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Atomic Basics:

You should:
● Know the basic structure of an atom
● Know how electrons are arranged in an atom
● Be able to work out if an atom is neutral or an ion
● Be able to define the term isotope
● Be able to write element symbols for simple isotopes

The Periodic Table

You should:
● Be able to indicate the location of metals and non-metals on the Periodic Table
● Be able to define the terms peridd and group
● Understand the connection between element location and valency
● Be able to explain the reactivity of the alkali metals down the group
● Be able to explain the reactivity of the halogens down the group

Ion formation:
You should:
● Be able to explain why atoms form ions
● Be able to determine whether an element will form an ion based on its position
on the periodic table
● Be able to determine whether that ion would be positive or negative
● Be able to write electron configurations for ions
● Be able to draw electron transfer diagrams

Ionic Bonding:
You should:
● Be able to name the attractive force between cations and anions in ionic
● Compounds
● Be able to explain how substances conduct electricity
● Be able to draw an ionic lattice
● Be able to name some properties of ionic compounds
● Be able to explain those properties with respect to the ionic lattice structure

Covalent bonding:
You should:
● Be able to identify which atom pairs will undergo covalent bonding
● Be able to draw outer electron shells to show covalent bonding
● Be able to draw single, double and triple bonds
● Be able to define the terms lone pair and bonding pair
● Be able to draw Lewis structures
● Be able to predict whether an atom will have lone pairs, and how many

Covalent structures
You should:
● Be able to explain how covalent bonds can form massive structures
● Be able to name and explain the properties of:

➔ Diamond
➔ Graphite
➔ Graphene
● Be able to name at least one other covalent structure

You should:
● Be able to use the formula to determine the number of each type of atoms in a
● compound or molecule
● Be able to use the name of a molecule to determine the formula
● Be able to work out if a compound or molecule is covalently or ionically bonded
from the name

You should:
● Be able to name the common properties of metals
● Be able to name some exceptions to those common properties
● Be able to draw a metallic lattice
● Be able to describe the bonding within the metallic lattice
● Be able to link the previously discussed properties of metals to the structure of
the metallic lattice
● Be able to explain why metals might be modified

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