Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Therapy

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Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328

DOI 10.1007/s00198-007-0394-0


Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: pathophysiology

and therapy
E. Canalis & G. Mazziotti & A. Giustina & J. P. Bilezikian

Received: 11 February 2007 / Accepted: 30 April 2007 / Published online: 14 June 2007
# International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2007

Abstract Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is the induce the apoptosis of mature osteoblasts and osteocytes.
most common form of secondary osteoporosis. Fractures, These effects lead to a suppression of bone formation, a
which are often asymptomatic, may occur in as many as 30– central feature in the pathogenesis of GIO. Glucocorticoids
50% of patients receiving chronic glucocorticoid therapy. also favor osteoclastogenesis and as a consequence increase
Vertebral fractures occur early after exposure to glucocorti- bone resorption. Bisphosphonates are effective in the
coids, at a time when bone mineral density (BMD) declines prevention and treatment of GIO. Anabolic therapeutic
rapidly. Fractures tend to occur at higher BMD levels than in strategies are under investigation.
women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. In human sub-
jects, the early rapid decline in BMD is followed by a slower Keywords Bone mineral density . Fractures .
progressive decline in BMD. Glucocorticoids have direct Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
and indirect effects on the skeleton. The primary effects are
on osteoblasts and osteocytes. Glucocorticoids impair the
replication, differentiation and function of osteoblasts and Introduction

Synthetic glucocorticoids are used in a wide variety of

disorders, including autoimmune, pulmonary, and gastroin-
This work was supported by Grant AR21707 (E. Canalis) from the testinal diseases, as well as in patients following organ
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, transplantation and with malignancies. Although the indi-
Grants DK42424 and DK45227 (E. Canalis), and DK32333 (J.P.
Bilezikian) from the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & cations for glucocorticoids in these various conditions are
Kidney Diseases and by MIUR and Centro di Ricerca clear, their use is fraught with a host of potential side
sull’Osteoporosi-University of Brescia/EULO (A. Giustina). effects. One organ system that has the potential to be
E. Canalis profoundly affected by glucocorticoids is the skeleton, and
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is the most
Hartford, CT 060105, USA common form of secondary osteoporosis [1]. Despite the
E. Canalis
fact that glucocorticoids can cause bone loss and fractures,
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, many patients receiving or initiating long-term glucocorti-
Farmington, CT 06030, USA coid therapy are not evaluated for their skeletal health.
Furthermore, patients often do not receive specific preven-
G. Mazziotti : A. Giustina (*)
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Brescia,
tive or therapeutic agents when indicated [2–4]. New
Brescia, Italy knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms underly-
e-mail: ing GIO has been accompanied by the availability of
effective strategies to prevent and treat GIO. This article
J. P. Bilezikian
Department of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
focuses on the cellular aspects of glucocorticoid action in
Columbia University, bone, highlighting the mechanisms that are responsible for
New York, NY 10032, USA bone loss (Fig. 1) [5]. We also review current guidelines
1320 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328

Fig. 1 Diagram showing the

direct and indirect effects of Glucocorticoids
glucocorticoids on bone leading
to glucocorticoid-induced osteo-
porosis and fractures

BONE Neuroendocrine system Calcium Metabolism Muscle

⇓ intestinal absorption Proteolysis
OSTEOCLASTS ⇑ Renal excretion of myofibrils
⇓ Function ⇓ Differentiation ⇑ Genesis
⇑ Apoptosis ⇓ Function ⇓ Apoptosis
⇓ GH/IGF-I ⇓ sex steroids
⇑ Apoptosis ⇓ Fibrils

