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Sandvik Mining and Construction

Australia Pty Ltd ABN 62 003 771 382




4th Edition – 2014 Release
© Publication Number 69 343 137
This is a confidential document.
It is for distribution to Sandvik personnel and approved
Sandvik fire suppression dealers and distributors only.


Sandvik Mining and Construction Australia Pty Ltd reserve the right to
revise and improve the product at any time. This publication describes
the product at the time of issue and may not reflect the current product.

Copyright © 2014 SANDVIK

Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this
document may be reproduced by any process, or any other exclusive
rights exercised, without the written permission of Sandvik Mining
and Construction Australia Pty Ltd, 136 Daws Road, Melrose Park
SA 5039, Australia. Phone +61 8 8276 7655

This manual supersedes all previous issues of the design manual

(Sandvik publication number 69 343 137) for AS5062 compliant Sandvik
SC-Series FS1000 foam fire suppression systems.

This document provides design rules and information for system selection
for the Sandvik SC-Series pre-engineered foam fire suppression system
for mobile and transportable plant and equipment in accordance with
system capabilities and limitations.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems



6.1 GENERAL 44

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


The Sandvik SC-Series FS1000 foam fire suppression system is a pre-engineered system
that was designed to meet requirements of existing Australian Standards and Guidelines.
Australian Standard AS5062-2006 for fire protection of mobile and transportable equipment
was released late 2006. This Australian Standard covers all aspects of fire risk prevention
and assessment, system design, documentation and system testing. As a requirement of
the Standard, a compliant system has to be listed. The Sandvik SC-Series FS1000 fire
suppression system is listed with the Active Fire product listing scheme to comply with the
Standard. As part of the listing, the system was subjected to a series of rigorous tests to
prove that it is fit for purpose and capable of extinguishing a fire.
Electronic Australian Standard AS5062-2006 is available from SAI Global Ltd website.
The Sandvik SC-Series FS1000 fire suppression system meets the following requirements:
 Australian Standard AS5062-2006 Fire protection for mobile and transportable
equipment and listing with CSIRO Active Fire product listing scheme (afp-2283).
 Department of Minerals and Energy of W.A. Foam Fire Suppression Systems on
Mine Vehicles Guidelines (mainly specific to underground equipment).
 Department of Mineral Resources of NSW - MDG 15 (March 2002) Design &
Guidelines for surface mobile & transportable equipment used in coal mines and
preparation plants.
The Sandvik SC-Series FS1000 system does not fully comply with the MDG 13 & 15
guidelines. A compliance/clarification statement is available on request.


As a Pre-Engineered System, the SC-Series FS1000 is supplied in the form of a complete
installation package. This package contains all components required for a complete
installation. The contents are based on the tested limitations of the system.
Refer to Section 5 for a summary of design parameters and system limitations.
With the difficulties of calculations for a system that does not have even pressure supply or
linear discharge rates, the system limitations were established by extensive discharge
testing during our research and development program.
System design criteria are based on fire tests carried out as part of the Active Fire listing
process. All systems shall have a minimum application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m² and have
an absolute minimum effective discharge time of 33 seconds.

Informative note: 4.1ltr/min/m² is a generally recommended foam application rate to effectively suppress a
fire, however this proved to be far too low to pass the indirect fire test as specified in AS5062-2006. Although
the minimum discharge time is 33 seconds, all Sandvik systems are designed for 50 to 60 seconds minimum.

Section 5 contains area coverage limitation tables based on above figures. The tables
show the maximum area coverage of single and multiple tank systems at the required
application rate. Maximum coverage figures in these tables were derived from discharge
time and amount of product discharged during testing. These limitation tables make
system selection and verification relatively simple once the required number of nozzles and
surface area coverage are established.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


A professional fire suppression system installation consists of 5 basic steps:
Fire risk assessment
Fire suppression system selection and design
System installation
System commissioning
System documentation

Each of these steps is important and must be completed to provide the client with the best
possible protection for their particular equipment.


This is the first step that must be carried out to establish what fire risks exist on a
particular piece of equipment.
Each and every machine must have an individual assessment as the risks vary from one
application to the next. There is no such thing as a generic risk assessment for a
specific model machine.
You may have a general idea from your previous installation on that same model, but each
client has their own way of using the equipment, different options fitted, likes or dislikes for
the position of the tank or activation points, varying environmental conditions and more.
Fire risk and prevention is a vast subject and can often be too complex to be fully
understood by a single person. Consultation of key personnel involved with the design,
operation and servicing of the equipment is therefore of great benefit.
The assessment team should consist of at least three members. The assessment must be
facilitated and recorded by the Sandvik accredited technician. Most valuable consultants
would be end user operating or service personnel of the equipment being assessed. Other
valuable assistance could be from the equipment manufacturer, the supplier, the hire
company, or even a representative of the insurance company.
Ideally, this assessment is carried out before a quotation is submitted.
This is not always possible. In a lot of cases, the equipment is imported from overseas and
not available for an assessment prior to installation.
If you are unable to carry out an assessment before submitting a price, you can make an
estimate of the system size based on previously installed systems on similar equipment.
In this case, any quotation submitted must have a clause stating that the proposed
system is subject to a fire risk assessment prior to installation.
If your assessment then shows a requirement for a different size system, you can resubmit
your price for the correct system size prior to starting your installation.


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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

The Sandvik assessment format is based on probability and consequence to establish

the fire risk of individual equipment components. Sandvik have developed an electronic
form to assess this risk and to design a fire system based on the risk present:
This Sandvik form is used to determine the fire risk on mobile & transportable equipment,
provide recommendation for fixed fire protection (system design) and suggest potential
measures for further fire prevention and improvement of equipment fire safety after
installation of the Sandvik fire suppression system.
The electronic assessment form is issued to the assessment facilitator in the form of an
Excel Macro enabled template. It consists of a workbook that contains provision for
recording equipment and client details, the fire risk assessment of the equipment, the
Sandvik fire suppression system design based on the assessed risk and a record of the fire
system in the form of an as-built drawing that is inserted after completion of the installation
of the Sandvik fire suppression system.
A copy of the completed document is included in the documentation package provided to
the client, owner or end user of the equipment on completion of the fire system installation.


The first part of the assessment worksheet is to record all the relevant detail regarding the
client and the equipment that is being assessed. It is important to record the equipment
serial and asset numbers to clearly identify the equipment in question.
This is followed by a record of the adverse fire risk factors that were considered for the
purpose of the assessment. Adverse fire risk factors increase the probability of a fire
occurring, potentially have more serious consequences and therefore increase the fire risk.
This includes factors such as operating location (underground, forestry, etc), material being
handled (coal, timber, explosives, fuel or oil, etc), secondary fuel sources in area of
operation (storage of fuel, oil, explosives), environmental factors (high ambient
temperatures, high wind areas, etc) and previously experienced problems (known risks,
consultation with site personnel).
The form lists the most common known factors. There is provision to add additional risk
factors that were present but not included in the form. All relevant factors are recorded by
ticking the appropriate boxes as shown in the example below. The example given is in
relation to a machine working in a forest. As a result, there are secondary fuel sources
present (forest), the added risk of handling combustible material (timber) and the potential
for combustibles to build up (leaves, twigs, saw dust etc).

This information is recorded for reference in case any of these factors change in the future
operation of the equipment. Should any of these adverse risk factors change at any time
after installation of the fire suppression system, the fire risk must be re-assessed to
confirm that the fire suppression system installed still provides adequate protection.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Next is a record of all the existing fire risk reduction measures.

Fire risk reduction measures are features of the equipment that reduce the inherent fire
risk. This includes measures such as lagging of hot surfaces, shielding of vulnerable
components, fire walls, separation of fuel and ignition sources, use of fire resistant hosing
and any other measures that reduce the probability or consequences of a fire incident.
Only preventive measures physically present on the equipment at the time of the
assessment and verified by the assessor can be considered. Any suggested or intended
measures can not be taken into consideration until they are physically implemented.
The form lists the most common known fire risk reduction measures. There is provision to
add additional measures that were present but not included in the form. All existing
measures are recorded by ticking the relevant boxes as shown in the example below.

This information is recorded for reference in case any of these safeguards are removed or
modified. Should any of these preventive measures change at any time after installation
of the fire suppression system, the fire risk must be re-assessed to confirm that the fire
suppression system installed still provides adequate protection

Fire risk assessment worksheet

The next part is the assessment worksheet. It is used to determine the inherent fire risk on
the equipment followed by the recommended controls (fire suppression system) and the
level of controlled risk after the SC-Series fire suppression system has been fitted.
Following is the procedure for assessing the fire risk and transferring the results to the
assessment worksheet. The worksheet is to be completed by the assessment facilitator.
Picture below shows part of a typical assessment worksheet. The assessment procedure
that follows over the next few pages refers to the individual columns of this worksheet.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

3.2.1 Risk Component (Column 1)

The risk component is any part or location on the equipment that could potentially be an
ignition point or fuel source such as:
 Ignition points with high radiating heat such as turbo and exhaust manifolds.
 Electrical ignition points such as starter motor, alternator and battery.
 Mechanical energy such as friction, overheating, impact, etc.
 Chemical reaction such as self-heating or self-ignition.
 Fuel sources such as fuel lines or filters, hydraulic pumps or valves and hydraulic lines.
 Areas where fuel may collect and heat or noise insulation material that may absorb fuel.
 Consideration of fuel types on board (potential for class type A, B, C, D, E fires).
 Any other known potential risk components or areas.
The worksheet already lists a range of common known potential risk components or areas.
Any components identified but not listed can be added to the form.
All potential risk components must be identified and individually listed in this column of
the worksheet. If the equipment has two engines for example, then each turbo, exhaust
manifold, etc should be listed separately (ie turbo 1, turbo 2, exhaust 1, exhaust 2, etc).
Furthermore it may be helpful to split some of the listed components, for example have the
exhaust pipe listed as “external” and “internal” to clearly identify the high risk areas. Free
spaces are provided for addition of specific risk components that are not listed.
The risk components can vary from one application to another. What may be a high risk on
one machine may be a low risk on another.
Lower risk components must not be removed from the list. All potential components must
be recorded here, regardless of preventive measures that may have reduced or eliminated
a previously known risk. All risk, high or low must be recorded so it is evident that it was
considered at the time of the assessment.

3.2.2 Inherent Risk (Columns 2 to 4)

The inherent risk is the existing fire risk on the equipment. It is the risk with all reduction
measures in place as recorded in the assessment, but without a fire system fitted.
Any potential suggested or intended preventive measures can not be taken into
consideration until they are physically implemented, verified by the assessor and
recorded in the fire risk assessment.
It also takes into account all the adverse fire risk factors that were recorded in the
assessment. Both the probability (column 2) and the consequence (column 3) can
increase as a result of adverse conditions, resulting in a higher inherent fire risk.
Please familiarise yourself with the descriptions given for the various levels of probability
and consequence. The terms used (frequent, occasional, catastrophic, etc) are not
necessarily interpreted the same way by everyone. For consistency of assessments,
please use the definitions noted in the tables, not your own interpretation.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

3.2.3 Probability (Column 2)

This column is used to determine the probability of an incident/accident occurring. What is
the likelihood that this will cause a fire?
The following table shows the five levels of probability used for completing this column:

Determine the probability and enter the respective code into the worksheet (P1 to P5).
Example: For an incident that may occur occasionally, enter P3 in the worksheet.
Please note that the probability can vary from one application to another. Refer back to the
tables you completed earlier in your assessment and consider all adverse factors and
existing preventive measures that you have previously recorded there.
Informative note: A fuel source is only a fire risk if it is near an ignition source - with no
ignition source, a fuel source will just be a leak.

3.2.4 Consequence (Column 3)

This column is used to determine the consequence of an incident/accident occurring. What
would be the consequence if this risk component was the cause of a fire?
As with the probability, the consequence can vary from one application to another, so you
need to consider the same recorded adverse factors and existing preventive measures.
You also need to consider what fuels and construction materials are present and their
inherent properties such as:

Ignitability (how easy is it to ignite)?

Flammability (how well will it burn)?

Amount of fuel present (how much of what type of fuel is present)

Environmental impact of fire and resultant (potentially toxic) smoke and effluent.

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Ask yourself the following questions:

What would be the impact on health and safety of the operator or passengers?

What about health and safety of other people in the vicinity?

What property damage would be caused (equipment or operating environment)?

What would be the impact of fire effects (propagation, heat radiation, smoke, etc)?

Could the fire spread to the surrounding area (forest, crops, etc)?

