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S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 1

House Rental Monitoring



Cariño, Errol

Chico, Joh Rafhael

Cruz, Joshua

Dalugdugan, John Carlo

Dayowan, Demitri

Dela Cruz, Julhiana

Divina, Darlene

Del Mundo, Ivan Cedric

Delos Reyes, Arvin Jose

Gabata, Gine Paolo

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 2

Chapter 1



As the world advances further its technology, papers are continuously replaced by

digital records. A process is often considered progress. The transition from physical sheets

made from wood pulp to the binary language written in code may be deemed modernization,

as the development of countries are often measured by the extensivity of technological

reliance in its communal processes.

Though the importance of written paper or printed scripts remain and will probably

continue to be undisputed, the practicality, convenience, and versatility of electronic

applications outweighs its material counterparts, or even gives access to beneficial methods

that would otherwise be unattainable—contactless file sharing and real-time editing, for


Therefore, in the matter of rental transaction records and payment tracking,

developing, and incorporating a system which provides monitoring assistance will, going by

the said argument, improve the quality and ease of managing a house rental business.

Assistance to businesses are crucial, especially in the midst of a pandemic where 3.8

million Filipinos remain unemployed, according to the Philippine Statistics Association

(PSA). Because of having inadequate funds for mortgage, such people may resort into

renting a property. This may result in the increase of tenants.

Since jobless citizens have increased since the start of the pandemic, it plausible to

assume that the number of tenants paying past due has also increased, and by multiple
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 3

months. Resulting in an increased number of tenants with a large payment is a workload that

is very possible—and may prove to be a heavy one.

Another phenomenon further solidifies the utility of this system. Landlords can be

encumbered because of multiple businesses, unemployment, or mental challenges like

memory problems. The system, in a way, acts as an assistant which is undoubtedly useful for

business or disability reasons.

Keeping track of the tenants unpaid by a huge time margin using only a written

logbook may prove to be difficult, as such a method may be limiting. A digital system for

records offers a more elaborate and convenient process, which this paper aims to explain.

The House Rental Monitoring System provides a more streamlined process in the

entry of data, having the same pre-determined format for simplicity. Unlike a logbook, which

often provides only one source of access, the system designed by the researchers can be

admitted through any computing device running a specific operating system.

Information within the system can also easily be copied, providing a back-up to

refrain from data loss. Security measures will also be integrated to ensure only the authorized

personnel have access to the private but necessary information of the tenants. Using this kind

of system, the owner can easily track and see if their tenants are paying at the right time.

The program referred by this paper and is developed by the researchers will aim to

help the Rental industry reach modern technological standards and assist its lessee users.
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 4


In the Philippines, landowners traditionally use a physical logbook to manage their

rental business. This method is very limited and prone to data breaching. Sensitive

information such as contact, and identity data may be accessed by unauthorized personnel.

Any environmental disaster occurring to the logbook may render it and its contents beyond

recognition or admission. These are only a few from the long list of plausible scenarios a

simple logbook may be compromised.

To add to that, a growing rental business will also grow its data workload. In which

case, managing and filing all data becomes cumbersome. Though no computerized system is

completely protected from calamities, a digital system may still offer more utility and

security compared to a simple run-of-the-mill logbook.

After all, the benefits technology in human lives is irrefutable in today’s modern era.

A simple conversion from physical to digital brings immediate benefits—the weight and

portability of files in memory drives that can hold mountains of equivalent paper, for

example. Because of incidences like those, it is not difficult to think that merely digitalizing a

process makes it easier—that is, if done well.

Advancements can only be boasted if the program is built and executed properly. This

paper is transcribed along the development of the researchers’ House Rental Monitoring

program. This paper is written to study the makings of an effective monitoring system and

classify the output necessary for the monitoring program to be considered useful.

