasts are producing
milk Perineal care
 subsides 24 hours  Wash hands
 Put on clean gloves
Sore Nipples  Place a plastic -covered pad under the
 strong sucking action of newborn woman's buttocks to protect the bed during
 worsened by: the procedure.
 improper positioning of infant  With the woman in supine position, remove
 forcefully pulling an infant from a breast the perineal pad from front to back, the
 allowing an infant to suck too long at a direction is important to prevent the portion
breast after the breast is emptied of the pad that was over her rectal area
from sliding forward to contaminate the
 permitting a nipple to remain wet from
vaginal opening.
leaking milk
 If actual washing is to be done, use a clean
 nipples are kept supple from the secretions
gauze square or a clean portion of a
of the Montgomery's tubercles
washcloth with soap and water to each
 soreness - excessively dry or wet nipples
stroke, always washing from front to back,
from the pubis to the rectum. Rinse the
1. position baby slightly differently for each
area in the same manner and dry it.
prevent same area of nipple from receiving
Post-partal menu
 2200-2300 calories daily
2. expose nipples to air 10-15 minutes after
feeding  high in protein, vitamins and minerals
3. discourage the use of plastic liners that needed for good tissue repair
come with nursing bras  Roughage - peristaltic movement
4. apply vitamin E lotion  Breastfeeding - additional 500 calories and
5. apply a few drops of breast milk to nipples 500 ml fluid
after feeding then massage into areola
Promote Adequate Fluid Intake
Montgomery’s tubercles  The rapid diuresis and diaphoresis that
occur during the 2nd to 5th postpartal days
result in a weight loss of 5 lb in addition to
12 lb lost at childbirth.
 Women feel thirsty during this period of
rapid fluid loss and want additional fluid.
woman needs to increase her fluid intake to
rid her body of wastes (catabolized uterine

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