Negative calcium
⇓ bone formation ⇑ bone resorption

⇓ Bone Quality ⇓ Bone Mass


Increased risk of fracture ⇑ risk of falls Muscle weakness

and therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treatment proliferator-activated receptor γ 2 (PPARγ 2), both of which
of GIO. play essential roles in adipogenesis [5, 13, 14]. In
accordance with these observations, thiazolidinediones,
which are known to activate PPARγ 2, inhibit osteoblastic
Direct effects of glucocorticoids on bone cells cell differentiation in murine models. Recent observations
in human subjects indicate that diabetic patients receiving
Osteoblasts thiazolidinediones have a higher incidence of fractures [15].
An additional mechanism by which glucocorticoids
Glucocorticoids decrease the number and the function of inhibit osteoblast cell differentiation is by opposing Wnt/
osteoblasts. These effects lead to a suppression of bone β-catenin signaling [5, 16, 17]. Wnt signaling has emerged
formation, a central feature in the pathogenesis of GIO. as a key regulator of osteoblastogenesis. Wnt uses four
Glucocorticoids decrease the replication of cells of the known signaling pathways, but in skeletal cells the
osteoblastic lineage, reducing the pool of cells that may canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway operates [18].
differentiate into mature osteoblasts [6, 7]. In addition, In this pathway, when Wnt is absent, β-catenin is
glucocorticoids impair osteoblastic differentiation and mat- phosphorylated by glycogen-synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β),
uration [5]. Under certain experimental conditions, on the and then degraded by ubiquitination. When Wnt is present,
other hand, glucocorticoids have been reported to favor it binds to specific receptors, called frizzled, and to co-
osteoblastic differentiation [8]. In murine models, basal receptors, low density lipoprotein receptor related proteins
levels of glucocorticoids seem to be required for cortical (LRP)-5 and -6, leading to inhibition of GSK-3β activity.
bone acquisition and osteoblast differentiation [9]. Howev- When GSK-3β is not active, stabilized β-catenin trans-
er, the effects of glucocorticoids to favor osteoblast locates to the nucleus, where it associates with transcription
differentiation seem to be highly dependent on experimen- factors to regulate gene expression [19]. Deletions of either
tal conditions, and do not reflect the loss of cells of the Wnt or β-catenin result in the absence of osteoblastogenesis,
osteoblastic lineage regularly seen following glucocorticoid and increased osteoclastogenesis [19, 20]. The Wnt pathway
exposure [5]. can be inactivated by Dickkopf, an antagonist that prevents
In the presence of glucocorticoids, bone marrow stromal Wnt binding to its receptor complex. Glucocorticoids
cells, the precursors of osteoblasts, do not differentiate or are enhance Dickkopf expression and maintain GSK 3-β in an
directed, instead, toward cells of the adipocytic lineage [10– active state, leading ultimately to the inactivation of β-catenin
12]. Mechanisms involved in this redirection of stromal cells [16, 17, 21].
include induction of nuclear factors of the CCAAT enhancer In addition to inhibiting the differentiation of osteoblasts,
binding protein family and the induction of peroxisome glucocorticoids inhibit the function of the differentiated
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328 1321

