Internet of Things: Crowd Sensing and Human Centric

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Crowd sensing, sometimes referred to as mobile crowd sensing, is a technique
where a large group of individuals having mobile devices capable of sensing
and computing collectively share data and extract information to measure,
map, analyze, estimate or infer any processes of common interest. Mobile
crowd sensing serves as a critical building block for the emerging Internet of
Things (IoT) applications. However, the sensing devices continuously generate
a large amount of data, which consumes much resources (e.g., bandwidth,
energy and storage), and may sacrifice the quality-of-service (QoS) of
applications. Prior work has demonstrated that there is significant redundancy
in the content of the sensed data. By judiciously reducing the redundant data,
the data size and the load can be significantly reduced, thereby reducing
resource cost, facilitating the timely delivery of unique, probably critical
information and enhancing QoS. This paper presents a survey of existing works
for the mobile crowdsensing strategies with emphasis on reducing the
resource cost and achieving high QoS. We start by introducing the motivation
for this survey, and present the necessary background of crowdsensing and
IoT. We then present various mobile crowdsensing strategies and discuss their
strengths and limitations. Finally, we discuss the future research directions for
mobile crowdsensing. The survey addresses a broad range of techniques,
methods, models, systems and applications related to mobile crowdsensing
and IoT. Our goal is not only to analyze and compare the strategies proposed in
the prior works but also to discuss their applicability towards the IoT, and
provide the guidance on the future research direction of mobile crowdsensing.
Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing (MCSC) is an enormous scope detecting
worldview dependent on the intensity of client companioned gadgets,
including cell phones, keen vehicles, wearable gadgets, etc . MCSC permits the
expanding number of cell phone clients to share nearby information (e.g.,
neighbourhood data, encompassing setting, commotion level, and traffic
conditions) obtained by their sensor-upgraded gadgets, and the data can be
additionally amassed in the cloud for huge scope detecting and network insight
mining [1]. The portability of huge scope portable clients makes MCSC a
flexible stage that can regularly supplant static detecting foundations. A wide
scope of uses are in this manner empowered, including traffic arranging,
condition observing, versatile social proposal, open security, etc. A formal
definition of MCSC is as follows: “a new sensing paradigm that empowers
ordinary citizens to contribute data sensed or generated from their mobile
devices and aggregates and fuses the data in the cloud for crowd intelligence
extraction and human centric service delivery”.

Necessity of the project:

MORE THAN 20 per cent of patients needing emergency treatment have
died on their way to hospital because of delays due to traffic jams and
uncooperative motorists, National Institute of Emergency Medicine (NIEM)
secretary-general Anucha Setthasathian said.
Roger Thayne, former Chief Executive of the Staffordshire Ambulance Service
has advised the BBC that potentially around 2,500 lives a year are being lost as
a result of delayed ambulance response times and the inability to resuscitate
patients at the scene. Data obtained by the BBC shows substantial variations in
the performance of England’s 12 ambulance services.

Once an adjustment has been made for population figures, it becomes

apparent that the top ambulance service may be attempting to resuscitate 3.5
times as many heart attack patients as the ambulance service at the bottom of
the table.

The statistics that have been published show survival rates for heart attack
patients for each ambulance service. From this, it would appear that South
Central Ambulance Service who are at the top of the table are performing
significantly better than South Western Ambulance Service who are at the
bottom as their survival rate is 41% compared with 25%.

However, these figures do not take into account the number of resuscitations
that are being attempted in each area. When this is considered, it becomes
apparent that South Western Ambulance Service are attempting many more
resuscitations than South Central Ambulance Service (848 people per million
head of population compared with 234) but why is there such a difference in
the number of resuscitations attempted?
Whilst there is no clear indication as to the reasoning for this discrepancy, it
has been suggested by Mr Thayne that it could be as a result of slow response
times or even the lack of availability of defibrillators.
Whilst there are a number of uncertainties as to the data, it seems that there is
a difference around the country in how patients are being treated and their

