Zündel's Bunker

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Zündel's Bunker

Túrin @ archive.org


Welcome to the 'Zündel's Bunker' PDF archive. Life is short, so have a fuckload of
knowledge to save yourself some time preparing! If this contents file looks like
shit, try zooming out/in to the appropriate scale. This archive was initiated on
20/4/2017, and is presently being updated with new content. RIP Ernst Zündel, who
sadly passed away a few days after I completed the first version of this archive.
(Note: Some accented characters may not appear in RTF format)

(Updated 27/3/2017)



Section 1
Zündel's Bunker - Includes subjects such as History, World War
I & II, Israel & Zionism, the Jewish Agenda, Banking, Warfare,
Politics, Government, etc.
7.91GB - 800 FILES

Section 2
Psychology & Philosophy - Includes many works by prominent
psychologists and sociologists such as Le Bon, Kant, Schopenhauer,
Wundt, Jung, von Hartmann, etc. Certain subjects may include
philosophy, psychology, neurology, anthropology, personality &
attitude, education, culture and civilisation.
3.19GB - 200 FILES

Section 3
The Furnace (Subversive Jewish Literature) - Includes a variety
of deceptive works by jewish and pro-jewish authors, many of
which are promoted in the 'truth movement'. I have added this
section to give readers a new perspective on 'kosher'
disinformation and the expansive jewish infiltration of many
genres that cover (what is really) the jewish agenda. You may
have heard of or even read some of these works with the
impression that you were being enlightened on topics regarding
corruption, politics, government, culture, etc. However, these
works are design to mislead, misdirect and misinform
researchers who are trying to flesh out the overarching agenda
against society, or those who are simply trying to study
history. Some of the books in this section are subtle and well
disguised, and some are bold and obviously subversive.
'Confirmation Bias' is a term commonly thrown around, but when
you begin to understand the interconnected plans of these
prominent figures and their allegiance to jewry, it's common
sense. The common objective of these authors is to propagate an
entire 'new world' culture and an intellectual consensus that
enhances and popularises the efforts of their fellow jews near
and abroad, past and present. The public is so bamboozled by the
nonsense of ethnic 'equality', multiculturalism, diversity
and historical amnesia that these jews and zionists instill that
they aren't even aware of the significance of judaism and
it's heavily ethnocentric operation. It is important to begin
researching the history they have tried to hide and the damage
they have inflicted upon our world, but whilst doing so it is
also important to study their phony versions of everything in
order to 'triangulate' the hidden essence.
1.71GB - 226 FILES

Section 4
Historical Texts - Includes books and records from, or about
certain cultures and civilisations e.g. Norse & European,
Christianity & Catholicism, Greek, Indian & Ayurvedic, Chinese &
Tibetan, Egyptian, Phoenician and more.
3.60GB - 334 FILES

Section 5
Fiction & Literature - Includes both entertaining and informative
works of fiction by authors such as Orwell, Tolkien, Joyce,
Pound, Covington and more. Includes 'Caricatures in Der Stürmer'
image collection (No this is not CP).
1.10GB - 128 FILES
333MB - 1208 IMAGE FILES

Section 6
Health & Dietary - Includes many helpful books about food,
medicine, herbology, cooking and dietary information.
2.55GB - 121 FILES

Section 7
Physique & Martial Arts - Includes subjects such physiology,
exercise & body refinement, self defense, armed/unarmed combat
and swordsmanship.
492MB - 35 FILES

Section 8
Science, Engineering & IT - Includes a nice variety of books
about computation, electrotechnology, electrical, IT security,
mechanics, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
2.74GB - 125 FILES

Section 9
Manual Arts & Architecture - Includes subjects regarding small &
large scale construction, woodwork, cabinetry, farm
construction and general building.
830MB - 65 FILES

Section 10
Self-Sustainability & Survival - Includes many books and how-to
information for horticulture, agriculture, botany, camping &
long-term outdoor lifestyle/survival.
2.09GB - 194 FILES

Section 11
Misc Skills & Masteries - Includes miscellaneous subjects such as
lockpicking, language & vocabulary, chess, finances,
homeschooling, etc.
455MB - 46 FILES

Section 12
Music & The Arts - Includes some educational books and
information I have collected on the subjects of music, art and crafts.
298GB - 43 FILES



Zündel's Bunker
Adam Lebor
Tower of Basel; The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs
the World

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
200 Years Together
Censored Chapters of 200 Years Together
From Under the Rubble
The First Circle
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 1 - I-II
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 2 - III-IV
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 3 - V-VII
The Jews & Soviet Russia
The Voice of Freedom

Alfred Rosenberg
Criticism Of Oswald Spengler
Russia's Gravediggers
The Myth of the 20th Century

A. K. Chesterton
The New Unhappy Lords; An Exposure of Power Politics

Anatoliy Golitsyn
New Lies For Old; The Communist Strategy of Deception and

Andrew J. Hurley
One Nation Under Israel

Ariel Toaff
Blood Passover

Arnold S. Leese
Gentile Folly; The Rothschilds
My Irrelevant Defense; Jewish Ritual Murder
The Jewish War Of Survival
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock - A Visit to Arnold Leese's House
Our Seditious Cartoon Book
P. E. P. (Political and Economic Planning) or Sovietism by
Psychology and Jews
Race and Politics
REX vs. Arnold Leese Trial
The Fascist; The Organisation of Racial Fascism (Established

Arthur Kemp
March of the Titans; History of the White Race

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck

Germany's Third Empire

August Bebel
Academics and Socialism (Deutsch)
Assassinations and Socialism
Bebel's Reminiscences
My Life
Woman in the Past, Present and Future
Woman Under Socialism (Translated by Daniel de Leon)

Austin J. App
The Myth of the 20th Century; An Evaluation of the Spiritual-
Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age
The Six Million Swindle
The Sudeten-Germany Tragedy

Barbara Kulaszka
Did Six Million Really Die; Report of the Evidence in the
Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zundel - 1998

Benjamin H. Freedman
'Fact Are Facts'; The Truth About Khazars (the so-called Jews)
Zionism; The Hidden Tyrrany

Benjamin Weintraub
The Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism

Benton L. Bradberry
The Myth of German Villainy

Bernhardt Klassen
A Revolution of Values Through Religion
Natures Eternal Religion
The Klassen Letters Vol.1 (1969-1976)
The Klassen Letters Vol.2 (1976-1981)
The White Man's Bible
Building A Whiter And Brighter World
Expanding Creativity
On The Brink Of A Bloody Racial War; With the White Race Targeted
for Extermination
Salubrious Living; A Natural Life Style for Achieving and
Maintaining the Ultimate in Superb Health and Well-Being

Brandon Martinez
Grand Deceptions; Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Jew World Order Unmasked
Masters Of Deception; Zionism, 9-11 and the War on Terror Hoax

Caleb Williams Saleeby

Evolution; The Master-Key; A Discussion of the Principle of
Evolution as Illustrated in Atoms, Stars, Organic Species, Mind, Society and Morals
Health, Strength and Happiness; A Book of Practical Advice
Modern Surgery and its Making; A Tribute to Listerism
Organic Evolution
Parenthood and Race Culture; An Outline Of Eugenics
The Conquest of Cancer; A Plan of Campaign; An Account of the
Principles and Practice Hitherto of the Treatment of Malignant Growth
The Cycle of Life According to Modern Science; A Series of Essays
Designed to Bring Science Home to Men's Business and Bosoms
The Methods of Race-Regeneration
The Progress of Eugenics
Woman and Womanhood; A Search for Principles
Worry; The Disease of the Age

Carl Wernerhoff
Historians Or Hoaxers; The Unprofessional Disdain of Academic
Historians for Documenting the Holocaust
What's Going On; A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre
The Port Arthur Massacre; Was Martin Bryant Framed

Carlo Mattogno
Auschwitz - Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings
Auschwitz - Open Air Incinerations
Auschwitz - The First Gassing; Rumor and Reality
Auschwitz Gas Chambers - The End of a Legend
Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and
Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and Meaning of a Term
The Bunkers of Auschwitz - Black Propaganda versus History
The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police
Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp

Carlos W. Porter
Not Guilty At Nuremberg; The German Defense Case
The Lebensborn Program and The Herrenvolk; Fact vs Fiction

Carolyn Yeager
Buchenwald Memorial Archivist Cannot ID Elie Wiesel as an Inmate
Elie Wiesel and the Mossad
Famous Photo of Buchenwald Survivors
How True is Elie Wiesel's Stolen Book 'Night'
Myklos Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel
Obama Names Elie Wiesel to U.S. Holocaust Council
Relative of Shlomo Wiesel Says He Died in 1943
Signatures Prove Lázár Wiesel is not Elie Wiesel
The Many Faces of Elie Wiesel
The Shadowy Origins of Elie Weisel's Stolen Book 'Night'

Charles C. Tansill
Back Door to War; The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein

Christine M. Johns
Christianity Exposed

Collection - Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf - Stalag Edition
Mein Kampf
The Testament of Adolf Hitler
Zweites Buch (Sequel to Mein Kampf)
Book Collection I (29 Files)
Book Collection II (27 Files)
Book Collection III (23 Files)

Collection - Holocaust Handbooks

1 - Germar Rudolf - Dissecting the Holocaust; The Growing
Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory'
2 - Germar Rudolf & Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht - The Rudolf Report;
Expert Report on Chemical & Technical Aspects of the 'Gas
Chambers' of Auscwitz
3 - Jurgen Graf - The Giant With Feet of Clay; Raul Hilberg and
His Standard Work on the ''Holocaust''
4 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Stutthof;
Its History and Function In National Socialist Jewish Policy
5 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Majdanek;
An Historical & Technical Study
6 - Don Heddesheimer - The First Holocaust; The Surprising Origin
of the Six-Million Figure
7 - Arthur R. Butz - The Hoax of the Twentieth Century; The Case
Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry
8 - Carlo Mattogno & Jurgen Graf - Treblinka; Transit Camo or
Extermination Camp
9 - Carlo Mattogno - Belzec; In Propaganda, Testimonies,
Archeological Research & History
10 - Carlo Mattogno - Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and
Meaning of a Term
11 - Carlo Mattogno - Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz; Black
Propaganda Versus History
12 - Ingrid Weekert - Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
13 - Carlo Mattogno - The Central Construction Office of the
Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities,
14 - G. Rudolf, S. Thion, R. Faurisson & C. Mattogno - Auschwitz;
Plain Facts; A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac
15 - Germar Rudolf - Lectures on the Holocaust; Controversial
Issues Cross-Examined
16 - Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson. Germar Rudolf - The
Leuchter Reports; Critical Edition
17 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Open Air Incinerations
18 - Germar Rudolf & Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz Lies; Legends,
Lies & Prejudices on the Holocaust
19 - J. Graf, Thomas Kues & C. Mattogno - Sobibor; Holocaust
Propaganda and Reality
20 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; The First Gassing; Rumor and
21 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Crematorium I and the Alleged
Homicidal Gassings
22 - Carlo Mattogno - The Real Case for Auschwitz; Robert van
Pelt's Evidence from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed
23 - Carlo Mattogno - Chelmno; A German Camp in History &
24 - Carlo Mattogno & Franco Deana - The Cremation Furnaces of
Auschwitz; a Technical and Historical Study
25 - Carlo Mattogno - Inside the Gas Chambers; The Extermination
of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography
26 - Santiago Alvarez & Pierre Marais - the Gas Vans; a Critical
27 - John Clive Ball - Air Photo Evidence; World War Two Photos
of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed
28 - C. Mattogno, T. Kues & J. Graf - The ''Extermination Camps''
of ''Aktion Reinhardt'' (Part 1 of 2)
29 - Walter N. Sanning - The Dissolution of Eastern European
30 - Warren B. Routledge - Holocaust High Priest; Elie Wiesel,
Night, The Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism
31 - Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking The Spell
32 - Thomas Dalton - Debating the Holocaust
33 - Carlo Mattogno - Healthcare in Auschwitz; Medical Care and
Special Treatment of Registered Inmates
38 - Carlo Mattogno - The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations,
Distortions and Deceptions
Auschwitz - Faked Death Camp Medical Experiment Photos
Belsen Trial - Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals Vol. II
Bible Believers Website - Is The Holocaust A Hoax
Chaim Simons - A Historical Survey of Proposals to Transfer Arabs
from Palestine 1895 - 1947
Ditlieb Felderer - Anne Frank's Diary; a Hoax
Interview With Professor Robert Faurisson (Tehran, December 13,
Jews Declare War On Germany 1933
Mark Burdman - How Britain's Biggest Racists And Financiers
Created Zionism
Nikolaus Gruner - Stolen Identity (Exposing Elie Wiesel)
Paul Rassinier - The Real Eichmann Trial; The Incorrigible
R. H. Countess, C. Lindtner & G. Rudolf - Exactitude; Festschrift
For Robert Faurisson On His 75th Birthday
Robert Faurisson - Impact and Future Of Historical Revisionism
(Institute for Historical Review)
Robert John - Behind The Balfour Declaration; Britain's Great War
Pledge To Lord Rothschild
The Jewish Lie of the 'Nazi Annihilation Plan'
Two Hundred 'Six Million Jews' Allegations From 1900-1945 (Before
German Army Documentary Evidence of Katyn Massacre
Dr. Friedrich Stieve - What The World Rejected; Hitler's Peace
Offers 1933-1939
Skin Lampshades
Interview with Zionist Harold Rosenthal - 'Our God Is Lucifer'
Background And Detailed Chronology Of Ernest Zundel's Persecution
British Murders Of Waffen-SS Soldiers At Dachau; Unremembered
Harrell Rhome - Deconstructing Six Million Holo-Myths; Exploring
the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma
James J. Martin - Revisionist Viewpoints; Essays in a Dissident
Historical Tradition
Propaganda Photographs; The Holocaust Fakes Revealed
Samuel Crowell - Defending Against The Allied Bombing Campaign;
Air Raid Shelters and Gas Protection in Germany 1939-1945
Serge Thion - A Brief History Of Revisionism

Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Islam, Paganism & Christianity

A. T. Jones - Ancient Sun Worship and Its Impact on Christianity
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons; Papal Worship Proved to be
Worship of Nimrod and his Wife
Andrew C. Skinner - Serpent Symbols & Salvation in the Ancient
Near East and the Book Of Mormon
Anonymous - Ophiolatreia; An Account of the Rites and Mysteries
Connected With the Origin, Rise and Development of Serpent
Clifford Howard - Sex Worship; An Exposition of Phallic Origin of
Col. J. Garnier - The Worship of the Dead; Origin and Nature of
Pagan Idolatry
Dr. Abu A. B. Philips - Fundamentals Of Tawheed (Islamic
Dr. H. Oort - The Worship of Baalim in Israel
Elford Higgens - Hebrew Idolatry and Superstition; Its Place In
Ernest de Bunsen - The Keys of Saint Peter or the House of Rechab
Connected with the History of Symbolism and Idolatry
Frederic Portal - A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols With Those of
the Hebrews
G. R. Hawting - The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam;
From Polemic to History
Henry D. Ward - History of the Cross; the Pagan Origin, and
Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image
J. Endell Tyler - Image-Worship of the Church of Rome
J. Endell Tyler - The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the
Church of Rome
Joanne Pearson - Wicca and the Christian Heritage; Ritual, Sex
and Magic
Joseph Brown - Eastern Christianity and the War; Idolatry,
Superstition and Corruption
L. A. Craighen - The Practice of Idolatry
Rev. A. S. Thelwall - The Idolatry of Church of Rome
Rev. John Mendham - The Seventh General Council; The Second of
Nicea, Held A.D. 787, in which Worship if Images was
Richard A. Gabriel - Gods of Our Fathers; The Memory of Egypt in
Judaism and Christianity
Sha Rocco - The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship
Simon - Papal Magic and Occult Practices within the Catholic
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - What is Romanism; The
Supremacy of the Pope, Pardons and Indulgences Granted
by the Pope
T. W. S. Jones - The Queen of Heaven; Mamma Schiavona
Thomas Inman - Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism
William H. Kennedy - Lucifer's Lodge; Satanic Ritual Abuse in the
Catholic Church

Collection - The Journal of Historical Review

Volume 1-21 (94 Files)
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty
Andrew Fabius - The Rothschild Money Trust
Arthur L. Humphreys - Lady De Rothschild; Extracts From Her
Notebooks With a Preface by Her Daughter Constance Battersea
Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Rise of the House of Rothschild
Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Reign of the House of Rothschild
Frederic Morton - The Rothschilds; a Family Portrait
George Armstrong - Money Trust
Guy de Rothschild - The Whims of Fortune
Ignatius Balla - The Romance of the Rothschilds
John Reeves - The Rothschilds; The Financial Rulers of Nations
John T. Flynn - Men of Wealth; The Story of Twelve Significant
Fortunes from the Renaissance to the Present Day
Marcus Eli Ravage - Five Men Of Frankfort; The Story of The
Mary E. Hobart - The Secret of the Rothschilds
Niall Ferguson - The House of the Rothschilds
Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail of America
The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed

Committee for Truth in History

The Six Million Reconsidered; Is the 'Nazi Holocaust' Story a
Zionist Propaganda Ploy