In fact, a poorly designed and badly executed program instead make monitoring a

heftier job. Digitalization of processes does not equate to modernization if the convenience of
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 5

work does not improve. This is true in every aspect of technology, that is why all inventions

are continuously improved or innovated. Therefore, careful consideration of the users and the

design must present in the makings of a program to create one that is useful right off the bat.

This study will mainly focus on describing the nature of a good monitoring program

and the means of acquiring it. Considering factors like interface layout, cost of use, and the

overall processes within system, the researchers intend to determine the specifications for an

effective program.

Furthermore, this paper will also scrutinize the House Rental Monitoring System

developed by the researchers and aim to describes the benefits it offers if there are any. The

disadvantages of the said program will also be equally considered. This is to achieve a clearer

picture on what situations the program is most useful and is of no use. After all, the

researchers developed the program to improve workflow, not solve all the business industry’s


The researchers will also investigate the outer factors that affect the actual effectivity

of the program. This includes the user’s ability to use programs, the user’s device, or the

number of tenants the landowner user is managing. The researchers believe that, like the pros

and cons, this will help determine the over all effectiveness of the program and defining

which business situation the researcher’s program is best to apply in.

Though only in the last year of the Senior Highschool program, the researchers are

determined to create a respectable study and program. The researchers are hoping for the

consideration of their state.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 6

The figure below is the flow of development for the researcher’s program:

and Feasibility

System analysis

System design



Figure 2: Workflow

Requirement and Feasibility. Through observations, the researchers will perform a

study to gain an understanding of the existing structure and issues faced by the landowners.

The data gathered will be used to assess the technical, economic, and social feasibility of the
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 7

proposed system.

System analysis. The researchers will collect information about the landowner’s

needs and identify the problems that the system will be able to solve at this point.

Landowners’ business context, product features, and compatibility will all be considered by

the researchers. The researchers will also collect information on software, such as the

programming language to be used, the database model to be used, and the hardware

available, such as laptops and printers.

Design. The researchers will create an overall design of the system architecture and

physical design, which will include the User Interface and Database design, at this level. The

design specification is the stage's output, and it is used in the next stage of implementation.

Coding / Implementation. At this stage, the design specifications will start to be

coded onto the system. To satisfy the system architecture requirement, some of the product

components have been built according to the pre-defined standard and debugged, tested, and


Testing. At this stage, to guarantee that the system is error-free and satisfy landowner

requirements the researchers ensure the individual and integrated whole is methodically

verified. During the testing process, the researchers have conducted a test for individual code

modules, product integration systems, and user acceptance. Before proceeding to the next

stage, the researchers will ensure that every bug that has been found be corrected. The

product documentation will be prepared, reviewed, and published also in this stage.
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 8

Installation. The researchers will proceed to this stage when the system is done with

the testing and have received a certification that it is fit to be used. It would mean that the

system is ready and prepared to be used by the public.

Maintenance. After the system being implemented to the public, this stage may

occur. This may involve the enhancement of the system that would fit the user preferences.

Other changes may happen when a problem occurs with the system such as bugs that are

initially unknown and have been discovered by the users or other factors. The changes that

have occurred with the system will be documented and will be recorded on system update


This process will be followed in hopes to give the researchers a systematized

observation routine to understand what is needed in developing an effective monitoring

system. This is also to develop credible descriptions on the pros and cons of using a digital

system, and the inspection of other factors that may change the effectivity.
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 9



Hardware: Program:
 Personal  Database
Computer  User
(PC) Profile A working
 Codes program for
Software: managing rental
 Visual
properties and
rental business.

Figure 2: Paradigm of the System

Figure 1: Shows the conceptual framework which illustrates the requirements and processes

to develop the house rental monitoring system. The input represents the hardware: personal

computing device; and software: Visual Studio 2019. The process represents the diagrams

and programs used to make the program come to fruition. The program will utilize databases,

user inputs and profiles, and coding as indicated by the process.

