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Rizky Bayu Ananda (7211220011)

Roni juni arta simamora(7213520045)




Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, for His Blessings and Mercy so
that I can complete the CBR business English properly and on time, as material to fulfill my

I realize that there are still many fundamental flaws in this assignment. Therefore, I
expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for my perfection in preparing
future assignments. I apologize if there are grammar and spelling mistakes.

Finally, I hope this paper can provide benefits and additional knowledge for the

Foreword _______________________________________________________________i

Table of contents _________________________________________________________ii

Introduction ____________________________________________________________2

1.1 Background __________________________________________________________2

1.2 Goal ________________________________________________________________2

1.3 Benefits ______________________________________________________________2

Discussion ______________________________________________________________3

Main book and free book summary ___________________________________________3

Critisicm book ___________________________________________________________5

3.1 Advantages and deficiency book __________________________________________5

Closing _________________________________________________________________6

4.1 Conclusion ___________________________________________________________6

4.2 Sugesstions ___________________________________________________________6

Bibliography ____________________________________________________________7


1.1 Background

Critical Book Report is the result of criticism of a topic or material. Writing a book is
analyzed what its strengths and weaknesses are. Each book made by a certain author, must
have advantages and disadvantages of each. We can know the feasibility of a book if we
evaluate the book by comparison with other books. A book with advantages that are more
dominant than its disadvantages means that this book is suitable to be used and used as a
reference source for students and educators as well as students who study and teach this

Understanding a book is not an easy thing, especially in curriculum learning. As part

of an ACCOUNTING student, understanding business communication English is very
mandatory. Business communication English is used to know good culture when we
communicate with our business friends. There are various characteristics of business
communication. each book is different. For this reason, based on the differences in the
characteristics and presentation of the book's contents, a "critical book report" was carried out
as a step to develop the ability to assess and review books, so that better and higher quality
books were obtained in the future.

1.2 Goal

• Able to critique the book “ENGLISH COMMUNICATION BUSINESS”

• Able to develop a reading culture

• Able to know the advantages and disadvantages of books

• Able to find and find out the information contained in the book.

• Able to express opinions in looking at a book that will be reviewed

1.3 Benefits

• Help readers know the general description and assessment of a book


• Increase the knowledge of readers

• Make it easier for readers to understand the contents of the book

• Adding insight into the author.

• Train writers to think critically



a.Main Book
Title : English for Business Communication Student’s Book
No.ISBN :9780521446204
Author Name :simon sweeney
City of publication :-
Year of publication :1997
Thick book :162 pages

b.Free Book
Title : the art of meeting
No.ISBN :-
Author Name : M. Arafat Imam G
City of publication :-
Year of publication :2013
Thick book :110 pages



Meetings or the term used in this book,
 In many Western societies,
"Meetings", are the processes of getting
including the United States, a together with the aim of negotiating matters,
problems being solved, decisions being
person who does not maintain
made, and trust building. However, this
"good eye contact" is considered a activity is often something that many people
fear, even avoid by those appointed to attend
person of slight suspicion, or of a
the "Meeting". Recognizing the importance
"cunning" character. Americans of this, namely as a medium of
communication within the organization, there
subconsciously associate people
are steps that should be understood by
who avoid eye contact as leaders and participants so that a "Meeting"
can run effectively, efficiently and pleasantly.
unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy,
1. Understanding of meeting
inattentive, and impersonal. Before carrying out any activity, we
should understand it well. We must
 In contrast, however, Japanese know what are the main provisions
needed to carry out the "Meeting", the
children are taught in schools to
purpose of holding it, the time is right
direct their gaze to their teacher's and acceptable to everyone, how
many participants should take part in
Adam's apple area or the knot of a
the activity according to what type of
tie, and, as adults, Japanese people "Meeting", and the place that does not
have to be. formal and stiff. It turns
lower their eyes when speaking to
out that "Meeting" can be done
superiors, a gesture of respect. "anywhere".
 Latin American cultures, as well as
2. Meeting preparation
some African cultures, such as In this section, the author emphasizes
the conceptual "Meeting". Where a
Nigeria, have longer gaze times, but
plan is a very important element in an
prolonged eye contact from activity. It has existed since the time
of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in
individuals of lower status is
establishing the state of Medina and
considered disrespectful. so on. Some things that must be
prepared are the arrangement of the
 In the US, staring is considered
agenda and points in the minutes,
disrespectful – regardless of who is how to formulate a decision-making
method, how to inform participants
looking at whom.
and Pre-Meeting materials and
 In contrast, polite English people provide tools to help carry out the
are taught to pay close "Meeting".
attention to the speaker, listen
carefully, and wink to let the speaker 3. Tactics during the meeting
know that he or she has been In the "Meeting" each person is
understood as well asbeing heard. limited by the rules and conditions
that have bound him from the
 Americans show interest and
beginning of the "Meeting", how can
understanding by shaking their we maximize the deliberation process
in the "Meeting" to produce the best
heads or grunting.
decision and also to prevent various
 An eye dilation can also be unpleasant events during the
"Meeting" then we must have various
interpreted differently, depending
tactics to deal with it all. In this
on the circumstances and culture. section, the author explains how to
open a "Meeting", how to keep
Take, for example, the case of an
participants and meeting leaders on
American and a Chinese discussing the meeting agenda, tips for becoming
a leader and participant in "Meeting",
the terms of a proposed contract.
how to shine during the "Meeting".
Regardless of the language in which the And how to deal with the various
proposed contract is executed, US negotiators characters of the "Meeting"
could interpret the Chinese's widening eyes participants from good to bad.From
as an expression of astonishment, not as a the Leader of the "Meeting" and the
signalof danger (the true meaning) of politely Apathetic.
expressed anger
4. After meeting
Keep in mind that "Meeting" is held
to solve existing problems and change
them into a better state in the future,
so after the "Meeting" is successfully
carried out, new tasks are waiting to
be re-done. In this section the author
explains about how to make the
"Meeting" not only effective, efficient
and fun, but also actually carried out
afterward. By closing carefully,
reading out the summary, and
ensuring post-"Meeting" success.


Advantages :
 This book is organized very regularly, step by step and as simple as possible so that
readers can understand its contents well. The language used is also very

Deficiency :
 However, there are several pages in this book where the writing is covered by
illustrations at the bottom, making it difficult for the reader to see the writing.


in some cultural countries making eye contact has different meanings, in some
countries making eye contact is considered to be an angry attitude. However, in some
countries making eye contact while speaking is considered respectful of the person speaking.

Meetings or the term used in this book, "Meetings", are the processes of getting
together with the aim of negotiating matters, problems being solved, decisions being made,
and trust building. However, this activity is often something that many people fear, even
avoid by those appointed to attend the "Meeting". Recognizing the importance of this,
namely as a medium of communication within the organization, there are steps that should be
understood by leaders and participants so that a "Meeting" can run effectively, efficiently and
pleasantly. Understanding of meeting, Meeting preparation, Tactics during the meeting, After


After reading the book, it can be concluded that each of these books has the
advantages and disadvantages of different books. With the task of critically writing this book,
curiosity and new knowledge are created in us to find out the contents of the book, how we
find the weaknesses and strengths of each book. And without us realizing it, the curiosity in
us makes us study hard in order to get satisfactory results.

the material for the two books is very good, but it is better for both books to use a
more attractive cover to attract reading interest.

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