Would the fire result in loss of production?

The following table shows the four levels of consequence used for completing this column:

Determine what the consequence is, then enter the code into the worksheet (C1 to C4).
Example: For an incident with critical consequences, enter C2 in the worksheet.

Informative notes: When the consequence is entered into the electronic worksheet (not a
photo copy), the Sandvik form will automatically calculate the inherent risk and complete
Column 4 for you. It will further colour the cell in the respective risk colour for instant
recognition and easier identification of the level risk(s). It uses the same colours as are
shown in the risk assessment matrix in section 3.2.5 overleaf.
The electronic form also copies the probability entry from column 2 to column 6
automatically. These two columns will always be identical. The probability or likelihood of a
fire occurring does not change when a fire system (control) is fitted. Installing a fire system
or providing other means of fire fighting only reduces the consequences, not the probability.
The probability may be reduced by implementing measures such as listed in the preventive
measures table and must be recommended to the equipment owner if they are identified as
potentially beneficial during the course of the assessment (note in Column 9).

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

3.2.5 Total Inherent Risk (Column 4)

This column is used to determine the total inherent risk based on the previously established
probability and consequence. There are four levels of risk used in this assessment:
Extremely High, Significant, Moderate and Low.
The following risk matrix is used to determine the risk level codes for this column:

The risk factor is determined by reading the established probability down the left side of the
risk assessment matrix, the established consequence across the top of the matrix and
entering the intersecting cell’s risk code into the worksheet (1.1 to 4.3).
Example: An incident with occasional probability (P3) and critical consequence (C2)
intersects at cell 2.2, making this a significant risk. Enter code 2.2 in the worksheet.
This established level of risk determines the level of fire protection that should be
implemented as shown in table below:

3.2.6 Recommended Controls (Column 5)

This column is used to recommend controls for the total inherent risks established in
column 4. This risk dictates the level of protection required as shown in above table.
All extremely high and significant risks must have fire system coverage.
The inherent fire risk assessment is now completed and the assessment team can be
disbanded. Please thank everyone for their assistance and make sure to record their
names and contact details on the first page of the assessment.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

The next part is the preliminary fire system design. The system design must be carried out
by the qualified and Sandvik accredited technician (gold card holder) in accordance with
the latest version of this design manual.
Determine the minimum number of nozzles required to protect the identified risk areas.
Important note: This must be based on Sandvik FS1000 pre-engineered fire
suppression system design and limitations (flow rates, maximum spray distance, hose
limitations, etc).
Make a simple plan view sketch of the proposed system layout. This sketch becomes part
of your assessment and should remain included for future reference (later replaced by as-
built drawing once system is installed and commissioned). Mark all nozzle locations in your
sketch and use sequential numbering of nozzles to enable identification of each individual
nozzle. Transfer these same nozzle numbers from your sketch into column 5 of the
respective risk in the worksheet. Nominate how much of the respective risk is covered by
the nozzles as a % figure in brackets after the nozzle numbers.
Note: Take into consideration that the same nozzle may cover multiple identified risks, or
multiple nozzles may cover the one risk.
Example 1: Nozzle number 10 may be directed at the starter motor (full coverage) but
at the same time provide protection for the alternator (also full coverage). Therefore nozzle
10 should be shown in both rows (starter motor & alternator), with the relevant % of the risk
covered, ie in starter motor row enter 10 (100%), and in alternator row enter 10 (100%).
Example 2: Nozzles number 2 and 3 may be directed at the exhaust pipe, with a
combined coverage of 100% of the risk. Therefore nozzles 2 and 3 should be shown in the
exhaust pipe row with the relevant total % of the risk covered, ie enter 2, 3 (100%).

3.2.7 Controlled Risk (Columns 6 to 8)

The controlled risk is the risk after the fire suppression system has been installed (controls
in column 5 are now in place). The objective is to confirm that the controls implemented
have reduced the fire risk to an acceptable level.
The same assessment method is applied as was used to determine the inherent risk.

3.2.8 Probability (Column 6)

This column represents the controlled probability of an incident or accident occurring now
that a fire suppression system has been installed.
Please note that the installation of a fire suppression system has no influence
whatsoever on the likelihood of an incident, therefore this column must be identical to
the previously established inherent probability. Copy all figures from column 2 to column 6.
Example: For an incident identified as occurring occasionally (P3) in column 2, also
enter P3 in column 6 of the worksheet.
The only way to further reduce the probability of an occurrence is to implement additional
measures that reduce the likelihood of a fire (as listed on page 3 of the worksheet).
Any recommended additional potential preventive measures that are identified during
the assessment should be noted in column 9 and in the recommendations section at the
end of the assessment worksheet, but not taken into consideration in this assessment.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

3.2.9 Consequence (Column 7)

This column is used to determine the controlled consequence of an incident or accident
occurring. What would be the consequence if this risk was the cause of a fire now that a
fire suppression system is installed?
Use the same table and procedure as for column 3. Determine what the consequence is,
then enter the respective code into column 7 the worksheet (C1 to C4).

3.2.10 Total controlled risk (Column 8)

This column is used to determine the total controlled risk based on probability and
consequence established in columns 6 and 7.
This is the controlled fire risk now that the fire suppression system has been installed
(with controls implemented as documented in column 5 of the assessment worksheet).
Use the same table and procedure as for column 4.

3.2.11 Comments and recommendations (Column 9 and bottom of worksheet)

This column and the last section at the bottom of the worksheet are for the assessor to
make additional comments and recommendations.
It can be used to provide suggestions to the client for specific additional measures that
would further improve equipment fire safety. It can also highlight general concerns
regarding fire safety of the equipment.
Such recommendations may include:
Reduction of radiant heat (lagging of turbo and exhaust) - providing the insulation
material used does not absorb fuel and therefore cause further risk.
Isolation of fuel from ignition sources (alternate routing of hoses or cables).
Fire walls (prevention of fire spreading).
Potential incident prevention. You may notice situations that could lead to a fire
incident, such as oil or fuel lines running across sharp edges, unsecured hosing
(rubbing), deterioration of components through age, etc.
Implementation of regular housekeeping. For example, highlight the importance of
cleaning the equipment in areas such as forestry where combustible materials can
build up during normal operation of the equipment.
Any other preventive measures (as listed on page 3 of the worksheet).

A copy of the equipment fire risk assessment

shall be forwarded to the client as part of the
FS1000 system documentation.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


Step 1
In order to select a suitable system, it is essential to make sure that the system protects all
risk areas as identified by the fire risk assessment (as per section 3.1 and 3.2).
Based on this risk assessment, all areas or components that were identified as Extremely
High Risk or Significant Risk must be protected by the fire system.
The number of nozzles required to cover identified risks is as per this risk assessment.
Step 2
On the basis of the sketch done for the system layout during fire risk assessment, calculate
(as close as possible) the surface area that will be covered by the fire suppression system.
Measurement of surface areas can be difficult, but can be simplified as shown:
The simplified sketch shows a system with 4 nozzles for general
cover ( B ) and 4 nozzles aimed at hot spots ( H ).
With the engine measuring an estimated 1.5m x 0.8m x 0.8m, B

Calculation is 1.5 x 0.8 = 1.2m² (3x) + 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.64m² (2x),

therefore the surface area ( top and 4 sides ) is 4.88m².
This calculation must include the total area covered by the H
system and correspond with the risk assessment. H

Step 3
Select the appropriate system size based on number of nozzles and area covered.
The relevant reference tables can be found in Section 5 of this manual.
Using table 5.6.1 for a system with a single tank, find your established number of nozzles
down the left side of the table, and then across to the area coverage for that number of
nozzles. You have sufficient nozzles if the area specified in that cell is equal or larger than
your estimate from step 2. If the area specified in that cell is smaller than the estimate from
step 2, then the number of nozzles does not provide enough area coverage. And you need
to increase the number of nozzles until it complies.
Read the size of the tank at the top of that corresponding column. You now have a tank
with a number of nozzles that will cover the given area at the required application rate to
effectively suppress a fire and provide sufficient cooling for post fire protection.
Example: Using table 5.6.1 and the area calculated in example of above step 2, eight (8)
nozzles cover a maximum area of 5.44m² at the required rate. This is larger than the
estimated area (which was 4.88m²), therefore moving up the column from the coverage cell
gives you a 45 litre tank. So the requirement would be a 45 Litre system with 8 nozzles.
For larger systems with more than one tank, the design principle is the same.
Maximum permitted nozzles and area coverage limitations of the various configurations of
multiple tank systems can be found in table 5.7.2.

All the tables are based on standard design and operating parameters.

If there are special conditions that would adversely affect the fire fighting efficiency of a
system (forced ventilation, large openings, long shutdown delay, etc), then the system size
should be adjusted accordingly to compensate. Agent quantity can be increased or
number of nozzles reduced to extend discharge time providing application rate remains
higher than or equal to 7.2 ltr/min/m² (such as 90 second discharge, section 5.9).

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


Use the SYSTEM DESIGN sheets of the Fire Risk Assessment form number 69-343-138
to record, calculate and verify your system design.
The equipment identification cells will be filled in automatically from the information that
was already entered on the risk assessment part of the form.
Note your estimated area in the system parameters section of the form, together with the
minimum number of nozzles that you require to cover the risks.
In the design table part, assign a number to each ring main you intend to build, record tank
sizes and numbers of nozzles for each tank, with the area coverage for each in the last cell
(according to the tables in section 5 of this manual).
In the verification part of the page, the form will automatically total the nozzles and the
area that the designed system can cover. These two figures must be larger than the
estimated figures previously entered in the system parameters section of the form.
On the next page, record your system design specification in accordance with the
parameters requested on the form. Refer to section 6 of this manual to determine
requirements for portable (handheld) extinguishers.


With the general trend to make things bigger, better, faster, machinery has also grown in
size considerably over the last few years.

Larger equipment leads to larger amounts of oil and fuel required for operation and as a
result has considerably increased fire risk. Whereas in the past most systems installed
were single tank arrangements, we now experience more and more situations where we
need to fit multiple tanks to cover the identified risk areas. As the equipment size grows, so
does the liability should something go wrong. It is therefore very important that these types
of systems are designed according to risk and with all the system limitations in mind.

The FS1000 system has certain limitations that must be taken into consideration when
designing a system with multiple tanks. For starters, same as for a single tank system, we
need to follow a basic set of steps to produce a professional system installation:

 Do a fire risk assessment

 Design the system to cover identified risks
 Install the system
 Test all system functions
 Commission the system and verify design
 Complete all system documentation

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The following factors must be considered in your system design:

 Spray coverage of system

 Automatic detection & activation tube location

 Discharge time and foam application rate

 Access for maintenance and servicing

 Client wishes and requests

 Aesthetics

 Duty of Care and Liabilities

All these factors are the same as they would be for a single tank system. There are
however specific limitations when we look at multiple tanks and large risk areas that need
to be protected.
Same as a single tank system, all of the extremely high and significant risks (as per risk
assessment) must be covered by the spray of the nozzles.
You will have a large number of nozzles for these big systems and connecting them all up
is not always easy. We still need to work on the principle of a ring main to ensure that a
single accidentally crushed hose does not render the system ineffective.

Best system performance is achieved if you have a separate ring main for each of the
tanks and just hook all the heads up to a connecting activation circuit, i.e. activation of any
device triggers discharge of all tanks. This is the best option as we effectively have
individual single systems combined that are to cover a large area without the limitations
posed by having multiple tanks feeding into the one ring main. This should always be
your first choice. If this is not practical, then there are some design limitations and factors
you must take into consideration in your system design and certain rules must be followed.

These rules are mandatory!

They directly affect system performance.
They must be followed at all times.
Please be aware that statements such as
“We always do it like this” or
“There was no room for a bigger tank” or
“It looks better that way”
do not stand up too well in a Court of Law.

3.4.1 RULE 1
The activation line connecting to the tanks must not terminate at the last tank. The
line must continue and connect back into the activation circuit to form a loop.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Explanation: With a system that has multiple tanks hooked up in series, a blockage in the
activation line between tanks would result in the tank(s) after the blockage not discharging
when the system is activated. If this was to occur during operation after the system was
recharged, that blockage would prevent the gas from being vented to activate the
discharge, or if the blockage was present at the time of charging, it would not be possible to
pressurise the end tank(s).
We therefore provide a backup line so the gas can vent from the tanks in either direction.