Count Emmanuel Malynski

The Occult War - The Judeo-Masonic Plan To Conquer The World

Curtis B. Dall
Franklin Delano Roosevelt; My Exploited Father-in-law

David Duke
ADL Report - David Duke
Jewish Supremacism
My Awakening
The Secret Behind Communism

David F. Crew
Germans On Welfare; From Weimar To Hitler

David Irving
1965 - In The Service of the Reich; The Memoirs of Field Marshal
1965 - The Mares Nest; The War Against Hitler's Secret
'Vengeance' Weapons
1967 - Accident; The Death of General Sikorski
1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17
1968 - The Virus House; Germany's Atomic Research and Allied
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst I
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst II
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst III
1973 - The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force
1981 - The War Between the Generals
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor (Deutsch)
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
1986 - Morgenthau Plan (Deutsch)
1986 - Morgenthau Plan Introduction In English
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt1
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt2
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt3
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt4
1987 - Hess; The Missing Years 1941-1945
1989 - Göring; A Biography
1996 - Goebbels; Mastermind of the Third Reich
1996 - Nuremberg; The Last Battle
2001 - Hitler's War and the War Path
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity appendices
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity endnotes
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity index
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt1
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt2
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt3
2003 - Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
2005 - Rommel The Trail of the Fox
2007 - Apocalypse 1945; The Destruction of Dresden
2007 - Secretly Overheard - Eavesdropping On Hitlers Reich

David L. Hoggan
The Forced War - When Peaceful Revision Failed
The Myth Of The Six Million

David Lane
88 Precepts
Deceived, Damned & Defiant
Interview With Meredith Viera
KD Rebel

Dean Henderson
The Federal Reserve Cartel

Dietrich Eckhart
Bolshevism - From Moses To Lenin

Don Heddesheimer
The First Holocaust.; Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With
Holocaust Claims During And After World War I

Douglas Reed
A Prophet At Home
All Our To-Morrows
Disgrace Abounding
Far and Wide
Fire and Bomb; A Comparison between the Burning of the Reichstag
and the Bomb Explosion at Munich
From Smoke To Smother
Galanty Show (Novel)
Grand Design of the 20th Century
Insanity Fair
Lest We Regret
Nemesis; The Story of Otto Strasser
Otto Strasser - History In My Time (Translated by Douglas Reed)
Otto Strasser - The Prisoner Of Ottawa (Translated by Douglas
Somewhere South of Suez
The Battle For Rhodesia
The Controversy of Zion
The Siege Of Southern Africa
Douglas Valentine
The Phoenix Program

E. Michael Jones
Culture Wars Exerpts (5 Files)
L'affaire Williamson; The Catholic Church and Holocaust Denial
Libido Dominandi - Sexual Liberation & Political Control
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And It's Impact On World History

Eckhart Verlag
Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919 - 1932

Edward Kritzler
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean

Eric Dubay
Famous Freemasons Identified; Masonry From the Vatican to

Ernst Hiemer (Deutsch)

Ernst Hiemer - Poisonous Mushroom (Illustrated by Philipp
Fips (Philipp Rupprecht) - Les Juifs Se Presentent (Illustration
of the Jews)
The Jew in the Proverb of the Peoples (Deutsch)

Eustace Mullins
America's New Robber Barons
Exposes and Legal Actions
F.D.R. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
How to be a United States Senator; The Hiding Place
Murder by Injection - The Great Swine Flu Massacre
Murder by Injection; The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against
New History of the Jews
Phoney Wars for Phoney Peace and the Ministry of Fear
Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Secrets of the Federal Reserve; The London Connection
Sigmund Freud; Antichrist Devil
The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax
The Biological Jew
The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins
The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins (Different Version)
The Curse Of Canaan
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Propagandists
The Gentle Art Of Thought Control
The Great Betrayal - The General Welfare Clause Of The
The Holocaust Explained
The Man Who Refused To Lose
The Rape Of Justice - Americas Tribunals Exposed
The Reuters Connection(s)
The Scandal Unveiled
The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb
The Secret Holocaust
The Secret Holocaust (Different Version)
This Difficult Individual - Ezra Pound
War! War! War! By Cincinnatus - Forword By Eustace Mullins
Warning - The Department Of Justice Is Dangerous To Americans
Who Owns The TV Networks
Alfred Rosenberg & Track of The Jew Through the Ages
An Appeal Against Racism
Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite and Fight Against the World Government
Behind The Falkland Islands Story
Boycott the Jewish Weapon
Celebration of Rosh Hashnah
Christian Serbia; Black Hand Salonikan Jews (An extract from the
Curse of Canaan)
Elegy for a State
Eustace Mullins Visits American Free Press
George Viereck
Henry The K
Heroes of the Right Wing
Huey Long
Inflation; The Jewish Desease
Inside Story of Douglas MacArthur
Murder on The Supreme Court
My Life in Christ
My Struggle
New Look at Herzl
The Black Plague; Destroying America from Within
The Danger of International Merger-Mania
The Day Virginia Died
The Great Swine Flu Massacre 1976 Murder By Injection, Sixteen
Hundred Dead
The Lindberg Murders; Hauptmann Was Innocent; The Prosecution and
Defence Combined to Frame Him
The London Connection
The Reuters Connection(s)
The Secret of Iraq
The War Against Christianity
The World Order; A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
War Against The Christian World
Washington DC; City of Fear
Why General Patton Was Murdered

Executive Intelligence Review

The Ugly Truth About The Anti-Defamation League
The Coming Fall of The House of Windsor
Children of Satan

Francis Galton
English Men of Science; Their Nature and Nurture
Essays in Eugenics
Hereditary Genius; An Inquiry Into its Laws and Consequences
Probability, the Foundation of Eugenics; The Herbert Spencer

Francis Parker Yockey

Francis Parker Yockey on Racialism
The Collected Works of Francis Parker Yockey (13 files)
The Scientific-Technic World-Outlook
Imperium; The Philosophy of History and Politics

Frank L. Britton
Behind Communism
Frank K. Salter
On Genetic Interests; Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age
of Mass Migration

Freda Utley
The High Cost Of Vengeance

Fredrick Toben
Fight Or Flight; The Personal Face Of Revisionism

Friedrich von Bernhardi

Britain as Germany's Vassal
Cavalry in Future Wars
Cavalry in War and Peace
Germany and England
Germany And The Next War
How Germany Makes War
The War of the Future

Friedrick Karl Wiebe

Germany and the Jewish Problem

Gavriel D. Rosenfeld
The World Hitler Never Made; Alternate History and the Memory of

Gedaliah Braun
Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred & Self-Deceit; The Dark Continent

George Whitehead
Mending Mankind; The Factors Of Racial Health

Gerald Burton Winrod

A Defense of Christ's Cause
Mussolini's Place in Prophecy
The Tabernacle, Temple & Throne
The Truth About The Protocols

Gerd Honsik
Fiend and Felon; Perjury, Power and Murder in the Footsteps of

Germar Rudolf
Resistance Is Obligatory

Giles MacDonogh
1938; Hitler's Gamble

Gordon Thomas
Gideon's Spies; The Secret History of the Mossad

Gottfreid Feder
The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation
The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on
The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party
and its General Conceptions

Grant F. Smith
Big Israel; How Israel's Lobby Moves America

Gustav Freytag
Debit and Credit

Hanns Anderson
The Jew As Criminal

Hans F. K. Günther
The Racial Elements of European History
The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans

Harrell Rhome
From The Temple To The Talmud; Exploring Judaic Origins, History,
Folklore and Tribal Traditions
Deconstructing Six Million Holo-Myths; Exploring the Occult
Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma

H. B. Isherwood
Race and Politics; The Myth of Racial Equality
Racial Contours; The Factor of Race in Human Survival

Hellmut Schramm
Jewish Ritual Murder - An Historical Investigation

Henri Roques
The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein

Henry Ford
My Life and Work
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem

Hermann Göring
Germany Reborn

Hermann Greife
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia

Human Rights Watch

Fatal Strike; Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians
In Lebanon

Indigenist Intelligence Review

When Victims Become Victimisers; Zionism’s Angry Xenophobic War
Against Itself and the Rest of the World

Israel Shahak
Jewish History, Jewish Religion; the Weight of Three Thousand
The Zionist Plan for the Middle-East

Jack B. Tenney
The Anti-Defamation League & The Fight to Save America
The Zionist Network
Zion's Fifth Column
Zion's Trojan Horse

Jacob S. Eder
Holocaust Angst; The Federal Republic of Germany and American
Holocaust Memory Since the 1970s

James Bacque
Crimes and Mercies; The Fate of German Civilians under Allied
Occupation 1944 - 1950
Eisenhower's Death Camps; The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two
Other Losses; The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of
Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians under General Eisenhower's Command

James M. Ennes Jr.

Assault On The Liberty; The True Story of the Israeli Attack on
an American Intelligence Ship

James W. Von Brunn

''Kill The Best Gentiles''; The Racialist Guide For The
Preservation and Nurture of the White Gene Pool

Jared Taylor
Paved With Good Intentions; The Failure of Race Relations in
Contemporary America
White Identity; Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century

Jewish Tribal Review

When Victims Rule; A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America

J. M. Spaight
Air Power in the Next War
Aircraft In War
War Rights On Land
Bombing Vindicated

John Colin Campbell Jordan

National Socialism; Vanguard of the Future
The Uprising

John Glad
Future Human Evolution - Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century
Jewish Eugenics

John Sack
An Eye For An Eye; The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge For the

John W. DeCamp
The Franklin Cover-Up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in

Jonathon Marshall
The Iran-Contra Connection; Secret Teams and Covert Operations in
Reagan Era (with Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter)

Jonathan Peter Spiro

Defending the Master Race; Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy
of Madison Grant

Joseph Goebbels
The 'Nazi-Sozi' - Questions and Answers for National Socialists
Bolshevism in Theory and Practice
Communism with the Mask Off

J. Philippe Rushton
Race, Evolution and Behavior; A Life History Perspective
Thirty Years of Research; Differences in Cognitive Ability (with
Arthur R. Jensen)

Karl Radl
Semitic Controversies

Kevin B. MacDonald
I - A People That Shall Dwell Alone; Judaism as a Group
Evolutionary Strategy
II - Separation And Its Discontents Toward an Evolutionary Theory
of Anti-Semitism
III - The Culture of Critique; An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish
Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political
A Revisionist View of Anti-Semitism (Review)
ADL Report - Kevin MacDonald
Can The Jewish Model Help The West To Survive (Speech Transcript)
Comment On Ilana Mercer's 'Blame The Jews'
Diaspora Peoples; Preface to 'A People That Shall Dwell Alone;
Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy'
Enemies of My Enemy (Review)
Evolutionary Strategies Of Ethnocentric Behavior (Review)
Henry Ford and the Jewish Question (Review)
Immigration And The Unmentionable Question Of Ethnic Interests
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-
1965; An Historical Review
Preface to 'The Culture of Critique'
Stalin's Willing Executioners; Jews as a Hostile Elite in the
USSR (Review)
The Alt Right & the Jews
The Conservatism Of Fools; A Response To John Derbyshire
Thinking About Neoconservatism
Understanding Jewish Influence - A Study in Ethnic Activism
Was The 1924 Inmmigration Cut-off ''Racist''
Obama at AIPAC 2012

Klaus Polkehn
The Secret Contacts; Zionism and Nazi Germany 1933-1941

Léon Degrelle
The Story of the Waffen-SS
Campaign In Russia; The Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
Letter to the Pope on His Visit to Auschwitz
The Eastern Front; Memoirs of a Waffen-SS Volunteer 1941-1945

Leonard Young
Deadlier than the H-Bomb

Louis Marschalko
The World Conquerors; The Real War Criminals

Madison Grant
The Conquest of a Continent
The Passing of the Great Race; The Racial Basis of European

Marcus Eli Ravage

A Real Case Against the Jews; Commissary to the Gentiles

Martin Luther, Dr.

The Jews And Their Lies

Mary Phagan Kean

The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

Matt Nuenke
Shattering the Myth of Racism Vol. II

Michael A. Hoffman
Judaism Discovered
Judaism's Strange Gods
King Kill 33; Masonic Symbolism Behind the Assassination of JFK
They Were White and They Were Slaves; The Untold History of the
Enslavement of Whites in Early America

Michael Collins Piper

Best Witnesses
Final Count
High Priests of War
Judas Goats
The Confessions Of An Anti-Semite
The Golem - A World Held Hostage
The New Babylon
Ye Shall Know the Truth; 101 Books Nationalists Needs To Read
Before They Ban Them

Michael F. Connors
Dealing In Hate; The Development Of Anti-German Propaganda

Michael Hudson
Killing the Host; How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage
Destroy the Global Economy

Michael Sharpe
Leibstandarte; Hitler's Elite Bodyguard

Michael Walsh
The Triumph Of Reason - The Thinking Man's Hitler

Milan Hauner
Hitler; A Chronology of His Life and Time

Mike S. King
Bancarotta; An Allegory about Central Banking (or What Ron Paul
Didn't Say in 'End the Fed')
God Vs. Darwin
Interview with Hitler; An Educational Parody
Killing America; A 100 Year Murder, 40 Historical Wounds that
Bill O'Reilly Didn't Write About
Mein Side of the Story; Key World War II Addresses of Adolf
Napoleon Vs. The Old and New World Orders
Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order
1763-1939 (Part 1)
Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order
WW2-2015 (Part 2)
President Psycho!; The Hidden Past of Barack Obama
Putin Vs. Obama or Macho Man Vs. Girly Boy (Pictures)
The Bad War; The Truth Never Taught About World War II
The Morphine Genocide - How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly
With 'Palliative Care'
The Real Roosevelts; An Omitted History, What PBS & Ken Burns
Didn't Tell You
The War Against Putin; What the Government-Media Complex Isn't
Telling You About Russia

Naeim Giladi
Ben-Gurion's Scandals; How the Hagannah and the Mossad Eliminated

Nahum Sokolow
History of Zionism 1600-1918

Norman Finkelstein
The Holocaust Industry; Reflections on the Exploitations of
Jewish Suffering

Otto Dietrich
With Hitler on the Road to Power

Ovid Need Jr.

Identifying Identity; A Biblical Examination of Assumptions Found
In British-Israelism, Anglo-Saxonism & Christian-Identity

Patrick J. Buchanan
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of
The Death Of The West; How Dying Populations and Immigrant
Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilisation

Paul Findley
They Dare To Speak Out; People & Institutions Confront Israel's

Paul Rassinier
The Real Eichmann Trial or The Incorrigible Victors

Peter Schäfer
Jesus in the Talmud

Phd. Albert D. Pastore

Stranger Than Fiction; An Independent Investigation of 9-11 and
the War on Terrorism

Phillip Mauro
The Hope of Israel; What is it

Rev. Denis Fahey

Rulers of Russia

Rev. E. Cahill
Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement
Revilo P. Oliver
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
Can 'Liberals' Be Educated
Christianity - A Religion For Sheep (as Ralph Perier)
The Enemy of Our Enemies
The Jewish Religion
The Jewish Strategy
The Origins of Christianity
What We Owe Our Parasites
Reflections On The Christ Myth

Richard Harwood
Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials; A New Look

Robert H. Williams
The Ultimate World Order

Robert Ley
The Pestilential Miasma Of The World

Robert W. Whitaker
Why Johnny Can't Think - America's Professor-Priesthood

Roger Garaudy
The Founding Myths Of Israeli Politics

Rolf Wiggershaus
The Frankfurt School

S. Z. Batten
Building A Community
If America Fail; Our National Mission and Our Possible Future
The Christian State; The State, Democracy, and Christianity
The New Citizenship; Christian Character in its Biblical Ideas,
Sources, and Relations
The New World Order
The Social Task Of Christianity; A Summons to the New Crusade

Seymour M. Hersh
The Samson Option; Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign

Sheldon Emry
America Will Turn - Suddenly
An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches ''The Jews Are
Bible Law on Money
Billions For The Bankers & Debts For The People
Cinderella - Israel in Disguise
God Punishes Israel

Silas Walter Adams

The Legalized Crime of Banking

Stephen A. Zarlenga
Lost Science of Money; The Mythology of Money; The Story of Power

Stephen Birmingham
Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City
Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City

Suzan McGee
Chasing Goldman Sachs; How the Masters of the Universe Melted
Wall Street Down and Why They'll Take Us to the Brink Again

Stephen Sizer
Christian Zionism; Its History Theology And Politics

Susan Cavin
Office of Strategic Services & the Frankfurt School; Recycling
the ''Damaged Lives of Cultural Outsiders''

Tim Ripley
Hitler's Praetorians; The History Of The Waffen-SS 1925-1945

T. Lothrop Stoddard
Racial Realities in Europe
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

Theodor Fritsch
The Riddle Of The Jew's Success

Thomas Goodrich
Hellstorm; The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947

Udo Walendy
Forged ''War Crime'' Photos Malign The German People!
Holocaust Fake Photographs
Image Documents for the Historiography (Deutsch)
The Development of a Picture in Three Steps
The Fake Photograph Problem
The Right In Which We Live
Truth For Germany; The Guilt Question of the Second World War

Valdas Anelauskas
Zionism & Russia

Vicomte Leon de Poncins

Freemasonry and Judaism; Secret Powers Behind Revolution
Judaism and the Vatican; An Attempt At Spiritual Subversion
State Secrets - A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary
Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics

Victor E. Marsden
Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Translated by Victor E.