The user will enter input from a personal computer while running the program on

Visual Studio 2019. Beneath the inputs from the user lay the processes running to enable the

storing tenant data, managing, and updating profile or business information. All these

processes contribute on the making of a simple but elaborative, user-oriented system for

landlords to use.
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 10


To design and develop a system keep track of payments. To develop a system that will

display the history of payments of tenants for the landlords for easy information access. To

develop a module that will monitor the payment of all the tenants for the house rental

monitoring system.

The following are what this paper and the researchers aim to satisfy:

1. What makes an effective rental monitoring system in terms of:

1.1 Management

1.2 Ergonomics

1.3 Accessibility

2. What are the advantages of House Rental Monitoring System compared to a

Logbook in terms of:

2.1 Interface

2.2 Presentation

2.3 Cost
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 11

3. What are the disadvantages of House Rental Monitoring System compared to a

logbook in terms of:

3.1 Interface

3.2 Presentation

3.3 Cost

4. Factors that may affect the effectiveness of this program in terms of:

4.1 Technological literacy of User

4.2 Device requirements

4.3 Amount of tenants

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 12


The scope of this study mainly focuses on the House Rental Monitoring System

developed by the researchers. This paper aims to provide the description of the required work

in producing an effective house rental monitoring system. Specifically, the contents of this

paper are limited only to: (1) Understanding the requirements and essentials of the program

provided by the researchers. (2) Classifying the pros and cons when using the program

provided by the researchers. (3) Constructing a description of the elements of an effective

monitoring system.

This paper goes no further beyond the researchers’ program, other than the conclusion

created in identifying the nature of an effective monitoring program.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 13


The system to be made by the researchers of STI College Fairview is primarily

focused on the landlords managing tenants. The results of the study will be of great benefit to

the following:

To the Landlords. This research will help the Landlords to be familiar with and

acknowledge this new kind of monitoring system, and it will also determine how convenient

and easy to use this system. Furthermore, it will serve as their record regarding the tenant's

rent bills, electricity, and water bills.

To the Industry. This research will better clarify the state of the rental industry in

the Philippines. Therefore, this paper will contribute to decision-making on which path the

modernization should take its course.

To the Future Researchers. This research will serve as a guide to future researchers

for them to improve this paper if necessary.

To the Future Developers. This research will serve as a guide to future developers

for them to improve our system if necessary.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 14


The following terms are operationally or conceptually defined:

A Bill is an accumulation of expenses owed for goods given or services provided.

A Landlord or lessee is a person who owns houses or property spaces and let people occupy

and use its utilities for a price.

Monitoring is a process of observing or to regulate a progress or quality of a particular

subject over a particular period.

A Rent is a payment to a landlord usually every month for the occupation of a house or a

property and the use of its facilities.

A System is set of objects doing tasks in a synchronized manner as parts of a mechanism or

an interconnecting network.

A Tenant is person who temporarily occupies a house or property and pays an amount to the

real owner of said property for occupying it.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 15

Chapter 2


The role of Technology in Society

According to a paper published by Ganiyu, Alabi, et al. (2018), the need to utilize

technology on manual processes truly exists. The paper advocates for a stronger relationship

between ICT professionals and rental owners. In which case, the process of payment,

monitoring, and the sending of eviction notices become simpler.

Ibisola, Oni, and Peter (2015) defined ICT instruments as including computers,

networks, hardware, software, satellites, and anything that involves digital technology. The

findings of their survey indicate most that estate surveyors and valuers do not take advantage

of ICT instruments despite being fully aware of their existence. The paper concluded that a

training program—like including such devices in the educational curriculum—must occur for

surveyors and valuers to further exploit ICT instruments.

Some industries are falling behind in modernization. Administrative forces need to

keep up with the ever-evolving workflow according to a book published by Dai (2020). The

book Dai published centered around computer science and its place today. Written in the

book are blueprints of a framework for a property management information system (PMIS).

Programs of Other Researchers

Hauwa and Atan (2020) developed a system that aids in monitoring resources among

residential properties. The program was designed for residential owners and aimed to break
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 16

through the limits of written records. The paper mentioned that software is exceptionally

well-suited for record management.

