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Everyone is searching for the golden egg, an ideal product, a life-changing product. Well, guess
what? This product is neither going to appear magically in front of you nor anyone’s ever going to
put it on a plate for you. You will have to swim through the ocean of 500+ million products on
Amazon and make an informed decision after diving in.

Product hunting is by far the most crucial stage and if you don’t spend considerable time here you
WILL fail! There are 2 kinds of sellers, the ones who make decisions based on their narrow
observations and the ones who follow strict criteria. What do WE propose? This blog will negate
both actually. There is no tool that can give you an exact result or a formula to predict the success
of a product. It has to be a mixture of data analysis, observations, and experiences that hatches
the golden egg of success.

Table of Content
1. Product & Product Strategy
2. New vs Experienced Sellers
2.1. 1. High Demand & Low Competition
2.2. 2. Keyword Search Volume
2.3. 3. Seasonality
2.4. 4. Monitoring the Consistency of Product Behavior
2.5. 5. Product Title
2.6. 6. Healthy Margins
2.7. 7. Average Revenue & Average Monthly Unit Sales
2.8. 8. Reviews
2.9. 9. Small & Light Weight
2.10. 10. Seller’s Rank
2.11. 11. Margin for Improvement
2.12. 12. Stay Away Features
2.12.1. 12.1. Reviews >1,000
2.12.2. 12.2. Amazon, Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM), Brands
2.12.3. 12.3. Fragile, Glass, Ceramics Products
2.12.4. 12.4. Products with Multi Parts, Chess, Letter Board
2.13. 12.5. Gated Items
2.13.1. 12.6. Electronics & Battery Items
2.13.2. 12.7. Patents & Legal Issues

Product & Product Strategy

Every product is special and has its own market destiny. Just like the uniqueness of each product,
the ‘go-to-market’ strategy for each will also be unique. Any product can be a success if the right
strategy is adopted.

New vs Experienced Sellers

New sellers are either too frisky or are too risk-averse whenever they are required to take a
progressive decision. Based on your circumstances, a balance is required on the sea-saw of risk.
However, we are jotting down some pointers for you that will act as a guiding path, just to keep
you on the safe side. This guide is for those who are either starting or have started but are
struggling at the moment. Some are either thinking to quit altogether or want to restart selling in
a different manner.

Some experienced sellers usually search for a product with exact precision and treat every
decision mathematically after using market intelligence tools which is not a correct approach as
well. You need data analysis in your right hand, unbiased judgment on the left and then join your
hands together to make the best decision.

Let’s get started.

1. High Demand & Low Competition

It’s absolutely mandatory for you to find a product that has a high or even medium demand. What
does that mean? Demand will determine how much time your product will take to sell off once it
is up for sale on your Amazon storefront. Consider demand as the flow of a river and that every
product niche has a distinctive flow. You would want to enjoy a canoe ride where the pace of the
water is extraordinary, enough to take you to your destination quickly without toppling you over
on the way.

We will also be looking at our competition and the number of competitors in total to analyze if this
will be the right market for us to dive into. The number of competitors can reasonably be compared
with the depth of the river. The more the competitors, the more the depth of the river and more
chances for your product to drown. So your product would have to swim more in order to come to
the surface level for visibility.

AMZ One Step Tip. So ideally speaking, you would want to hunt for a product that has a high
sales velocity by default and less number of sellers for you to shine among from easily. Whatever
product you finalize; you will have to develop a corresponding strategy to bring it up to the 1st
page. Now let’s address the elephant in the room, how do we ascertain the demand ‘exactly’?
The plain and simple answer is ‘we cannot’, we can only provide an estimate and predict sensibly
using different tools and get a feel on the level of demand from multiple channels. The most
famous tool recommended by all gurus out there is Jungle Scout (JS) Chrome Extension. For
those who are going to use it for the first time or are in their initial stages, JS Extension provides
row-wise data for Amazon sellers along with an opportunity score.

Usually, it is recommended for beginners to start with products having Opportunity Scores 6, 7,
8, 9 as they represent products in high or medium demand with medium or low competition. You
will also have to analyze the total revenue, price, reviews, sales per day, etc. (we will cover these
later in the blog).

Egrow is another emerging tool in the market and which delivers the same kind of results as
Jungle Scout does but of course with a different interface.