There is, however, a solution. The easiest way to reduce ambulance travel time
and accidents would be to designate certain roads as “Ambulance Routes.”
These routes would lead from hospitals and EDs to major residential areas.
They would be lined with lights that, when an ambulance is en route and is
going to use that road, would be turned on, much like railroad or drawbridge
lights. These lights would warn drivers that an ambulance is heading to an
emergency and that they should clear the road. These roads would be
especially helpful in bad weather conditions, when the likelihood of crashes is
increased. Not only could these lights be used for ambulances, but they could
also be used for any emergency responder. This solution would solve the
problem of ambulances not going to the nearest ED by encouraging ambulance
drivers to keep to the Ambulance Routes, where they would have less traffic,
that would lead directly to the nearest ED.
        These Ambulance Routes would be constructed using the expertise of civil
engineers, mechanical engineers, and urban planners. Mechanical engineering
would be used for the maintenance, and possibly the construction, of the
lights. Urban planners would decide where the lights would be necessary. Civil
engineers would only be needed if it is decided that there isn’t an effective
direct route from a large residential area to an ED. One of the major downsides
to this solution is the cost. According to, good quality LED or
strobe lights can cost anywhere from $50-$100. The cost would be well worth
it in order to save lives, though. Space would not be a problem, as the lights
could be affixed to existing telephone poles, lamp posts, and buildings.
Another downside would be reckless drivers that ignore the lights and obstruct
the ambulances’ path. The easiest solution for this problem would be to
implement a fine for anyone who obstructs an emergency responder’s path. A
fine would discourage anyone from keeping ambulances from reaching their
destinations, as people would most likely rather keep their hard-earned wages
that needlessly cause harm.
        In conclusion, ambulances can be kept from saving lives by traffic jams,
crashes, and unnecessary lengthening of ambulance travel times. Ambulances
are incredibly important to the health and safety of citizens, so it is in
everyone’s best interest to make sure that they can safely reach emergency
situations. Therefore, Ambulance Routes and alarm lights should be
implemented along roads that lead from hospitals to major residential areas.
They are small and worth any extra costs that they pose to communities. For
these reasons, they should be implemented, not only in my community, but in
every community across the country.

General Architecture diagram:

GPS Satellites
GPS Location Server
GPS Device


Mobile Networks

If the system wants to send message to any person it tracks the location of the
person. First, the person get his/her’s location by using the satellite. Then
mobile networks access the GPS location of that person and it accessed by the

Literature survey on mobile crowd sensing

Portable crowd sensing is an incredible worldview that misuses the propelled
detecting capacities and pervasiveness of cell phones so as to gather and break
down information on a scale that is unthinkable with fixed sensor systems.
Versatile crowd sensing frameworks join individuals and depend on their
interest and ability to contribute state-of-the-art and exact data, implying that
such frameworks are inclined to malignant and incorrect information. In this
manner, trust and notoriety are key factors that should be tended to so as to
guarantee manageability of versatile crowd sensing frameworks. The goal of
this work is to characterize the applied trust structure that considers human
association in portable crowd sensing frameworks and considers that clients
contribute their conclusions and other emotional information other than the
crude detecting information created by their shrewd gadgets. We propose a
novel technique to assess the reliability of information contributed by clients
that additionally thinks about the subjectivity in the contributed information.
The strategy depends on a correlation of clients' trust perspectives and applies
nonparametric measurement techniques. We have assessed the presentation
of our strategy with broad re-enactments and contrasted it with the technique
proposed by Huang that embraces Gompertz work for rating the
commitments. The reproduction results indicated that our technique outflanks
Huang's strategy by 28.6% all things considered and the strategy without
information dependability computation by 33.6% on normal in various
recreation settings.

Proposed work:
By using crowd sensing we are going to implement citizen safety. In this project
we are going to implement the system using IOT application. In this project we
are going to use crowd sensing concept. By using this concept we are going to
track user location. If any of met with an accident that time that person can
send alert message to everyone. The system will trace the particular person’s
location. And using that location the system will make an zone using 1 km
radius from the person’s location and will send the alert message to all the
user those who are all in the zone which system made like “This person met
with an accident and distance between you and that person is 1km. You can
save that person”. If any ambulance is there in particular zone, then
ambulance will get alert message like “emergency, Go and save that person”.
And location will be shared. This will helpful when any accident happens.

Functionalities and Protocols:

The system will trace location of that person who need help and That
particular location will be mapped to google map. Using that location one
virtual location will be made by system. System alert the people those who are
all in the particular zone. So that they will be able to help that person
And coming to ambulance point of view. If any ambulance is available in that
particular zone, ambulance will get alert message.
So that the ambulance will be able to pick that person quickly and can admit in
nearby hospital.
Architecture Diagram:

User alerting system:
If any user got accident the user will alert the system like I got accident. And
the system will get that particular user’s GPS location and will be marked in
google map. And system will make virtual zone with 1 km radius.