mature cells. Glucocorticoids inhibit osteoblast-driven an osteoclastogenic cytokine, and suppress the expression
synthesis of type I collagen, the major component of the of interferon-beta, an inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis [32,
bone extracellular matrix, with a consequent decrease in 33]. Glucocorticoids decrease the apoptosis of mature
bone matrix available for mineralization [5]. The decrease osteoclasts [34]. Consequently, there is increased formation
in type I collagen synthesis occurs by transcriptional and of osteoclasts with a prolonged life span explaining, at the
post-transcriptional mechanisms [22]. cellular level, the enhanced and prolonged bone resorption
Glucocorticoids have pro-apoptotic effects on osteoblasts observed in GIO. The direct effects of glucocorticoids on
and osteocytes due to activation of caspase 3, a common osteoclasts also may contribute to an operational decline in
downstream effector of several apoptotic signaling path- osteoblast function during glucocorticoid exposure [35].
ways [23, 24]. Caspases are synthesized as proenzymes and Although the net effect of glucocorticoids is to enhance
are activated through autocatalysis or a caspase cascade. osteoclast number, osteoclast function may be tempered
Active caspases contribute to apoptosis by cleaving target with cells that no longer spread and resorb mineralized
cellular proteins. Caspase 3 is a key mediator of apoptosis matrix normally. Osteoblast signals that depend upon
and is a common downstream effector of multiple apoptotic normal osteoclast function could, thus, be impaired [35].
signaling pathways [24]. The inhibitory effects of gluco- However, these novel findings have been challenged by
corticoids on osteoblastic cell replication and differentiation studies demonstrating a primary effect of glucocorticoids
and the increased apoptosis of mature osteoblasts, all on cells of the osteoblastic lineage [34]. In accordance with
contribute to the depletion of the osteoblastic cellular pool their effects on bone resorption, glucocorticoids enhance
and decreased bone formation. the expression of selected matrix metalloproteinases
(MMP). Osteoblasts secrete MMP1 or collagenase 1 and
Osteocytes MMP13 or collagenase 3, and both cleave type I collagen
fibrils at neutral pH [36, 37]. Cortisol increases collagenase
Osteocytes serve as mechanosensors, and play a role in the 3 synthesis by post-transcriptional mechanisms, by regulat-
repair of bone microdamage [25]. Loss of osteocytes ing specific cytosolic RNA binding proteins, and their
disrupts the osteocyte-canalicular network resulting in a binding to specific RNA sequences [38]. Glucocorticoids
failure to detect signals that normally stimulate processes may also have effects on bone remodelling at the basic
associated with the replacement of damaged bone [26]. multicellular unit (BMU) level, mainly manifested as a
Disruption of the osteocyte-canalicular network can disrupt reduction in wall width (reduced amount of bone formed
fluid flow within the network adversely affecting the per BMU) [39, 40]. In addition, there is some evidence that
material properties of the surrounding bone, independent increased resorption depth (increased amount of bone
of changes in bone remodeling or architecture [26]. resorbed per BMU) may occur in the early stages of
Glucocorticoids affect the function of osteocytes, by therapy, particularly at high doses of glucocorticoids.
modifying the elastic modulus surrounding osteocytic
lacunae [27]. Glucocorticoids induce the apoptosis of Effects of glucocorticoids on bone cells mediated
osteocytes [23]. As a result, the normal maintenance of by growth factors
bone through this mechanism is impaired and the biome-
chanical properties of bone are compromised [27]. In addition to the direct actions of glucocorticoids on bone
target cells, other effects are mediated by changes in the
Osteoclasts synthesis, receptor binding or binding proteins of growth
factors present in the bone microenvironment. Glucocorticoids
In human subjects, GIO occurs in two phases: a rapid, early influence the expression of insulin-like growth factor
phase in which bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, (IGF) I. IGF-I increases bone formation and the synthesis
presumably due to excessive bone resorption, and a slower, of type I collagen, and decreases bone collagen degrada-
progressive phase in which BMD declines due to impaired tion and osteoblast apoptosis [41]. Glucocorticoids suppress
bone formation [28]. Osteoclasts are members of the IGF I gene transcription, but do not alter IGF I receptor
monocyte/macrophage family of cells that differentiate number or affinity in osteoblasts [5]. Glucocorticoids
under the influence of two requisite cytokines, namely decrease IGF II receptor number, but the skeletal functions
macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and receptor of the IGF II receptor have remained elusive [42]. The
activator of NF-κB ligand (RANK-L) [29]. Glucocorticoids activities of IGFs are regulated by six IGF binding proteins
increase the expression of M-CSF and RANK-L, and (IGFBP), all of which are expressed by the osteoblast [43].
decrease the expression of its soluble decoy receptor, Of these, IGFBP-5 was reported to have anabolic effects for
osteoprotegerin, in stromal and osteoblastic cells [30, 31]. skeletal cells, and its transcription is suppressed by
Glucocorticoids also enhance the expression of Interleukin-6, glucocorticoids [44]. The inhibition of IGFBP-5 synthesis
1322 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328

by glucocorticoids is probably not key to the ultimate effect inhaled corticosteroids, suggesting that inhaled steroids
of glucocorticoids on osteoblastic function, because trans- may alter the synthesis or release of GH [59]. However,
genic mice overexpressing IGFBP-5 exhibit decreased, and the cause or consequence of this effect is not clear, since
not increased bone formation [45]. The effects of gluco- serum levels of cortisol and of IGF-I are not suppressed [59].
corticoids on IGF-I expression by the osteoblast are Glucocorticoids inhibit the release of gonadotropins, and as a
reversed by parathyroid hormone (PTH), an observation result estrogen and testosterone production. This effect of
that may help explain why PTH may be effective in the glucocorticoids on the gonadal axis may be an additional
treatment of GIO [46]. factor playing a role in the pathogenesis of GIO [60].