3.4.2 RULE 2
If you have two tanks feeding into the same ring main, you cannot have double the
number of nozzles that you could fit to a single tank.
Explanation: When multiple tanks feed into same ring main, they tend to fight each other
during the discharge as the rate of flow and drop of pressure varies from one head to the
next. The “faster” unit is effectively being re-pressurised by the other, which results in a
loss of effectiveness and needlessly extends the discharge time.
What if you DO have two tanks into one ring main?
If this is how the system has to be installed, then refer to table 5.2.1 in Section 5.2 of this
manual for the system size limits for multiple tank systems.
Example: A single 110 litre system can have 14 nozzles fitted.
A twin 110 litre system with a ring main for each tank (not connected in any way) can have
a maximum of 28 nozzles fitted (2 x 14).
A twin 110 litre system with a common ring main can only have 27 nozzles.

3.4.3 RULE 3
Multiple tanks connected to a common ring main must all be the same size.
Explanation: If you have multiple tanks into one ring main, they must all be the same
size, otherwise you will have even worse system performance than if they were the same
size as already mentioned in the explanation of Rule 2.
The pressure in all the tanks is the same, so the rate of discharge is similar, but the smaller
tank(s) will be the first to be empty. Once empty, the larger tank(s) will try to push product
back into the empty smaller tank(s).
What if I need to fit different size tanks?
This can be done, but only if each of the tanks has its own independent ring main.
This way there is no physical connection between the discharge lines and it does not
matter if the smaller tank(s) are fully discharged a little earlier. You can also size the ring
mains and numbers of nozzles for the given tank sizes in such a way that the discharge
time of the two different size tanks is very similar.
Example: You have a 45 litre tank with a ring main around the engine and a 25 litre tank to
cover the hydraulics area. Each tank has to have a ring main of its own.
If you have 8 nozzles on the 45 litre tank and 4 nozzles on the 25 litre tank, both systems
would finish discharging around the same time. Even if they do not, it would not matter
because they act as independent systems as far as the discharge is concerned.

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3.4.4 RULE 4
Multiple tanks must operate as one complete fire suppression system.
Explanation: When you do have multiple tanks, these must be connected to one common
activation line and discharge as one system. Separate activation points for independent
sections of a fire system are dangerous. You never know where the fire will start, or if the
operator will activate the correct part of the system.
No diversion valves are to be fitted to give selected area discharge.
What if the customer insists on having a split system?
The customer is asking you to have a valve installed that will allow him to divert the flow of
the system either to the engine bay or the rear brakes, which ever may be on fire.
This is one of those situations where you will have to refuse politely. This type of
arrangement poses an unacceptable risk. The same applies to having a separate
activation module for each of the tanks in a multiple tank system.
In an emergency, when the operator is most concerned in getting off the burning vehicle
alive, you can almost bet on the fact that it will be spraying foam into the wrong section of
the machine, potentially resulting in a total loss of the equipment.
In cases like this, exactly the same as if your customer was asking you to install a 45 litre
system despite the fact that your fire risk assessment determined that the minimum
required tank size was 110 litres, you have to refuse!
If the purchaser or end user insists that you to proceed regardless, then you need to
get a client representative (in authority position) to sign a disclaimer to that effect.

3.4.5 RULE 5
Each tank on a common ring main must connect directly into the ring main.
Explanation: In our pre-engineered system design, each tank on its own is capable of
driving a certain number of nozzles over a given period of time and area, which gives us
our required application rate.
To maintain the design criteria, two tanks into one ring main must connect to opposite
sides of the ring main so that they effectively each feed their own half of the nozzles. In
this way, there is little difference in the discharge time or application rate and the
extinguishing agent is distributed evenly to all the nozzles.
What if I connect 2 tank outlets together and just run one hose (-12) to the ring main?
This would be much simpler to install and definitely be a more visually pleasing way of
hosing, however this can create dangerously low application rates.
The system design is such that the cross sectional area of the main delivery line (-12 hose)
is twice that of our ring main lines (-8 hose), which gives us minimal pressure loss when we
feed into the ring main. When we connect multiple lines together, we do not get the foam
into the ring main much faster than we would with a single tank, so what we are effectively
doing is extending the discharge time as if we had a twice as larger tank. Pressure is
not doubled and flow rate into the ring main does not increase through only a single hose.
But a longer discharge time is always appreciated by the customer!
A longer discharge time is only good to a certain point. Once you go past this “point”, the
system performance declines rapidly and eventually becomes totally ineffective.

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This may not be visually evident and discharge still “looks” good, but only a verification of
the application rate can prove that the system applies sufficient foam to effectively
suppress and ultimately extinguish a fire.
How do I verify that application rate?
The basic procedure is shown further on in this manual. It explains how you can calculate
the application rate for any system with a simple formula.
All you need for this calculation are the following:
 Total amount of foam discharged (in litres)
 Effective system discharge time (in seconds)
 Total system area coverage (in square metres)
This applies to any fire system, regardless of size, number of nozzles or tanks.
For details refer to section 4.0 Verification of system application rate in this manual.
Final confirmation of system design is actual system application rate.
System performance cannot be compromised by installation practices, visually
pleasing layout or client requests that unnecessarily extend the discharge time at the
cost of the application rate or contradict the pre-engineered principles of the FS1000
fire suppression system in any way.


If you did your risk assessment and followed the rules within this design manual, this
calculation should be mere formality for your own peace of mind.
We do of course still take servicing access, client wishes and a good looking installation
into consideration, but please remember that it is our system design and that we are
ultimately liable if it does not work.
Remember the following:
The longer your discharge time is, the lower your application rate will be.
Although the customer is always right, that does not change the system
Any implemented client request that contravenes the pre-engineered design of
the Sandvik FS1000 fire system has to be recorded in the form of a disclaimer that
is signed by an authorised client signatory (client takes legal responsibility).
Never assume anything - if you are not sure … please ask !!!


Installation plays an important part in the efficiency of any fire suppression system. An
unprofessional installation, in the worst case, could render a system inoperable. The
following design and installation rules have been compiled as a reference to ensure that all
installations are carried out to a common standard and the final product will meet with our
high expectations of design and workmanship.

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You need to have a general idea of the overall system layout before you start. You should
already have a sketch from your risk assessment that gives you an intended layout with
locations for the nozzles and other main components.
You must confirm with the client that he is happy with the location of the major system
components (tank, modules, etc), before you proceed with installation.
 Only approved components shall be used. These components and assemblies are
shown in the FS1000 parts and service manual, publication number 69-343-136.
DO NOT use any parts that are not approved and supplied by Sandvik. Use of non-
genuine parts will compromises the FS1000 pre-engineered design and may render the
system ineffective. It will furthermore void the Active Fire listing (AS5062 compliance)
and the system warranty.
 FS1000 fire system configuration, design and installation must be in accordance with
the system limitations as specified in Section 5 of this manual.
 If you weld support rails, plates or brackets, clean and touch up the new welding with
matching paint to provide an overall professional system finish.
 Only Loctite 569 should be used to seal fittings in activation circuit and secure nozzle
positions in the ring main. No other sealant is approved by Sandvik for sealing of
fittings in the activation circuit.
 All O-rings must be lubricated with Molykote111, with the exception of O-ring on the
screw-on siphon tube, which is fitted to prevent the tube from vibrating loose.
 All hosing must be secured in place with saddles provided. We do supply cable ties in
the standard installation package, however the use of cable ties is discouraged and
must be kept to a minimum. These are only intended as temporary supports and to
tidy up your installation. You must be able to remove all cable ties at the end of the job
and everything should remain exactly where you have installed it.
 Check the sealing faces of all activation line fittings. Do not use any fittings with
scratched or dented sealing faces. Chances are that damaged fittings will leak once
the system is pressurised (despite the O-ring that is fitted).
 Modifications to the equipment to accommodate the fire system shall be kept to a
minimum. Where such modifications are essential, they require a risk assessment in
consultation with the equipment manufacturer. Modifications shall not compromise any
existing safety functions, features or safeguards of the equipment, nor increase risk to
personnel, operation of equipment or the environment.
 ROPS and FOPS are certified protective structures that shall not be interfered with in
any way. Any drilling, welding, grinding or other form of alteration will void the structure
certification and is not permitted under any circumstances.
 The fire suppression system shall be segregated from all other vehicle services. All
electrical wiring related to the fire system shall be segregated from other equipment
wiring looms. Fire system hosing and components shall be mounted at a safe distance
from any unenclosed or non-insulated live electrical components (as per AS/NZS 3000
and AS4242) with a minimum clearance of 70mm (2.75 inch) as per AS2067.
 All electrical work (wiring) MUST be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance
with AS4242, except where regulatory authority requires compliance with AS/NZS 3000.

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 Locate tank(s) in accessible location. Consider access for servicing (removal of tank)
and daily maintenance checks. The pressure indicator on the head assembly and the
labels on the tank must be clearly visible.
 Consider access to the equipment. Do not position the tank where access is required for
general servicing of the equipment.
 Consider operation of the equipment. Do not position the tank where it would restrict the
operator’s view or where it would be exposed to potential physical damage.
 Do not mount the tank in the immediate risk area identified by the fire risk assessment.
 Do not mount the tank in an area where the continuous general ambient temperature
exceeds 55°C (131°F). Maximum system operating temperature is 60°C (140°F).
 It is always preferred that the tank be mounted in an upright position. Consider the
tank orientation with regards to a machine roll-over, ie scenario of having the tank
upside down (system inoperative). Only mount the tank horizontally if upright is not
possible. Horizontally mounted tanks must have head elevated by at least the worst
operating grade of the equipment (minimum of 15 degrees in any case).
 A minimum of 300mm (12 inch) space is required above the head assembly to allow
removal of head and siphon tube without removing the tank from the mounting bracket.
 Secure mounting bracket by bolting to suitable equipment framework. Consider the
weight of the fully charged tank(s) when selecting the location. Do not weld bracket(s)
in place unless specifically requested by the customer.
 Install and secure tank in bracket. Screw head assembly onto tank (loose) to give a
starting point for installation of activation lines.


 For all applications, a minimum of two (2) modules is required.
 The first unit must be located in the driver's cabin within easy reach, clearly
visible and with a minimum of 200mm (8 inch) clearance above the front face of
the module to allow easy access for operation.
 The second unit is mounted externally, generally near the electrical isolation
switch. It must be in a location easily accessible from ground level. On larger
equipment where location near ground level is not practical, the second activation
module should be located at the exit point from the machine.
 Large equipment must be fitted with additional manual activation points to allow
quick system activation without the need to run around the machine. Additional
activation points and location of these must be discussed with the client.
 Mounting position of any manual activation module must not be within the
envelope or immediately adjacent to the fire risk area. Operator must be able to
safely operate the manual release without exposure to the fire (flames or smoke).
 Location of all manual activation points shall be conspicuous, readily accessible
and clearly identified with arrow label.
 Modules shall not obstruct the view or exit path of the equipment operator.
 Modules shall not restrict or obstruct servicing access to the equipment.

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 The plastic activation module part number 69-344-700 is only suitable for closed
cabins. For open cabins and external mounting locations, only metal activation
modules part number 69-344-650 shall be used.
 Remove the base of the module box by taking out the retaining screws, then bolt the
module frame in place. Orientation and location of the module assemblies should be in
such a way that there is unrestricted access to the retaining screws for servicing of
the valve.
 Fit vent line extension to the outlet side of the valve on the activation module in
cabin. External activation modules generally do not require a vent line extension.
 Re-assemble activation modules.
 Do not fit the anti-tamper ties to the module handles at this stage. They are put in
place once the system has been fully commissioned and charged.


 The hose length used in the activation circuit must be in accordance with the limits
specified in section 5.3 of this manual.
 Connect head and activation modules with -4 hose taking the shortest practical route
and with the installation of other activation circuit components in mind (auto detect,
pressure switch, etc).
 Do not kink this hose when handling it. This may damage the hose and cause it to
leak once the system is charged. If you kink it – do not use it!
 Hoses must be secured at regular intervals (1 metre (39”) maximum) with the hose
saddles provided in the installation package to prevent abrasion from movement.
Saddles should be secured using existing bolts on equipment wherever possible.
 Avoid loops that may catch and tight bends. Minimum bend radius 75mm (3”).
 Avoid running hose over sharp edges. This will eventually cut through hose.
 Fit charging connection assembly included in pack near the external activation module
to allow charging from ground level (no need to lift heavy nitrogen bottle onto vehicle).
Remove and check valve core of charging connection. Lubricate core seals with
Molykote111 and re-assemble.
 Check that all hose ends have an O-ring fitted. Lubricate all hose end O-rings with


The auto-detect installation pack is supplied with 5 metres (16.4 feet) of detection tube.
The tube is to be fitted in fire risk area in accordance with findings of fire risk assessment.
 The detection tube length used in the activation circuit must be in accordance with the
limits specified in section 5.3 of this manual. Multiple detection tubes can be fitted,
providing total length of tube does not exceed the limits specified in Section 5.3.
 Fit tee into activation line and run normal -4 hose to the edge of the fire risk area. From
this point onward, fit the detection tube.

