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Managemet Information System


Lecturer :
Drs. I Wayan Purwanta Suta, MAIB

Compile by :
Indah Whulan Dari

Thanks to Almighty God for The bless and his blessings to the author for completing
the Task paper introduction to Management this with the title "Management Information
System (MIS)" with better and timely.
The intent and purpose of this paper is to complement the task of lecture course
introduction to management, which will be a requirement for graduation in this semester.
This paper will not be completed without the help from various parties. For it the
author would like to thank you profusely to the various parties who have helped the author
in the preparation of this proposal include :
1. Almighty god who has poured out His blessings and gifts,
2. Parents of the author who always gives the blessing and the spirit of,
3. Mr. I Nyoman Abdi, SE, M.eCom as the Director of Politeknik Negeri Bali,
4. Mr. Drs. I Wayan Purwanta Suta, MAIB as the lecturer,
5. Friends who have been giving full support to the author,
6. As well as other parties that the author can not mention one by one
The authors recognize the many shortcomings in this paper. Therefore, the author
expects suggestions and criticisms from all parties so that in the future this paper can be better
It is expected this paper can be useful as well as raise insight on the reader in
particular. Amin.

Denpasar, 23 October 2020



COVER ................................................................................................................................................ i
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of The Paper .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Probem Formulation ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Purpose of The Paper ......................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................................................... 3
THEORETICAL BASIS ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Definition of Information According to Experts .................................................................... 3
2.2 Management Information System According to Experts ....................................................... 3
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................................................... 5
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Definition of System ................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Definition of Information .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Management Information System ........................................................................................... 10
3.4 Development of Management Information System Concept .................................................. 12
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................................... 16
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 16
4.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Suggest .................................................................................................................................... 16
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 17


1.1 Background of The Paper

Information becomes an important part to determine the policy or decision-making in
an organization or company. In an effort to meet as well as the delivery of information needs,
can be reached by various ways. To start with, directly or indirectly, or orally and in writing.
The information submitted must be an information which is logical, good, concrete, as well
as what it is. Today in the era of globalization, technology becomes one of the media delivery
of information that is widely used by the organization or company. Utilization of appropriate
technology was needed so that the information dibuhkan can be delivered effectively.
Information system is a system that provides information to management in taking
decision and also to run the company's operations, where such a system is a combination of
people, information technology and procedures which tergorganisasi. Usually a company or
business entity providing the kind of information that is useful for management. The main
goal of a system that contains the information of the course is to produce an information.
Such information will be processed in the form of data so it is easily understood and can be
translated by the users of such information.
Management Information system is a set of procedures combined that collect and
produce data that is reliable, relevant, and well-organized manner that supports the decision-
making process of an organization. In short, this is a group process in which data is obtained,
analyzed, and displayed in a way that is useful for the purpose of decision making. This
system is a very useful tool for the purpose of reviewing and controlling the operations of the
company. The main purpose of this system is to organize all data collected from every level
of the company, summarize it, and present it in a way that facilitates and improves the quality
of decisions taken to increase the profitability and productivity of the company.

1.2 Probem Formulation
The formulation of the problem that the authors discuss in this paper is
1. What is a system?
2. What is meant by information
3. What is meant by management information system?
4. How is the Development of the Concept of the SIM?

1.3 Purpose of The Paper

The purpose of writing this paper is:
1. The author wants the readers to understand the definition of the system
2. The author wants the readers to understand the definition of information
3. The author wants the readers to understand what is meant by management
information system
4. The author wants to the readers to understand how the development of management
information system.