Victor Ostrovsky
By Way Of Deception - The Making & Unmaking Of A Mossad Officer

Viktor Suvorov
Icebreaker; Who Started the Second World War

Vincent Coppola
Dragons of God; A Journey Through Far-Right America
Vladimir Avdeyev
Raciology; The Science Of The Hereditary Traits Of Peoples
(Foreword by Kevin MacDonald)

Vladimir Stepin
The Nature Of Zionism

V. K. Clark
Warwolves of the Iron Cross; The Union Jackal

Werner Sombart
The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Who We Are

William L. Pierce
Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945
The Turner Diaries

William S. Sadler
Race Decadence; An Examination of the Causes of Racial Degeneracy
in the United States

Willie Martin
1001 Quotes By & About Jews
A Chronology of the International Conspiracy To Form The New
World Order
Communism - A Jewish Talmudic Concept
The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice

Wilmot Robertson
The Dispossessed Majority
The Ethnostate



Psychology & Philosophy


Psychology & Philosophy

A. Alpheus - Complete Hypnotism; Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and

Arthur Jensen - The g Factor; The Science of Mental Ability.pdf
Bud A. McClure - A New Spin On Groups; The Science Of Chaos.pdf
C. R. Snyder & Shane J. Lopez - Positive Psychology.pdf
Christopher Hedberg - Cornering the Magician; Evaluating Neuro-
Linguistic Programming.pdf
Christopher S. Hyatt - Secrets of Western Tantra; The Sexuality
Of The Middle Path.pdf
Dagobert D. Runes - German Existentialism; Martin Heidegger's
Speeches As The Freiburg Chancellor 1933-1934.pdf
Dave Grossman - On Killing; The Psychological Cost of Learning to
Kill in War and Society.pdf
Dick Sutphen - The Battle For Your Mind.pdf
Elmer Pendell - Why Civilizations Self-Destruct.pdf
Eric S. Knowles - Resistance And Persuasion.pdf
Erik Du Plessis - The Advertised Mind.pdf
Frank Thilly - A History of Philosophy.pdf
G.W.F. Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit (Translated by A. V.
H. D. Thoreau - On the Relation of the Individual to the
J. C. Meredith - Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement.pdf
J. Grinder & R. Bandler - Trance-Formations, Neuro-Linguistic
Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis.pdf
James R. Flynn - What Is Intelligence.pdf
Jan Assmann - The Price of Monotheism (Translated by Robert
Jesse Bering - The Belief Instinct; The Psychology of Souls,
Destiny, and the Meaning of Life.pdf
John N. Crossley - Mathematical Logic.pdf
Jules Henry - Culture Against Man.pdf
Jules Henry - Pathways To Madness.pdf
Kathleen Taylor - Brainwashing; The Science of Thought
L. J. Shrum - The Psychology Of Entertainment.pdf
L. Ron Hubbard - Brainwashing Manual; Synthesis of the Russian
Textbook on Psychopolitics.pdf
Lance S. Owens - Jung and Aion; Time, Vision and a Wayfaring
Lance S. Owens - The Hermeneutics of Vision; C. G. Jung and Liber
Louisa S. Cook - Geometrical Psychology or the Science of
M. David Litwa - Desiring Divinity; Self-Deification in Early
Jewish and Christian Mythmaking.pdf
Manhood Academy - The Principles of Social Competance.pdf
Michael Hutchison - Mega Brain; New Tools and Techniques For
Brain Growth and Mind Expansion.pdf
Miguel Serrano - Nos; The Book of the Resurrection.pdf
Philippe L. De Coster - Psychosynthesis and the Inner Life.pdf
R. Von Krafft-Ebing - Psychopathia Sexualis; With Especial
Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct; A Medico-Legal Study.pdf
Ragnar Redbeard - Might Is Right.pdf
Raymond Cattell - A New Morality From Science; Beyondism.pdf
Rex S. Sikes - The Ultimate Neuro-Linguistic Programming Home
Study Course.pdf
Richard Bandler - Frogs into Princes; Neuro-Linguistic
Robert A. Johnson - Inner Work; Using Dreams & Active Imagination
For Personal Growth.pdf
Robert B. Cialdini - Influence; The Psychology of Persuasion.pdf
Robert Dilts - Sleight of Mouth; The Magic of Conversational
Belief Change.pdf
Robert Trivers - The Folly of Fools; The Logic of Deceit and
Self-Deception in Human Life.pdf
Terrence McKenna - The Invisible Landscape; Mind Hallucinogens &
The I Ching.pdf
The New Science of Giambattista Vico (Translated by Thomas G.
Bergin & Max H. Fisch).pdf
Thomson Jay Hudson - The Law of Psychic Phenomena.pdf
W. A. Shelburne - C. G. Jung's Theory of the Collective
Unconscious; A Rational Reconstruction.pdf
W. W. Atkinson - Memory; How To Develop, Train and Use It.pdf

Alan Watts
A Psychedelic Experience.mobi
Does It Matter.epub
From Time to Eternity.mobi
Lectures and Essays.mobi
Myth and Ritual in Christianity.pdf
Nature Man And Woman.pdf
Psychedelics and Religious Experience.pdf
The Art of Contemplation.pdf
The Book On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are.pdf
The Joyous Cosmology.mobi
The Legacy of Asia and Western Man.pdf
The New Alchemy.mobi
The Philosophies of Asia.mobi
The Soul-Searchers.pdf
The Spirit of Zen.pdf
The Way of Zen.pdf

Arthur Schopenhauer
The Wisdom of Life (T. Bailey Saunders Translation).pdf
The World As Will And Idea (E. F. J. Payne Translation).pdf
The World As Will And Idea (R. B. Haldane & J. Kemp

Carl G. Jung
Aion; Researches Into the Phenomenology of the Self.pdf
Analytical Psychology.pdf
Carl Jung Quotations.pdf
Interviews & Encounters.pdf
Joseph Campbell - The Portable Jung.pdf
Man and His Symbols.pdf
Memories, Dreams, Reflections.pdf
Psychology of the Unconscious.pdf
Seven Sermons To The Dead, Written By Basilides In Alexandria.pdf
The Psychology of Dementia Praecox.pdf
The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga.pdf
The Red Book.pdf
The Secret of the Golden Flower (With Richard Wilhelm).pdf
The Theory of Psychoanalysis.pdf

Count Alfred Korzybski

A Veteran's Re-adjustment and Extensional Methods.pdf
Five Lectures On General Semantics.pdf
Foreword To A Theory Of Meaning Analyzed (With M. Kendig).pdf
Manhood of Humanity.pdf
Science and Sanity; An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems
and General Semantics.pdf
What I Believe.pdf

Eduard von Hartmann

Kant's Epistemology and Metaphysics in the Four Periods of their
Development (Deutsch).pdf
Philosophy of the Unconscious Vol. I.pdf
Philosophy of the Unconscious Vol. II.pdf
Philosophy of the Unconscious Vol. III.pdf
The Spiritism (Deutsch).pdf

Ernest Belfort Bax

A Handbook of the History of Philosophy.pdf
A Short History of the Paris Commune.pdf
German Culture; Past and Present.pdf
German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages.pdf
Jean-Paul Marat; the People's Friend.pdf
Outspoken Essays on Social Subjects.pdf
Problems Of Men, Mind, And Morals.pdf
Reminiscences and Reflexions of a Mid and Late Victorian.pdf
Rise and Fall of the Anabaptists.pdf
The Ethics of Socialism; Being Further Essays in Modern Socialist
The Fraud of Feminism.pdf
The Last Episode of the French Revolution; Being a History of
Gracchus Babeuf and the Conspiracy of the Equals.pdf
The Legal Subjection of Men.pdf
The Peasants War in Germany; 1525-1526.pdf
The Real, the Rational, and the Alogical.pdf
The Roots of Reality; Being Suggestions for a Philosophical
The Story of the French Revolution.pdf

G. Stanley Hall
Adolescence; Its Psychology and its Relations to Physiology,
Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion and Education.pdf
Educational Problems.pdf
Founders of Modern Psychology.pdf
Hints Toward a Select and Descriptive Bibliography of
Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Psychology.pdf
Senescence; The Last Half of Life.pdf
The American Journal of Psychology.pdf
Youth, its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene.pdf

Gustave Le Bon
Applications of Psychology to the Classification of Races.pdf
How Races and Peoples Transform their Civilization and Arts.pdf
On the Capacity of the Skull of a Number of Celebrated Men.pdf
The Crowd; A Study of the Popular Mind.pdf
The Evolution of Forces.pdf
The Evolution of Matter.pdf
The Influence of Race in History.pdf
The Psychology of Peoples.pdf
The Psychology of Revolution.pdf
The Psychology of Socialism.pdf
The World Unbalanced.pdf

Immanuel Kant
Answer the Question; What is Enlightenment.pdf
Critique of Judgment (Translated by J. H. Bernard).pdf
Dreams of a Spirit-Seer.pdf
Educational Theory.pdf
Kant's Introduction to Logic; and his Essay on the Mistaken
Subtilty of the Four Figures.pdf
Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.pdf
Perpetual Peace; A Philosophical Essay.pdf

U. G. Krishnamurti
No Way Out.pdf
The Mystique of Enlightenment.pdf
A Life (by Mahesh Bhatt).pdf
Mind Is A Myth.pdf
The Sage and the Housewife.pdf

Walter B. Cannon
''Voodoo'' Death.pdf
Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage; An Account of
Recent Researches Into the Function of Emotional Excitement.pdf
Organization For Physiological Homeostasis.pdf
The Mechanical Factors of Digestion.pdf
Traumatic Shock.pdf

Wilhelm Max Wundt

An Introduction To Psychology.pdf
Elements of Folk Psychology; Outlines of a Psychological History
of the Development of Mankind.pdf
Ethics; An Investigation of the Facts and Laws of the Moral
Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology.pdf
Outlines of Psychology.pdf
Principles of Physiological Psychology.pdf
The Priniciples of Morality and the Departments of the Moral Life
Vol. III.pdf


The Furnace
(Subversive Jewish Literature)

The Furnace (Subversive Jewish Literature)