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 The detection tube can be fitted in line with the activation circuit or be terminated with a
cap at the end of the tube (as supplied with standard installation pack).
 Detection tube must be installed fixed so that it does not move during normal operation
of the equipment. Loops required across hinge or articulation points must be run with
hose. Continued flexing of the detection tube can weaken the tube and will cause
inadvertent system activation if it fails.
 Activation temperature of the detection tube is approximately 150°C (302°F) at system
operating pressure. Therefore you need to keep the detection tube away from hot
areas such as turbo, exhaust manifold etc. Remember that it is designed to melt in a
fire to activate the system. Fitting it too close to areas that radiate heat during normal
operation of the equipment may cause inadvertent activation of the system (you will
be called back to fix it). A minimum distance of approximately 300mm (12”) is
recommended for these areas. The distance should be such that you could hold your
hand in the tube location without getting burnt from the radiating heat.
 As with any other part of the activation circuit, select the shortest practical route
possible and avoid kinking, loops, tight bends, sharp edges, etc.
 Secure the detection tube at regular intervals with the hose saddles and grommets
supplied with the installation package.
 The tube must be secured at intervals of no more than 400mm (16”).
 Bends in the detection tube must have a minimum bend radius 75mm (3”).

 The twin pressure switch assembly is supplied as an installation pack, including all
mechanical parts required. Locate the switch assembly as close as practical to the
electrical equipment it will be wired into.
 Cut the activation line, fit the twin pressure switch tee in line and secure the tee with the
bracket provided.
 Consider accessibility for later inspection or switch replacement. A good place would
be in the equipment cabin, where the switch is not continually exposed to the elements.
 Fit the operator notice label in a clearly visible location in the operator’s cabin.
 Electrical work (wiring) MUST be carried out by qualified electrician (switch may
be wired into alarm, timer, engine shutdown as required). Standard switch can be wired
to 12 or 24 Volt DC system.

 The solenoid valve is supplied as an installation pack and includes all mechanical parts
required for installation.
 Locate the solenoid valve as close as practical to electrical equipment it will be wired
into, and accessible for future servicing.
 Cut the activation line and fit as shown in technical manual 69-343-136.
 Electrical work (wiring) MUST be carried out by qualified electrician. The standard
pack No. 69-344-320 is suitable for 24V only. A 12V coils is available on special
request, but must be ordered prior to installation.

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 Both the alarm and the engine shutdown installation packs are supplied with all
mechanical parts required. One or the other must be fitted to the equipment.
 Preference is for Engine shutdown version, unless this creates additional
unacceptable risks. An unacceptable risk would be a road registered vehicle that may
be travelling at high speeds when shutdown is triggered.
 Alarm panel must be fitted as a minimum requirement to monitor the system
pressure and give system status indication to the operator.
 The twin pressure switch is installed into activation line as specified on previous page.
 The alarm panel is mounted in the driver’s cabin, clearly visible.
 The shutdown panel is mounted in the driver’s cabin, clearly visible and accessible to
allow the operator to press the shutdown time extension button on the panel from his
normal operating position.
 Fit the operator notice labels in clearly visible location to operator cabin near the alarm
or shutdown panel, whichever is fitted.
 Electrical work (wiring) MUST be carried out by qualified electrician (this assembly
is suitable for 12 and 24 Volt DC).

The activation circuit is now completed and can be pressure tested:

 Disconnect activation line at the head assembly and plug with 7/16” SAE45 plug.
 Pressurise activation circuit with nitrogen to a pressure of 1700 kPa (246 PSI).
 Check activation circuit for obvious leaks (loose fittings, damaged indicators, etc.).
 Leave the activation circuit pressurised while the rest of the system components are
installed. This allows extended pressure test and smaller leaks can be detected via
pressure drop visible on the activation module pressure indicators.


 The hose length used in the discharge circuit must be in accordance with the limits
specified in Section 5.3 of this manual.
 As little as possible Loctite 569 should be used in the discharge side of the system.
Only use it to secure the nozzle position, and only apply a single small drop to the
male thread on the nozzle (none on female thread). Excess Loctite tends to collect in
fittings or nozzles and cause blockages.
 All areas identified as a risk in your fire risk assessment must be covered. This
generally will include electrical ignition points such as starter motor, alternator, battery;
other ignition points such as turbo, exhaust manifolds and other areas of high heat
generation; fuel sources such as fuel lines, hydraulic lines and pumps, as well as areas
where fuel may accumulate, and any other risk areas identified by your assessment.
 Aim the nozzles to cover the potential risk areas. Allow for the nozzle spray cones to
overlap so you have full area coverage.

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 The nozzles MUST be mounted in a ring main arrangement.

 NO SPUR LINES ARE ALLOWED. Any nozzles covering remote potential hot spots or
ignition points must be part of the ring main. Single or double figure 8 ring mains are
allowed to incorporate these remote nozzles into the main circuit without the use of spur
lines. This provides redundancy and guarantees agent discharge from all nozzles even
if there is a blockage (crushed hose) at any point in the ring main.
 Only nozzle assembly 69-344-600 is approved for use.
 The spray nozzle shall be mounted at a maximum distance of 750mm (30”) from the
intended target (measured from the tip of the nozzle to the surface being sprayed).
Area coverage of nozzle at this distance is approximately 900mm (35.4”) diameter.
 All nozzles must be individually secured with mounting brackets provided. Dual nozzle
arrangements (using 2 x 69-335-056 nozzle tees) can be secured using a single bracket
69-335-044 between the nozzle tee and connecting nipple.
 Use existing fasteners already on equipment wherever possible. Use bolts and nuts.
Avoid using self-tapping screws for securing nozzle brackets. It is crucial that the
nozzles are well secured (with the bracket and Loctite 569) so they remain in the
intended orientation and cover the target area.
 Connect the nozzles in the form of a ring main using the ½” (–8) hose provided with the
installation package. If hose supplied is insufficient, please verify that the hose length
you intend to fit does not exceed the limits specified in section 5.3 of this manual.
Excessive hose will impair system performance.
 Observe the same rules as are applied to the installation of the activation hoses, ie
select short route, avoid kinks, loops, etc. The minimum bend radius for the ring
main hose (-8) is 100mm (4”).
 Secure all ring main hosing at regular maximum 1 metre (39”) intervals with hose
saddles provided in the installation package. Although some cable ties are provided
with the installation package, use of cable ties must be avoided.
 Keep additional fittings such as elbows for tight corners to a minimum to avoid
excessive pressure losses. Please refer to Section 5.3 in this manual for limitations
regarding number of additional fittings.
 Fit flushing assembly into ring main in suitable accessible location. Check valve must
face in correct direction with cast arrow on valve pointing towards ring main.


 Fit main delivery line (–12) between the tank and the ring main.
 The hose length used in the discharge circuit must be in accordance with the limits
specified in section 5.3 of this manual.
 This hose must be a minimum of 1 metre (39”) and maximum of 5 metres (16.4 feet)
long, with a minimum bend radius of 150mm (6”).
 The tee into the ring main of any single tank system should always be orientated in
such a way that there is no priority flow. The ¾ hose is connected to the single leg of
the tee and the two ½" ring main hoses to the opposing legs for allows equal distribution
of the agent into the ring main.

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 Secure all ring main hosing at regular maximum 1 metre (39”) intervals with hose
saddles provided in the installation package (nozzle mounting brackets are also
considered a secure attachment point).


 Check pressurised activation circuit for pressure loss (leaks). If required, rectify any
leaks found.
 Remove and check the valve core of charging connection on head assembly. Lubricate
seals on valve core with Molykote111 and re-assemble. This may not really be
necessary as this is done during manufacture of the head, however the unit you are
installing may have been in stock for some time prior to installation.
 Install protective spiral wrapping over hosing where required.
 Apply all required notices and labels (arrows, warning, etc.).
 Ensure that siphon tube is secured to head assembly. Do not grease O-ring on
siphon tube as it is fitted to prevent the tube from working loose due to vibration.
 Check the spray pattern, spray direction and the coverage of the nozzles. You can
do this by connecting a water hose to the flushing connection (if fitted) to run water
through the ring main, or by charging the tank with water, pressurising it with nitrogen
and activating the system. Check for leaks in discharge lines and rectify if required.
 Do not fit nozzle caps or module ties until testing and commissioning is complete.

Now that installation is complete, the system must be tested & commissioned.
It is imperative that all system functions and optional extras fitted are tested on completion
of your installation. This is as much a verification of your installation as it is part of your
system commissioning.
If you are not the person that has installed the system, then you will need to carry out all of
the testing as part of your commissioning, unless you can verify with the installer that he
has already done so.
Once you sign the bottom of the certificate, you certify that the system is fully functional and
ready to go into service. You can only do so confidently if you have tested all of the system
functions, including operation of such options as pressure switches, alarm, engine
shutdown, etc.


The testing and commissioning check list should be followed in conjunction with the
completion of the commissioning certificate.
We suggest that you test all system functions prior to the discharge test, with the
activation circuit isolated at the head and pressurised to 1550kPa (225 PSI).

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Test this isolated and pressurised activation circuit as follows:

 Operate the cabin module to check the function. Recharge to 1550kPa (225 PSI).
 Operate the external module to check function. Recharge to 1550kPa (225 PSI).
 Repeat with each additional activation module. Recharge to 1550kPa (225 PSI).
 Test pressure switch, alarm and engine shutdown (if fitted) by releasing pressure
from circuit with the engine running. Disconnecting the switch is not sufficient as this
only tests the alarm and shutdown circuit, not the function of the switch. Check that
shutdown delay is correct. Check that shutdown override works. Verify that audio
and visual alarms work. Recharge circuit to 1550kPa (225 PSI).
 Test solenoid activation (if fitted) from remote activation point.
 Reconnect activation circuit to head to carry out the discharge test. Have the
signatory of the client witness this test. Have the engine running when you do this,
so the client can see that the shutdown and alarms are working.
 Fit nozzle caps and charge the system with water and nitrogen. There is very little
difference in discharge time (foam & water vs water only), therefore only commission
the system with foam if client insists (unnecessary clean up time). Discharge time using
water only is 7% to 8% faster than using extinguishing solution with foam added. For example a system
discharge time of 56 seconds with water only would be 60 seconds with foam.

 Charging pressure for commissioning discharge test shall be the minimum

system operating pressure of 1400kPa (203 PSI).
Please note: The low pressure audio-visual alarm may be active when the system is charged to
only 1400kPa (203 PSI). This is due to the deadband on the switch which needs to be
overcome when the system is recharged. Taking the deadband and switch setting tolerance into
consideration, this switch may not reset until system pressure reaches 1450kPa (210 PSI).
For the purpose of this test, disregard the low pressure alarm and proceed with discharge.
 Activate the system from one of the activation modules, observe the nozzle spray
pattern and record the discharge time. The effective discharge time to record is the
time from when the foam starts to spray to the gas point (nozzles start to splutter as
liquid level in tank reaches point where siphon tube is taking in gas).
 Expected discharge time is between 50 and 60 seconds, depending on system
configuration. Absolute minimum effective discharge time shall be 33 seconds.
 All nozzle caps shall blow off at time of activation (allowing for short delay on nozzles
furthest away from tank).
 Calculate the system application rate using actual effective discharge time, area
covered and amount of liquid discharged as detailed in section 4.0 of this manual.
Application rate shall be a minimum of 7.2 ltr/min/m².
This concludes the testing part of the commissioning procedure.
Record the system checks, effective discharge time and system application rate on the
commissioning certificate. Complete the top section of the certificate with all the client
details. Please note that the commissioning sheet serves as a record of the installation and
registration of warranty.
Please provide as much of the requested information as possible.