2. Keyword Search Volume

This should stand second on your checklist in terms of its importance and relevance. You should
always treat keyword search volume exactly the same way like a Sales & Marketing Professional
looks at footfall in a mall or a market place. The more the people enter the mall or in our case are
searching for the keyword (broad or specific) the more likely the product is going to sell and thus,
judged as high in demand.
There are several tools that are out there which share different types of data while showing
keywords. We always recommend our readers to use ‘authentic’ tools and advise them to
investigate how different tools are acquiring their data. What do we mean by ‘authentic’? In a
layman’s language, you should work with a tool that is accurate, make unnecessarily complicated
projections and does not exaggerate results. You can go through our detailed blog on this topic
by clicking here. Our team of professionals and our satisfied clients use AMZ Wordspy, a premium
tool that will help you throughout your Amazon journey i.e. Product Hunting, Backend Keywords,
PPC Campaigns & Bidding, Product Title, Product Features, etc. It has a 30-day free trial, does
not have any hidden charges and can be used for the USA, UK, Canada & Indian markets. It looks
like this:

3. Seasonality

The product that we select should not be a hot selling item for just one season or is in demand
once a year. The product demand trend can easily be checked using Google Trends by punching
in the product keywords. Products with low seasonality will first of all be unpredictable wrt their
sales and secondly will only deliver for a specific duration. So, it’s a no go area for the new sellers
especially because it will only be a battleground for factories or whole sellers in these categories.

4. Monitoring the Consistency of Product Behavior

Demand, Keyword Search, Seasonality, checking their results once it is like taking a snapshot of
the situation for that particular moment. You need to keep this in your mind that whatever results
you get are for that specific time only. So you need to set a specific time, spanning from weeks to
a month or maybe more than that based on the product, just for monitoring the product behavior
and see whether it is behaving consistently over a period of time. Using Keepa will also be helpful
here to see the age of your competitors and the selling price patterns over time. Its results look
like this:

5. Product Title

When using Jungle Scout or AMZ Wordspy, you should not make a mistake by using the product
title but you should use the main keywords while analyzing the product being investigated. It’s a
common rookie mistake to get excited with JS Opportunity Scores or AMZ Wordspy ratings by
using incorrect terms.

6. Healthy Margins

This is quite often a pitfall for newbies. They get excited looking at product results erroneously
and finalizing a product declaring it to be a hot seller. What they fail to take into account is the fact
that how much will they be able to source the product for and how much are they going to sell it
for. You are putting so much time, effort and money not to earn cents but dollars and lots of them.
So we recommend that the selling price of the product should be between $15 – $40 (at least for
newbies). In order to check margins and have a reasonable idea, you can check
the FBA calculator by clicking here. You can also check our blog on Sourcing Platforms Other
than Alibaba to make well-informed sourcing decisions and reduce purchase cost.

7. Average Revenue & Average Monthly Unit Sales

As per experienced sellers, the average revenue for the targeted product niche should be more
than $5,000. This is an indication of the sales volume, the total market in terms of $ the product
is currently operating within. The bigger the cake, the bigger a slice that can be cut and the bigger
the bite you can take. Similarly, another indication of the sales volume is that the number of units,
if 300 units of the product are sold, there might be enough room for a new entrant to squeeze into.

8. Reviews

Reviews constitute social proof, the more the merrier. Why is the number of reviews critical after
all? First of all, everyone knows that Amazon has laid a strict hand on reviews lately and that
raising reviews is one ‘helluva’ of a job itself. Unless you are glued up to a product and that you
have ample time & money on you, you should avoid products with reviews in the bracket of 500
– 5,000. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes, there is some sense of security and safety when
you see some number of reviews. ‘That figure of 2,500 reviews has gotta mean something, I mean
there might be some paid/fake reviews but they can’t be that many, can they?’ These are some
questions that usually cross by your mind.

AMZ One Step Tip. Experienced sellers usually profess about a formula that the product that you
finalize should have 3 sellers in top 10 should be below 50 in reviews and that if the top 3 players
have more than 1,000 reviews it will be a tough market and you should anticipate a significant
amount of time/money to be spent. So for that reason, it is a no go area for new sellers.

9. Small & Light Weight

Our advice is to choose a product which is of less than 1 pound weight and does not have
extraordinary dimensions. Why do we suggest this? Sellers are extremely sensitive about their
expenses at least in the beginning and they usually get frustrated about surprise costs that just
uselessly pop up every now and then. Heavy and large-sized products will increase the
transportation cost which is computed based on volume i.e. from supplier to Amazon warehouse
to the final customer. There will also be an increased cost for Amazon to keep your product in its
warehouse. Their calculation is mostly based on the dimensions so we advise you to keep a
check on your product size and weight as you will eventually have to increase the product cost
to be charged to the final consumer.

