Reversible Reactions ANS-converted1

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1 Chlorine can be manufactured by using the reversible reaction between hydrogen chloride and

4HCl(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) ∆H is negative
A mixture in dynamic equilibrium is present at 450 oC.
Which change to the mixture will increase the amount of chlorine at equilibrium?
A adding a catalyst
B .. adding more HCl(g)
C decreasing the pressure
D increasing the temperature
2 Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, is a dark brown gas that decomposes as shown by the equilibrium
2NO2(g) 2NO(g) + O2(g)
dark brown colourless
The diagram shows a glass flask containing a mixture of the three gases.
The mixture is pale brown.

More oxygen is forced into the flask.

What colour change is seen in the mixture?
A there is no change
B it turns colourless
C it becomes darker brown
D it becomes a paler brown
3 Nitrogen reacts with oxygen.
N2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2NO(g) H = +170 kJ / mol
At equilibrium, which statement is true?
A The concentration of nitrogen present will change with time.
B The forward and backward reaction are taking place at the same rate.
C The forward reaction releases heat energy.
D There are more molecules on the left hand side of the equation than on the right.

4 The equation shows a reaction in the Contact process.

2SO2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2SO3(g) rH = –98 kJ / mol
Which change would move the position of equilibrium to the left?
A adding more O2
B increasing the pressure
C increasing the temperature
D removing SO3 from the reacting mixture
5 At 400 oC the reaction between hydrogen and iodine reaches an equilibrium.
H2(g) + I2(g) ↔ 2HI (g) ∆ H = –13 kJ /mol
Which change in conditions would increase the percentage of hydrogen iodide in the equilibrium
A A decrease in pressure(same moles will not effect)
B A decrease in temperature(exothrmic)
C An increase in pressure
D An increase in temperature

Q1 W1821 8(f) Adding dilute acid to yellow CrO4 2–(aq) forms orange Cr2O7 2–(aq). The ionic
equation for this reaction is shown.

2CrO42–(aq) + 2H+(aq) ↔ Cr2O72–(aq) + H2O(l)

yellow orange
(i) Describe and explain what you would observe when a few drops of concentrated aqueous
sodium hydroxide are added to the orange solution.
yellow/equilibrium will shift to left (when we add something in right it will shift at left)/OH-
ions react with h+
(ii) Suggest why a change in pressure has no effect on the reaction shown. ..
ANS:there is no gas in the reaction
Q2. W1722
B6 At high temperatures, hydrogen reacts with iodine to form hydrogen iodide.

H2(g) + I2(g) ↔ 2HI(g) ∆H = + 53.0 kJ/mol

(a) Describe and explain the effect, if any, on the position of equilibrium when
(i) the pressure is increased,
......................................................................................................................................ANS... no
effect because moles are
(ii) the temperature is decreased.
..................................................................................................................................equilirim will
shift to left /goes in direction of exothermic(increase in temp effects the endothermiic side and
decrease in temp effects the exothermic).........
Q3 w1721 B6 Ethanoic acid is a weak acid. (a) What is meant by the term weak acid?
ANS)it is partially ionised
...............................................................................................................................................[1] (b)
Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol to form ethyl ethanoate. The reaction is exothermic.


Describe and explain the effect, if any, on the position of equilibrium when
(i) the concentration of ethanol is increased,
.ANS)will shift to right(when added to left it effect will at
(ii) the temperature is increased. ..
move to left because the backward reaction is
. ...........................................................................................................................................
Q3 w1522 B10
At 200 °C and 200 atmospheres pressure, phosphorus(V) chloride forms an equilibrium mixture
with phosphorus(III) chloride and chlorine.

1PCl5(g) ↔ 1PCl3(g) + 1Cl2(g)

phosphorus(V) phosphorus(III) chloride chloride

(a) Predict and explain the effect of decreasing the pressure on the position of this equilibrium.
The temperature remains constant.
ANS)(increase in pressure shift he position of equilibrium toward the side having lesser no of
moles or volume of gases,if the number of mole or volume of gases is same on both sides than
change in pressue has no effect on th positon of equilibrium)
equilibrim will move to the right
(b) Predict and explain the effect of increasing the concentration of chlorine on the position of
this equilibrium.
ANS) move to left in backward direction(if we add a substance the equiulbrium will shift to the
other side but if remove the substance the equilibrium will remain to same side
(c) The table shows the percentage of phosphorus(III) chloride in the equilibrium mixture at
different temperatures. The pressure is the same in each case.

(i) Describe how the composition of this equilibrium mixture changes with temperature.
..ANS)increasing temo increase increase the percentage of
(ii) Explain what this tells you about the energy change in this reaction.
.....reaction is endothermic(inrease in temp effect endothermic)

d) How is the position of equilibrium affected by the presence of a catalyst? effect
(e) The rate of this reaction increases with increase in temperature.
Explain why.
....ANS)because molecule move faster / molecule has more energy /molecule have
energy greater than activation
(f) Phosphorus(V) chloride reacts with water. Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, and
hydrogen chloride
are formed.
Construct the equation for this reaction.
....PCl5+ 4H20 ___a>H3PO4+ 5HCl
[Total: 10]
Q4 w1422 B9 Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process.