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Follow the check list below and record the relevant checks and information on your
commissioning certificate as you complete them:
Check that the tank is mounted securely, accessible for servicing and the bracket is
bolted or welded in place. Tank orientation preferably vertical.
Check that all hoses installed are the correct size and within length limitations.
Check that all hoses are secured and clamped in place leaving no loose loops.
Check that none of the hoses run over sharp edges or corners.
Check the tank and head assembly serial numbers and record them on the
commissioning sheet.
Check the tank size and number of nozzles – as per risk assessment and system
limitations stated in Section 5 of this manual.
Check that the nozzles are installed in the form of a ring main.
Check that there are no spur lines off the ring main and that any loop connects back
into the ring main.
Check that all the nozzle mounting brackets are secured and that the nozzles are
aimed at the intended target.
Check that the activation modules are strategically located and accessible for easy
operation and servicing (with sufficient clearance for operating the handle).
Check that the activation module mounting frames are secure.
Check that all pressure indicators fitted are clearly visible.
Check that all safety valves and charging connections have caps fitted.
Check that all notices and instruction labels are in place and clearly legible.
Check that all options are fitted as specified in the system documentation, ie risk
assessment, customer order, quotation, shipping dockets, etc.
Check that auto-detect tube is installed correctly and located at least 300mm (12”)
away from any hot surfaces.
Check that the check valve of the flushing line (if fitted) is facing the correct way with
the cast arrow on the valve pointing toward the ring main (free flow into ring main).
Charge the system with foam concentrate and water, in accordance with the
recharging instructions in the Service manual number 69-343-136.
Fit the plastic caps to all the nozzles.
Fit anti-tamper seals to the valve handles on the activation modules.
Punch hole in service tag to mark date of commissioning and attach tag to tank handle.
Explain system operation to the client. Give the client the laminated system operation
card and tell him that this card should be left in the cabin for the equipment operator.
Explain the parts and service manual and ensure that it is left with the client.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Explain the service and maintenance requirements of the system to the client.
Explain the warranty conditions to the client.
Fill out the remainder of the commissioning sheet. Please complete all sections.
Please advise client that date of commissioning is the start of the warranty period.



The completed commissioning documentation must be signed by all concerned Sandvik

and client personnel. Please note that the witness to the system discharge test must be a
client representative, not a Sandvik employee. Please ensure that each section is signed
by the respective person and that full names are given in clear print (space provided) as a
lot of signatures are not legible.
Give the original white copy of the completed and signed commissioning certificate to the
client, keep the yellow copy for your records and send the blue copy to Fire
Suppression Engineering, Sandvik Mining and Construction Adelaide Ltd - Adelaide
Office, Australia (as per distribution list at the bottom of the document).


As part of every installation, a complete record of all relevant data is forwarded to the end
user (client) of the equipment. Some of this is handed over at the time of commissioning,
other documentation is provided later in electronic format. The final installation
documentation package is issued from one central location, rather than by the individual
installer, commissioner or local Sandvik branch. This provides uniform documentation
across all installations and allows central access to records for system auditing and annual
design survey purposes.


Some documents are included in the installation package. At time of commissioning, the
following documentation is to be given to the client by the commissioning technician:
The parts and service manual (hardcopy).
The test certificate of the tank(s).
The system operation card (laminated operating instructions). This card should be
placed in the vehicle cabin with any existing equipment operating instructions.
The white copy of the completed and signed commissioning certificate.


The final documentation will be issued by Engineering. To enable issue of this
documentation package, the commissioner (or installer) needs to send the relevant
information to the Sandvik fire suppression engineering department in Adelaide.

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Please send the following information:

Copy of the commissioning certificate.
An electronic copy of the fire risk assessment. This must be the current version that
takes into account any alterations that may have been made during installation (nozzles
added, alternate nozzle targets, additional area coverage, etc). The risk assessment
provided must correspond with the final layout of the system and the as-built sketches.
A simple plan view sketch of the system layout (drawing templates are available). This
does not have to be a detailed and exact sketch, as long as it shows the system layout.
It may help to make a separate sketch for the activation lines and discharge lines as
these run along similar paths in a lot of cases and would be difficult to distinguish. All
nozzles and other major fire system components must be marked. Nozzles must be
numbered same as in the risk assessment so they are clearly identified and cross
referenced with intended target as shown on the risk assessment worksheet.
Digital photos of the installation. Photos of nozzles. Photos of the activation modules,
preferably from some distance so the position is obvious in relation to the equipment.
Photos of the tank assembly and connection into the ring main. Photos of accessories
such as pressure switch, engine shutdown panel, etc. Also provide some overall shots
of the vehicle, engine bay and other areas that have fire system components fitted.
Photos are a great help in producing accurate installation drawings. Please re-name the
photos to what is shown, or provide a list with photo numbers and what they depict.
Electrical interface diagram. This must be obtained from the electrician or electrical
contractor that completed the wiring of the Alarm, Engine shutdown, Solenoid, etc. The
diagram must show exactly how the fire system was interfaced with the electrical circuit
of the equipment (full equipment schematic is NOT required). If possible, this should be
provided in electronic format.
As you can see, this is not an easy task and you will need to make some time allowance at
the end of your installation job to gather all this information.


The final documentation package is sent to the end user (client) by the Sandvik fire
suppression engineering department (Adelaide) in electronic format on a CD.
The following documentation is included on this CD:
Electronic version of the parts and service manual.
Electronic copy of the tank test certificate(s).
Electronic copy of the signed commissioning certificate.
An electronic copy of the fire risk assessment.
As-built drawings of the installation.
Wiring diagram of system interface with equipment (alarm, shutdown, solenoid).
Digital installation photos (if available).
Fire suppression training for equipment operators (slideshow).
ActivFire product listing data sheet.

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Following is the procedure for verification of an installed system to confirm that it covers
the risk area at the required application rate to successfully suppress a fire. This is the
final system verification that is carried out at the time of commissioning or as part or a
system audit. It requires a full system discharge, recording of the effective system
discharge time and measurement of any remaining foam solution in the storage tank.
Step 1. The first requirement for application rate verification is a copy of the risk
assessment to confirm that all areas identified as risks are covered. If no original
risk assessment is available, as may be the case for an older existing system
being audited, then one should be carried out before proceeding any further.
Step 2. Record the area coverage of the fire system (figure from risk assessment or
calculated as shown in section 3.3 of this manual).
Step 3. Discharge the fire system and record effective discharge time in seconds.
Effective discharge time is from start of liquid spray to point where nozzles start to
splutter (gas point). Charge pressure for this test is 1400kPa (203 PSI).
Step 4. At end of discharge, measure any remaining (not discharged) liquid in the storage
tank, subtract it from the total charge of the tank and record actual discharged
amount of liquid in litres.
Step 5. You now have all the required figures to calculate the actual application rate of
the system.

Formula for calculation:

Litres of liquid discharged x 60 seconds

System Application Rate in Litres per minute per m² =
Seconds discharge time x Area coverage in m²

Verification of actual application rate

The minimum application rate must be 7.2 Litres per minute per square metre of area
covered. If the actual system application rate is less than the prescribed minimum, then
the system must be reviewed to identify the cause and changes implemented to rectify
problems found. Repeat discharge test following system modifications to confirm compliant
discharge rate.
Example :
A system with a 45 Litre tank and 8 nozzles, covering an area of 5m² was recorded to have
a discharge time of 55 seconds and 34.0 Litres of foam solution discharged (0.5 litres left
over, subtracted from 34.5 litres full charge).

34.0 Litres of liquid discharged x 60 seconds

= 7.42 Litres per minute per m²
55 Seconds discharge time x Area coverage of 5 m²

This example system complies as the discharge rate is higher than the required minimum.

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This section is a summary of the specific pre-engineered limitations and parameters of the
FS1000 fire suppression system. Exceeding any of these limits may adversely affect the
performance of the system, void the Active Fire listing and compromise our Australian
Standard AS5062-2006 system compliance.


 System is water based and not suitable for freezing conditions (below 0°C or 32°F).
 System operating temperature range is 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F).
 System operating pressure range is 1400 kPa to 1700 kPa (203 PSI to 246 PSI).
 Systems operating in ANFO applications shall not have any exposed brass surfaces. All
brass valves and fittings shall be metal plated (Nickel or Chrome).
 System must be charged with Nitrogen (not compressed air or other type gas).
 Only charge system with Sandvik approved fire fighting foam and potable water.
 Maximum spray distance of FS1000 nozzles shall be 750mm (29.5 inch).
 System pressure relief is set to 2000 kPa (290 PSI) on main control valve and 2550 kPa
(370 PSI) on tank.
 System low pressure alarm is set to 1200 kPa (174 PSI).
 System initiated engine shutdown is set to 900 kPa (130 PSI).
 Engine shutdown delay is 6 seconds from system activation with manual override to
give a 20 second extension.
 Automatic fire detection and system activation is at approximately 150°C (302°F).
 Only parts and assemblies shown in Sandvik FS1000 Parts and Service manual number
69-343-136 shall be used.
 Use of non-genuine components or alternative foam concentrate voids all compliance.
 System shall be designed in accordance with limitations specified in this manual.
 System design and layout shall be based on a fire risk assessment of the equipment.
 Discharge circuit shall be in the form of a ring main.
 No spur lines are allowed.
 No more than 3 tanks shall be connected into a single ring main.
 Multiple tank systems shall have common activation circuit and activate as one system.
 Multiple tank systems shall have feed line entry points equally spaced around ring main.
 No more than 8 tanks shall be fitted to any single system.
 Tanks mounted horizontally must have main control valve elevated by a minimum of 15°
to allow for uneven ground and slopes and ensure that tank is in worst case horizontal.
 System commissioning discharge test pressure shall be 1400 kPa (203 PSI).
 Effective discharge time at 1400 kPa (203 PSI) generally ranges from 50 to 60 seconds.
 Absolute minimum effective discharge time of system shall be 33 seconds.
 Minimum system application rate shall be 7.2 litres per minute per square metre.
 Inspection, service and maintenance shall be in accordance with latest edition of
Sandvik FS1000 parts and service manual number 69-343-136.

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Total number of nozzles used in a system must not exceed figures stated in table below:
25 L 35 L 45 L 65 L 80 L 110 L
TABLE 5.2.1 tank tank tank tank tank tank
Maximum nozzles for single tank 4 6 8 11 13 14
Maximum nozzles for 2 tanks (twin system)
7 11 15 21 25 27
with single common ring main
Maximum nozzles for 2 tanks (twin system)
8 12 16 22 26 28
each tank with independent ring main
Maximum nozzles for 3 tank system
10 16 22 31 37 40
with single common ring main
Maximum nozzles for 3 tank system
12 18 24 33 39 42
each tank with independent ring main
4 tank systems with single common ring
Maximum nozzles for 4 tank system
14 22 30 42 50 54
with two common ring mains (2 tanks each)
Maximum nozzles for 4 tank system
16 24 32 44 52 56
each tank with independent ring main
Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system
20 32 44 62 74 80
with 2 common ring mains (3 tanks each)
Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system
21 33 45 63 75 81
with 3 common ring mains (2 tanks each)
Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system
24 36 48 66 78 84
each tank with independent ring main
Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system
27 43 59 83 99 107
with 3 common ring mains (2+3+3 tanks)
Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system
28 44 60 84 100 108
with 4 common ring mains (2 tanks each)
Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system
32 48 64 88 104 112
each tank with independent ring main
Systems with more than 8 tanks are

Note: The rule for number of nozzles is simple. Multiple tanks with individual ring mains
each are multiple single system quantities. Multiple tanks into same ring main is single
system quantity for first tank plus single quantity less 1 nozzle for each additional tank (say
3 x 110L into one ring main = 14+13+13 = 40 total).
From a system performance point of view, the preference is always for multiple tank
systems where each tank has a separate ring main and the only physical connection
between the tanks is the activation line. Effectively it is multiple single systems combined
into one large system via the common activation circuit.
NOTE: If you do not need the maximum number of nozzles to cover the risks that you have identified in your
fire risk assessment, then only fit the number you actually need. Fewer nozzles on the same size system
over the same surface area will extend your cooling period and therefore improve your post fire protection.
The figures in the table above are maximum limits and preference would be not to design every installation to
the limit, ie leave yourself a safety margin to play with in case your commissioning test shows insufficient
coverage of your hazards and a requirement for additional nozzle(s) to be fitted.

