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How Endogenic Processes occur?

Endogenic processes occur beneath the surface of the Earth and it is one of the
processes responsible for sustain life on Earth. Based on your presentation you are now
somewhat aware of the different processes under Endogenic. Now, for you to visually
understand the topic, please watch the video below. 

Three main sources of heat on Earth; 

1. Heat from the accretion of Earth during its formation.

2. Frictional heating, caused by the sinking of core materials to the center of the
3. Heat from the decay of radioactive elements.


 Molten rocks that are found beneath Earth’s surface is called magma. When
magma emerges at the surface it is called lava.
 Magma can be generated in several ways….
1. Decompression Melting
Ø  happens when temperature stays the same but the pressure decreases
Ø  occurs at divergent boundaries, where tectonic plates separate

2. Flux Melting
Ø  melting triggers when volatiles or gaseous substances are added into the
hot solid rocks.
Ø convergent margins

3. Heat transfer melting

Ø melting of surrounding rocks caused by very hot magma bringing in
additional heat.
Ø occurs in ridges, rift valleys, hotspots and subduction zone

4. Partial melting
Ø rocks begins to melt but only certain minerals are melting.


 The process when a rock  changes its form into new one without undergoing
melting or disintegration.
Types of Metamorphism

 Regional Metamorphism - occurs over a much larger area. This

metamorphism produces rocks such as gneiss and schist. Regional
metamorphism is caused by large geologic processes such as mountain-
building. These rocks when exposed to the surface show the unbelievable
pressure that cause the rocks to be bent and broken by the mountain building
 Dynamic Metamorphism - also occurs because of mountain-building. These
huge forces of heat and pressure cause the rocks to be bent, folded, crushed,
flattened, and sheared.
 Contact metamorphism - occurs adjacent to igneous intrusions and results
from high temperatures associated with the igneous intrusion.
 Cataclastic metamorphism - occurs as a result of mechanical deformation,
like when two bodies of rock slide past one another along a fault zone.
 Burial metamorphism - When sedimentary rocks are buried to depths of
several kilometers, temperatures greater than 300oC may develop in the
absence of differential stress.  
 Shock metamorphism - When an extraterrestrial body, such as a meteorite
or comet impacts with the Earth or if there is a very large volcanic explosion,
ultrahigh pressures can be generated in the impacted rock. 

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