The table below shows how the percentage yield of ammonia at equilibrium varies
with both temperature and pressure.

(a) Describe how, and explain why, the percentage yield of ammonia at
equilibrium changes with temperature.
..ANS)decreases with increase in temperature reaction is exothermic
(b) Describe how, and explain why, the percentage yield of ammonia at
equilibrium changes with pressure.
..ANS)increasing pressure causes reaction to go in direction of decreasing number
of mole
(c) Explain why the conditions for the synthesis of ammonia in most chemical
plants are between 350–450 °C and 200–300 atmospheres pressure.
low(er) temperature makes reaction rate too slow.
low(er) pressure gives poor yield
(d) Explain how using a catalyst in the Haber process has an economic advantage.
.....speeds up the reaction
...lowers energy costs
............................................................................................................................... [2]
(e) Ammonia is used to make fertilisers such as ammonium phosphate,
Calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium phosphate.

molar mass of (NH4)3PO4 = 149 (1)

149/42 × 100 = 28.19%

[Total: 10]
Q5 [w2000 B11]
Ammonia is manufactured in the Haber Process.
The following graph shows the amount of ammonia present in the equilibrium
mixture under different conditions of temperature and pressure.

(a) Use the graph to deduce the effect of increasing the pressure on the
percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture.
Increasing pressure decrease percentage.
(b) An industrial process uses conditions of 450 oC and 200 atm.
i) Use the graph to find the percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium
ii) Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of using 450 oC rather
than 350 oC as the working temperature.
higher temp gave faster rate.
higher temp decrease concentration
(c) A catalyst is used in the Haber Process. Give one other industrial
process which uses a catalyst, and name the catalyst. Explain why expensive
metals are economical to use as catalyst.[3]
Making ammonia
They can speed up the chemical process more easily.

(d) A student has three test-tubes of gas. One tube contains ammonia, one
contains hydrogen and one contains nitrogen. Describe tests the student could do
to identify the three gases.[3]
Hydrogen.A lighted wooden splint makes a popping sound
Ammonia.have sharp smell.It also make a damp red litmus paper turn blue.
Nitrogen;The extract is boiled with FeSO4 and icidified with concentrated
H2SO4.The appearence of prussian blue color indicates the presence of nitrogen

Q6 [s2005 B9] Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process. Ammonia is

used to manufacture nitrogenous fertilisers such as ammonium nitrate.
(a) The graphs below give information about the percentage of ammonia
present in the equilibrium mixture at different temperatures and pressures.
The reaction requires the use of a catalyst, which operates most efficiently within
the temperature range 280 – 450 °C.

(i) Name the catalyst used in the Haber process.

the catalyst is iron or Fe2O3
(ii) Write a balanced equation for the formation of ammonia in
the Haber process.
N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3
(iii) Which conditions of temperature and pressure give the highest percentage
of ammonia at equilibrium within the catalyst operating temperature range?
the temperature is 280 °C
the pressure is 400 atmos
(iv) Suggest why the normal working temperature used in the Haber process is
often over 400 °C. [5]
higher temperature gives faster reaction
(b) Describe and explain the effect of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction.
Explain how the use of a catalyst can reduce the overall energy requirement for
the Haber process. [3]
• a catalyst increases reaction rate (not alters the rate).
• hence saves energy.
• a lower activation energy .

(c) A farmer spreads a fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate onto his land.
The farmer then spreads calcium hydroxide on his land to reduce its acidity.
Write an equation for the reaction between ammonium nitrate and calcium
Use this equation to explain why the nitrogen content of the fertiliser will be
lowered. [2]
Ca(OH)2 + 2NH4NO3 → Ca(NO3)2 + 2 H2O + 2 NH3
ammonia lost as a gas

Q7 [s2001 B10]. Ethanol is manufactured by the reversible reaction between

ethene and steam.
C2H4 (g) + H2O (g) ↔ CH3CH2OH (g)
The position of the equilibrium is affected by changes in pressure and temperature.
In an experiment, one mole of ethene was allowed to react with excess steam. The
table shows the amount of ethanol in the equilibrium mixture under five different
sets of conditions.
Temperature Pressure Amount of
/oC /atm ethanol at
equilibrium /
300 50 0.40
300 60 0.46
300 70 0.55
250 50 0.42
350 50 0.38

(a) i) Describe the effect of increasing the pressure on the amount of

ethanol at
Inreasing pressure increase amount of ethanol.

ii) Is the reaction between ethene and steam endothermic or exothermic?

Explain your answer.
Ethanol is manufactured by reacting ethene with steam.The reaction is reversible
and he formation of ethanol is exothermic.
iii) Which set of conditions (temperature and pressure) will give
the lowest rate of reaction?
350 temp and 50 pressure

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