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The length of hosing used in a system must not exceed figures stated in table below.
The ring main length limit takes into account all required nozzle fittings and hose ends,
including provision for a single ring main bulkhead fitting (69-335-180).
The number of ring main elbows (69-335-537) and 45 degree nozzle elbows (69-335-221)
are limited as per table below.
Maximum hose and fittings for systems with one common ring main
Autodetect Activation Ring main Feed line Elbow -8 Nozzle elbow
TABLE 5.3.1 tubing (-4 hose) (-8 hose) (-12 hose) Allowed Qty Allowed Qty
Part number 69-335-101 69-335-444 69-335-041 69-335-034 69-335-537 69-335-221
25L single tank 5m* 10 m * 6m 5m 3 4
35L single tank 5m* 15 m * 7m 5m 3 6
45L single tank 5m* 15 m * 9m 5m 3 8
65L single tank 5m* 20 m * 12 m 5m 4 11
80L single tank 5m* 25 m * 14 m 5m 5 13
110L single tank 5m* 25 m * 16 m 5m 6 14
2 x 25L tanks 10 m * 15 m * 11 m 2x5m 6 7
2 x 35L tanks 10 m * 20 m * 13 m 2x5m 6 11
2 x 45L tanks 10 m * 20 m * 17 m 2x5m 6 15
2 x 65L tanks 10 m * 30 m * 23 m 2x5m 8 21
2 x 80L tanks 10 m * 40 m * 27 m 2x5m 10 25
2 x 110L tanks 10 m * 40 m * 31 m 2x5m 12 27
3 x 25L tanks 15 m * 20 m * 16 m 3x5m 9 10
3 x 35L tanks 15 m * 25 m * 19 m 3x5m 9 16
3 x 45L tanks 15 m * 25 m * 25 m 3x5m 9 22
3 x 65L tanks 15 m * 35 m * 34 m 3x5m 12 31
3 x 80L tanks 15 m * 50 m * 40 m 3x5m 15 37
3 x 110L tanks 15 m * 50 m * 46 m 3x5m 18 40
* Length of auto detect and activation line : Figures in above table are average lengths
in relation to the system size. The total combined length of the activation circuit shall
not exceed 70 metres, but should be kept as short as practical regardless of this large
limit. Exceedingly long activation hosing will give you a delay in system activation.
Distance from the tank(s) to the furthest activation point shall not exceed 50 metres.
Informative note: FS1000 system activation was successfully tested with a length of 70m hose between the
tank and activation module (2 second activation delay).
Note: For systems with multiple tanks that have an independent ring main each, limits are
multiples of the single tank figures in the first 6 rows of the above table.
Example: Twin 65L system with independent ring mains for each tank can have 12m of
ring main hose per tank, therefore 24m in total (versus 23m for common single ring main).
Elbows create a pressure drop equivalent to a 1 metre length of hose, so if you fit additional
elbows (69-335-537) into the ring main, you must reduce the length of hose given it the
table above by 1 metre for each elbow. Alternatively, fewer elbows will permit more hose.
Example: A single 110L system that uses 8 instead of the permitted 6 elbows must have a
2m shorter ring main, therefore 14m instead of 16m (1m less per extra elbow).

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Bend radius of tube and hosing must be equal or larger than figures stated in table below:
TABLE 5.4.1 Auto detect tube Activation line (-4) Ring main line (-8) Tank line (-12)
Minimum bend radius 75mm (3”) 75mm (3”) 100mm (4”) 150mm (6”)
Note: If a smaller installation radius is required, a 90° brass elbow must be used instead of a hose bend.


Distance between hose or tube attachment points must not exceed figures stated in table
TABLE 5.5.1 Auto detect tube Activation line (-4) Ring main line (-8) Tank line (-12)
Maximum clamp distance 400mm (16”) 1 metre (39”) 1 metre (39”) 1 metre (39”)
Note: Attachment points are hose saddles or nozzle brackets. Cable ties are NOT secure attachment points.


Area coverage figures in table below are derived from flow distribution and fire tests that
were carried out in accordance with AS5062-2006 test protocol as part of the Active Fire
listing of the FS1000 system.


TABLE 5.6.1 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
Each nozzle
can cover 0.71 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.70 m² 0.71 m²

3 nozzles 2.13 m² 2.04 m²

4 nozzles 2.84 m² 2.72 m² 2.72 m² TIME IN EXCESS OF 90
5 nozzles 3.40 m² 3.40 m²

6 nozzles 4.08 m² 4.08 m² 4.08 m²

7 nozzles 4.76 m² 4.76 m² 4.90 m²

8 nozzles 5.44 m² 5.44 m² 5.60 m²

9 nozzles 6.12 m² 6.30 m² 6.39 m²

10 nozzles 6.80 m² 7.00 m² 7.10 m²

11 nozzles 7.48 m² 7.70 m² 7.81 m²

12 nozzles 8.40 m² 8.52 m²

13 nozzles 9.10 m² 9.23 m²

14 nozzles RED CELLS ARE SYSTEMS WITH 9.94 m²
15 nozzles
Note : The largest permitted system for each tank (yellow cells) is designed to give a minimum discharge time of 50-60 seconds.

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System sizes with red shaded cells in table 5.6.1 do not meet minimum system
application rate requirement of 7.2 ltr/min/m² (or 50 second minimum discharge time).
The top row of the table shows the minimum area a single nozzle can cover at the required
application rate based on the maximum size system with maximum number of nozzles.
Fitting fewer nozzles than the maximum permitted increases the application rate and
discharge time, but reduces your maximum system area coverage. However, for the
purpose of this table and to make calculation of other size systems easier, the figure
specified for the single nozzle is a fixed area that will guarantee you a minimum system
application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m² (all limitations considered).
For systems that require a discharge time in excess of 90 seconds see section 5.9.


Area coverage figures per individual nozzle for multiple tank systems are identical to the
figures given for single tank arrangements in section 5.6 and are derived from flow
distribution and fire tests that were carried out in accordance with AS5062-2006 test
protocol as part of the Active Fire listing of the FS1000 system.

TABLE 5.7.1 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

Each nozzle
can cover 0.71 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.70 m² 0.71 m²

Maximum area a single nozzle can cover at a minimum application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m².

Table 5.7.2 for multiple tank systems is based on these individual nozzle capabilities.
It shows area coverage limits for the largest permitted system sizes only. The intersecting
cells show the maximum area that can be covered by the respective size system and the
given maximum number of nozzles of that system (nozzles in brackets).


TABLE 5.7.2 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

2 tank system 4.97 m² 7.48 m² 10.20 m² 14.28 m² 17.50 m² 19.17 m²

1 common ring main (7) (11) (15) (21) (25) (27)
2 tank system 5.68 m² 8.16 m² 10.88 m² 14.96 m² 18.20 m² 19.88 m²
1 ring main per tank (8) (12) (16) (22) (26) (28)
3 tank system 7.10 m² 10.88 m² 14.96 m² 21.08 m² 25.90 m² 28.40 m²
1 common ring main (10) (16) (22) (31) (37) (40)
3 tank system 8.52 m² 12.24 m² 16.32 m² 22.44 m² 27.30 m² 29.82 m²
1 ring main per tank (12) (18) (24) (33) (39) (42)
4 tank system 9.94 m² 14.96 m² 20.40 m² 28.56 m² 35.00 m² 38.34 m²
2 ring mains x 2 tanks (14) (22) (30) (42) (50) (54)
4 tank system 11.36 m² 16.32 m² 21.76 m² 29.92 m² 36.40 m² 39.76 m²
1 ring main per tank (16) (24) (32) (44) (52) (56)
6 tank system 14.20 m² 21.76 m² 29.92 m² 42.16 m² 51.80 m² 56.80 m²
2 ring mains x 3 tanks (20) (32) (44) (62) (74) (80)
6 tank system 14.91 m² 22.44 m² 30.60 m² 42.84 m² 52.50 m² 57.51 m²
3 ring mains x 2 tanks (21) (33) (45) (63) (75) (81)
Table continued on next page

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TABLE 5.7.2 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

6 tank system 17.04 m² 24.48 m² 32.64 m² 44.88 m² 54.60 m² 59.64 m²

1 ring main per tank (24) (36) (48) (66) (78) (84)
8 tank system 19.17 m² 29.24 m² 40.12 m² 56.44 m² 69.30 m² 75.97 m²
3 ring mains (2+3+3) (27) (43) (59) (83) (99) (107)
8 tank system 19.88 m² 29.92 m² 40.80 m² 57.12 m² 70.00 m² 76.68 m²
4 ring mains x 2 tanks (28) (44) (60) (84) (100) (108)
8 tank system 22.72 m² 32.64 m² 43.52 m² 59.84 m² 72.80 m² 79.52 m²
1 ring main per tank (32) (48) (64) (88) (104) (112)

Table 5.7.2 shows all variations, including large systems with multiple small tanks. In
reality, it is very unlikely that you will ever design a system that contains more than two 25
or 35 litre tanks. In most cases it is only the 65 litre, 80 litre and 110 litre tanks that are
used in systems with more than 3 tanks combined.
Rather than fitting a twin system with say 45 litre tanks for example, fit the next larger single
tank if it is capable of protecting the given area with the number of permitted nozzles.


Area coverage for installations with fewer nozzles than the systems listed in the previously
shown tables can easily be calculated. The total area a system can cover is the number of
nozzles multiplied by the minimum area that a single nozzle can protect at the required
application rate. Due to small variations in the hydraulic characteristics of the different size
tanks, this area is not exactly the same for every size tank.
Please use the following table for your calculations:
TABLE 5.8.1 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

Each nozzle
can cover 0.71 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.68 m² 0.70 m² 0.71 m²

Maximum area a single nozzle can cover at a minimum application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m².

Example :
A twin system with two 110 litre tanks feeding into one ring main only requires 20 nozzles
(instead of the maximum 27 permitted according to table 5.7.2) to effectively protect the
identified risks on the equipment. The assessed estimated area coverage is 13.5 m².
The maximum area this 20 nozzle twin 110L system can protect is:
20 (nozzles) multiplied by 0.71m² (from above table) = 14.20 m²

As the assessed estimated risk area does not exceed the calculated limit, the 110L x 20
nozzle system is adequate for protection of this risk.
As mentioned previously, fitting fewer nozzles than the pre-engineered maximum will
increase the system discharge time and application rate, but will reduce the area that the
system can cover. If the estimated number of nozzles can not cover the estimated area,
then the number of nozzles must be increased. If in doubt, please ask.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


Some client specifications for fire systems on mobile equipment specify a minimum
discharge time of 90 seconds, regardless of the system capabilities or system design. In
the case of our system, with the high application rate and proven ability to extinguish a fire
in just over 30 seconds, our 60 second discharge time already is almost double of what is
needed to effectively extinguish a fire and cool sufficiently to prevent re-ignition.
Having a minimum application rate of 7.2 L/min/m², combined with the superior cooling
capabilities of our foam, we do not believe it is necessary to extend the discharge time any
further than we already have in our standard system design.
Before designing SC-Series systems with 90 seconds discharge time, please discuss our
Sandvik system capabilities (as stated above) with the client and only proceed if the client
insists on the 90 seconds as a minimum.


As you may remember, there is a slight variation in the discharge time when only water is
used, which is generally the case in the commissioning test.
The difference as established during the testing of Sandvik approved foam in our Sandvik
SC-Series systems is 7% to 8% (Foam solution takes longer to discharge).
Effective discharge time of 84 seconds with water = 90 seconds with foam.
Therefore, if your discharge time with water exceeds 84 seconds, the system complies with
the 90 second discharge requirement of the client.