Mobile Crowd Sensing:

The system will be creating virtual zone with 1 km radius. And all devices in the
zone will be tracked and will be marked in map in which the patient location
has marked. Actual mobile crowd sensing concept has been used here. We will
use mobile crowd sensing concept to track the devices that available in the
zone created by our system.
Sending Alerting Message:
The devices sensed by our system in that particular zone will be receiving the
alert message. So that they can help the person who need help.

If any ambulance is there in that particular zone that ambulance device will get
message along with near by hospital and best way to reach the quickly.
Flow Chart:

Pseudo code:
new google.maps.Marker({position: A,map});
//Creating virtual Zone
Circle zone = map. addCircle(new CircleOptions() . center(A. radius(1000));
New google.maps.Marker({zone});

//Sensing the devices in that particular zone

Device.alert(“(person name) got accident. You can help that person. The
distance between you and (that person name) is
{distance(device.getLocation(),A)}. Go and Help That person”);

Results and Discussions:

As this system hasn’t implemented yet we can’t predict what success is this
system going to reach or whether going to be doomed. As, there are many
innovations day-by-day a better system than this may appear. This system will
be mainly used by well developed cities as there is much population and many
health workers may be available for first-aid. Results can be easily understand
once this system is implemented or approved for beta-testing.

The IoT has attracted much attention over the past few years. Numerous
sensing devices emerge in our living environments, which creates the IoT
integrating the cyber and physical objects. Mobile crowd sensing plays an
important role in the IoT paradigm. Sensors continuously generate enormous
amounts of data, which consumes much resource, such as storage resource for
storing data and bandwidth resource for data transfer. Previous works
demonstrate that there is significant amount of redundancy in sensor data.
Thus, redundancy elimination of sensor data is important and worthwhile,
which can significantly reduce the cost (e.g., bandwidth cost for data transfer)
and facilitate the timely delivery of critical information by reducing the traffic
load, and thereby help achieving good QoS. In this paper, we review the
mobile crowd sensing techniques and challenges. We focus on the discussion
of the resource limitation and QoS (e.g., data quality) issues and solutions in
mobile crowd sensing. A better understanding of resource management and
QoS estimation in mobile crowd sensing can help us design a cost-effective
crowd sensing system that can reduce the cost by fully utilizing the resource
and improve the QoS for users. In the end of the paper, we discuss some of the
trends in the mobile crowd sensing. In the future, we will give an in-depth
study of challenges and techniques, solutions for addressing challenges in
mobile crowd sensing for IoT, and we will also analyze the production systems
and provide case studies.

Future Works:
Technology is developing day-by-day in a vast level in every field and IOT has
set foot in the field of health care too. In the near coming future, health
sectors may use a robot kind “synth” which will be a robotic doctor available
with them 24/7 this could do all the testings the real doctor would do and even
more than that. The patient’s respective doctor would upload all the patient’s
files in the storage of synth. This synth would be handled by the patient as
his/her’s secondary user the doctor would be the primary user. Patient will
keep the synth in his/her home it will check the patient’s blood sugar level and
other testings from time to time and could not only remind the patient to take
medicines infact it would actually take and give the correct medicines. If there
is some rise/low in blood sugar level or in blood pressure it would
automatically pass on the accurate measured data and pass on to the
respective doctor. This could be the future of Health sectors.
As said by Einstein, “For every action there is a equivalent and opposite
The more the technology reaches sky the more it will be a threat.

Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard “Studying Sensing-Based Systems: Scaling to Human Crowds in the Real
World” IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 17, no. 5, 2013.

ACM Transactions of Internet technology, August 2014, Article No.:2

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Cyber-Physical Human-Centric Search Engine” IEEE Transactions on Computers vol. 64, no. 2, 2015.

Raghu .K “Mobile Crowdsensing: Current State and Future Challenges” vol. 49, no. 11, 2011.

Dan Peng, Fan Wu “Pay as How Well You Do: A Quality Based Incentive Mechanism for
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The Nation (2017, January 17) 20 per cent of emergency patient deaths blamed on traffic jam delays.
Retrieved from

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