A. Arto & E. Gebhardt - The Essential Frankfurt School Reader.pdf

A. C. Cuza - The Science of Anti-Semitism.pdf
A. G. Mackey - Encylopedia of Freemasonry Vol. 1 & 2.pdf
A. Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand; An Introduction to the
Conspiratorial View of History.pdf
A. Torijano - Solomon the Esoteric King.pdf
ADL - The Talmud in Anti-Semitic Polemics.pdf
Agnes Grunwald-Spier - The Other Schindlers; Why Some People
Chose to Save Jews in the Holocaust.epub
Alan Baker - Invisible Eagle.pdf
Albert Pike - Morals And Dogma.pdf
Albert S. Lindemann - The Jew Accused; Three Anti-Semitic Affairs
(Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894-1915.pdf
Alexander Dugin - The Eurasian Idea.pdf
Alice Bailey - The Consciousness of the Atom.pdf
Alice Bailey - The Externalization of the Hierarchy.pdf
Alvin Boyd Kuhn - A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom.pdf
Alvin Toffler - The Third Wave.pdf
American Jewish Committee - The Jews in Nazi Germany; The Factual
Record of their Persecution by the National Socialists.pdf
Andrea Dworkin - Woman Hating; A Radical Look At Sexuality.pdf
Anne Frank - The Diary Of A Young Girl.pdf
Anthony Borgia - Life in the World Unseen.pdf
Anthony Borgia - More of Life in the World Unseen.pdf
Anthony Walsh - Science Wars; Politics, Gender, & Race.pdf
Anti-Defamation League; News Articles.pdf
Anti-Defamation Leauge; News Articles.pdf
Arbatel Of Magick - Of the Magic of the Ancients, The Greatest
Study of Wisdom.pdf
Arthur Koestler - The Thirteenth Tribe.pdf
Bell Hooks - Feminism Is For Everybody.pdf
Bell Hooks - Understanding Patriarchy.pdf
Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities; Reflections on the
Origin and Spread of Nationalism.pdf
Bernard Lazare - Antisemitism, It's History & Causes.pdf
Bill Hughes - The Secret Terrorists.pdf
Borce T. Gjorgjievski - History of Western Magic.pdf
Caroline Stoessinger - A Century of Wisdom; Lessons from the Life
of Alice Herz-Sommer, the World's Oldest Living Holocaust
Christopher Hutton - Race in the Third Reich.pdf
Colin Flaherty - White Girl Bleed A Lot.pdf
Constance Cumbey - A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age
Constance Cumbey - Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow.pdf
Dan Cohn-Sherbok - Fifty Key Jewish Thinkers.pdf
Daniel Goleman - Vital Lies, Simple Truths; The Psychology of
Self Deception.pdf
David Crossland - The Jewish Candidate.mobi
David Meir-Levi - Big Lies; Demolishing the Myths of the
Propaganda War Against Israel.pdf
Denying History - Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened And Why
Do They Say It - Michael Shermer And Alex Grobman.pdf
Eduard 'Billy' Meier - The Talmud of Jmmanuel.pdf
Edward L. Bernays - Crystallizing Public Opinion.pdf
Edwin Black - IBM & the Holocaust.pdf
Eric Ehrenreich - The Nazi Ancestral Proof; Genealogy, Racial
Science, and the Final Solution.pdf
Eric Lamet - A Child al Confino; The True Story of a Jewish Boy
and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy.epub
Erich Fromm - The Fear of Freedom.pdf
Ernest Gellner - Nationalism.pdf
Eva Cox - A Truly Civil Society.pdf
Eve Ensler - The Vagina Monologues.pdf
Flavius Josephus - The Antiquities Of The Jews.pdf
Francis Barrett - The Magus; Celestial Intelligencer - A Complete
System of Occult Philosophy.pdf
Frank H. Hankins - The Racial Basis of Civilisation; A Critique
of the Nordic Doctrine.pdf
Frankfurt School - Critical Theory and Society.pdf
Frederick L Schuman - The Nazi Dictatorship; A Study in Social
Pathology and the Politics of Facism.pdf
Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents.pdf
Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines.pdf
Gary Allen & Larry Abraham - None Dare Call It Conspiracy.pdf
Gerald Green - Holocaust.epub
Gerald Kolpan - Magic Words; The Tale of a Jewish Boy-
Interpreter, the Frontier's Most Estimable Magician a Murderous
Harlot and America's Greatest Indian Chief.epub
Gertrude Landa - Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends.pdf
Geza Roheim - Mirror Magic (Deutsch).epub
Geza Roheim - Moon Mythology and Lunar Religion; A Psychoanalytic
Geza Roheim - Psychoanalysis and the Social Sciences.epub
Gustav Karpeles - Jewish Literature.pdf
Guy Debord - The Society Of The Spectacle.pdf
Harry Golden - A Little Girl Is Dead.pdf
Harry Golden - The Lynching of Leo Frank.pdf
Harry Waton - A Program for the Jews; An Answer to All Anti
Semites; A Program for Humanity.pdf
Henry Orenstein - I Shall Live; Surviving the Holocaust Against
All Odds.epub
Herbert Marcuse - Counter-Revolution and Revolt.pdf
Herbert Marcuse - Eros and Civilisation.pdf
Herbert Marcuse - One-Dimensional Man.pdf
Herbert Marcuse - Reason and Revolution; Hegel and the Rise of
Social Theory.pdf
Introductory Concepts of Kabbalah.pdf
Irene Gut Opdyke - In My Hands; Memories of a Holocaust
Isaac Husik - A History Of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy.pdf
Israel Regardie - A Garden Of Pomegranates.pdf
Israel Regardie - The Philosophers Stone.pdf
Israel Shahak - Jewish History, Jewish Religion; The Weight of
Three Thousand Years.pdf
J. P. Stonehouse - Eichmann; Bureaucracy and the Holocaust.mobi
J. S. M. Ward - The Higher Degrees Handbook.pdf
Jacques Attali - Millennium; Winners and Losers in the Coming
World Order.pdf
James Scott Trimm - Mashiach; Messiah From A True Jewish
James Scott Trimm - Reclaiming Yeshua for Judaism.pdf
James Scott Trimm - The Apostasy & Restoration.pdf
Jane Yolen - The Devil's Arithmetic.pdf
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra & Simulation.pdf
Jerome Greenfield - Wilhelm Reich Vs. The U.S.A; A Confrontation
between a Revolutionary Scientific Idea and the Beliefs
and Laws of our Society.pdf
John Charvet - The Liberal Project and Human Rights; The Theory
and Practice of a New World Order.pdf
John Keracher - How the Gods Were Made; A Study in Historical
John Roy Carlson - Under Cover My Four Years In The Nazi
Underworld Of America.pdf
Jonathan Marc Gribetz - Defining Neighbors; Religion, Race, and
the Early Zionist-Arab Encounter.epub
Josef Breuer & Sigmund Freud - Studies on Hysteria.pdf
Joseph Atwill - Caesar's Messiah; The Roman Conspiracy to Invent
Jurgen Habermas - The Structural Transformation of the Public
Karl Kautsky - Are the Jews a Race.pdf
Karl Marx - Heroes of the Exile.pdf
Karl Marx - On The Jewish Question.pdf
Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto.pdf
Karl Marx - The Poverty of Philosophy.pdf
Kate Millett - Sexual Politics.pdf
Kaufmann Kohler - Jewish Theology.pdf
Kenneth Wishnia - Jewish Noir; Contemporary Tales of Crime and
Other Dark Deeds.epub
Kevin Acres - Data Integrity Patterns of the Torah.pdf
King James Version of the Bible.pdf
Krystyna Chiger - The Girl in the Green Sweater; A Life in
Holocaust's Shadow.epub
L. A. Kauffman - Direct Action; Protest and the Reinvention of
American Radicalism.epub
Leon Stein - The Racial Thinking of Richard Wagner.pdf
Lisa Moses Leff - The Archive Thief; The Man Who Salvaged French
Jewish History in the Wake of the Holocaust.pdf
Livia Bitton-Jackson - I Have Lived a Thousand Years; Growing Up
in the Holocaust.epub
Louis Nizer - What To Do With Germany.pdf
Lucien Wolf - The Diplomatic History of The Jewish Question.pdf
M. Horkhiemer & T. W. Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment.pdf
Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachines of All Ages.pdf
Manly P. Hall - What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of its
Marc-Alain Ouaknin - Mysteries Of The Kabbalah.pdf
Marian Green - A Witch Alone.pdf
Marione Ingram - The Hands of War; A Tale of Endurance and Hope
from a Survivor of the Holocaust.epub
Martin A. Lee - The Beast Reawakens Pt. 1.pdf
Martin A. Lee - The Beast Reawakens Pt. 2.pdf
Martin Gilbert - The Righteous; The Unsung Heroes of the
Mary Wollstonecraft - A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.pdf
Maurice Samuel - You Gentiles.pdf
Max Horkheimer - Eclipse Of Reason.pdf
Michael Bar-Zohar & Nissim Mishal - Mossad; The Greatest Missions
of the Israeli Secret Service.epub
Michael Bazyler - Holocaust, Genocide, and the Law; A Quest for
Justice in a Post-Holocaust World.pdf
Michael D. Schwartz - The Dead Sea Scrolls and Later Jewish
Michael Gruenbaum - Somewhere There Is Still a Sun; A Memoir of
the Holocaust.epub
Michael Haas - Forbidden Music; The Jewish Composers Banned by
the Nazis.epub
Michael Smith - The Present; Insights (Winner of The Truth
Milovan Djilas - The New Class.pdf
Moshe Idel - Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism; Pillars,
Lines, Ladders.pdf
Moulie Vidas - Tradition and the Formation of the Talmud.epub
Muslim Mafia - The Conspiracy to Islamize America - Gaubatz &
Sperry (2009).pdf
Nahum Sokolow - History of Zionism 1600-1918.pdf
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine; Rise of Disaster Capitalism.pdf
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun; Aryan Cults, Esoteric
Nazism and the Politics of Identity.pdf
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - The Occult Roots of Nazism; Secret
Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology.pdf
Noam Pianko - Zionism and the Roads Not Taken; Rawidowicz,
Kaplan, Kohn (The Modern Jewish Experience).pdf
Nonna Bannister - The Secret Holocaust Diaries; The Untold Story
of Nonna Bannister.pdf
Norbert Wiener - Human Use of Human Beings; Cybernetics and
Othniel J. Seiden - The Remnant; The Jewish Resistance in
Paul Goodman - A History of the Jews.pdf
Paul Goodman - Communitas; Means of Livelihood and Ways of
Paul Goodman - The Synagogue and the Church; Contribution to the
Apologetics of Judaism.pdf
Paul Goodman - Zionism and the Jewish Diaspora.pdf
R. D. Rosen - Such Good Girls; The Journey of the Holocaust's
Hidden Child Survivors.epub
R. H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein - Nudge; Improving Decisions
About Health, Wealth, and Happiness.pdf
R. J. Herrnstein - The Bell Curve; Intelligence and Class
Structure in American Life.pdf
Ram Oren & Moti Kfir - Sylvia Rafael; The Life and Death of a
Mossad Spy.pdf
Raul Hilberg - The Destruction of the European Jews.pdf
Ray Kurzweil - Age Of Spiritual Machines.pdf
Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Near.epub
Rebecca N. Goldstein - Betraying Spinoza; The Renegade Jew Who
Gave Us Modernity.epub
Rev. Denis Fahey - The Rulers Of Russia.pdf
Richard J. Evans - Lying About Hitler (pretty ironic title
Robert Clark Graham - Future Of Man.pdf
Robert I. Friedman - Red Mafiya; How the Russian Mob Has Invaded
Roger Garaudy - The Founding Myths Of Israeli Politics.pdf
Rolf Wiggershaus - The Frankfurt School.pdf
Rona Arato - The Last Train; A Holocaust Story.epub
Ronald Cole-Turner - Design and Destiny; Jewish and Christian
Perspectives on Human Germline Modification.pdf
Rudolf Steiner - The Philosophy Of Freedom.pdf
Rudolf Steiner - The Riddle of Philosophy.pdf
Rudolf Vrba & Alan Bestic - I Cannot Forgive; I Escaped From
Rudolph R. Windsor - Judea Trembles Under Rome (we wuz kangz).pdf
S. & G. Flurry - Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.pdf
Samir Amin - Eurocentrism; Modernity, Religion, and Democracy; A
Critique of Eurocentrism and Culturalism.pdf
Samuel Roth - Jews Must Live.pdf
Shalom Aleichem - Jewish Children.pdf
Sharon Peters - Trusting Calvin; How a Dog Helped Heal a
Holocaust Survivor's Heart.epub
Sheryl Sandberg - Lean In; Women, Work and the Will to Lead.pdf
Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Land of Israel; From Holy Land
to Homeland.epub
Siegfried Kracauer - From Caligari to Hitler; A Psychological
History Of German Film.pdf
Siegfried Kracauer - The Mass Ornament; Weimar Essays.pdf
Sigmund Freud - A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis.pdf
Sigmund Freud - A Young Girl's Diary.pdf
Sigmund Freud - Beyond the Pleasure Principle.pdf
Sigmund Freud - Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego.pdf
Sigmund Freud - Moses And Monotheism.pdf
Sigmund Freud - On Dreams.pdf
Sigmund Freud - Psychopathology of Everyday Life.pdf
Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams.pdf
Sigmund Freud - Totem and Taboo; Resemblances Between the Psychic
Lives of Savages and Neurotics.pdf
Slavoj Zizek - The Parallax View.pdf
Slavoj Zizek - The Sublime Object of Ideology.pdf
Stephen Spector - Evangelicals and Israel; The Story of American
Christian Zionism.pdf
Steven Weitzman - Solomon; The Lure of Wisdom.pdf
Sue-Ann Levy - Underdog; Confessions of a Right-Wing Gay Jewish
Terese Pencak Schwartz - Holocaust Forgotten; Five Million Non-
Jewish Victims.mobi
The Babylonian Talmud (Soncino Version).pdf
The Babylonian Talmud (The Complete Soncino Version)
The Babylonian Talmud.pdf
The Collection Of The Words Of The Lord Jacob Frank.pdf
The Greater Key of Solomon in Five Books.pdf
The Kybalion.pdf
The Perfect Ceremonies of the Masonic Knights Templar, Knight of
Malta, Mediterranean Pass & Rose Croix de Heredom.pdf
The Secret; The Flower of Life.pdf
Theodor Herzl - The Jewish State.pdf
Theodor W. Adorno - Minima Moralia.pdf
Theodor W. Adorno - Negative Dialects.pdf
Theodor W. Adorno - The Jargon of Authority.pdf
Theodore Millon - Personality Disorders in Modern Life.epub
Theodore N. Kaufman - Germany Must Perish; The Book That Hitler
Thomas Karlsson - Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic.pdf
Timothy Snyder - Black Earth; The Holocaust as History and
Tova Reich - My Holocaust.epub
Trevor Hoppe - Beyond Masculinity; Essays By Queer Men On Gender
& Politics.pdf
Val Plumwood - Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.pdf
Walter Benjamin - The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Walter Shapiro - Hustling Hitler; The Jewish Vaudevillian Who
Fooled the Fuhrer.epub
Werner Cohn - Partners In Hate; Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust
Wilhelm Reich - The Function of the Orgasm; Sex-Economic Problems
of Biological Energy.pdf
Wilhelm Reich - The Mass Psychology of Fascism.pdf
Wilhelm Reich - The Sexual Revolution; Towards A Self-Regulating
Character Structure.pdf
William I. Brustein - Roots Of Hate; Anti-Semitism in Europe
Before the Holocaust.pdf
World Jewish Congress - Unity In Dispersion; An History of the
World Jewish Congress.pdf
World Union of Jewish Students - Hasbara Handbook; Promoting
Israel on Campus.pdf
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Between Two Ages; America's Role in the
Technetronic Era.pdf
Zev Chafets - A Match Made in Heaven; American Jews, Christian
Zionists, and One Man's Exploration of the Weird and
Judeo-Evangelical Alliance.epub
Zev Chafets - Members of the Tribe; On the Road in Jewish



Historical Texts

Chinese Texts

Geoffrey Lloyd & Nathan Sivin - The Way and the Word; Science and
Medicine in Early China and Greece.pdf
Sima Qian - Han Dynasty; Xiang Yu.pdf
The Sayings of Confucius.pdf
William Scarborough - A Collection of Chinese Proverbs.pdf

Christian & Catholic Texts

Angela K. Harkins, Kelley C. Bautch, John C. Endres - The

Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions.pdf
Charlie Samples - The Greatest Hoax.pdf
Charlotte M. Yonge - History of Christian Names.pdf
Easton's Bible Dictionary.pdf
Israel Gollancz - Cynewulf's Christ; An Eighth Century English
James Hastings - Dictionary of the Bible.pdf
Joseph of Arimathaea.pdf
M. & W. Drake - Saints and their Emblems.pdf
Maurice Pinay - Plot Against The Church.pdf
Meister Eckhart's Sermons.pdf
Rodney Stark - God's Battalions; The Case for the Crusades.pdf
St. Athanasius - On The Incarnation.pdf
St. Augustine - De Civitate Dei (Latin).pdf
St. Augustine's Confessions.pdf
St. Augustine's Treatise on the City of God (abridged by F. R.
Montgomery Hitchcock).pdf
St. Irenaeus - Against The Heresies 1-5.pdf
St. Thomas Aquinas - Meditations For Lent.pdf
St. Thomas Aquinas - Philosophical Texts.pdf
Taylor Marshall - The Crucified Rabbi.pdf
The Book of Soyga.pdf
The Summa Contra Gentiles of St. Thomas Aquinas.pdf
Thomas Aquinas - Treatise on Law.pdf
Vladimir Solovyof - War and Christianity; From the Russian Point
of View, Three Conversations.pdf
William Pynchon - The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption
Zaine Ridling - The Bible Atlas.pdf

Egyptian Texts

A. R. Parsons - New Light From the Great Pyramid.pdf

Book of the Dead or The Papyrus of Ani.pdf
Jan Assmann - Moses the Egyptian; The Memory of Egypt in Western
John Anthony West - Serpent in the Sky; The High Wisdom of
Ancient Egypt.pdf
The Book Of Abramelin - A New Translation.pdf
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage.pdf
Toby Wilkinson - Writings From Ancient Egypt.pdf

Greek Texts

Arthur Fairbanks - The First Philosophers of Greece.pdf

Benjamin Rand - The Classical Psychologists; Selections
Illustrating Psychology from Anaxagoras to Wundt.pdf
Cambridge University - The Hellenistic World.pdf
Daniel Ogden - A Companion to Greek Religion.pdf
Daniel Ogden - Greek and Roman Necromancy.pdf
Daniel Ogden - Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and
Roman Worlds.pdf
F. J. Church - The Trial and Death of Socrates; The Euthyphron,
Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Plato.pdf
Francis Howell - The Characters of Theophrastus.pdf
Geoffrey Lloyd & Nathan Sivin - The Way and the Word; Science and
Medicine in Early China and Greece.pdf
Herodotus - The Histories.pdf
[Hippocrates] - 15 pdfs
Homer - Iliad.pdf
Homer - Odyssey.pdf
James H. Hyslop - The Ethics of the Greek Philosophers Socrates,
Plato and Aristotle.pdf
John Boardman - The Oxford History Of Greece And The Hellenistic
Lesley & Roy A. Adkins - Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece.pdf
Plotinus - The Six Enneads.pdf
Polybius - The Histories.pdf
Regis Laurent - An Introduction to Aristotle's Metaphysics of
Sir Thomas Heath - Aristarchus of Samos; The Ancient
T. L. Heath - The Works of Archimedes.pdf
The Complete Aristotle (3354 Pages).pdf
The Complete Plato (3490 Pages).pdf
Aesop's Fables.pdf

Indian & Ayurvedic Texts

George O. Holbrooke - A^ryan Word-Building.pdf

Kedar Joshi - The Satanic Verses Of Bhagavad-gita.pdf
N. S. Takakhav - The Life of Shivaji Maharaj.pdf
Sri Aurobindo - Secrets of the Veda.pdf
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf
Japanese & S. E. Asian Texts

Eiji Yoshikawa - Musashi.mobi

R. Van Bergen - The Story of Japan.pdf

Modern European Texts

Andrew Mollo - Uniforms of the SS.pdf

Baron Beyens - Germany Before The War.pdf
C. G. Sweeting - Blood And Iron; The German Conquest Of
Christof Friedrich - Germany's Antarctic Claim; Secret Nazi Polar
E. W. W. Fowler - Nazi Regalia.pdf
Franz W. Seidler - Hitler's Secret Headquarters; The Fuhrer's
Wartime Bases From the Invasion of France to the Berlin
G. Eugene Harfield - A Commercial Directory of the Jews of the
United Kingdom (1894).pdf
G. L. M. Strauss - Men Who Have Made The New German Empire Vol.
G. L. M. Strauss - Men Who Have Made The New German Empire Vol.
Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America.pdf
H. Nickel, S. W. Pyhrr & L. Tarassuk - The Art of Chivalry;
European Arms and Armor from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.pdf
Heinz Guderian - Panzer Leader.pdf
Henry Barber - British Family Names; Their Origin and Meaning
with Lists of Scandinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon and Norman
J. & L. Erickson - Hitler Versus Stalin; The Second World War On
The Eastern Front in Photorgaphs.pdf
J. Miranda & P. Mercado - Secret Wonder Weapons Of The Third
Reich; German Missiles 1934-1945.pdf
J. R. R. Tolkien - The Old English Exodus.pdf
James Lucas - German Army Handbook 1939-1945.pdf
James Wycliffe Headlam - Bismarck And The Foundation Of The
German Empire.pdf
John Hubert Greusel - Blood And Iron; Origins of German Empire as
Revealed by Character of its Founder Bismark.pdf
John Millican - Mosley's Men in Black; Uniforms, Flags and
Insignia of the British Union of Fascists 1932-1949 & Union
Joseph Borkin & John Welsh - Germany's Master Plan; The Story Of
An Industrial Offensive.pdf
Joseph Vincent Fuller - Bismark's Diplomacy at its Zenith.pdf
L. Douglas Keeney - Gun Camera World War II; Photography from
Allied Fighters and Bomber Over Occupied Europe.pdf
Leon Hyneman - World's Masonic Register; Containing the Name,
Number, Location, and Time of Meeting of Every Masonic Lodge in
Nicolo Machiavelli - The Prince.pdf
Nigel Thomas - The German Army in WWII.pdf
Norman E. Harms - Waffen-SS in Action.pdf
Richard Landwehr - Italian Volunteers Of The Waffen-SS.pdf
Robert Forczyk - Warsaw 1944; Poland's Bid for Freedom.pdf
Robin Lumsden - Himmlers Black Order; History of the SS 1923-
Sir. C. J. Jackson - English Goldsmiths and their Marks; a
History of the Goldsmiths and Plateworkers of England, Scotland,
and I.pdf
The Complete Works of Nostradamus.pdf
The German White-Book; Documents Relating to the Outbreak of WWI
with Supplements.pdf
The Third Reich - German Youth In A Changing World.pdf
Thomas Carr - The Ritual of the Operative Free Masons.pdf
Voltaire - Candide.epub
W. F. Reddaway - Frederick the Great and the Rise Of Prussia.pdf
Wilhelm Bauer - German Economic Policy.pdf
William T. R. Martin - The Medals of the Masonic Fraternity.pdf

