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Release modes (User’s Manual: Page 103):

Single frame (S)

Continuous low speed (CL)
Continuous high speed (CH)
Quiet shutter-release (Q)
Quiet continuous shutter-release (Qc)
Mirror up (MUP)
What is the difference between these modes? Think of them like this: The
Autofocus modes control how the AF module focuses, the AF-area modes
control where it focuses, and the Release modes control when focus happens
and how often a picture is taken.
While the Release modes are not directly Focus modes, it is a good idea
to consider them at the same time because they control when Autofocus
In upcoming sections, we’ll look into all of these mode types and see how
they work together to make the D750’s autofocus and subject tracking
system one of the world’s best.
With the controls built into the D750 body, you’ll be able to select
whether the AF module uses 1 or many of its 51 AF points to find your
subject. You’ll also select whether the camera simply locks focus on a static
subject or whether it continuously seeks a new focus if your subject is
moving, and how fast (in frames per second) it captures the images.
Settings Recommendation: If you are having trouble remembering what all
these modes do—join the club! I’ve written multiple books about Nikon
cameras and I still get confused at times about what each mode does. I often
refer back to my own books to remember all the details. I have both the print
and e-book versions of my books so they are always nearby (I love having
the digital versions available on my iPad and iPhone).
You’ll become familiar with the modes you use most often, and that is
usually sufficient. Try to associate the type of mode with its name, and that
will make it easier. Learn the difference between an Autofocus mode (focus
how), AF-area mode (focus where), and a Release mode (focus when).
Custom Settings for Viewfinder AF and Live view/Movie AF
The AF module has eight configurable Custom settings, a1–a8. We’ve
examined each of those Custom settings in the chapter titled Custom
Setting Menu. You may want to review each of them.
Using Autofocus and AF-Area Modes for Viewfinder
(User’s Manual: Pages 121, 123)
The D750 has distinct modes for how and where to focus. We’ll examine
each of those modes as a starting point in our understanding of autofocus
with the Multi-CAM 3500 II AF module. We’ll tie together information
about the Autofocus modes, AF-area modes, and Release modes since they
work together to acquire and maintain good focus on your subject. Release
modes are covered in the last section of this chapter because both Viewfinder
and Live view photography use the same Release modes.
Figure 11.2A shows the controls we’ll use in combination to change how
the camera focuses and captures images. The caption helps you identify each
Notice in figure 11.2A, image 4, that the Multi selector has a lock switch

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