Indirect effects of glucocorticoids on bone metabolism Pathogenesis of fractures in GIO

Glucocorticoids inhibit calcium absorption from the gastro- Fractures may occur in as many as 30–50% of patients
intestinal tract, by opposing vitamin D actions, and by receiving chronic glucocorticoid therapy [61–63]. They
decreasing the expression of specific calcium channels in the occur more frequently in postmenopausal women and men
duodenum [47]. Renal tubular calcium reabsorption also is at sites enriched in cancellous bone, such as the vertebrae
inhibited by glucocorticoids [1]. As a consequence of these and femoral neck [64, 65]. As with vertebral fractures
effects, secondary hyperparathyroidism could exist in the occurring in post-menopausal osteoporosis, vertebral frac-
context of glucocorticoid use. But a hyperparathyroid state tures associated with glucocorticoid therapy often are
does not explain the bone disorder observed in GIO. Most asymptomatic [63]. When assessed by X-ray-based mor-
patients with GIO do not exhibit serum levels of PTH that phometric measurements of vertebral bodies, 37% of
are frankly elevated. Although vertebral and non-vertebral postmenopausal women on chronic (> 6 months) oral
fractures occur in GIO, this condition is associated with a glucocorticoid therapy sustain one or more vertebral
preferential loss of cancellous bone, whereas hyperparathy- fractures [63]. Vertebral fractures occur early after exposure
roidism, is associated with a preferential loss of cortical to glucocorticoids, at a time when BMD declines rapidly
bone [48, 49]. Moreover, bone histomorphometric analysis [66]. The early rapid loss of bone predisposes to fracture,
demonstrates reduced bone turnover in GIO, in contrast to even in individuals whose T-scores are only in the
the increased bone turnover that characterizes hyperpara- osteopenic range.
thyroidism [1, 28]. These observations indicate that Although fractures can occur early in the course of
hyperparathyroidism does not play a central role in the glucocorticoid therapy, their incidence is also related to the
development of the skeletal manifestations of GIO. Never- dose and duration of glucocorticoid exposure. Doses as low
theless, there may be subtle, but important effects of as 2.5 to 7.5 mg of prednisolone equivalents per day can be
glucocorticoids on the secretory dynamics of PTH, with a associated with a 2.5-fold increase in vertebral fractures,
decrease in the tonic release of PTH and an increase in but the risk is greater at higher doses for prolonged periods
pulsatile bursts of the hormone [50]. In healthy subjects, of time [1, 67]. Following the exposure to prednisone
PTH is secreted by low amplitude and high frequency equivalents of 10 mg daily for longer than 90 days, the risk
pulses superimposed upon tonic secretion. Pulsatile PTH of fractures of the hip and spine is increased by 7- and 17-
secretion may be important for the regulation of the actions fold, respectively [67]. The risk of fracture declines after
of the hormone on bone [51]. Abnormal PTH pulsatility is discontinuation of glucocorticoid therapy [1].
found not only following glucocorticoid exposure, but also The reason for the individual heterogeneity in the
in post-menopausal women and in acromegaly [52, 53]. response to glucocorticoids is not known, but differential
Additionally, glucocorticoids may enhance the sensitivity of responses may be associated with polymorphisms of the
skeletal cells to PTH, by increasing the number and affinity glucocorticoid receptor gene. Glucocorticoid receptor poly-
of PTH receptors [54]. morphisms are associated with differences in BMD and
In addition to the direct effects of glucorticoids on body composition [68–70]. Indeed, body composition and
skeletal IGF-I, glucocorticoids decrease the secretion of risk of fracture during glucocorticoid treatment seem to be
growth hormone (GH) and may alter the systemic GH/IGF- closely related [71]. Another explanation for individual
I axis [55]. However, serum levels of IGF-I are normal in variability in the response of patients exposed to glucocor-
GIO. GH secretion is blunted by glucocorticoids by an ticoids is related to peripheral enzymes that interconvert
increase in hypothalamic somatostatin tone, and GH active and inactive glucocorticoid molecules. 11β-hydrox-
administration could reverse some of the negative effects ysteroid dehydrogenases regulate the interconversion be-
of chronic glucocorticoid treatment on bone [56–58]. tween cortisone and hormonally active cortisol, and play a
Secretion of GH is blunted in asthmatic patients receiving role in the regulation of glucocorticoid activity [72]. Two
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328 1323