Undeniably, multiple people share the value of reinforcing the work force with

technology. Setiawan, et al. (2018) developed a web-based application which aids in the

managing car rentals. The paper mentioned that their application can be repurposed and be

used further than the lending of cars. They believed in the modernization of monitoring a


Other groups of researchers have joined in the modernizing of management tasks.

Mehta, Patil, and Shinde (2019) developed LeKeDe, a system that monitors rental items,

including but not limited to cars, books, and accessories. Their program was intended to

provide a hassle-free process on managing a rental business.

There are others that have also to create a rental monitoring system specifically for

managing houses. Kirmani, et al. (2017) developed a house rental using a .NET Web

application in C#. However, it written in an older compiler and requires more improvements

in the interface.

Another house rental management system was developed, founded through PHP. This

application tracked the number of units and tenants, as well as the vacant houses (Abdi,

2018). The paper documenting the system strongly encouraged technology to be

implementations in even the basic tasks. According to Abdi, doing so would be considered


Ikuomola (2020) developed a house rental management system that would save,

manage, and process through server via a connection like the internet. In her paper, she
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 17

suggested to embed a system on a unit’s door that would deny the access of anyone

unauthorized or has violated the agreement. Although, such a project would require a more

elaborate and expensive system.

The wellbeing of information is also vital. An unreliable record can cost a business a

hefty fine. According to a Polish paper written by Muczyński, Dawidowicz, and Źróbek

(2019), the efficiency of a company is heavily reliant on how ready their resources of

accurate information is. In Poland, the government is developing their real-estate registration,

as suggested by the paper.

The Rental Industry in the Philippines

According to Oldewarris (2018), the rental industry is of a great benefit for the lower-

class of manila. They serve as a temporary home for impermanent residence. The paper

Oldewarris published provides a picture of the rental industry in the city of Libis, Manila,

and discusses about solving some issues that exist in the area.

Programs Locally Developed

Bernado, Alaya-ay, Cabardo, et al. (2018) and developed RenTahanan, an

advertisement platform for rental units or houses. The platform enabled rental owners to post

their unit and its location to expand their reach with clients. The survey in their paper

concluded that their demographic users were satisfied and thought it useful.

Bustillo and Batistis (2016) developed a web-based monitoring application for

managing boarding houses for students. In their paper, they described Rental Management
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 18

Systems or RMS as an effort that would better the regulatory process of boarders and

decrease management cost.

Enriquez (2017) developed a monitoring and billing system for an electric

company, Quezelco1. The developed program was cloud-based and was designed to rely on a

network on the internet. According to his paper, technical experts and users defined the

program acceptable. Undoubtedly, companies are now updating their system to digital


Caluza (2017) wrote a descriptive research regarding the nature of developing an

Electronic Document Archive Management System or EDAMS. According to Caluza, a

digital archive is still prone to human error and storage limits. However, his paper stated that,

compared to traditional written recording, digital archives increase productivity and

monitoring efficiency.

Another management system was developed by Bituin (2010), but this program was

designed for lodging. The program was called 658 Apartelle Online Reservation

Management System. In their paper, it was stated that lodging business managers report

accumulating cumbersome amounts of paperwork around the work environment due to

manually writing logs. Their paper described the struggles of developing a reservation system

but concluded that such an effort is essential.

Modern Technology and the Philippines

Industries in the Philippines could use more high-tech measures. According to an

author (2013), places in the Philippines like Morong can be modernized by increasing the
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 19

municipality’s dependency on technology. The paper declares that technology is the modern

standard, and Morong must keep up.

The Manila Times (2018) wrote an article about software that improve workflow of

working people—from project free-lancers to real-estate agents. The article acknowledges

the important of the utilization of technology in business. Listed in the article are five

recommended software programs.

Even small singular business has started to incorporate the use digital systems.