10. Seller’s Rank

Although no one except Amazon truly knows exactly how the seller’s rank is calculated but based
on experience, we can define it as a number that denotes the popularity of a product within its
category. Highest the BSR of the product, higher the sales volume (not talking about
the competition here).

Some examples of categories with advised BSR ranges are below:

Home & Kitchen

Primary product BSR range 100 – 20,000
Competing product BSR range 250 – 20,000
Home Improvement Tools
Primary product BSR range 100 – 7,500
Competing product BSR range 250 – 80,000

Primary product BSR range 100 – 2,500
Competing product BSR range 200 – 3,000

Health & Personal Care

Primary product BSR range 800 – 7,000

11. Margin for Improvement

You need to go through the comments of new and established brands within your product category
to see any suggestions from customers or any improvement points they want the brand to improve
upon. Innovate the product, add value in the market place and provide a solution to the customers.

12. Stay Away Features

12.1. Reviews >1,000

As elaborated earlier as well, we need to stay away from products with more than 1,000 reviews.
You should either be mentally ready to face the music, develop strong patience levels along with
a long term strategy.

12.2. Amazon, Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM), Brands

You might have noticed AMZ or FBM written on JS Extension results. Ideally speaking, consider
their absence from a product category as a blessing but if they are present and you really feel
optimistic about the product then they should not be in a dominating position within the niche.

12.3. Fragile, Glass, Ceramics Products

The product leaves the warehouse, reaches Amazon fulfillment center then is later dispatched to
the final customer, most likely you won’t be present at or during any of the product commute.
Products that have the tendency to break during transit should be avoided as they are like a time
bomb for you. You can easily earn a negative review without any ill intentions on your part. If you
are really passionate about the product then take extra precautionary measures to ensure the
safety of the product at all costs.

12.4. Products with Multi Parts, Chess, Letter Board

For instance, if there is complexity in the assembly of parts of the product then there is an inherent
chance for things to mess up e.g. missing pieces, pieces not joining up correctly, etc. This can
leave an unhappy customer which will ultimately make you unhappy.
12.5. Gated Items

Some categories require prior approval from Amazon like Health & Beauty Products & Grocery
items. Beginners should begin with unrestricted categories or commonly known as ungated
categories to avoid any unwanted speed breakers.

12.6. Electronics & Battery Items

We advise you to stay away from electronics and items that are battery operated especially in the
beginning. Since you have an acute margin for acceptable error allowed by Amazon, you do not
want a teeny tiny transistor ruining your Amazon selling experience. We need to leave the
electronics category to the factory or wholesale suppliers that will remain unaffected as they are
working on humongous volumes and returns won’t inflict much harm to them. For battery items,
there are some changes in the Amazon policies, please see the Amazon FBA Policy changes in
2019 by clicking here.

12.7. Patents & Legal Issues

Search on the internet or higher a specialist’s services on Fiverr to dig up any legal limitations that
you might have to face unknowingly after your product has reached the warehouse

 Terms and Conditions


Amazon Introduction:

Amazon is a like shopping Market place where all daily use Product available in good price and
good quality. People sit in home buy any Product as their desire through Amazon platform.

Product hunting (Research) meaning:

Product Hunting is a technique in Amazon Platform where we found profitable

Product against our keyword. In Product Hunting we found best and true Product against our

Amazon Product Hunting (Research) Rules,

Amazon product hunting (Research) Techniques:

1. Keyword Search Volume -5000 to ensure that enough people are searching this product.

2. Keyword must be in title of a minimum of 5 Sellers out of 10 (for Keyword validation that
we are getting relevant search results to our Keyword.
3. There must be 3 Sellers in top 10 having reviews but (400) and Sales more than ($6000)
(to ensure that low review products are also making good revenue so can be good opportunity for
us as well as we are willing to rank ourselves in top 10.

4. Amazon must not be a seller quite 2 times in top 5 and 3 times in top 10 (amazon doesn't
has rules for himself. so If a distinct segment where amazon is leading should be avoided).

5. Price in top 10 must be Minjmum 10 and Maximum 30 (to ensure the enough profit margins,
low priced products has mostly low profit margins).

6. There should be a minimum of 5 FBA Sellers in top 10 (to insure that there's no logistics
issue and other people do FBA easily.