Norse & European Texts

Andrew Peter Fors - The Ethical World Conception of the Norse

Arnoldus De Nova - A Chymicall Treatise of the Ancient and Highly
Illuminated Philosopher.pdf
Bandamanna Saga.pdf
Bil Linzie - Afterlife Concepts of the Norse Heathen.pdf
Bil Linzie - Reconstructionism's Role in Modern Heathenry.pdf
D. J. O'Donoghue - The Poets of Ireland; A Biographical and
Bibliographical Dictionary of Irish Writers of English Verse.pdf
Ernest J. B. Kirtlan - The Story of Beowulf.pdf
Gunnlaugssaga Ormstungu.pdf
Guta Saga - The History of the People of Gotland.pdf
H. A. Guerber - Legends of the Rhine.pdf
Hervarar Saga ok Heidreks.pdf
Hilda Roderick Ellis - The Road to Hel; A Study of the Conception
of the Dead in Old Norse Literature.pdf
Israel Gollancz - The Exeter Book; An Anthology of Anglo-Saxon
J. A. Chisholm - The Eddas; The Keys to the Mysteries of the
J. G. Campbell - Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of
J. R. R. Tolkien - Beowulf; The Monsters and The Critics.epub
J. R. R. Tolkien - Finn and Hengest.pdf
J. R. R. Tolkien - The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun.epub
J. R. R. Tolkien - The Story of Kullervo.epub
Jacob Grimm - Teutonic Mythology.pdf
James M. Robinson - The Nag Hammadi Library.pdf
John Arnott MacCulloch - Eddic Mythology.pdf
John O'Hart - Irish Pedigrees; The Origin and Stem of the Irish
Laurence A. Waddell - A British Edda (1930).pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - Among The Himalayas - 2nd Edition.pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - Aryan Origins of the Alphabet (1927).pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - Lhasa and it's Mysteries.pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - The Indo-Sumerian Seals Deciphered;
Discovering Sumerians of Indus Valley as Phoenicians, Barats, Goths
and Vedic Aryans (1925).pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - The Makers Of Civilization In Race And
Laurence A. Waddell - The Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots
& Anglo-Saxons.pdf
Njal's Saga.epub
Penguin Book of Norse Myths.epub
R. A. Stewart Macalister - The Secret Languages of Ireland; With
Special Reference to the Origin and Nature of the Shelta
R. I. Page - The Icelandic Rune-Poem.pdf
Ron McVan - Creed of Iron; Wotansvolk Wisdom.pdf
Saga of King Hrolf Kraki.epub
Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman - The Art of War in the Middle
Ages 378-1515 A.D..pdf
Snorri Sturluson - Heimskringla.pdf
Snorri Sturluson - Prose Edda.pdf
Stories From Sagas of Kings.pdf
The Kalevala.pdf
The Life of Gudmund the Good, Bishop of Holar.pdf
The Mabinogion.pdf
The Nibelungenlied.pdf
The Nordic Resistance Movement - Our Path; New Politics For A New
The Saga Of King Heidrek The Wise.pdf
Volsunga Saga.pdf
W. F. Kirby - Kalevala; The Land of Heroes.pdf
Aladar von Kovach - Ancient Edged Weapons; Pistols, Guns, Cross-
bow, etc..pdf
Alice S. Hoffman - The Book of the Sagas.pdf
Alison Finlay - Fargrskinna; A Catalogue of the Kings of
Andrew Peter Fors - The Ethical World-Conception of the Norse
B. B. Smith, S. Taylor & G. Williams - West Over Sea; Studies in
Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before
Benjamin Thorpe - Northern Mythology; The Popular Traditions and
Superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and The
Benjamin Thorpe - The Poetic Edda.pdf
Bill Linzie - Drinking at the Well of Mimir; An Asatru Man's
Meanderings through the Last 30 Years of Drinking at the Well of
Bill Linzie - Germanic Spirituality.pdf
Bill Linzie - Investigating the Afterlife Concepts of the Norse
Heathen; A Reconstructionist's Approach.pdf
Bill Linzie - Reconstructionism's Role in Modern Heathenry.pdf
Bill Linzie - Reincarnation Among the Norse; Sifting Through the
Bill Linzie - Uncovering the Effects of Cultural Background on
the Reconstruction of Ancient Worldviews.pdf
Brian Murdoch & Malcolm Read - Early Germanic Literature and
Christie L. Ward - Norse Drinking Traditions.pdf
Chr‚tien de Troyes - Perceval; The Story of the Grail (Translated
by Burton Raffel).pdf
Cornelia Steketee Hulst - Balders Death & Lokes Punishment.pdf
David Galens - Epics for Students; Presenting Analysis, Context,
and Criticism on Commonly Studied Epics.pdf
David W. Anthony - The Horse, the Wheel, and Language; How
Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern
Donald A. MacKenzie - Teutonic Myth and Legend; An Introduction
to the Eddas, Sagas, Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, etc..pdf
Dr. W. Wagner - Asgard And The Gods; The Tales and Traditions of
Our Northern Ancestors, Forming a Complete Manual of Norse
E. M. Smith Dampier - Ballads from the Danish and Original
E. V. Gordon - Introduction to Old Norse.pdf
Egil's Sage (Translated by W. C. Green).pdf
FR. Klaeber - Beowulf & the Fight at Finn.pdf
Gareth Williams & Paul Bibire - Sagas, Saints and Settlements.pdf
George Ellis - Irish Ethnology; Socially and Politically
Considered; Embracing a General Outline of the Celtic and Saxon
Georges Dumezil - Camillus; A Study of Indo-European Religion As
Roman History.pdf
Georges Dumezil - Gods of the Ancient Northmen.pdf
Georges Dumezil - Id‚es romaines.pdf
Georges Dumezil - Mitra-Varuna; An Essay on Two Indo-European
Representations of Sovereignty.pdf
Georges Dumezil - The Destiny of the Warrior.pdf
Georges Dumezil - The Stakes of the Warrior.pdf
Georges Dumezil, J. Puhvel & D. Weeks - The Plight of a
Grenville Pigott - A Manual of Scandanavian Mythology; A Popular
Account of the Two Eddas and of the Religion of Odin.pdf
Grettir's Saga (Translated by William Morris & Eirikr
H. Munro Chadwick - The Oak and the Thunder-God.pdf
H. R. Ellis Davidson - Gods and Myths of Northern Europe.pdf
Hilda Ellis Davidson - Roles of the Northern Goddess.pdf
Hilda Ellis Davidson - The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe.pdf
Hilda Roderick Ellis - The Road to Hel; A Study of the Conception
of the Dead in Old Norse Literature.pdf
H vam l; Sayings of H r (Translated by James Alan Chisholm).pdf
H vam l; Translations from Thorpe, Bellows, Hollander & Auden-
H‘nsa-Thori's Saga (Translated by Eric V. Youngquist).pdf
H‘nsa-Thori's Saga; The Story of Hen-Thorir (Translated by
William Morris & Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
J. A. Holvik - Beginners' Book in Norse.pdf
J. Buckley, C. Cleary & M. Moynihan - Tyr; Myth, Culture,
Jack Donovan - Becoming a Barbarian.pdf
Jack Donovan - The Way of Men.pdf
James Allen Chisholm - The Eddas; The Keys to the Mysteries of
the North.pdf
James Baldwin - The Story of Siegfried.pdf
James P. Silo - The George Leary Jr. Collection of Arms.pdf
Julia Clinton Jones - Valhalla; the Myths of Norseland; A Saga in
Twelve Parts.pdf
Julia Goddard - Wonderful Stories From Northern Lands.pdf
K. & S. Romanoff & Alfta Lothursdottir - The Cult of Othin.pdf
Katharine F. Boult - Asgard and the Norse Heroes.pdf
Kevin Crossley-Holland - The Penguin Book of Norse Myths; Gods of
the Vikings.pdf
Kveldulf Gundarsson - Elves, Wights and Trolls; Studies Towards
the Practice of Germanic Heathenry Vol. 1.pdf
Loki Sami.pdf
M. R. Earle - Heroes of Asgard.pdf
Margaret Clunies Ross - A History of Old Norse Poetry and
Michael J. Enright - Lady With a Mead Cup; Ritual, Prophecy and
Lordship in the European Warband from La Tene to the Viking
Padraic Colum - The Children of Odin.pdf
Paul Bauschatz - The Well and the Tree; World and Time in Early
Germanic Culture.pdf
Philip A. Shaw - Pagan Goddesses in the Early Germanic World;
Eostre, Hreda and the Cult of Matrons.pdf
Randi Bjorshol W‘rdahl - The Incorporation and Integration of the
King's Tributary Lands into the Norwegian Realm c.
Rasmus B. Anderson - The Younger Edda; Also Called Snorre's Edda,
or the Prose Edda Vol. 1.pdf
Rasmus B. Anderson - The Younger Edda; Also Called Snorre's Edda,
or the Prose Edda Vol. 2.pdf
Richard N. Frye - Georges Dum‚zil and the Translators of the
Richard Wagner - Lohengrin.pdf
Richard Wagner - Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods
(Translated by Margaret Armour).pdf
Richard Wagner - Tannh‘user.pdf
Richard Wagner - The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie (Translated by
Margaret Armour).pdf
Richard Wagner - The Ring of the Niblung (Translated by Margaret
Ross G. Arthur - English-Old Norse Dictionary.pdf
Rudolph Keyser - The Religion of the Northmen.pdf
S. E. Flowers & J. A. Chisholm - A-Source-Book of Seid; The
Corpus of Old Icelandic Texts Dealing with Seid and Related
Stephen Allen - Lords Of Battle; The World Of The Celtic
Strafford Riggs -The Story of Beowulf.pdf
The Laxdale Saga (Translated by Muriel A. C. Press).pdf
The Laxdale Saga (Translated by Robert Proctor).pdf
The Norroena Society - The Asatru Edda; Sacred Lore of the
The Poetic Edda (Translated by H. Adams Bellows).pdf
The Prose Edda (Translated by Jean I. Young).pdf
The Prose Edda - (Translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur).pdf
The Prose or Younger Edda (Translated by George Webbe DaSent).pdf
The Saga of Cormac the Skald (Translated by W. G. Collingwood and
J. Stefansson).pdf
The Saga of Erik the Red (Translated by J. Sephton).pdf
The Saga of Gisli the Outlaw (Translated by G. W. DaSent).pdf
The Saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Rafn the Skald
(Translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Saga of the Ere-Dwellers (Translated by William Morris &
Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Saga of the Heath Slayings (Translated by William Morris &
Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Saga of Thrond of Gate (Translated by F. York Powell).pdf
The Saga of Viga-Glum (Translated by Edmund Head).pdf
The Saga of Viglund the Fair (Translated by William Morris &
Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Story of Burnt Njal (Translated by George W. DaSent).pdf
The Story of Howard the Halt (Translated by William Morris &
Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Story of Hrafnkell, Frey's Priest (Translated by John
The Story of the Banded Men (Translated by William Morris &
Eirikr Magn£sson).pdf
The Story of Th¢rdr Hreda (Translated by John Coles).pdf
Thomas Bulfinch - Bulfinch's Mythology.epub
Thomas Bulfinch - The Age of Fable; Stories of Gods and
Thomas Carlyle - Early Kings of Norway; An Essay on the Portraits
of John Knox.pdf
Thomas Malory - Le Morte D'Arthur Vol. 1.epub
Thomas Malory - Le Morte D'Arthur Vol. 2.epub
Victor D. Hanson - Carnage and Culture; Landmark Battles in the
Rise of Western Power.pdf
Vilhelm Gr”nbech - The Culture of the Teutons Vol. 1.pdf
Wolfram von Eschenbach - Parzival and Titurel.pdf

Roman Texts

Adrian Goldsworthy - Augustus; First Emperor of Rome.pdf

Andrea M. Berlin & J. A. Overman - The First Jewish Revolt;
Archeology, History, and Ideology.pdf
Anton¡a Tripolitis - Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman Age.pdf
Apuleius - Golden Ass; A Book of Changes.pdf
Carl Richard - Why We're All Romans.pdf
Charles Kingsley - The Roman and the Teuton.pdf
Daniel Ogden - Greek and Roman Necromancy.pdf
Daniel Ogden - Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and
Roman Worlds.pdf
Eduardo Velasco - Sparta and its Law.pdf
Edward Gibbon - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.pdf
Edward N. Luttwak - The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire.pdf
Eli Edward Burriss - Taboo, Magic, Spirits; A Study of Primitive
Elements in Roman Religion.pdf
Elizabeth Rawson - Intellectual Life in the Late Roman
Ioana A. Oltean - Dacia; Landscape, Colonisation and
Ittai Gradel - Emperor Worship and Roman Religion.pdf
Jonathan P. Roth - The Logistics of the Roman Army at War 264
B.C. - 235 A.D..pdf
Karen Lee Edwards - Captive Gods; Romans and Athenian Religion
from 229 B.C. to the Age of Augustus.pdf
M. T. Boatwright, D. J. Gargola & R. J. A. Talbert - The Romans;
from Village to Empire.pdf
Mary Winearls Porter - What Rome Was Built With; A Description of
the Stones Emplopyed in Ancient Times for it's Building and
Olga Tellegen-Couperus - Law and Religion in the Roman
Peter Heather - Empires and Barbarians; The Fall of Rome and the
Birth of Europe.pdf
Peter Wilcox & Rafael Trevino - Barbarians Against Rome; Rome's
Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic Enemies.pdf
Robert A. Kaster - Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient
Robert A. Kaster - Guardians of Language.pdf
Rodolfo Lanciani - The Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome.pdf
Suetonius - Lives of the Ceasars (Translated by Catherine
Suzanne Dixon - Cornelia, Mother of Gracchi.pdf
T. I. Cornell - The Beginnings of Rome; Italy and Rome from the
Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c. 1000-264 B.C.).pdf
The Complete Works of Tacitus.pdf
The Religion Of The Etruscans.pdf
Titus Livius - The History of Rome.pdf
Vegetius - De Re Militari; The Military Institutions Of The
Virgil - Aeneid (Translated by Frederick Ahl).pdf
Virgil - Georgics (Translated by Peter Fallon).pdf
Virgil's Aeneid.pdf
Willis Nevins - The Arguments of The Emperor Julian Against the

Sumerian Texts

Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon.pdf

Harriet Crawford - Sumer and the Sumerians.pdf
John A. Halloran - Sumerian Lexicon.pdf
Laurence A. Waddell - Egyptian Civilization, Its Sumerian Origin
and Real Chronology.pdf
The Epic of Gilgamesh.pdf


Elizabeth Dillings - The Jewish Religion; Its Influence Today

(The Plot Against Christianity).pdf
Eugen Fischer - Racial Origin and Earliest Racial History of the
Eugen Fischer - Racial Origin Of Jews.pdf
James Cross Giblin - Walls; Defenses Throughout History.pdf
John Jensen - Ancient Canal Builders.pdf
Nikolaas van Rensburg - Voice of a Prophet.pdf
Sir J. G. Frazer - The Golden Bough; A Study of Magic &
The Documentary History of Insurance 1000B.C. - 1875A.D..pdf
The Sacred Books & Early Literature Of The East.pdf
Thomas Carlyle - On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic
Thomas Wilson - The Swastika.pdf
W. H. Matthews - Mazes And Labyrinths; A General Account of their
History and Developments.pdf



Fiction & Literature


Fiction & Literature

Anatole France - Thais.pdf
Bauer Elvira - Don't Trust a Fox On the Greensward And never a
Jew On his Given word!.pdf
Charles Eric Maine - World Without Men.pdf
David Allen Rivera - Nowhere Man; The Complete Story of the Show
That Was Erased.pdf
David Salo - A Gateway to Sindarin; Grammar of an Elvish Language
from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.pdf
Don Lemon - Everybody's Illustrated Book of Puzzles.pdf
Dr. Heinrich Hoffman - Struwwelpeter.pdf
Ezra Pound - Jefferson And Or Mussolini; L'Idea Statale, Fascism
As I Have Seen It.pdf
H. Bedford-Jones - The Cross and the Hammer; A Tale of the Days
of the Vikings.pdf
J. Duncan Spaeth - Old English Poetry.pdf
John Oxenford - The Autobiography of Goethe; Truth and Poetry;
From My Own Life.pdf
Michael D. C. Drout - J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia; Scholarship
and Critical Assessment.pdf
Michael Ferber - A Dictionary of Literary Symbols; Second
Scott Michaelsen - Portable Darkness; An Aleister Crowley Reader
(Forewords By RAW & Genesis P-Orridge).pdf
The Grey Company - The Elven Language.epub
W. Besant & H. James - Art of Fiction.pdf

C. S. Lewis
A Preface to Paradise Lost.pdf
A Year with Aslan.epub
Alister McGrath - C.S. Lewis, A life (Biography).epub
An Experiment in Criticism.pdf
That Hideous Strength.pdf
The Chronicles of Narnia.epub

Collection - Caricatures in Der Strmer

[1925, Caricatures in Der Strmer]

[1926, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1927, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1928, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1929, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1930, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1931, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1932, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1933, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1934, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1935, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1936, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1937, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1938, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1939, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1940, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1941, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1942, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1943, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[1944, Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[Articles & Front Pages (Misc)]
[Pictures of Julius Streicher and Related Pictures]
Slogans in Der Strmer.jpg
[Undated Caricatures in Der Strmer]
[Unreadable Caricatures in Der Strmer]

