Letter To Deans and Chairmen - Eng

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20 Jun 2020

Rev. Wong Ken Phin, Dean of CGC

Mr. Chia Chin Ming, Chairman of CGC
Rev. Francis Danil, Dean of BMGC
Elder Edison Geulu, Chairman of BMGC
Dean Rev. Ngui Au Sze, Dean of EGC
Mr. Johnny Ting, Chairman of EGC

Dear Deans and Chairmen,

Re: Opening of Churches During Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO)

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The state government has announced that houses of worship are allowed to reopen effective 19 Jun 2020
following strictly the SOP provided during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) which is
scheduled to end on 31 August 2020.

Our church will reopen for worship service, but each congregation has the right to decide on the actual date
of the reopening and inform their members accordingly. To contain the spread of Covid-19, all churches are
required to abide by the following guideline.

1. A copy of the SOP issued by the state government for the reopening of places of worship is attached
for your reference. Every congregation must follow the SOP strictly.

2. Only churches in the green and yellow zone are allowed to reopen.

3. Before any church can reopen for worship, they must inform the Dean of their location and their
sitting capacity. The Dean will gather the information from the churches and send to Kementerian
Undang Undang dan Hal Ehwal Anak Negeri Sabah (KUHEANS) at email Rosni.Leong@sabah.gov.my.

4. You are required to sanitize the church hall before and after use and also to ensure that the toilets
and surrounding areas are clean.

5. The number of people coming for worship is limited to 1/3 capacity. You will need to determine the
number of people that your church hall can accommodate taking into consideration of one-meter
social distancing measuring from the front, back, left and right sides of a person.

6. The Church must set up a counter at the church, provide hand sanitizer, prepare an attendance
register book to record the name, telephone contact, and temperature of the worshippers.
Alternatively, worshippers can also use the Sabah Trace application. Those on duty must limit the
number of worshippers allowable for that congregation.
7. Members are required to wear a face mask. The church should also make this available for
members who don’t have the face mask.

8. The seats for worshippers must be marked to ensure social distancing.

9. There should be no physical contact including no handshake greetings.

10. Fellowship or refreshment gathering before or after a church service is not allowed.

11. All pastors, worship leaders and all those who are leading the worship service must also follow the
SOP of taking their temperature, keep social distancing, use hand sanitizers/washing hands before
they can commence their duties.

12. Those who have a fever or not feeling well are not allowed to be on duty in the Sunday service.

13. Worshippers who have the symptoms or suffering from chronic illnesses, seniors of age 60 above
and children under 12 are not allowed to attend.

14. Pastors and worship leaders who are above age 60 can be present to handle their part and after
completing their duty they are to be seated separated from the congregation.

15. Funeral and marriage are not allowed to be held in the church. However, marriage is allowable after
30 July 2020.

16. Cell group gathering in the homes is allowed but limited to 20 persons depending on the size of the
gathering space with social distancing of one meter from one another.

17. Funeral service at the funeral parlor is limited to not more than 20 persons. Those who are 70 years
above and 12 years below are not allowed to attend.

18. For congregations that are in Peninsula Malaysia and Labuan, they are to follow the SOP issued by
the Federal government.

The above will be observed until 31 August 2020. If there is a new guideline from the state government, we
will inform you accordingly.

Let us continue to pray for God’s help in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19, peace and recovery of
the economy, stability of our government and the progress of our churches.

United in Christ for Mission and Transformation of Communities.

Yours truly in Christ our Risen Lord,

Bishop Dr. James Wong President Vun Soon Chong

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