Lagman (2012) wrote an essay regarding a Reservation System developed for Hacienda

Gracia Resort and Hotel, a private resort in the Philippines. According to the developer, the

System provided an easier and uncomplicated alternative for client interaction.

Management has become an industry itself. In the working paper of Gilberto M.

Llanto, the cruciality of management is emphasized. The working paper focused on

improving the regulation of the Philippine’s rent industry. The findings show that stricter

regulations do not benefit the industry, and the primary problems is the deficiency of

affordable and at the same time decent households. (2015, p.18)

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 20

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the discussion of research method, population, sample size, and

sampling technique, description of the respondents, research instrument, data gathering

procedures and the statistical treatment used in the study.

Method of Research

The research method to be used in this research is a descriptive research design.

According to Mc Combes (2019), a descriptive research attempts to characterize a

population, condition, or phenomenon in a systematic and reliable manner. It can answer the

questions of what, where, when, and how, but not why. In this research, most of the questions

in general objectives are researchable type of questions. A descriptive research design may

examine one or more variables using a variety of research methods. Unlike experimental

study, the researcher does not influence or alter the variables; instead, they are observed and

measured. In this research, the researchers are more concerned in obtaining answers to the

study's general objectives and describe the entirety of the study. The findings of descriptive

analysis are presented in a statistical format. As a result, it can be used as secondary data in

other research projects. Furthermore, various testing methods may be applied to the data in

order to analyze various aspects of the research issue Bhasin (2019). The results of this

research can be used by the future researchers to further improve the study that was

conducted. In addition, the researchers will also use questionnaire for the analysis of different

factors of the research problems.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 21

Since the study can be used by future researchers as a reference for further

improvement of the study and the researchers are more concerned in obtaining the answers in

general objectives of study, the descriptive research design is the most suitable approach


Population, Sample Size, and Sample Technique

The respondents of the study have been acquired from landlords sited in Quezon City.

These respondents are 30 landlords in total in which they participated to take a survey about

the effectiveness of a monitoring system, advantages and disadvantages of the House Rental

Monitoring System, and factors that may affect the effectiveness of the program. The

landlords are asked about their thoughts of what makes an effective monitoring system along

with if what may be the advantages and disadvantages of the program and lastly of what they

think that would affect the effectiveness of the program.

The researchers used snowball sampling in the study because the researchers are

gathering information that has traits that are rare to find and looking to find the target

population by being referred from the known population.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 22

Description of the Respondents

The study is conducted in Quezon city located on the Northeast portion of Metro

Manila, Philippines. The respondents in the study are the landlords of different barangays

sited in Quezon City. There are 30 respondents who are part of this study.

The respondents went through a series of questionnaires related to the effectiveness of

a monitoring system, advantages and disadvantages of the House Rental Monitoring System,

and factors that may affect the effectiveness of the program. The questions about

effectiveness of a monitoring system are mainly related to management, ergonomics, and

accessibility then the advantages and the disadvantages of House Rental Monitoring System

is mainly related to Interface, Presentation and about the factors that may affect the

effectiveness of the program

Research Instrument

The research instruments used in this study are surveys conducted online. The type

questions are in fill in the blanks form, checklist form in which the respondents will put a

check to answer and Likert response scale in wherein they will scale their answers from

strongly agree to strongly disagree. The questionnaire is composed of three parts namely:

Understanding the System of Monitoring Rental Facilities, The Pros and Cons of House

Rental Monitoring System and lastly, the User-end Factors. The first part contains five items,

evaluating the understanding of the respondent to the house rental monitoring system. The

second part is composed of nine items, for the assessment of the advantages and

disadvantages of the house rental monitoring system. The last part has five items focusing on
S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 23

the information of the respondents with the relevance to the topic. Overall, the survey form is

composed of nineteen questions. The responses will be checked and tallied by the researchers

to get the results.

S T I C O L L E G E - FA I RV I E W 24


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