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes have been may all contribute to bone loss, independent of the use of
described: 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-1 is glucocorticoids [60, 78, 79].
primarily a glucocorticoid activator, converting cortisone A direct relationship between BMD and fracture risk in
to cortisol, and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II GIO has not been established [80–82]. It is likely to be
is an inhibitor enzyme expressed in mineralocorticoid target different from that established in postmenopausal osteopo-
tissues. The type I enzyme is widely expressed in rosis because fractures in GIO occur at higher BMDs [83]
glucocorticoid target tissues, including bone, and its activity (Fig. 2). This point has to be considered when making
and the potential to generate cortisol from cortisone in treatment decisions in GIO. The Royal College of Physi-
human osteoblasts is increased by glucocorticoids [72–75]. cians recommends a vertebral T-score of −1.5 as the
There seems to be an inverse relationship between 11β- intervention threshold. The American College of Rheuma-
hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase type I activity and osteoblast tology (ACR) recommends a more stringent therapeutic
differentiation [75]. An increase of 11β-hydroxysteriod intervention at a T-score of ≤ −1. These scores are higher
dehydrogenase type I activity occurs with aging, possibly than the treatment threshold T-Scores of −2.0 to −2.5, often
providing an explanation for the enhanced sensitivity of the used in the management guidelines for post-menopausal
elderly to the effects of glucocorticoids on the skeleton [75]. osteoporosis [84]. The reasons for the altered relationship
An important point that is often minimized in discus- between BMD and risk of fracture are complex [85, 86]. In
sions about GIO is that many disorders for which the addition to the rapid decline in BMD that occurs following
glucocorticoids are prescribed are themselves causes of glucocorticoid exposure (the faster the bone loss, the
osteoporosis. One has to take into account, therefore, the greater the risk), other factors influence bone strength and
underlying disease itself along with the use of glucocorticoids fracture risk in GIO. These include the underlying disease
when considering the management of GIO. Inflammatory for which patients receive glucocorticoids, and multiple
bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic obstructive cellular events that lead to structural changes in bone [87].
pulmonary disease (COPD), for example, all are associated In GIO, the negative effects of glucocorticoids on osteo-
with bone loss, independent of glucocorticoid treatment blasts and osteocytes affect adversely the architecture of
[76, 77]. The systemic release of inflammatory cytokines, cancellous bone. However, these changes often are not
which affect bone formation and bone resorption seem to translated into a decrease in BMD. Reductions in trabecular
underlie the pathophysiology of the bone loss in these thickness, number, and connectivity cannot be determined
settings [76, 77]. However, there are additional factors that by currently available non-invasive imaging modalities.
may play a role in the bone loss. In inflammatory bowel Newer technologies, such as high resolution peripheral
disease, bone loss may be due, in part, to malabsorption of quantitative computed tomography or micro magnetic
vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients [76]. In COPD, resonance imaging may be helpful in identifying individual
hypoxia, acidosis, reduced physical activity, and smoking fracture risk of patients on glucocorticoids [88].

Fig. 2 Relationship between

bone mineral density (BMD)
at lumbar spine and femoral
neck and incidence of radio-
logical spinal deformities in
post-menopausal women with
glucocorticoid-induced osteopo-
rosis as compared with post-
menopausal osteoporosis (from
Van Staa TP, et al. Arthritis
Rheum. 2003 [ref. 83], with
1324 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328

