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This chapter deals with the analysis and the interpretation of data gathered. It includes

discussion of the following; (a) demographic profile of the students such as (i) Sex (ii) Age (iii)

Strand (b) the emotional encountered and (c) Possible solution.

Students demographic profile

The table 1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, and



In terms of gender, 13 or 26% respondents were male, 37 or 74% were female. It implied

that the respondents at selected grade 11 students in Gani L. Abpi Collge, Incorporated in terms

of gender majority are female.

In terms of age, 48 or 96% have 15-20 age and 2 or 4% have 21-25 age. It implied that

the respondents selected in grade 11 students in Gani L. Abpi Collge Incorporated were mostly

young or teenagers.


In terms of strand,10 or 20% are stem, 10 or 20% are gas, 10 or 20% are humss, 10 or

20% are H.E and 10 or 20% are Ict. It implied that the respondent selected in every strand at

Gani L. Abpi College, incorporated were equally distributed in every strand.

Table 1. Demographic profile of the Respondents. Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated

n=50 (%)

Male 13 20.0

Female 37 61.7


10-14 years old 0 0

15-20 years old 48 96.0

21-25 years old 2 4.0

26 years and above 0 0


Stem 10 20

Gas 10 20

Humss 10 20
H.E 10 20

Ict 10 20

Emotional Problems Encountered by Respondents

Table 2 shows that the respondents "strongly agreed that they difficult in

concentrating in online class (3.68) and they feel anger about lack of internet connection (3.50).

The student-respondents agreed that they feel stress in lack of time management (3.36) and

feeling afraid of something awful might happen (3.32). Furthermore, they feel stressful and hard

it is because of how hard to understand some activities (3.28), they feel nervous about activity

that exciting (3.24) and they hard to follow the course management system (3.20).

Moreover, the respondents agreed that they are easily irritable in gadget problem

(3.16), emotional stress faced in home (3.08), they also worrying too much about different things

(3.04) and lack of self motivation (2.98) and they also feel hopeless about future.

The result indicates that the student-respondents mostly feel difficult in concentrating

in online class. As a matter pf fact,the condition that students are experiencing a lot of problem

in concentrating and maintaining attention and that this problem is widely observed in all levels

of education supports this view ( Bunce, Flens & Neiles 2010; Cummings Hlas et al, 2017;

Kaymak Ozmen & Demir, 2012; Wang, 2015; Weimer, 2014)

Table2. Emotional Problems Encountered by Grade 11 students in Distance Learning at
Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated

Difficulty in concentrating in online class. 3.68 Strongly agree

I feel anger about lack of intrnet connection. 3.50 Strongly agree

I feel stress in lack of time management. 3.36 Agree

Feeling afraid of something awful might happen. 3.32 Agree

I feel stressful and hard it is because of how hard 3.28 Agree

to understand some activities.

I feel nervous about activities that exciting. 3.24 Agree

I hard to follow the course management system. 3.20 Agree

Being easily irritable in gadget problem. 3.16 Agree

Emotional stress faced in home.. 3.08 Agree

Worrying too much about different things. 3.04 Agree

Lack of self motivation. 2.98 Agree

I feel hopeless about future. 2.74 Agree


1.0-1.49 Strongly disagree
1.50-2.49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree
3.50-4.0 Strong Agree

Coping Mechanism

Table 3 shows that the respondents are strongly agree that coping mechanism are to relax and feel

better when you feel nervous, just put in your mind that you can do it (4.18) find someone who can

support you, emotionally (4.14) and just be calm and figure out the solution (4 10). Furthermore, the
respondent also strongly agreed that the copibg mechanism are schedule ypur task and deadlines and give

yourself breaks (4.06), find someone to talk about your situation especially on your teacher, take care of

youtself(4.04) and relax and pray, know what makes you afraid and face it, talk tp someone that can help

you. (3.94)

Moreover, the respondents also strongly agreed in coping mechanism that to talk to a trusted

friend, telling someone could be key to helping you gain more hope about your situation (3.90),

communicate with your teacher, find a place that you make comportable, concentrate and can't distract

(3.90), train your brain to stay calm you may take negative feelings out and just make fun sometimes

(3.78), keep on touch on your professor or on your teacher(3.74) and calm and take a time out, think

possible solutionof lack of signal, go to the place where there is a strong internet connection (3.74).

The result indicates that respondent are stronly agreed but the most in coping mechanism are to

relax and feel bettef when you feel nervous, just put in your mind that you can dot it.

Table 3: Coping Mechanism

Coping Mechanism Weigted Mean Quantitative


Just relax and feel better when you feel nervous. 4.18 Strongly agree

Just put in your mind that you can do it.

Find someone who can support you, emotionally. 4.14 Strongly agree

Just be calm and figure out the solution. 4.10 Strongly agree

Schedule your task and deadlines and give yourself 4.06 Strongly agree

Find someone to talk about your situation especially 4.04 Strongly agree

on your teacher, take care of yourself.

Relax and pray, know what makes you afraid and 3.94 Strongly agree

face it, talk to someone that can help you.

Talk to a trusted friend, telling someone could be 3.90 Strongly agree

key to helping you gain more hope about your


Communicate with your teacher, find a place that 3.90 Strongly agree

you make comportable, concentrate and can't


Train your brain to stay calm, you may take 3.78 Strongly agree

negative feelings out and just make fun sometimes

Keep on touch on your professor or on your teacher. 3.74 Strongly agree

Calm and take a time out, think possible solution of 3.74 Strongly agree

lack of signal, go to the place where there is a

strong internet connection.

1.0- 1. 49. Strongly disagree
1.50-2.49. Disagree
2.50-3.49. Agree
3.50- 4.0. Strongly agree

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