2.1 Definition of Information According to Experts
Etymologically, the term "information" comes from Latin, namely "informatinem"
which means an idea, code, or outline. Information can be presented in various forms, ranging
from text, pictures, tables, diagrams, audio, video, and so on.
The definition of information according to experts includes:
1. Raymond McLeod
According to Raymond McLeod, the meaning of information is data that has been
processed into a form that has meaning for the recipient and is useful in making
decisions at present or in the future.
2. Jogiyanto HM
According to Jogiyanto HM, the notion of information is the result of processing
data into a form that is more useful for the recipient which describes real events to be
used in decision making.
3. Lina Sidharta
According to Lina Sidharta, the meaning of information is data that is presented
in a form that is more useful for making a decision.
4. George R. Terry
According to George R. Terry, the understanding of information is important data
that provides useful knowledge for the recipient.
5. Azhar Susanto
According to Azhar Susanto, the meaning of information is a result of data processing
that provides meaning and benefits to the recipient.
2.2 Management Information System According to Experts
Management information systems are planning systems that are part of the internal control
of a business which includes the use of people, documents, technology and procedures by
management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of products, services, or
a business strategy. Several experts gave their opinion regarding the meaning of SIM. Among

1. Hopwood Fund Bodnar
Management information system is a collection of hardware and software designed
to transform data into useful information. (Accounting Information System)
2. L. Jamers Havery
Management information system is a logical and rational procedure for performing
or designing a series of components that are related to one another.
3. Azhar Susanto
A management information system is a collection or group of sub-systems or parts or
components of any kind, physical or non-physical, which are interrelated with one
another and are concerned with controlling, evaluating and continuous improvement.
4. Ludwid Von Batalanfy
Management information system is a set of elements that are interrelated in an inter-
relationship between these elements and the environment.

3.1 Definition of System
The system comes from Latin (systema) and Greek (sustema) is a unit consisting of
components or elements that are linked together to facilitate the flow of information, matter
or energy. This term is often used to describe an interacting entity.
In addition to understanding the system above, there are several experts who define
the system as follows:
1. Arifin Rahman
The system is the Webster New Collegiate Dictionary that there are the words
"syn" and "Histanai" which are derived from Greek meaning put together.
Whereas the definition of a system is a collection of opinions, principles, and
others that form a unity that is related to one another.
2. Ludwig von Bertallanffy
That the system is a set of elements that are in an interacting state.
3. A. Hall and R. Fagen
that the notion of a system is a set of objects, which includes the relationship
between these objects (understanding of the system is a set of objects, which
includes the relationship between the object), and the relationship between their
properties (the relationship between their properties).
4. Colin Cherry
That the system is a whole which is formed from many parts - an assemble of
various characteristics and parts of it.
5. Prajudi
The system is a network of procedural procedures that are related to one another
according to a rounded scheme or pattern to move a major function and a business
or business.
6. WJS Poerwadarminta
A system is a group of parts or tools and so on that work together to do something.

7. Sumantri
The system is a group of parts that work together to carry out a purpose. If there
is damage to one of the parts, the system or all parts will not be able to carry out
their duties fully. In other words, the purpose to be achieved will not be fulfilled
or at least the system that has been realized will be disrupted.
In the formation of a system, there are five main elements, namely as follows.
1. The existence of objects
2. The presence of a relationship between several elements or elements.
3. There is something that binds these elements or elements into one unit.
4. Being IN a complete and complex environment.
5. There is a common goal as the end result.
Apart from the elements, the system also has characteristics which are divided into 8
parts, including the following:
1. System Components
A system consists of a number of components that are interconnected with
each other, which means working together to form a unity. The system component
consists of several components in the form of several parts of the system or subsystem
in it.
2. System Boundary (Boundary)
System boundaries limit between a system and other systems and also with
the outside environment. The system limitation allows a system to be viewed as a
unit. System boundaries display the scope or specific scope of a system.
3. Environment Outside the System
Environment outside the system is an operation outside the boundaries of the
system that affects the system. The environment may have a beneficial nature which
must be maintained, but those that are not profitable also need to be maintained and
controlled, if it does not interfere with the continuity of the operation of the system.