George Orwell
All Art Is Propaganda.epub
Animal Farm.pdf
Burmese Days.epub
Coming Up for Air.epub
Decline of the English Murder.epub
Down and Out in Paris and London.epub
[Essays & Letters]
Facing Unpleasant Facts.epub
George Orwell Reviews Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.pdf
Homage to Catalonia.epub
Keep the Aspidistra Flying.epub
Nineteen Eighty-Four.epub
The Complete Novels.epub
A Collection of Essays.epub
A Life in Letters.epub
Orwell in Spain.epub
Shooting an Elephant & Other Essays.epub

H. A. Covington
The Brigade.pdf
The March Up Country.pdf
Freedom's Sons.pdf
Hill of Ravens.pdf
Rose of Honor.pdf

J. R. R. Tolkien
A Secret Vice.pdf
Beowulf; The Monsters and The Critics.epub
Bilbo's Last Song.epub
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 01; The Book of
Lost Tales I.pdf
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 02; The Book of
Lost Tales II.pdf
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 03; The Lays of
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 04; The Shaping of
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 05; The Lost Road
and other Writings.pdf
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 06; The Return of
the Shadow.pdf
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 07; The Treason of
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 08; The War of the
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 09; Sauron
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 10; Morgoth's
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11; The War of the
C. Tolkien - The History of Middle-earth Vol. 12; The Peoples of
English and Welsh.pdf
Finn and Hengest.pdf
Mr. Bliss.epub
On Fairy Stories.pdf
On Translating Beowulf.pdf
Quetta Parma (by Helge K. Fauskanger).pdf
Sindarin Dictionary (by Hiswel¢k‰ - Le Dragon de Brume).pdf
Smith of Wootton Major.epub
Tales From the Perilous Realm.pdf
The Children of Hurin.epub
The Fellowship of the Ring.epub
The History of the Hobbit (Edited by John D Rateliff).epub
The Hobbit (Enhanced Edition).epub
The Hobbit.epub
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun.epub
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien.epub
The Lord of the Rings (Illustrated by Alan Lee).epub
The Lord of the Rings.epub
The Old English Exodus.pdf
The Return of the King.epub
The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor.pdf
The Silmarillion (Illustrated by Ted Nasmith).epub
The Silmarillion.epub
The Story of Kullervo.epub
The Two Towers.epub
Unfinished Tales.epub
Vinyar Tengwar (by Carl F. Hostetter).pdf

James Joyce
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.pdf
Chamber Music.pdf
Finnegan's Wake.pdf
Molly Bloom Monolog.pdf

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Elective Affinities.pdf
Faust (Deutsch).pdf
Goethe's Travels In Italy; Together With The Second Residence In
Rome and Fragments on Italy.pdf
J. E. Spingarn - Goethe's Literary Essays.pdf
The Complete Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Ten
West-Eastern Divan.pdf

Joseph Campbell
A Joseph Campbell Companion; Reflections on the Art of
A Skeletion Key To Finnegans Wake.pdf
The Hero With a Thousand Faces.pdf
The Masks of God I; Primitive Mythology.pdf
The Masks of God II; Oriental Mythology.pdf
The Masks of God III; Occidental Mythology.pdf
The Masks of God VI; Creative Mythology.pdf
The Power of Myth.epub

Philip K. Dick
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.pdf
Dr. Bloodmoney.pdf
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said.pdf
Robert Crumb - The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick.pdf
The Divine Invasion.pdf
The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick.pdf
The Man in the High Castle.pdf
We Can Build You.pdf

Robert E. Howard
The Mythos Tales.epub
The Complete Conan Saga.epub

William Shakespeare
The Complete Shakespeare (3601 Pages).pdf



Health & Dietary


Health & Dietary

101 Essential Tips; Baking.pdf

101 Essential Tips; Home Brewing.pdf
47 Simple Herbal Remedies.pdf
500 Recipes for Bread.pdf
9 Essential Oils.pdf
A German-English Dictionary of Terms Used in Medicine and the
Allied Sciences.pdf
A River of Recipes; Native American Recipes.pdf
A. Escoffier - A Guide To Modern Cookery.pdf
Aaionus Vonderplanitz - The Recipe for Living Without Disease.pdf
Albert S. Morrow - The Immediate Care of the Injured.pdf
Alexander & Ann Shulgin - Phenethylamines I have Known and Loved;
A Chemical Love Story.pdf
Allen Carr - Easy Way To Stop Smoking.pdf
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia - Botanical Pharmacognosy;
Microscopic Characterization of Botanical Medicines.pdf
Amritpal Singh Saroya - Herbalism, Phytochemistry and
Awesome Restaurant Recipes.pdf
Barbecue Recipes.pdf
Bertie Foreman - Knife Skills.pdf
Bill Bodri - How to Detoxify Radiation and Radioactivity from
your Body.pdf
Bill Mollison - Ferment & Human Nutrition.pdf
Blue Book Guide To Preserving.pdf
Bob Flaws - 160 Essential Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines.pdf
Brigitte Mars - Dandelion Medicine; Remedies and Recipes to
Detoxify, Nourish & Stimulate.pdf
Bruce Spittle - Fluoride Fatigue; Flouride Poisoning.pdf
C. & L. Shanahan - Deep Nutrition; Why Your Genes Need
Traditional Food.epub
C. P. Khare - Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant Drugs; Expanded
C. P. Khare - Indian Medicinal Plants; An Illustrated
Caleb Warnock & Kirsten Skirvin - Forgotten Skills of Backyard
Herbal Healing and Family Health.pdf
Cashew Nut Processing.pdf
Chas. M. Higgins - Petition to the President to Abolish
Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (1920).pdf
Cheese Making.pdf
Chet Day - The Detox Bible; How to Rejuvinate Your Toxic Body on
Nature's Operating Table.pdf
China Pharmacopeia Commission - Chinese Herbal Medicine Picture
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines; Thin-
Layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese
Claire Kowalchik & William H. Hylton - Illustrated Encyclopedia
of Herbs.pdf
Culpeper's Herbal -The English Physician.pdf
Cup Measurement Conversion Chart.pdf
Cynthia Fahy - Preserving Food by Drying; A Math-Science Teaching
David Floyd - Detox the Lazy Way to Perfect Health.pdf
David Niven Miller - Grow Youthful; How to Slow Your Aging and
Enjoy Extraordinary Health.pdf
David Sprigings - Acute Medicine; A Practical Guide to the
Managment of Medical Emergencies.pdf
Don Ross - Food and Nutrition.pdf
Donald R. Yance - Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism; Elite Herbs
and Natural Compounds for Mastering Stress, Aging, and Chronic
Drying of Apricots.pdf
Essential Drugs; Practical Guidelins Intended for Physicians,
Pharmacists, Nurses and Medical Auxillaries.pdf
Evan Brand - The Everything Guide to Nootropics; Boost Your Brain
Function with Smart Drugs and Memory Supplements.pdf
Fruit Waste Utilisation.pdf
Gary Taubes - Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It.pdf
Gary Wenk - Your Brain on Food; How Chemicals Control Your
Thoughts and Feelings.pdf
George M. Gould - A Dictionary of New Medical Terms.pdf
Giovanni Maciocia - The Practice of Chinese Medicine.pdf
Guido Mase & Jovial King - DIY Bitters Reviving the Forgotten
Flavor; A Guide to Making Your Own Bitters for Bartenders,
Cocktail Enthusiasts, Herbalists, and More.epub
Henry Ashby & G. A. Wright - The Diseases of Children.pdf
Herb Formulas For Clinic & Home.pdf
Herbal Medicines.pdf
Herbal Tea Remedies - The Ultimate Collection.pdf
Herbert M. Shelton - Food Combining Made Easy.pdf
Home Sausage Making.pdf
Hong-Yen Hsu - How to Treat Yourself with Chinese Herbs.pdf
How to Make Bread Without An Oven.pdf
Intradermal Administration of Medicines.pdf
J. C. Ayer - Ayer's Preserve Book.pdf
James A. Duke - Medicinal Plants of the Bible.pdf
Jar Food Recipes.pdf
Jerry Shapiro & Nina Otberg - Hair Loss and Restoration.pdf
Jim Rude & Jena Carlin - Herbs for Flavor, Health, and Natural
Jing-Nuan Wu - An Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica.pdf
John B. Saunders & Junie Yang - Clinical Protocols for
John Pollock - Detox Bath; Discover How to Simply and Efficiently
Eliminate Fat, Cellulite and Toxins on a Daily Basis.pdf
Jordan Rubin - Raw Truth Book; Transform your Health with the
Power of Living Nutrients.pdf
Joseph Mercola - Dr. Mercola's Total Health Cookbook &
Jyoti Prakas Tamang - Himalayan Fermented Foods; Microbiology,
Nutrition, and Ethnic Values.pdf
Kelly Kindscher - Echinacea; Herbal Medicine with a Wild
Kyranides - On the Occult Virtues of Plants, Animals & Stones.pdf
L. A. Rogers - The Manufacture of Butter for Storage.pdf
L. S. Lustig, S. C. Sondheim & Sarah Rensel - The Southern
Cookbook of Fine Old Recipes.pdf
Lina Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.pdf
Making Chinese Herbal Formulas Into Alcohol Extracts.pdf
Marcello Spinella - The Psychopharmacology of Herbal Medicine;
Plant Drugs That Alter Mind, Brain, and Behaviour.pdf
Maria Emmeric - The 30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse; Reset Your
Metabolism with 160 Tasty Whole-Food Recipes & a Guided Meal
Mark Ukra - The Ultimate Tea Diet.pdf
Martha M. Christy - Your Own Perfect Medicine.pdf
Max Prescott - Saw Palmetto and Hair Loss; Everything You Need to
Know to Regrow Hair with Saw Palmetti Herb Extracts!.pdf
Medicines in Pregnancy & Lactation.pdf
Melanie Johns Cupp - Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology of
Herbal Products.pdf
Michael Cutler - Doctors' Inside Secrets for Natural Cleansing
and Detoxification.pdf
Michael Moore - Herbal & Medical Dictionary.pdf
Mike Adams - Groceries Warning System.pdf
Murray Dicks - Where There Is No Dentist.pdf
Olavi Pelkonen - Toxicology of Herbal Products.pdf
P. & P. Bragg - Water and Health.pdf
Painless Detox Book; The Lazy Way to Perfect Health!.pdf
Patricia Tsang - Optimal Healing; A Guide to Traditional Chinese
Peter Holmes - Jade Remedies; A Chinese Herbal Reference for the
West Vol. I.pdf
Peter Holmes - Jade Remedies; A Chinese Herbal Reference for the
West Vol. II.pdf
Plant Proteins.pdf
Plants and Human Health in the Twenty First Century.pdf
Processing of Pepper.pdf
Ramiel Nagel - Cure Tooth Decay; Remineralize Cavities & Repair
Your Teeth Naturally with Good Food.pdf
Richard Schulze - There Are No Incurable Diseases; 30-Day
Intensive Cleansing and Detoxification Program.pdf
Robert Coleman Kemp - Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines.pdf
Rosemary Gladstar - Medicinal Herbs; A Beginner's Guide.pdf
Russell L. Blaylock - Excitotoxins; The Taste That Kills.pdf
Ruth Berolsheimer - 500 Delicious Salad Recipes.pdf
S. E. Edwards - Phytopharmacy; An Evidence-Based Guide to Herbal
Medicinal Products.pdf
S. S. S. Tirtha - Ayurveda Encyclopedia; Natural Secrets to
Healing, Prevention & Longevity.pdf
S. S. Subramuniyaswami - Monk's Cookbook; Vegetarian Recipes from
Kauai's Hindu Monastery.pdf
Sam Biser - How to Heal Disease With Salt; The Forgotten Wisdom
of the Ancient Mariners.pdf
Sarah Farr - Healing Herbal Teas; Learn to Blend 101 Specially
Formulated Teas.pdf
Small-Scale Spice Processing.pdf
Song Nong - Chinese Medicated Liquor Therapy (Translated by Li
Stephanie Pedersen - Kale; The Complete Guide to the World's Most
Powerful Superfood.pdf
Stephen H. Buhner - Herbal Antibiotics; Natural Alternatives for
Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria.pdf
Stephen Harrod Buhner - Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers.pdf
T. M. Griffiths - Non Secret Formulas for Physicians.pdf
Terry Clark - Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think; It Could
Thomas Smith - Syringes & Subterfuges; The Real World of
Timothy Ferriss -The 4-Hour Body; An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-
Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman.pdf
Wilfred M. Barton - A Thesaurus of Medical Words & Phrases.pdf
Yukihiro Shoyama - Quality Control of Herbal Medicines and
Related Areas.pdf
Zane R. Kime - Sunlight.pdf



Physique & Martial Arts


Physique & Martial Arts

Alfred Hutton - Cold Steel; A Practical Treatise On The Sabre.pdf

Alfred Hutton - Old Sword-Play; The System Of Fence.pdf
Ambush and Counter-Ambush.pdf
Ashida Kim - Secrets Of The Ninja.pdf
Bas Rutten - Mixed Martial Arts Workout Book.pdf
BJ Penn - Mixed Martial Arts; The Book Of Knowledge.pdf
Danny Plyler & Chad Seibert - The Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts
Training Guide; Techniques For Fitness, Self Defense &
David M. Cvet - The Art Of Longsword Combat.pdf
Dr. Norman Link & Lily Chou - The Anatomy Of Martial Arts; An
Illustrated Guide To The Muscles Used In Key Kicks, Strikes &
Dr. Russel Horine - 5 Simple Rules to Winning Any Fight.pdf
Edward B. Warman - Tensing Exercises.pdf
Esther Gokhale - 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.pdf
Hans Talhoffer - Medieval Combat; A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated
Manual of Sword Fighting and Close-Quarter Combat.pdf
Jeff Cooper - Principles of Personal Defense.pdf
Jin Jing Zhong - Training Methods Of The 72 Arts Of Shaolin.pdf
John A. Seaverns - Works On Horsemanship & Swordsmanship In The
Library Of F. H. Huth.pdf
John Clements - Medieval Swordsmanship.pdf
John Clements - Renaissance Swordsmanship.pdf
Kathryn Meeker - Yoga for a New You.pdf
Lt. Col. Rex Applegate - Kill Or Get Killed; Riot Control,
Techniques, Manhandling, and Close Combat for Police and the
M. S. Pembrey - Practical Physiology.pdf
Martin Rooney - Training For Warriors; The Ultimate Mixed Martial
Arts Workout.pdf
Martin Rooney - Ultimate Warrior Workouts; Fitness Secrets Of The
Martial Arts.pdf
Philip Hoffman - The 9 Principles for a Lean & Defined Body; An
Essential Guide for Reducing Body Fat and Developing Lean
Muscle at Any Age.pdf
Sang H. Kim - Complete Kicking; The Ultimate Guide To Kicks For
Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Combat Sports.pdf
Sgt. Rory Miller - Meditations On Violence; A Comparison of
Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence.pdf
The Use of Improvised Weapons.pdf
Timothy Leary - Exo-Psychology; Use Of The Human Nervous
Toshishiro Obata - Naked Blade; Manual of Samurai
US Army Field Manual 21-150 - Hand To Hand Combat.pdf
Yod Ruerngsa, Khun Kao Charuad & James Cartmell - Muay Thai; The
Art Of Fighting.pdf
Zhang Yun - The Art of Chinese Swordsmanship; A Manual of Taiji
C. Penney & N. Conway - Basic Techniques for Defending against
the dagger; in the Medieval style of Fiore de Liberi.pdf
Michael S. Lee - Black Belt Negotiating Become a Master.pdf