Although biochemical markers of bone turnover can be Table 1 Guidelines for prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-
induced osteoporosis
useful measures of bone remodeling activity and can
predict fracture risk, their value in GIO has not been American College Royal College
established and their levels vary with the stage of the of Rheumatology of Physicians
disease [89]. Following the initial exposure to glucocorti-
Calcium All In vitamin D
coids, there is an increase in biochemical markers of bone
and vitamin D insufficiency
resorption, which is followed by a suppression of markers Bisphosphonates If glucocorticoids If older than
of bone formation and bone resorption [89]. for primary (≥ 5 mg) are 65 yrs and/
In addition to the direct effects of glucocorticoids on prevention planned for > or with history
bone cells, the catabolic effects of glucocorticoids on 3 months* of fragility fracture
muscle may contribute to fracture risk since these steroids Bisphosphonates BMD T-score BMD T-score
cause muscular weakness, which can increase the incidence in secondary < −1.0 <−1.5 or with
prevention a reduction in BMD
of falls. Glucocorticoid-induced myopathy may occur
of > 4% after 1 year
following early exposure to glucocorticoids [90]. Chronic
Sex hormones Hypogonadism Hypogonadism
glucocorticoid-induced myopathy is generally manifested
by weakness particularly of the pelvic girdle musculature *with caution in premenopusal women
and may affect up to 60% of patients treated with
glucocorticoids [60]. The myopathy involves muscle loss
due to glucocorticoid induced proteolysis of myofibrils daily), including lifestyle changes, such as tobacco cessa-
[91]. This is mediated by activation of lysosomal and tion and reduction of alcohol consumption, an exercise
ubiquitin-proteasome enzymes. Recent studies have demon- program, restriction of sodium intake in the presence of
strated that glucocorticoids induce myostatin, a negative hypercalciuria, sufficient calcium intake and adequate
regulator of muscle mass. Deletion of the myostatin gene vitamin D supplementation. ACR guidelines recommend
prevents glucocorticoid induced myofibril proteolysis and that treatment with bisphosphonates should be started in
muscle loss in murine models [91]. This would suggest that these subjects if their T-score is ≤ −1.0, as assessed by
myostatin plays a role in the mechanism of muscular vertebral densitometry [84, 92]. Table 1 shows similarities
atrophy in GIO. and differences between ACR and UK guidelines [84].

Specific therapeutic approaches

Management of GIO
Vitamin D plays an important adjuvant role in the
Guidelines management of GIO [93–97]. Vitamin D increases the
intestinal absorption of calcium and reabsorption of
ACR and the Royal College of Physicians have proposed calcium in the distal renal tubules. In addition to its role
primary prevention and treatment guidelines. Primary in calcium homeostasis, vitamin D plays a function in the
prevention is intervention with a bone-sparing agent at the maintenance of muscular strength and balance. A practical
initiation of (or very soon after) commencement of consideration regarding vitamin D therapy in subjects
glucocorticoid therapy. Secondary prevention is initiation receiving glucocorticoids, relates to vitamin D resistance
of bone protective medication in patients already estab- that occurs in this setting. Rather than maintaining 25-
lished on glucocorticoid therapy (Table 1). The guidelines hydroxyvitamin D levels at an adequate level of 30 ng/ml
advocate the following measures for the prevention and (82 nmoles/L), some experts recommend that the goal be
treatment of GIO: general health awareness, administration set at higher serum levels of 25 hydroxyvitamin D of ≥
of sufficient calcium and vitamin D, reduction of the dose 80 nmol/L. In order to maintain these levels, patients often
of glucocorticoids to a minimum and, when indicated, require amounts of 1,000–2,000 International Units of
therapeutic intervention with bisphosphonates and possibly vitamin D daily [98].
other agents [92]. UK guidelines recommend primary Bisphosphonates are considered to be the pharmacologic
prevention in all men and women over the age of 65 years, gold standard for the prevention and treatment of GIO [84,
in individuals with a history of previous fractures and in 99]. The benefits of bisphosphonates in GIO have been
younger people with BMD T scores of ≤ − 1.5, who are ascribed to their anti-resorptive effect. Bisphosphonates are
committed to at least 3 months of oral glucocorticoid more effective than vitamin D in the prevention of bone
therapy at any dose (Table 1). ACR recommends preventive loss and fractures in GIO, but should be given with
measures in patients exposed to glucocorticoids for longer supplemental calcium and vitamin D [100]. The primary
than 3 months (5 mg prednisone equivalent, or higher, end-point of bisphosphonate trials has been the stabilization
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:1319–1328 1325

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