4. System Connectors (Interface)
System liaison is a means of connecting between subsystems and other
subsystems. With these relationships, it can allow resources to flow from one
subsystem to another.
5. System input or input
System input is the energy put into a particular system which can be in the
form of input maintenance and input signal. Maintenance Input is the energy put in
so that the system can run or operate properly. While the input signal is energy that
is processed to obtain output or results.
6. System output or output.
The system output is the result of energy that has been processed and
classified into useful outputs and waste products.
7. Processor system
A system becomes a processor that converts input into output. The production
system processes these raw materials into finished materials.
8. System goals
A system certainly has a goal or objective in the form of an object. The
purpose of the system is to determine the input required by the system and the output
that will be produced.
3.2 Definition of Information

Information is a collection of data or facts that have been processed and managed in
such a way that it becomes something that is easy to understand and useful for the recipient.
From the above understanding, we can understand that the word "information" has a
different meaning than the word "data". Data is a fact that can be said to be raw or
unprocessed, after processing or processing the data can become a very useful information.
Not all data or facts can be made into information for the recipients. If a data that is
processed has no benefit for the recipient, then it cannot be called information.

Etymologically, the term "information" comes from Latin, namely "informatinem"
which means an idea, code, or outline. Information can be presented in various forms, ranging
from text, pictures, tables, diagrams, audio, video, and so on.
The types of information are very diverse, from those based on functions and uses to
those based on their delivery. The types of information include:
1) Information Based on Functions and Uses
a. Information that can increase knowledge, for example: an event and
b. Information that can be learned for readers, for example: for example a paper
that discusses tutorials or how to cook, an article that discusses how to cook
properly and correctly.
c. Information based on the presentation format, a different information based
on the form of the presentation of the information. Example: information in
the form of an article (it can be in the form of a column, row, or image, etc.).
2) Information Based on Presentation Format
Information based on this type includes, among other things, written text,
caricature images, photographs, or abstract paintings.
3) Information based on the scene
Information based on the scene of the incident that was happening at that time,
be it information from within the country or information from abroad.
4) Information Based on Fields of Life
Information based on existing areas of life, for example, lifestyle, education,
sports etc.
5) Submission Based Information
• Information provided out of the blue.
• Information provided periodically.
• Information that is excluded.
• Information obtained on request.
• Information provided at any time.

In general, information is conveyed to provide data needed by a person, organization,
or company. But besides that information also has several functions, including:
1. Become a New Source of Knowledge
Correct information obtained from someone can become knowledge and can add
insight in certain areas. Example: Information about how to get money from blogs on
the internet.
2. Remove Uncertainty
Lack of information about something can create uncertainty. To eliminate such
uncertainty, we need complete and correct information from reliable sources.
3. As an Entertainment Media
In fact, information can also function as a medium of entertainment for the
community. Example: Information about a tourist attraction in a place that presents
with very interesting language and pictures.
4. As a source of news
One of the information about something can be used as a source of news to be
conveyed to the public. Example: Information about PIala Dunia obtained through
television, radio, and online news sites.
5. For Policy Socialization
Information is an essential component of communicating with other parties. One
of them is to provide a policy from the government to the community by socializing.
6. To Influence The Audience
Delivery of information from the mass media is usually done in order to influence
the audience. Example: Information about a product through television which aims
to make people know and be interested in looking forward to it.
7. Unifying Opinions
In this era of social media, it is certainly very easy to convey an opinion to the
public space. However, not all opinions agree with the facts. The existence of correct
information from a trusted source is certainly very useful for correcting an opinion
expressed in the public space whether it is in accordance with this information.

3.3 Management Information System
A management information system is a planning system that is part of the internal control of
a business which includes the use of people, documents, technology and procedures by
management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of products, services, or
a business strategy. The purpose of management information systems is to solve various
problems in business which include services, product costs, and business strategies. This
whole system is used in order to analyze other information systems on the implementation
of an organization's operational activities.
A management information system must be able to provide precise and accurate
information to parties who need the information. In order for this information to be useful
for management, the system analysis must correctly understand what information needs are
required by information users. This can be obtained by studying and understanding the
activities of each level or division of management and the types of decisions taken.
Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that the purpose of establishing a
Management Information System is so that an organization or company has information that
is useful in making management decisions, both involving routine decisions and strategic
This system becomes indispensable due to the high complexity in every business
organization. Without the right information, no organization or business can take the right
steps in the decision-making process.
Therefore, the fact is in an organizational decision plays an important role for the
achievement of goals and we know that every decision is based on information. If the
information collected is irrelevant then the decision will be wrong and the business may face
huge losses & many difficulties in operating. Based on this, the following are the functions
of the management information system in each business entity:
1. Assist in decision making
This system plays an important role in the decision making process in any
organization. Because in any organization decisions are made based on relevant
information and relevant information can only be taken from management
information systems.