7. There shouldn't be 1000+ AVG reviews in top 10 (if there would be more than 2-3 Sellers
in top 10 having more than 1000 reviews means niche is super competitive so we should not enter

8. Product Size and weight must be standard (Amazon FBA fee calculates on the idea of
product type, Size and weight to lesser the product dimension and weight means lesser the FBA

9. Amazon should not be dominant (Amazon should not be leading in the nicho, means
should not be in top 10 in a way like only amazon is making a hugo revenue and rest are making
very low).

10. No brand dominancy.

Top 10 Better Ways to do Amazon Product Research Like A Pro! (Updated)

The one thing that experts stress on if you want to make huge money as an Amazon seller
is market evaluation. So it becomes absolutely crucial to do proper Amazon product research
before diving into it full time.

Newbies sometimes explore alternative business methods like retail arbitrage as the whole
process of being a seller on Amazon may come off as too taxing.
But trust us, every successful Amazon seller has gone through this phase. Deciding on the best
bankable product is not as overwhelming as it seems.

Here at SellerApp, we have seen thousands of new sellers who have started profitable
businesses by selling on Amazon by identifying the perfect product to sell!

There are numerous things to look at when it comes to product research – niche selection,
brand restrictions, competition, selling fees, and so on.

Researching for products on Amazon has evolved over the last few years. What used to work
before may or may not work now.

This detailed guide has 10 definitive tips to assist you in Amazon product research.

As a bonus tip, we will tell you the secret to complete this entire time-consuming process in
just a few minutes.

This post will cover the following:

1. What is Amazon product research?

2. Why is it important to do product research?
3. Key elements of an amazing product opportunity
4. Checklist of Amazon product research
5. How to do product research on Amazon?
6. A quick way to perform product research
7. Product categories to avoid
8. Unconventional ways to do Amazon product research
9. What not to do while doing product research?
10. Checklist for Amazon Product Launch

So, let’s get started.

What Is Amazon Product Research?

Amazon Product Research is all about analyzing current market trends to choose “winning”
items – something that can generate high sales.

The idea is to search for products that you can get for cheap and yet sell for competitive prices
with a good profit margin in return.

Amazon Product Research Tool - Find Best Products to Sell on Amazon FBA in 2020
How to Do Amazon Product Research with SellerApp?
As this video tells you, pricing is not everything!

Say, for instance, you can sell gym socks at $2 for each pair but if they aren’t that good, you
will end up getting negative feedback from your customers, eventually generating low sales.

Hence, you need to look for those “winner” products but also sell high and get fetch positive
Why Is It Important To Do A Product Research?

The foremost and the most crucial step to kick start as an Amazon seller is to find a kick ass

It is not a big surprise that most people who look into FBA will never start unless they come up
with low-competition, high-demand, and private label products.

Amazon has evolved to a point where just slapping up a nice logo and designing custom
packaging doesn’t work anymore.

With an increased number of sellers and stringent selling policies, it is important to understand
that those old tricks of finding products are no longer going to work in the current scenario.

You need to list down the best-selling products on Amazon, which you desire to sell. Then, do
a deep analysis if similar items are making enough sales. This step is imperative because you
will never want to trade items that people are not even searching for.

After you have jotted down the list of potentially profitable products, the further steps involved
in looking at their statistics like sales, reviews, keyword search volume, and similar products.

In simple words, you need to go for products that will have a great opportunity, good demand,
and yet below competitive.

Key Elements Of An Amazing Product Opportunity

Make a note of the criteria listed below, as they will help you make a wise decision for your

Amazon Product Criteria

Must Have Great To Have

Huge demand Lightweight items

Decent profit margins Small items

Low competition Products with a room for improvement

Low seasonality

No legal issues
Must Have Great To Have

Products > 18 dollars

To be a successful Amazon, these are the key aspects to remember:

 Low seasonality: Look for products that can sell year-round and aren’t limited to season sales.
 No legal problems: Avoid picking up products that have trademark or legal issues.
 A price that is greater than 18 dollars: You can easily increase the ability to make millions of
dollars through sales by having a higher price per unit.
 Lightweight and small: These types of products tend to generate better sales than the ones that
are not. This is due to two reasons- one: lower shipping charges, and two reduced storage.

Room for improvement: If you can choose a product that can perform better than your
competitors, then it increases the chances of making more sales.