Science, Engineering & IT


Science, Engineering & IT

1001 Amazing Tech Facts.pdf

A. J. Hale - Practical Chemistry for Engineering Students.pdf
A. Jay DuBOIS - The Mechanics of Engineering; Kinematics,
Statics, Kinetics, Statics of Rigid Bodies and of Elastic Solids.pdf
A. N. Whitehead - Principia Mathematica.pdf
A. P. French - Newtonian Mechanics (MIT Introductory Physics
American School of Correspondence - Modern Engineering
Arthur Moore - How to Make a Wireless Set.pdf
Behr & Manning Co. - How To Sharpen; A Book for the Home
Craftsman, Farmer, Mechanic, and Others Who Use Edge Tools.pdf
Bicycle Maintenance.pdf
Binney & Skinner - The Physics of Quantum Mechanics.pdf
Born & Wolf - Principles Of Optics.pdf
Build Your Own 12VDC Engine Generator.pdf
Build Your Own R ocket Stove.pdf
Callum Coats - Living Energies; Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant
Work with Natural Energy Explained.pdf
Cameron Knight - The Mechanician; Construction and Manipulation
of Tools (Blacksmithing & Forging).pdf
Charles E. Inglis - Examples in Applied Mechanics and Elementary
Theory of Structures.pdf
Charles E. Lucke - Handbook of Thermodynamic Tables &
Darrell Huff - How To Lie With Statistics.pdf
Donald H. Perkins - Introduction to High Energy Physics.pdf
E. F. Carter - Dictionary of Inventions and Discoveries.pdf
Edward R. Markham - Tool Making; A Practical Treatise on the Art
of Making Tools, Jigs, and Fixtures.pdf
Edward R. Maurer - Technical Mechanics.pdf
Edward Wilson & Wes Unruh - The Art Of Memetics.pdf
F. P. Beer & E. R. Johnston - Vector Mechanics For Engineers;
F. W. Taylor - The Principles of Scientific Management.pdf
Frank B. Sanborn - Mechanical Problems.pdf
Frank S. Crawford - Waves; Berkeley Physics Course.pdf
Franklin F. Kuo - Network Analysis and Synthesis.pdf
Frater Albertus - Alchemist's Handbook.pdf
G. H. Hardy - A Course of Pure Mathematics.pdf
G. P. Putnam & Sons - The Young Mechanic; Directions for the Use
of All Kinds of Tools and for the Construction of Steam
Engines and Mechanical Models.pdf
Gerard W. Kelly - Short-Cut Math.pdf
Hans Jenny - Cymatics; A Study of Wave Phenomena and
Henry F. Fliegel & Raymond S. DiEsposti - GPS & Relativity; An
Engineering Overview.pdf
Henry K. Evans - Traffic Engineering Handbook.pdf
How To Make a Smoke Bom b.pdf
I. C. S. - Machine Molding, Foundry Appliances, Malleable
Casting, Brass Founding, Blacksmith Shop Equipment, Iron
I. E. Irodov - Basic Laws of Electromagnetism.pdf
I. L. Finar - Organic Chemistry; The Fundamental Principles.pdf
J. F Sallows - The Blacksmith's Guide; Valuable Instructions on
Forging, Welding, Hardening, Tempering....pdf
J. Marquardt - Smith's Pocket Companion; Useful Information and
Tables on Iron and Steel.pdf
J. Shibli - Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (With Tables).pdf
Jacob Navia - Introduction to C using lcc-win.pdf
James Cran - Blacksmith Shop Practice.pdf
Jim Hrisoulas - The Pattern-Welded Blade; Artistry in Iron.pdf
John D. Cash - Producer Gas for Motor Vehicles.pdf
John D. Verhoeven - Experiments on Knife Sharpening.pdf
John David Jackson - Classical Electrodynamics.pdf
John Lord Bacon - Forge-Practice and Heat Treatment of Steel.pdf
John Perry - Practical Mechanics.pdf
Jonathan Eisen - Supressed Inventions & Other Discoveries.pdf
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. - Metal Data Book.pdf
Joshua Chover - Markov Processes & Potential Theory.pdf
Julius Ludwig Weisbach - Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery
and Engineering Vol. I.pdf
Julius Ludwig Weisbach - Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery
and Engineering Vol. II.pdf
K. Albrecht & L. McIntyre - Spychips; How Major Corporations and
Government Plan To Track Your Every Move With RFID.pdf
Kevin D. Mitnick - The Art of Deception; Controlling the Human
Element of Security.pdf
Kurt Saxon - Granddad's Wonderful Book of Chemistry.pdf
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz - Electrodynamics of Continuous
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz - Fluid Mechanics.pdf
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz - General Physics; Mechanics and
Molecular Physics.pdf
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz - Quantum Mechanics.pdf
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz - Theory of Elasticity.pdf
L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz -The Classical Theory of Fields.pdf
Lloyd R. Jenkinson - Aircraft Design Projects.pdf
M. Ramamoorty - An Introduction to Thyristors and their
M. T. Richardson - Practical Blacksmithing (1891).pdf
Mark Sircus - Cry of the Heart; The Medical Terror of
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (11th
Martin Heidegger - Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics.pdf
Max Jammer - Concepts Of Force; A Study in the Foundations of
Merril I. Skolnik - Introduction to Radar Systems.pdf
Paul Brockett - Bibliography of Aeronautics.pdf
Paul N. Hasluck - Motor Bicycle Building.pdf
Phillip Hurley - Build a Solar Hydrogen Fuel Cell System.pdf
Phillip M. Morse - Vibration and Sound.pdf
R. J. Dossat - Principles Of Refrigeration.pdf
R. W. Ditchburn - Light.pdf
Richard J. Haier - The Neuroscience of Intelligence.pdf
Robert Brent - The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments.pdf
Robert E. Iannini - Build Your Own Laser, Phaser, Ion Ray Gun &
Other Space-Age Projects.pdf
Robin J. Wilson - Introduction To Graph Theory.pdf
Sears, Roebuck & Co. - Simplified Electric Wiring Handbook.pdf
Shanti Narayan - Differential Calculus.pdf
Siddhartha Shakya - A Markovianity Based Optimisation
Siddhartha Shakya - Analysing the Effect of Demand Uncertainty in
Dynamic Pricing with EAs.pdf
Siddhartha Shakya - DEUM - A Framework for an Estimation of
Distribution Algorithm based on Markov Random Fields.pdf
Smith & Longley - Theoretical Mechanics.pdf
Spons' Mechanics' Own Book; A Manual for Handicraftsmen and
Suman Debnath - 270 Mini Electronics Project With Circuit
T. C. Martin - Nikola Tesla.pdf
T. C. Martin - The Story of Electricity.pdf
The H. W. Wilson Company - Applied Science & Technology Index.pdf
W. Abbott - Technical Drawing (Revised by T. H. Hewitt).pdf
Warren S. Casterlin - Steel Working and Tool Dressing; A Manual
of Practical Information for Blacksmiths and All Other Workers
in Steel and Iron.pdf
William F. Kieffer - The Mole Concept In Chemistry.pdf
William Feller - An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its
William P. Holt - Minerals & Rocks.pdf
Y. B. Zeldovich & I. M. Yaglom - Higher Math for Beginners
(Mostly Physicists and Engineers).pdf

Collection - Arduino
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects.pdf
30 Arduino Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
4tronix - Arduino Learning.pdf
Arduino - Tips, Tricks & Techniques.pdf
Arduino Cookbook.pdf
Arduino For Beginners - Essential Skills Every Maker Needs.pdf
Arduino Programming Language.pdf
Arduino Programming Notebook.pdf
Arduino Projects For Dummies.pdf
Arduino Projects to Save the World.pdf
C Programming For Arduino.pdf
Environmental Monitoring With Arduino.pdf
Funduino - Tutorials For Arduino.pdf
Mike Riley - Programming Your Home Automate with Arduino, Android
& Your Computer.pdf

Collection - Evil Genius Series

101 Outer Space Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
101 Spy Gadgets For The Evil Genius.pdf
123 Robotics Experiments For The Evil Genius.pdf
22 Radio and Receiver Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
30 Arduino Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
50 Awesome Auto Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
50 Green Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
50 Model Rocket Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
Solar Energy Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
Telephone Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf
TinyAVR Microcontroller Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf


Arts & Architecture

Manual Arts & Architecture

3-Frame Observation Bee Hive.pdf

A. D. F. Hamlin - The History of Architecture.pdf
Above Ground Storm Shelter.pdf
Almon C. Varney - Our Homes and their Adornments; How To Build,
Finish, Furnish and Adorn a Home.pdf
American Technical Society - Cyclopedia of Architecture,
Carpentry and Building.pdf
B. W. Johnson - Coping Saw Work.pdf
BeeVac Box.pdf
Bernard S. Mason - Woodsmanship (Illustrated by Frederic H.
Build a Hand Pump.pdf
Build A Solar Crop Dryer.pdf
Bulletproof Your Home.pdf
Charles Palliser - Practical Concrete-Block Making.pdf
Charles Robinson - The Construction of Secret Hiding Places.pdf
Claude Fayette Bragdon - Architecture and Democracy.epub
Claude Fayette Bragdon - The Beautiful Necessity.epub
David Weissberger - Economie House.pdf
Dugald Butler - Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys.epub
Esther Singleton - The Furniture of our Forefathers.pdf
F. E. Howard & F. H. Crossley - English Church Woodwork; A Study
in Craftsmanship During the Mediaeval Period 1250-1550
F. Morley Fletcher - Wood-Block Printing.epub
F. Reinnel - The Carpenter's, Cabinet Maker's, and Gilder's
F. S. Merritt & J. T. Ricketts - Building Design and Construction
Frank W. Cheney - Woodwork For Beginners.pdf
Fred D. Crawshaw - Problems in Wood-turning.pdf
Fred T. Hodgson - Stair-Building Made Easy.pdf
Frederick Rings - Reinforced Concrete; Theory and Practice.pdf
G. A. Hool & N. C. Johnson - Concrete Engineers' Handbook.pdf
George B. Kilbon - Elementary Woodwork; Carpentry for Boys.pdf
George T. Powell - Foundations and Foundation Walls for all
Classes of Buildings, Pile Driving, Building Stones &
H. M. Westergaard - Moments and Stresses in Slabs.pdf
Horace Kephart - Camping and Woodcraft; A Handbook for Vacation
Campers and for Travelers in the Wilderness.pdf
Hugh Macmillan - Roman Mosaics; Or, Studies in Rome and Its
I. P. Hicks - Hick's Builder's Guide; Comprising An Easy,
Practical System of Estimating Material and Labor for Carpenters,
Contractors and Builders.pdf
Irving Pichel - On Building a Theatre; Stage Construction and
Equipment for Small Theatres, Schools and Community
J. D. Sawyer - How To Make A Country Place.pdf
James M. Tate - Training in Wood-work; Carpentry, Wood-Turning
and Pattern Work.pdf
John Ruskin - Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at
Edinburgh in November 1853.epub
John Ruskin - The Poetry of Architecture.epub
Joseph A. Shelly - Patternmaking.pdf
Joseph H. Judd - Learn By Doing; A Scheme of Simple Woodwork.pdf
Lewis Falley Allen - Rural Architecture.epub
Louise Brigham - Box Furniture.pdf
M. J. Golden - A Laboratory Course in Wood-turning.pdf
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam - The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical
Architecture; Elucidated by Question and Answers.epub
Moulding; Rails, Balusters, Newel Posts, Architraves, Front
Interior and Store Doors, Wood Mantels, Pew Ends, Office
Oliver Optic - Stem to Stern; Building the Boat.pdf
Peter Proudfoot - The Secret Plan of Canberra; Occult Masonic
Architecture of Australia's Capital.pdf
Pfeifer, Ramcke, Achtziger & Zilch - Masonry Construction
Portable Biomass Stoves.pdf
Practical Ideas for Small Spaces.pdf
R. F. Yates - Lathe Work For Beginners; Wood-turning, Screw
Cutting, Measuring Tools, Metal Spinning....pdf
R. G. Hatfield - The American House-Carpenter; A Treatise on the
Art of Building, and the Strength of Materials.pdf
Richard Glazier - A Manual of Historic Ornament.epub
Rolla C. Carpenter - Heating and Ventilating Buildings; An
Elementary Treatise.pdf
US Army Manual - Common Wood and Metal Repair.pdf
Vitruvius - the Ten Books on Architecture (Translated by Morris
H. Morgan).pdf
W. D. Sweeting - The Cathedral Church of Peterborough.epub
W. H. Ward - The Architecture of the Renaissance in France.pdf
W. Noble Twelvetrees - Concrete and Reinforced Concrete.pdf
W. P. Stephens - Canoe and Boat Building; A Complete Manual for
William Benham - Old St. Paul's Cathedral.epub
William J. Furnival - Leadless Decorative Tiles; Faience and
William Norman Brown - Handbook on Japanning.epub
William R. Purchase - Practical Masonry.pdf