As the SC-Series system was specifically designed for fast knockdown and extinguishing, it
takes more than just a reduction in the number of nozzles to achieve a significant increase
in discharge time. Unlike the previous M-Series design, adding extra fittings into the
discharge circuit of the system does not increase the discharge time to a great degree as
the resulting pressure loss is minimal (higher pressure and flow = lower pressure drop).
In order to get that increase and maintain the
minimum application rate of 7.2 L/min/m², the RING MAIN
number of nozzles has to be reduced and a special
-8 -8
flow control adaptor fitted to the end of the main
delivery line (-12), between the hose end and the
ring main tee (as shown).
This adaptor needs to be fitted to each main
delivery line in systems that have multiple tanks.
Therefore you need three (3) adaptors if you have
three (3) tanks in a system.
The adaptor is coloured RED for identification.
Adaptors vary with the tank size (engraved) and are available for 65L, 80L and 110L tanks.
Part numbers of adaptors are as shown in table below:
TABLE 5.9.3 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
90 Second Adaptor
Sandvik Part Number
69-335-674 69-335-675 69-335-670

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

5.9.4 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NOZZLES (90 seconds)

In addition to the flow adaptor as mentioned in the previous section, the number of nozzles
is also reduced for systems that are expected to have a 90 second discharge time.
The rules for nozzle quantity are the same as they are for the normal 60 second systems.
Multiple tanks with individual ring mains each are multiple single system quantities.
Multiple tanks into same ring main are single system quantity for first tank plus single
quantity less 1 nozzle for each additional tank.
90 second system example: 3 x 110L tanks into one ring main = 9+8+8 = 25 total.
Total nozzles used in a 90 second system must not exceed figures stated in table below:
65 L 80 L 110 L
TABLE 5.9.5 tank tank tank
Maximum nozzles for single tank 6 7 9

Maximum nozzles for 2 tanks (twin system) with single common ring main 11 13 17

Maximum nozzles for 2 tanks (twin system) each tank with independent ring main 12 14 18

Maximum nozzles for 3 tank system with single common ring main 16 19 25

Maximum nozzles for 3 tank system each tank with independent ring main 18 21 27


4 tank systems with single common ring main are PROHIBITED

Maximum nozzles for 4 tank system with two common ring mains (2 tanks each) 22 26 34

Maximum nozzles for 4 tank system each tank with independent ring main 24 28 36

Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system with 2 common ring mains (3 tanks each) 32 38 50

Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system with 3 common ring mains (2 tanks each) 33 39 51

Maximum nozzles for 6 tank system each tank with independent ring main 36 42 54

Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system with 3 common ring mains (2+3+3 tanks) 43 51 67

Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system with 4 common ring mains (2 tanks each) 44 52 68

Maximum nozzles for 8 tank system each tank with independent ring main 48 56 72


Systems with more than 8 tanks are PROHIBITED

Same as the normal system design, the 90 second discharge system preference is
always to have multiple tank systems where each tank has a separate ring main.
NOTE: You don’t have to fit the maximum number of nozzles on every installation. Only fit the number you
need to cover the risks that you have identified in your fire risk assessment. Fewer nozzles on the same size
system over the same surface area will extend your cooling period and therefore improve your post fire
protection. The figures in the table above are maximum limits and preference would be not to design every
installation to the absolute limit. If you leave yourself a safety margin to play with and your commissioning test
shows insufficient coverage of your hazards, you have that spare additional nozzle(s) you can fit.
Just a reminder: When you commission a system using water only, don’t panic if you do not achieve the 90
seconds. Foam discharges at a slower rate and 84 seconds with water is equivalent to 90 seconds with foam.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

5.9.6 MAXIMUM HOSE AND FITTINGS (90 seconds)

Length of hosing in a 90 second system must not exceed figures stated in table below.
The ring main length limit takes into account all required nozzle fittings and hose ends,
including a single ring main bulkhead fitting (69-335-180). The number of ring main elbows
(69-335-537) and 45 degree nozzle elbows (69-335-221) limited as per table below.
Maximum hose and fittings for systems with one common ring main
Auto detect Activation Ring main Feed line Elbow -8 Nozzle elbow
TABLE 5.9.7 tubing (-4 hose) (-8 hose) (-12 hose) Allowed Qty Allowed Qty

Part number 69-335-101 69-335-444 69-335-041 69-335-034 69-335-537 69-335-221

65L single tank 5m* 20 m * 7m 5m 3 6

80L single tank 5m* 25 m * 8m 5m 3 7

110L single tank 5m* 25 m * 10 m 5m 3 9

2 x 65L tanks 10 m * 30 m * 13 m 2x5m 6 11

2 x 80L tanks 10 m * 40 m * 15 m 2x5m 6 13

2 x 110L tanks 10 m * 40 m * 20 m 2x5m 6 17

3 x 65L tanks 15 m * 35 m * 19 m 3x5m 9 16

3 x 80L tanks 15 m * 50 m * 22 m 3x5m 9 19

3 x 110L tanks 15 m * 50 m * 30 m 3x5m 9 25

* Length of auto detect and activation line : Figures in above table are average lengths
in relation to the system size. The total combined length of the activation circuit shall
not exceed 70 metres, but should be kept as short as practical regardless of this large
limit. Exceedingly long activation hosing will give you a delay in system activation.
Distance from the tank(s) to the furthest activation point shall not exceed 50 metres.
Informative note: FS1000 system activation was successfully tested with a length of 70m hose between the
tank and activation module (2 second activation delay).
Note: For systems with multiple tanks that have an independent ring main each, limits are
multiples of the single tank figures in the first 3 rows of the above table.
Example: Twin 80L system with independent ring mains for each tank can have 8m of ring
main hose per tank, therefore 16m in total (versus 15m for common single ring main).
Elbows create a pressure drop equivalent to a 1 metre length of hose, so if you fit additional
elbows (69-335-537) into the ring main, you must reduce the length of hose given it the
table above by 1 metre for each elbow. Alternatively, fewer elbows will permit more hose.
Example: A single 110L system that uses 5 instead of the permitted 3 elbows must have a
2m shorter ring main, therefore 8m instead of 10m of hose (1m less per extra elbow).

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


Area coverage figures in table below are derived from flow distribution tests. Limitations are
based on system application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m² as per our system Active Fire listing.


TABLE 5.9.9 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

4 nozzles 2.68 m² 2.68 m² 2.60 m²

5 nozzles 3.35 m² 3.35 m² 3.25 m²

6 nozzles 4.02 m² 4.02 m² 3.90 m²

7 nozzles 4.69 m² 4.55 m²

8 nozzles 5.20 m²

9 nozzles 5.85 m²


Note : The largest system for each tank in above table (yellow cells) is designed to give a minimum discharge time of 90 seconds.

System sizes with red shaded cells in the above table have the required application rate
but will not give you 90 seconds minimum discharge time.

To simplify area coverage calculation for multiple tank systems, the coverage capability per
nozzle was established. Individual nozzle figures as per table below can be used to
determine the maximum area any given size system can cover at a minimum system
application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m² as per our system Active Fire listing.

TABLE 5.9.11 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank

Each nozzle can cover 0.67 m² 0.67 m² 0.65 m²

Maximum area per nozzle at minimum application rate of 7.2 ltr/min/m² (for 90 second systems).

Due to small variations in the hydraulic characteristics of the different size tanks, this area
is not exactly the same for every size tank. The total area a system can cover is the
number of nozzles multiplied by the minimum area that a single nozzle can protect at the
required application rate.
Example : A system with two 110 litre tanks and 14 nozzles covers an estimated area
of 8.5 m². The maximum area this 14 nozzle twin 110L system can protect is:
14 (nozzles) multiplied by 0.65 m² (from above table) = 9.10 m²
As the calculated limit exceeds the estimate, the 110L x 14 nozzle system is
adequate for protection of the risk in this example.
Remember: Fitting fewer nozzles will increase the system discharge time and application
rate, but also reduces the area that the system can cover. If the estimated number of
nozzles cannot cover the estimated area, then the number of nozzles must be increased.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Table below is based on individual nozzle capabilities and shows area coverage limits for
the largest permitted system sizes. The intersecting cells show the maximum area that can
be covered by the respective system based on using the maximum number of nozzles
permitted (maximum nozzle quantity given in brackets).

TABLE 5.9.13 65 L tanks 80 L tanks 110 L tanks

2 tanks (twin system)
7.37 m² (11 nozzles) 8.71 m² (13 nozzles) 11.05 m² (17 nozzles)
1 common ring main
2 tanks (twin system)
8.04 m² (12 nozzles) 9.38 m² (14 nozzles) 11.70 m² (18 nozzles)
1 ring main per tank
3 tank system
10.72 m² (16 nozzles) 12.73 m² (19 nozzles) 16.25 m² (25 nozzles)
1 common ring main
3 tank system
12.06 m² (18 nozzles) 14.07 m² (21 nozzles) 17.55 m² (27 nozzles)
1 ring main per tank
4 tank system
14.74 m² (22 nozzles) 17.42 m² (26 nozzles) 22.10 m² (34 nozzles)
2 ring mains x 2 tanks
4 tank system
16.08 m² (24 nozzles) 18.76 m² (28 nozzles) 23.40 m² (36 nozzles)
1 ring main per tank
6 tank system
21.44 m² (32 nozzles) 25.46 m² (38 nozzles) 32.50 m² (50 nozzles)
2 ring mains x 3 tanks
6 tank system
22.11 m² (33 nozzles) 26.13 m² (39 nozzles) 33.15 m² (51 nozzles)
3 ring mains x 2 tanks
6 tank system
24.12 m² (36 nozzles) 28.14 m² (42 nozzles) 35.10 m² (54 nozzles)
1 ring main per tank
8 tank system
28.81 m² (43 nozzles) 34.17 m² (51 nozzles) 43.55 m² (67 nozzles)
3 ring mains (2+3+3 tanks)
8 tank system
29.48 m² (44 nozzles) 34.84 m² (52 nozzles) 44.20 m² (68 nozzles)
4 ring mains x 2 tanks
8 tank system
32.16 m² (48 nozzles) 37.52 m² (56 nozzles) 46.80 m² (72 nozzles)
1 ring main per tank

See section 5.9.10 for area coverage calculation of smaller system sizes that are not listed in this table.
Note: If you do not fit the maximum number of nozzles (system limits in table above), then the area coverage
given in the table above is also reduced.


 Preference is always to have an individual ring main for each tank.
 All tanks connected into one common ring main must be the same.
 Each tank must connect individually into ring main (no manifolds allowed).
 Activation line must be installed in a redundancy loop and not terminate at the last tank.
 Multiple tank systems must have single activation circuit and activate as one system.
 Adding additional tanks into the same ring main will not add the full number of nozzles for every additional
tank. Each additional tank has one nozzle less that the maximum permitted for that size tank.
 See section 3.4 in this manual for specific details regarding multiple tank system design.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


The tank sizes referred to throughout the Sandvik documentation and manuals are nominal
sizes only and relate to the approximate total volume of the tank, not the contents.
The tables below show design parameters for all tanks used:


TABLE 5.10.1 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
Nominal total tank
volume in litres 25 35 45 65 80 110
True total tank
volume in litres 24.73 36.04 45.90 66.03 80.66 107.63


TABLE 5.10.2 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
Amount of potable water
in litres 17.30 24.65 31.50 43.80 54.80 68.45
Amount of Sandvik
approved foam concentrate 1.70 2.35 3.00 4.20 5.20 6.55
Total amount of
extinguishing agent 19.00 27.00 34.50 48.00 60.00 75.00

TANK MASS (rounded figures)

TABLE 5.10.3 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
Bare empty tank mass
in kilograms 9.8 11.2 12.8 16.1 18.9 23.5
Complete assembly
(tank, head, bracket) 22 36 39 48 61.5 67
empty mass in kilograms

Complete assembly
(tank, head, bracket) 41 63 74 96 121.5 142
charged mass in kilograms

The yellow cells in above table 5.10.3 show the mass of a fully charged assembly that
must be considered in the structural design of any intended tank mounting location on the
equipment. The mass shown includes the complete tank assembly with all components,
tank mounting bracket and contents as per above table 5.10.2.


TABLE 5.10.4 25 L tank 35 L tank 45 L tank 65 L tank 80 L tank 110 L tank
Tank ullage space
in litres 5.7 9.0 11.4 18.0 20.78 32.6
Nitrogen volume in litres
(at 1400 kPa / 203 PSI) 80 126 160 252 290 457

The tank ullage space (blue cells of above table 5.10.4) is filled with compressed Nitrogen
as a discharge propellant. When the Nitrogen is released to atmosphere (system is
activated), it expands back to its original uncompressed volume. At the lowest system
operating pressure of 1400 kPa (203 PSI), this expanded volume is equivalent to the
figures given in the yellow cells above. When compared to the tank volume (table 5.10.1),
the available volume of compressed gas is considerably larger. Although this may seem
excessive, it ensures good discharge pressure right up to end of effective discharge period.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems


This section provides guidance on selection and installation of portable extinguishers for
mobile equipment, based on requirements of AS5062 and AS2444.
These recommendations are based on assessed fire risk and equipment size, but shall not
be less than requirements specified by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction.

Having a fixed fire suppression system fitted does not cancel the requirements of having
portable (hand held) fire extinguishers fitted to mobile equipment.
Portable extinguishers are essential to the operator in case he needs to clear a path to get
off the equipment, to combat potential spot fires outside the protected envelope of the fixed
fire system and to assist with post fire protection in case of re-ignition.
Equipment controlled by an operator – MUST have portable extinguishers fitted.
Equipment NOT controlled by an operator must be assessed on an individual basis.
Consider fitting portable extinguishers. Mobile equipment without an operator is generally
unattended and by the time a fire is evident, any extinguishers mounted to the equipment
itself may not be accessible. Recommend to client for portable extinguishers to be fitted in
the vicinity of the equipment, away from the immediate fire risk area.