2. Assisting Coordination among Departments
This system also helps in building healthy relationships among everyone from
department to department through proper exchange of information.
3. Help Find Problems
As we know that this system provides relevant information about every aspect
of activities. Therefore, if there is an error made by management, the Management
Information System Information helps in finding solutions to problems that occur.

4. Helps in Comparing Business Performance

This system also stores all historical data and information in its Database. That
is why this system is very useful for comparing the performance of Business
organizations. With the help of this integrated system, business organizations can
analyze their performance, whatever they did in the past or previous years, and any
business performance this year. Another thing is also able to measure the
development and growth of business organizations.
Management information system is a broad term that combines many specialized
systems. The main categories in this system include:
1. Executive Information System (EIS)
Senior management uses EIS to make decisions that affect the entire organization.
Executives need data with a high level of accuracy and the ability to trace that
2. Marketing Information System (MkIS)
The marketing team uses MkIS to report on the effectiveness of historical and
current marketing processes. Also use it as analyzed data to plan future marketing
3. Business Intelligence System (BIS)
Operations that use BIS are typically for making business decisions based on the
collection, integration and analysis of collected data and information. This system
is similar to an EIS, but lower-level managers and executives use it.

4. Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
CRM systems store important information about customers, including past sales,
contact information, and sales opportunities. Marketing, customer service, sales,
and business development teams often use CRM.
5. Sales Force Automation System (SFA)
A special component of the SFA system that automates many of the tasks
performed by the sales team. This can include contact management, contact
tracking and creation, and order management.
6. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
At the basic level, a TPS can be a point of sale (POS) system such as Mokapos,
or a system that allows tourists to search for hotels and includes past room options
such as price range, type and number of beds. Employees can use the data created
to report usage trends and track sales over time.

7. Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Customer service can use the KMS system to answer questions and solve
8. Financial Accounting System (FAS)
This system is specifically for departments related to finance and accounting, such
as for calculating accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR). Examples
of the best accounting software that you can use are like Accurate Online.
9. Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
This system keeps track of employee performance records and payroll data.
10. Supply Chain Management System (SCM)
Manufacturing companies use SCM to track the flow of resources, materials, and
services from purchase to final product delivery.
3.4 Development of Management Information System Concept
The history of management information systems cannot be separated from the
development of information technology. Management information systems (MIS) follow
developments in the world of technology because SIM is a system that uses technology to

collect and process data into useful information. Management information systems have
begun to receive more serious attention from business actors since information technology
began to be utilized. At least according to experts, there are 5 historical eras of management
information systems when computer technology has been touched.
1. History of the First Era SIM | Before 1965
The first era in the history of management information systems occurred before 1965.
At that time, computers were invented but they were very large. Known as Mainframe
computers. The size of the computer is almost a special room and requires several technicians
to operate it. Few companies implemented computers in their systems because of the large
cost and "complexity" of computers at that time. Even one computer is used by several
companies. Sharing computers is common because the costs to operate them are enormous.
Around the years 1945 - 1955 (Adhan maghrib he he) computers were still not
accompanied by an operating system. The computer must be given instructions that are still
being worked on. Computer-based management information systems are still not widely
used. However, along with the development of computer technology, computers with smaller
sizes were born. Many companies used it even though at that time the price of one computer
was still very expensive. But it is still affordable for large companies. But don't imagine that
a smaller computer has the same capabilities as today's computers. Performance is still very
limited. What's more, computer experts are still very rare.
In 1955 - 1965 computer technology began to be used to do office tasks in companies.
The computer system is still not equipped with an operating system, but there are some basic
functions of the operating system already in place. Until this year, computerized SIMs were
rarely used. Or used even with many limitations. Even so, at least the use of computers has
started to ease the work of employees much more efficiently than before. At least, companies
don't share computers anymore. Have a computer of a reasonable size.
2. History of the Second Era SIM | 1965 - 1980
The second era in the history of management information systems began in 1965. At
that time, computers had developed rapidly in terms of performance. The price is also more
affordable. Even not only companies, but many private people can own it. Computer