Sustainability & Survival

Self-Sustainability & Survival

10-Frame Langstroth Beehive.pdf

101 Essential Tips; Cat Care.pdf
101 Essential Tips; Dog Care.pdf
101 Essential Tips; Growing Vegetables.pdf
47 Simple Herbal Remedies.pdf
A Better Way of Gardening.pdf
A. R. Harding - Deadfalls & Snares.epub
A. R. Harding - Fox Trapping.epub
A. R. Harding - Fur Farming.epub
A. R. Harding - Mink Trapping.epub
A. S. Packard - Our Common Insects.epub
Aids to Survival.pdf
Albert Burton Farnham - Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and
Albert S. Morrow - The Immediate Care of the Injured.pdf
Allen V. Barker & David J. Pilbeam - Handbook of Plant
Anthony Calfo - The Outdoor Garden Pond; Tips, Tricks and
Reminders for Ease of Care and Beauty.pdf
Aquafarm Resevoir.pdf
Arthur O. Tucker & Thomas Debaggio - The Encyclopedia of Herbs; A
Comprehensive Reference to Herbs of Flavor and Fragrance.pdf
B. D. Jackson - A Glossary of Botanic Terms.pdf
B. M. Kumar & P. K. E. Nair - Tropical Homegardens; A Time-Tested
Example of Sustainable Agroforestry.pdf
Backyard Sanitation Manual.pdf
Barnyard to Backyard; A Beginner's Guide to Raising Goats.pdf
Barry James - Aquarium Plants.pdf
Basic Butchering if Livestock & Game.pdf
Basic Survival Medicine.pdf
Bee Feeding Recipes.pdf
Best Way To Split Firewood.pdf
Bill Mollison - Introduction to Permaculture.pdf
Bill Mollison - Permaculture 2; Practical Design for Town and
Country in Permanent Agriculture.pdf
Bill Mollison - Permaculture; A Designer's Manual.pdf
Bill Yanda & Rick Fisher - The Food and Heat Producing Solar
Biogas; What Is It & How Is It Made.pdf
Bird Flu Diagnosis And Personal Hygiene.pdf
Bloomsbury Publishing - Concise Herb Guide.pdf
Bug Out Vehicle Basics.pdf
Bulk Sprouter.pdf
C. & M Lavelle - The Organic Gardener; How to Create Flower,
Vegetable, Herb and Fruit Gardens, Using Completely Natural
Cambridge University Press - Green Plants, Their Origin and
Carla Emery - The Encyclopedia of Country Living.pdf
Carol Hupping Stoner - Stocking Up; How to Preserve the Foods You
Grow, Naturally.pdf
Charles Darwin - Journal of Researches into the Geology and
Natural History of the Various Countries visited by H. M. S.
Charles Darwin - On the Movements and Habits of Climbing
Clarence P. Gilette - Effects of Artificial Foundations on the
Building of Honey Comb.pdf
Clarence P. Gillette - Apiary Experiments.pdf
Composting; Easy Methods for Every Gardener.pdf
Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home.pdf
Creating a Water Garden Retreat (Brochure).pdf
D. W. Hall - Handling and Storage of Food Grains in Tropical and
Subtropical Areas.pdf
David Cramp - A Practical Manual of Beekeeping; How to Keep Bees
and Develop your Full Potential as an Apiarist.pdf
David E. Lantz - Methods of Destroying Rats.epub
David Holmgren - Compost Toilets and Permaculture Design
David Sprigings - Acute Medicine; A Practical Guide to the
Managment of Medical Emergencies.pdf
Dazi R. Batish - Ecological Basis of Agroforestry.pdf
Dede Cummings - The Medicinal Gardening Handbook; A Complete
Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Using Healing Herbs.epub
Designing Improved Wood Burning Heating Stoves.pdf
Diana S. Branch - Tools For Homesteaders, Gardeners and Small-
Scale Farmers.pdf
Dick Vreugdenhil - Potato Biology and Biotechnology; Advances and
E. N. Woodcock - Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.epub
Elmer Harry Kreps - Science of Trapping.epub
Encyclopedia of Fruits, Berries & Nuts.pdf
Eric Lichtfouse - Biodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and
Conservation Agriculture.pdf
Essential Drugs; Practical Guidelins Intended for Physicians,
Pharmacists, Nurses and Medical Auxillaries.pdf
F. C. Bishopp - The House Fly and How to Suppress It.epub
F. C. Cook - Bouillon Cubes.pdf
F. L. S. John Watson - The Confessions of a Poacher.epub
F. Magdoff & H. van Es - Building Soils for Better Crops.pdf
Faith H. Swanson & V. B. Rady - Herb Garden Design.epub
Frank G. Ashbrook - Butchering, Processing and Preservation of
Frankie Flowers & Bryce Wylde - Power Plants; Simple Home
Remedies You Can Grow.epub
Fr‚d‚ric Houssay - The Industries of Animals.epub
G. Burnap Fiske - Prize Gardening; How to Derive Profit, Pleasure
and Health from the Garden.pdf
Gail Damerow - The Chicken Health Handbook.pdf
Gail M. Lang - Horticulture; The Green World.pdf
Generic Companion Planting Guide Chart.pdf
George H. Carpenter - The Life-Story of Insects.epub
George M. Gould - A Dictionary of New Medical Terms.pdf
George Manville Fenn - Off to the Wilds; Being the Adventures of
Two Brothers.epub
Giovanni Maciocia - The Practice of Chinese Medicine.pdf
Great Garden Formulas; The Ultimate Book of Mix-It-Yourself
Concoctions for Your Garden.pdf
Growing Greenhouse Cucumbers.pdf
H. A. Steppler - Agroforestry; A Decade of Development.pdf
Handbook of Clearing and Grubbing; Methods and Cost.pdf
Handbook of Knots & Splices.pdf
Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants.pdf
Hard Woods Are the Best.pdf
Harun Yahya - Photosynthesis; The Green Miracle.pdf
Henry Ashby & G. A. Wright - The Diseases of Children.pdf
Henry James Slack - Marvels of Pond Life.epub
How to Make a Self-Watering Container.pdf
Hugh Barton - Sustainable Communities; The Potential for Eco-
Hugh Savoy - Fertilizers and Their Use.pdf
Hunting in Many Lands; The Book of the Boone and Crockett
Hydroponics for the Home Gardener; An Easy-to-Follow, Step-by-
Step Guide for Growing Healthy Vegetables, Herbs and House
Plants without Soil.pdf
International Harvester Co. - Tractor Plowing At It's Best.pdf
Intradermal Administration of Medicines.pdf
J. & M. Carpenter - The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer; The
Ultimate Guide to Producing High-Quality Herbs on a Market
Jaap Kok - Environmentally Sound Leather Tanning; A Course on
Small-Scale Techniques and Management.pdf
Jean-Henri Fabre - Bramble-Bees and Others.epub
Jean-Henri Fabre - More Hunting Wasps.epub
Jean-Henri Fabre - Social Life in the Insect World.epub
Jean-Henri Fabre - The Life of the Spider.epub
Jean-Henri Fabre - The Mason-Bees.epub
Jean-Henri Fabre - The Wonders of Instinct; Chapters in the
Psychology of Insects.epub
Jo Jo Gonzales - Death by Deception; Advanced Improvised Booby
John Bernhard Smith - Explanation of Terms Used in
John Ivanko & Lisa Kivirist - Rural Renaissance; Renewing the
Quest for the Good Life.pdf
John Jacob Schmidt - Communications Signals Operating
Instructions; HAM Radio.pdf
John Mason - Growing and Knowing Lavender.pdf
John Mason - Sustainable Agriculture.pdf
John Seymour - The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency.pdf
John T. C. Clark - The Amateurs' Guide and Flower-Garden
John Victor Lacroix - Lameness of the Horse.epub
John W. Sluss - Emergency Surgery.pdf
Josef Brunner - Tracks and Tracking.pdf
Jospeh Jenkins - Humanure Handbook; A Guide to Composting Human
Judy Lowe - Herbs!; Creative Herb Garden Themes and Projects.pdf
Julie Bruton-Seal & Matther Seal - Backyard Medicine; Harvest and
Make Your Own Herbal Remedies.pdf
Karel Rataj & Thomas J. Horeman - Aquarium Plants; Their
Identification Cultivation and Ecology.pdf
Keith Roberto - Hydroponics.pdf
Ken Kern - The Owner-Built Homestead.pdf
L. E. Stemmler - The Essentials of Archery; How to Use and Make
Bows and Arrows.pdf
Lance Gegner - Beekeeping; Apiculture.pdf
Leonard Haseman - An Elementary Study of Insects.epub
Linda L. Gombert - Butterfly Gardening.pdf
Lisa B. Morgan & Ann McCormick - Homegrown Herb Garden; A Guide
to Growing and Culinary Uses.pdf
List of Attractive Plants for Bees.pdf
Little Busybodies; The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles, and
Other Busybodies.epub
Make your own MREs.pdf
Making Charcoal.pdf
Making Fire With A Bow Drill.pdf
Making Tinctures.pdf
Making Your Own Bug Out Bag.pdf
Malcolm Stuart - The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism.pdf
Mary M. Crawford - Before the Doctor Comes.pdf
Masanobu Fukuoka - The Natural Way of Farming; The Theory and
Practice of Green Philosophy.pdf
Masanobu Fukuoka - The Road Back to Nature; Regaining the
Paradise Lost.pdf
Mastering the Art of Knots and Splices.pdf
Mayne Reid - The Hunters Feast; Conversations Around the Camp
Mel Bartholomew - Cash from Square Foot Gardening.pdf
Murray Dicks - Where There Is No Dentist.pdf
N. E. McIndoo - The Auditory Sense of the Honey Bee.pdf
National Gardening Association - Gardening Basics for Dummies.pdf
National Gardening Association - Herb Gardening For Dummies.pdf
National Gardening Association - Organic Gardening for
Nick Robinson - The Planting Design Handbook.pdf
P. R. Kincaid - The Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild &
Vicious Horses.epub
Pandemic - Become Self-Sufficient for Six Months.pdf
Peter Bisset - The Book of Water Gardening.pdf
Peter Henderson - Gardening for Profit; A Guide to the Successful
Cultivation of the Market and Family Garden.pdf
Prabhu L. Pingali & R. E. Evenson - Agricultural Economics.pdf
Preparing and Canning Poultry, Red Meats and Seafoods.pdf
R. Umrani & C. K. Jain - Agroforestry; Systems and Practices.pdf
Ragnar Benson - Mantrapping.pdf
Raising Turkeys; Breeds, Care, Health.pdf
Ralph Lyon - How to Make a Small Vegetable Garden; Simple and
Successful Methods.pdf
Rick Walker - Tissue Culture in the Home Kitchen.pdf
Rita Buchanan - Taylor's Guide to Herbs.pdf
Robert Alexander Craig - Common Diseases of Farm Animals.epub
Robert Jennings - Cattle and Their Diseases.epub
Rosalind Creasy - The Edible Herb Garden.pdf
Royal Dixon - The Human Side of Animals.epub
S. L. Goodale - The Principles of Breeding.epub
Sally Ann Johnson - How to Dry Herbs; The Complete DIY Herb
Drying Guide.pdf
Samuel W. Baker - Wild Beasts and Their Ways; Reminiscences of
Europe, Asia, Africa and America.epub
Shane Smith - The Bountiful Solar Greenhouse; A Guide to Year-
Round Food Production.pdf
Step by Step Landscaping; Planning, Planting, Building.pdf
Sugar Production from Sugar Cane.pdf
Tabletop Mushroom Cultivation.pdf
The Bug-Out Bag.pdf
The Methods of Jean Pain; Another Kind of Garden.pdf
The Step-by-Step Guide to Plant Propagation; Seeds, Roots, Bulbs
and Corms, Layering, Stem Cuttings, Leaf Cuttings, Budding
and Grafting.pdf
Thomas G. Barnes - Trees, Shrubs, and Vines that Attract
Toby Hemenway - Gaia's Garden; A Guide to Home-Scale
Tony Winch - Growing Food; A Guide to Food Production.pdf
Tracking Techniques.pdf
Tree Identification Terminology.pdf
Understanding the Honey Bee.pdf
US Army - Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile
US Army - Preservation of Foods.pdf
Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia; Growing, Freezing, Canning,
Drying and Storing.pdf
Vegetable Oil-Fueled Cook Stove.pdf
Vincent J. Markovchick - Emergency Medicine Secrets.pdf
W. A. Goodacre - The Beginner In Bee Culture.pdf
W. T. Dannreuther - Minor and Emergency Surgery.pdf
W. T. Hornaday - The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals; A Book of
Personal Observations.epub
Wick, Raft & Drip Systems.PDF
William Crozier & Peter Henderson - How the Farm Pays; The
Experiences of Forty Years of Successful Farming and Gardening.pdf
William Tyler Olcott - A Field Book of the Stars.pdf
Wound Closure Manual.pdf
Xenophon - On Horsemanship.epub


Skills & Masteries

Misc Skills & Masteries

Barnhart Bros. & Spindler - Book of Type Specimens (Book

Charles M. Miller - Kitecraft and Kite Tournaments.pdf
Chas. Hecklinger - Dress and Cloak Cutting.pdf
[Collection - The Bonefolder; E-journal For The Bookbinder And
Book Artist]
Cyril Davenport - English Embroidered Bookbindings.pdf
Edith B. Ordway - Synonyms and Antonyms; An Alphabetical List of
Words in Common Use, Grouped with Others of Similar and
Opposite Meaning.pdf
Edward Watkins - The Secret of Successful Tailoring.pdf
English Etymology; A Select Glossary Serving as an Introduction
to the History of the English Language.pdf
F. Sturges Allen - Allen's Synonyms and Antonyms.pdf
Ferdinand de Saussure - Course In General Linguistics.pdf
Frederick T. Croonborg - New Supreme System for Production of
Men's Garments.pdf
Harry Simons - The Science of Grading Clothing Patterns.pdf
J. J. Luna - How to be Invisible - The Essential Guide to
Protecting Your Personal Privacy, Your Assets, and Your Life.pdf
J. Schwartz Jr. - Catalogue of the Apprentice's Library.pdf
Jeff Kolby - 4000 Words Essential for an Educated Vocabulary.pdf
John Donner - A Professional's Guide to Pyrotechnics;
Understanding and Making Fireworks.pdf
John Wesley Powell - On the Evolution of Language.epub
Jose R. Capablanca - Chess Fundamentals.pdf
Jules Schwartz - Finance and Accounting for the Non-Financial
Manager (Part 1).pdf
Jules Schwartz - Finance and Accounting for the Non-Financial
Manager (Part 2).pdf
L. Schulman - Schulman's System of Garment Cutting; Coat and Vest
Measure and Adjustable Trouser System.pdf
P. M. Roget - Thesaurus of Synonyms & Antonyms.pdf
Page Fox - One Thousand Ways to Make Money.pdf
S. S. Gordon - Cutting Men's Garments.pdf
S. Schorr - The American Designer and Cutter (Tailoring).pdf

Collection - The Bonefolder; E-journal For The Bookbinder And Book Artist
Vol. 2 #1.pdf Vol. 4 #1.pdf Vol. 6 #1.pdf
Vol. 2 #2.pdf Vol. 4 #2.pdf Vol. 6 #2.pdf
Vol. 1 #1.pdf Vol. 3 #1.pdf Vol. 5 #1.pdf Vol. 7 #1.pdf
Vol. 1 #2.pdf Vol. 3 #2.pdf Vol. 5 #2.pdf Vol. 8 #1.pdf

Eddie the Wire

How To Make Your Own Professional Locktools 1.pdf
How To Make Your Own Professional Locktools 3.pdf
How To Make Your Own Professional Locktools.pdf
The Complete Guide To Lockpicking.pdf

Matthew James
Homeschooling Odyssey.pdf

Michael Connor
How to Hide Anything.pdf

Theodor the Tool

MIT Guide To Lockpicking.pdf



Music & The Arts


Music & The Arts

Alfred Dolge - Pianos and Their Makers.pdf

Allen W. Seaby - Drawing for Art Students and Illustrations.pdf
Andrew Loomis - Figure Drawing; For All It's Worth; A Book of
Fundamentals for an Artistic Career.pdf
Bjorn Schille - Allan Holdsworth; Reshaping Harmony.pdf
C. E. Clement & L. Hutton - Artists of the Ninteenth Century and
their Works Vol. II.pdf
Charles Sumner - The Best Portraits in Engraving.epub
David Lockart - Music Theory Teacher's Guide.pdf
Drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci.pdf
Eric T. Smith - Acoustics 101; Practical Guidelines For
Constructing Accurate Acoustical Spaces.pdf
Esther Singleton - Great Pictures As Seen and Described by Famous
Ethel Puffer Howes - The Psychology of Beauty.epub
Exhibition of Early German Art.pdf
F. B. Tarbell - A History of Greek Art.epub
George B. Bridgman - Constructive Anatomy.pdf
George Field - Field's Chromatography.epub
H. A. Harding - Analysis of Form in Beethoven's Sonatas.pdf
H. M. Cundall & C. Geoffrey Holme - Masters of Water-Colour
Harold Speed - The Practice and Science of Drawing.epub
Henry Hunt Snelling - The History and Practice of the Art of
J. L. King III - Learning the Code; A Method for Piano Study.pdf
Jands - A Guide to Quality Installed Sound System.pdf
Jasper Salwey - The Art of Drawing in Lead Pencil.pdf
John Charles Van Dyke - A Text-Book of the History of
John D. Barry - The City of Domes.epub
John W. Beatty - The Relation of Art to Nature.epub
John William Bradley - Illuminated Manuscripts.epub
Michael Bryan - Dictionary of Painters and Engravers.pdf
Music Theory; Advanced Level.pdf
Olav Turvund's Guitar Theory.pdf
Raphael Petrucci - Chinese Painters; A Critical Study.epub
S. D. Humphrey - American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype.epub
Stuart Smith - Jazz Theory.pdf
The Armstrong Guide to Building Acoustics.pdf
The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art.pdf
The Manual of Heraldry; Fifth Edition.epub
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci.epub
Vachel Lindsay - The Art of the Moving Picture.epub
W. Chappel - The Ballad Literature and Popular Music of the Olden
Time Vol. II.pdf
W. H. Holmes - A Study of the Textile Art in Its Relation to the
Development of Form and Ornament.epub
W. H. Holmes - Prehistoric Textile Fabrics Of The United States
Derived From Impressions On Pottery.epub
William S. Crattey - Advanced Music Theory Workbook.pdf


Archivist's Last Notes

Around the time I finished up the first version of this archive, it came to pass
that Mr. Ernst Zundel's life (naturally) came to an end, at the age of 87. Before
this occured, I had decided to entitle this archive in his name as a tribute to
everything he has done for the future generations fighting the ZOG/JWO system. Many
authors, who's works are presented in this archive, have since passed away. I am
honored to 'keep the fire going' for these men and women, and hopefully this
archive might reach their intended audience and deliver the messages they hoped to

NOTE: This archive is completely legal. Every single file was collected from the
public domain. I am not auctioning, selling or merchandising these e-books; I am
only relaying copies from their sources with which I have no affiliation or
involvement. We are entering a dark age of information-freedom, in which it will
soon be illegal to share files without 'government certified programs', or to even
own files in any other fasion than cloud storage. Although there is heavy
opposition against these draconian laws, they are being forced upon us
incrementally and we must 'stock our basements', so to speak, for the
'bowdlerisation' of the internet. Every single file has been filtered through
multiple anti-malware programs and are safe to copy. Please avoid using Adobe
Reader and use SumatraPDF.

NOTE: Regarding Section 1. Zündel's Bunker: Collection - Holocaust Handbooks. There

are 40 offical releases by the Barnes Review in the series, however I have not been
able to recover all of them. I have taken those from the torrent on archive.org,
added some more that I was able to recover, but I am still searching for 34, 35,
36, 37, 39 and 40. To compensate (for now), I have added some extra books/articles
regarding the holohoax. Also check Section 3. Jewish Lies & Rabbit Holes, where you
can find multiple (sloppy) works by jewish authors defending their

NOTE: Regarding Section 1. Zündel's Bunker: the 'Khazar Theory'. It is my personal

opinion that this is another jewish 'red herring', similar to the 'Illuminati
Theory' in it's purpose. There are massive historical contradictions and
misunderstandings (that favour the jews) created by the assertion that the jewish
agenda began with the Khazarian empire. As is often, in the counter-arguments
against the jewish agenda, (fake) historians and religious zealots (jewish plants)
will point to an egg and call it the chicken. Those who are studying the mainstream
(jewish) theories (such as NWO, Illuminati, Globalism/Capitalism) who come across
the Khazar theory without understanding the historicity and brevity of the jewish
agenda are subverted from further research on judaism. Arthur Koestler (author of
the Thirteenth Tribe - often cited as the argument for the Khazar theory) is a
British jew and prominent communist, so it's an obvious 'red herring' for
researchers and historians of the jewish agenda. Many authors and researchers, who
write about zionism or even judaism as the culprit of the decline of our society
often discount the importance of history when writing about the jewish agenda.
Though, in some cases this is intentional subversion and as I've stated it can be a
very effective tool for the downplaying of or complete misdirection from the jewish
agenda's extensive history. Therefore I apologise if I have included any
books/articles that may inadvertantly (or of course intentionally) promote this
subversive theory.

NOTE: Regarding Section 5. Physique & Martial Arts. I live in a country that has
banned guns and boasts a plethora of 'anti-terrorist' spying laws, and am therefore
subject to prosecution for owning and/or sharing information that may pertain to
gun/terrorist violence. Although this section is dedicated to self defense, I have
decided to exclude weaponry books. However, you can find hundreds
of torrents (with everything you need to know about militant strategy and combat)
in the public domain.

I salute the great mass of authors behind these works; even the kikes in 'the
furnace' section, whom have given us so many lies to uncover and work with. Massive
thanks to 8chan /pdfs/, Dr. Chem, Ryan Dawson, israelites.de @ archive.org,
haphaestus @ archive.org, apiru-inhibitor @ archive.org, divinum @ archive.org,
colchestercollection.com, Folkscanomy: Fringe and Off-Center @ archive.org, Odal! @
archive.org, sacredtexts.com, holocausthandbooks.com, anonfiles.com, brainheart @
archive.org, alex @ www.imperialgermans.com, naturalnobility @ archive.org,
manhattansunrise @ archive.org, kunde7777 @ archive.org, mike638 @ archive.org,
fuerteventura.spain@hotmail.com @ archive.org, hank_b @ archive.org, ia-mario @
archive.org, prelinger_library @ archive.org, Khaos Odensland @ archive.org,
artstar274 @ archive.org, dudeman5685 @ archive.org, www.gutenberg.org, Alyson-
Wieczorek @ archive.org, Thracia Reborn @ archive.org, www.culturewars.com, Peter
Helland (Tim Kelly)...

If you have any recommendations, or are willing to share some appropriate material
that I might accept into this archive, please contact me at
"ZundelsBunker@gmx.com". I will continue to expand this archive, so remember to
occasionally check this source for an updated version.

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