There are three different classes of fire that are likely to occur on mobile equipment. Most
common is Class B (flammable, petroleum based liquids), followed by Class E (electrical)
and Class A (combustible solids). The Class of the potential fire determines your selection
of portable extinguishers.
As an absolute minimum, any extinguisher selected should have a B(E) rating.
Equipment operating in forestry and other industries that have potential for Class A fires,
the rating of the portable extinguishers should be AB(E).
Although not required in all instances, for uniformity reasons, use AB(E) extinguishers.
Please note that the rating and not the size or capacity of the extinguisher is the relevant
criteria as it relates to the size of fire that can be extinguished with a given unit.
For example a 4.5kg DCP extinguisher from supplier A may have a 60B(E) rating, whereas
the 4.5kg DCP from supplier B has a rating of 80B(E).
Note: Larger rating number indicates larger fire fighting capabilities.
Where fitting one large extinguisher is not practical, two smaller units can be fitted providing
their combined rating is equal or larger than that of the single unit.
For example: Two 40B(E) units instead of a single 80B(E).
DCP (Dry chemical powder) and Foam are the most common fire fighting agents used in
portable extinguishers on mobile equipment.
 DCP for the fast knockdown and safe use on energised electrical components.
 Foam for cooling, blanket forming over flammable liquids and good post fire protection.
Specialised equipment applications may need alternative extinguishing agents and any
such special requirements must be discussed with the owner of the equipment or the
supplier of the product that requires specific extinguishing agents.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Recommended minimum requirements shall be recorded in the system design specification
(Sandvik document 69 343 138 - page 2 of the system design section).
Most regulatory requirements are based on the kW rating of the equipment engine as this
generally relates to the size of the equipment and the potential fire risk. As mentioned in the
introduction to this section, whatever is recommended shall not be less than the
requirements of the regulatory authority having jurisdiction.

Sandvik minimum recommendations:


One (1) DCP extinguisher Located in driver cabin or adjacent

less than 100kW
Minimum rating of 2A:30B:E to cabin within easy reach.
One (1) DCP extinguisher Located in driver cabin or adjacent
Minimum rating of 2A:30B:E to cabin within easy reach.
100kW – 150kW
One (1) DCP extinguisher External, accessible from ground
Minimum rating of 6A:80B:E level, near driver exit path.
One (1) DCP extinguisher Located in driver cabin or adjacent
Minimum rating of 3A:60B:E to cabin within easy reach.
One (1) DCP extinguisher External, accessible from ground
150kW – 250kW Minimum rating of 6A:80B:E level, near driver exit path.
Large fuel load present: External, accessible from ground
One (1) Foam extinguisher level, in suitable location as
Minimum rating of 2A:20B described in section 6.4.
One (1) DCP extinguisher Located in driver cabin or adjacent
Minimum rating of 3A:60B:E to cabin within easy reach.
One (1) DCP extinguisher External, accessible from ground
250kW – 400kW
Minimum rating of 6A:80B:E level, near driver exit path.
One (1) Foam extinguisher External, in suitable location as
Minimum rating of 2A:20B described in section 6.4.
One (1) DCP extinguisher Located in driver cabin or adjacent
Minimum rating of 3A:60B:E to cabin within easy reach.
over 400kW Multiple DCP extinguishers External, in suitable locations as
(see note below) Minimum rating 6A:80B:E each described in section 6.4.
Multiple Foam extinguishers External, in suitable locations as
Minimum rating 2A:20B each described in section 6.4.

Number and recommended location of portable extinguishers for larger equipment should
be determined according to the requirements in section 6.4 of this manual and the risk that
was established in the equipment fire risk assessment. Large and complex equipment may
require installation of additional portable extinguishers.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

It is important that no extinguisher is located in a position where access could be a hazard
to the potential user. Do not locate units near the immediate fire risk area.
All requirements listed in section 6.5 of this manual must be taken into consideration when
selecting a suitable location for any portable extinguishers.
Preferred location is along normal paths of travel on the equipment (walkways, platforms,
stairways) and at every normal and alternate exit point.
One DCP extinguisher must be located within reach of the equipment operator. Preference
is for this medium size extinguisher to be in the cabin of the equipment and readily
available to the operator in the event of an emergency. If mounting in the cabin is not
practical (space constraints or obstruction), then it should be located in close proximity, no
further than 1 metre (40”) from the driver seat, along the exit path of the operator. This
applies to all installations, regardless of the size of the equipment.
One DCP extinguisher must be located at the normal exit point of the operator, generally
where the equipment isolation switch is located. It must be accessible from ground level,
without the need to climb up onto the equipment. The top of the extinguisher should be no
more than 1.2 metres (4 feet) above ground level for ergonomic access.
For larger equipment with multiple exit points, there should be a DCP or Foam extinguisher
at each of the exit points from the equipment. If at all possible, these should be accessible
from ground level. On very large equipment they should be mounted at the lowest fixed
point of any exit path.
There should be additional extinguishers available along the normal travel or exit path(s).
The maximum travel distance from any point on the equipment to the nearest available
portable extinguisher shall not exceed 5 metres (16.4 feet). On very large equipment, these
additional extinguishers are generally located at the top of ladders or stairs along the exit
As most of the large mobile equipment has extensive amounts of flammable liquids on
board, it is recommended that at least one Foam extinguisher is available, accessible from
ground level. On large equipment, additional foam extinguishers may be beneficial, located
at a safe distance from the engine bay where a fuel fire is most likely to occur.

The following installation requirements apply to all portable extinguishers:
 All extinguishers shall be conspicuous and readily accessible.
 No extinguisher shall obstruct the view or exit path of the equipment operator.
 All extinguishers shall be installed using a heavy duty vehicle mounting bracket.
 All extinguishers shall have a discharge hose fitted.
 No extinguisher shall restrict or obstruct servicing access to the equipment.
 All extinguishers shall be in protected locations to minimise physical damage.
 All extinguisher pressure indicators shall be clearly visible for pressure checks.

All future maintenance shall be in accordance with Australian Standard AS1851.

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4th Edition - 2014 release of manual:

Cover page, Copyright (page 2) and footers on all pages updated to 4th Edition, 2014 release.

Cover page – Manual title (new foam) and SAI Global QA logo updated.

Complete manual – Headers updated, FS1000 references removed.

Complete manual – Reviewed and updated with regards to new fluoro-free foam. Any references to
previous agent, AFFF or film-forming have been removed or replaced accordingly.
Sections 1, 2 and 3 Heading and index page updated to SC-Series reference (FS1000 removed).

Sections 1 and 2 content updated - SC-Series references added.

Page 3 – Index updated according to changes.

Page 5 – Paragraph 5, sentence 2 – Sandvik FRA facilitation changed from <should> to <must>.
Pages 5 to 13 – Sections 3.1 and 3.2 Complete Fire Risk Assessment sections updated to
correspond with latest Sandvik electronic FRA form and terminology. Pictures updated accordingly.
Page 13 onward - Revision of FRA has added one additional page. Page numbers updated.
Page 30 – Terminology change - Schematic changed to interface diagram. Clarification added.
Final documentation package text reviewed and updated.
Pages 32, 38, 43 and 44 – FireAde and AFFF references removed or changed to “approved foam”.

Page 42 – Text correction of bullet point 6 in design rules reminder. Word <not> added.

Page 45 – Note below table referencing large equipment updated.

Personal Notes Page - Page moved to end of manual. Extra page added.

Back page – Updated with latest Sandvik Authorised Service Centres relating to Fire Protection.

Refer to next pages for previous revisions.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

7.0 MANUAL REVISIONS (continued)

3rd Edition - 2012 release of manual:

Review of complete manual (consistency, spelling, grammar and formatting – some minor changes).

Cover page, Manual Index (page 2) and Copyright (page 3) updated to 3rd Edition, 2012 release.
Cover page and page header - Emphasis on SC-Series (not FS1000), clear identification of AS5062
compliant systems and related documentation.
Complete manual – Alternative units (PSI, Degrees Fahrenheit) added for international markets.
Complete manual - 20 Litre systems discontinued - All references removed from this manual.
Section 5.1, Page 31 – ANFO system requirements added (plated brass).
Page 24 and Table 5.4.1 – Hose bend radius updated for -8 and -12 hoses as per supplier advice.

Table 5.6.1 - 90 second discharge time cross reference to new section 5.9 added.

Pages 35 and 36 – Error correction tables 5.7.1 and 5.8.1. “Minimum” changed to “Maximum”.
Page 37 onward – New section (5.9) inserted with regards to systems that have a 90 second
discharge time requirement. Existing section 5.9 is now section 5.10.
Back pages – Updated with latest Sandvik Authorised Service Centres relating to Fire Protection.

2nd Edition - May 2010 release of manual:

Full manual - All company references changed from SMC Adelaide Ltd to SMC Australia Pty Ltd.
Cover page - Updated to 2nd Edition, May 2010 release.
Page 2 - Copyright updated to “2010 Sandvik”.
Page 3 - Index updated (page references updated according to changes).
Page 31 – Section 5.1, first bullet point - Sub-zero reference changed to freezing conditions.
Page 32 - Table 5.2.1 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added.
Page 33 - Table 5.3.1 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added. Text and formatting updated
Page 33 - Row reference in note text updated (first 5 rows changed to first 7 rows).
Page 34 - Table 5.6.1 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added. Table title updated.
Page 35 - Table 5.7.1 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added.
Page 35 & 36 - Table 5.7.2 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added. Table title updated.
Page 36 - Table 5.8.1 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added.
Page 36 – Example relating to Table 5.8.1 updated – Estimated area added. Additional comments.
Page 37 - Tables 5.9.1 to 5.9.4 updated - 35L and 80L system limits added.
Page 37 – Table 5.9.4 – Nitrogen reserve row of table removed for clarity. Was misleading.
Text below table updated accordingly.
Page 43 – Page added to revisions section 7 for 2nd Edition changes.

Back page – Changed from single page to 2 pages with international as a separate page.

Back page – 1300 phone number removed – no longer active.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

7.0 MANUAL REVISIONS (continued)

1st Edition - December 2009 revision of manual:

Cover page – “SC Series” added

Page 2 – Copyright changed from “2008-2009 Sandvik” to “2009 Sandvik”.

Page 2 – Paragraph “This manual supersedes………..” changed.

Page 2 – Revision section moved to page 43.

Page 3 – Table of contents updated (page references updated according to changes).

Page 43 – 7.0 Manual Revision page added.

Back cover – 8.0 Addresses updated.

1st Edition - May 2009 revision of manual:

Cover page – ActivFire Logo added.

Page 3 - Table of contents updated (page references updated according to changes).

Sections 3.1 to 3.3 expanded – additional info and details (FRA form 69 343 138).

Sections 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 expanded – additional references and details.

Sections 3.6 and 3.7 updated – additional references and details.

Page 4 – ActivFire listing number added.

Page 32 – Nozzle elbow qty in table 5.3.1 updated – tested to allow 1 per nozzle.

Page 33 – Table 5.6.1 updated. Extra area coverage figures added.

Page 33 - Table 5.6.1 “DO NOT USE” and 90 second discharge time notes added.

Page 34 – Notes regarding Table 5.6.1 updated with reference to shaded cells.

Complete new Section 5.9 with tank design parameters added.

Complete new Section 6 for portable extinguishers added, including references.

Back cover – Mt Isa phone and fax numbers updated, Singleton address updated.

1st Edition - December 2008 – First release of document.

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Personal notes and remarks

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DESIGN MANUAL for SANDVIK SC-SERIES fire suppression systems

Personal notes and remarks

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For advice, service inquiries and locations of approved dealers contact any of the
Sandvik Mining and Construction Australia Pty Ltd service workshops below.


136 Daws Road 14 Roanoak Court 60-62 Qantas Drive
Phone: (08) 8276 7655 Phone: (03) 5442 6804 Phone: (07) 3637 7400
Fax: (08) 8276 8509 Fax: (03) 5442 8453 Fax: (07) 3637 7511


11 Kanandah Road 20 Broadwood Street 37-39 Interlink Court
Phone: (08) 8088 2111 Phone: (08) 9091 6300 MACKAY QLD 4740
Fax: (08) 8088 4411 Fax: (08) 9091 6003 Phone: (07) 4953 9900
Fax: (07) 4953 9999


199 Barkly Highway Lot 4 Charlton Road 28 Strathgrove Way
Phone: (07) 4749 8400 Phone: (08) 8671 0015 Phone: (02) 6361 7600
Fax: (07) 4743 1623 Fax: (08) 8671 0115 Fax: (02) 6361 7610

15 Magnet Road
Phone: (08) 9334 4100
Fax: (08) 9455 6800


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