capabilities have increased with the discovery of "microprocessors" in computers. "Software"
software applications began to appear.
Human resources who are experts in the field of computers are starting to get even.
Many companies are starting to look at management information systems. Many company
employees can operate computers and their applications. At this time, computers have been
able to do several jobs at once and be accessed simultaneously. The existence of memory that
can be partitioned (shared) makes it easier for some office jobs to store and process data.
3. History of the Third Era SIM | 1980-1990
The computerized management information system in the third era probably occurred
around the 1980s to the early 1990s. In this third era, computerized SIMs began to be widely
used by companies. Many companies, especially multi-national companies, have created
their information systems, although they are still not perfect.
In this era, computers have undergone many developments. Computer capabilities are
increasing and are known as desktop computers. In this era, network technology (TCP / IP)
was created which could connect one computer to another. The computer can connect to other
computers with a local network between computers within the company.
Employees in a company can share information in a simple format via a computer
connected to the main server via a network called an intranet. This era paved the way for
modern management information systems. Applications that were the forerunners of progress
began to emerge such as Lotus 123, Excel and Microsoft's Multiplan which greatly helped
ease the workload of corporate management. Even so, there are still many things that need to
be improved with today's computers. Especially applications and speeds are still low.
4. History of the Fourth Era SIM | 1990-2000
In the fourth era, technology was refined in the third era. Improvements that result in
network access speeds that are easier and faster. The decision making process becomes easier
because of easy and fast access to information. In this era, many software applications began
to be developed. Several company-specific applications have begun to be integrated and can
be accessed in various other departments within the company. The speed is also higher when
compared to computers in the previous era. Several departments in the company can be

consolidated and linked in a single server or platform that can be easily accessed by each
The software developed has been able to integrate various departmental roles within
the company. Operations, finance, marketing, accounting, human resources, inventory and
other departments can work together in harmony. And also connected to one another. Even
though the application and information modules accessed differ between departments, it has
provided a complete picture for top management of all the company's operational activities.
The role of management information systems in this fourth era is beginning to mature. SIM
can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of company work. Its use is also starting
to spread to various worlds. Software and hardware began to innovate and improve.
5. History of the Fifth Era SIM | 2000 - Present
Management information systems in the fifth era, early 21st century until now, can
be said to have experienced a super fast development. Internet Age. Smartphone Age. Cloud
Computing Era.
Information can be accessed anywhere, anytime, in any format, at speeds that are
many times higher than before. Even the user can read the information generated in the palm
of his hand. The speed of data collection, data processing and reporting of information is in
seconds. Maybe you still remember, when the presidential election was held. In the morning
the people still make elections, calculations. And during the day, the results of the election
can already be known using the quick qount method. Very fast.
Likewise with management information systems in companies. When the cashier of
a convenience store directs the product barcode to the scan tool. Then data such as sales,
warehouse stock, store stock, discounts and other things are recorded automatically in the
computer system. Cashiers no longer need to recap transactions manually until late at night.

4.1 Conclusion
The conclusion of this paper is the system is a unit consisting of components or
elements that are connected together to facilitate the flow of information, material or energy.
Information is a collection of data or facts that have been processed and managed in such a
way that it becomes something that is easy to understand and useful for the recipient. Then
the management information System is the planning system part of the internal control of a
business which includes the utilization of human, documents, technologies, and procedures
by management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of the product,
service, or a business strategy. Information systems management continues to evolve along
with the development of technology as well as the needs of the organization or company who
is also always growing.
4.2 Suggest
Writing this papers is very far from perfection, because of the limitations of the source
which the author can. So that the contents of this paper are still of a general nature, therefore,
the authors expect that the reader can look for other sources to compare with the discussion
that the author made, so that the all of mistake of this paper can be corrected as well as the
reader gets the information truthfully.


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