Pro Tip: You can get the financing you need to fund your next round of inventory
with Payability. Unlike other financing options, their products are designed for the unique needs
of Amazon sellers. Approval is based on account health and sales performance – so there are
never any credit checks.

Checklist Of Amazon Product Research Requirements

Here is a quick checklist of what is required to come up with the right product. With these
criteria, your job gets easier.

1. Product prices that fall between the range of $10 and $50
2. Products that make at least 10 sales a day
3. Similar products that feature a best seller rank of at least 5,000 in the main category
4. The top 3 related keywords have 50,000+ monthly searches on Amazon
5. Not seasonal products. They can be sold year-round
6. 2-3 products with less than 50 reviews on the first page
7. Small and lightweight products (under 2 to 3 pounds)
8. No brand names or trademarks associated with the product
9. A product can be set up for 25% or even lesser than the sale price
10. Proper room for product optimization and improvement of present listings
11. Multiple product-related keyword opportunities
12. Quick and easy product sourcing from China
13. The product should not be fragile
14. Ability to expand your brand with related products
15. Can make a superior product over similar products in the market
16. The product encourages recurring purchases
17. The product should not have any legal issues

How To Do A Product Research On Amazon?

There are two types to perform an Amazon Product Research:

 Manually
 Automated tools

1. Manual Method

If you want to do it manually, then Amazon itself a great resource to carry out a few things for
the process. This involves doing two simple steps:

Step 1: Check The Best-Sellers List

Amazon offers you substantial help for researching about a product and this is through
Amazon’s Best Sellers page. In fact, this is the foremost step you should be doing, as Amazon
displays all the top-selling products.

You can search for products based on their categories & sub-categories. Perform a quick
check at the listings in order to determine what items are sold the most. This, in turn, will also
assist you in deciding a niche (perhaps, if you are not sure which one to go with).

From a product’s selling info, you can predict what products can appeal your target audience.
In addition, you can even check the related items to help you have an idea about the ways you
can expand your business into.

Try to choose products that are neither priced too high nor too low. Besides this, a limited
competition also gives more prospects to sell the product.

Generating a product idea can also be done through the following ways:

 Amazon’s best-seller list

 Amazon storefronts
 Exploring the retail stores
 Amazon’s Movers & Shakers
 Amazon Basics
 Browsing about a few products on Pinterest
 Exploring the Shopify stores
 Looking at eBay’s trending list
 Checking the section – “Customers Also Bought”
 Amazon’s product sub-tiers
 Seeing through the AliExpress’s Weekly best-sellers list

Once you have an idea about the niche and the respective product, see if the product is in-
demand or not through the following ways:

1. Google keyword planner

2. Sellerapp’s Product Intelligence tool
3. Google trends

Step 2: See What the Competitors Are Doing

The second step is to analyze what your competitors are doing to sell the product that you have
picked. Amazon’s Best Sellers page enables you to see through your primary competitors.
You can check for their product listing pages and their official website if available. The insights
give an idea of what items are selling the most, the ones that are getting good ratings and
customer reviews.

Apart from this, you can spy on your competitors outside Amazon by typing the appropriate
keyword on Google or other search engines, and see if their results are showing up.

Also, you can purchase the product from your competitor (if it is affordable for you) and check
the kind of service they offer. You can always learn those best practices from them and find out
ways to improve them while selling yours.

Few tips to keep in mind when researching the product’s page:

When you check a product page in detail, you will tend to get multiple new ideas. With
thousands and thousands of products listed, it is very easy to be carried away, it is important to
be clear to understand what you are exactly looking for.

When in doubt, ensure to follow the tips mentioned below:

 Look for any type of product from Amazon’s Best Seller page, as that’s adequate to help you
come with ideas.
 Focus more on the Sponsored Products, Frequently Bought Together, and Customers Also
Bought sections, as they provide better data intelligence, which you further might want for
increasing or up selling your inventory.

2. Automatic Method (Quick Way)

This is indeed one of the quickest ways to perform product research. They save your time and
come handy.

Just Imagine Scouring through the bestseller lists, checking the hot-selling items, analyzing the
product criteria, images, description, bullets, listings, and competition can be time-consuming
and maddening.

Moreover, you will have to check if there is enough demand for the product and see if it can sell
easily. Also, is the product seasonal or is it only good if is sold during holidays?

What will be the return or refund rate and how expensive it can be to ship? Do customers want
it to work impeccably for years? Would this necessitate proper customer support?

You can either do all of the above, visit all the websites, click on all the potential products, put
in all the price, weight, and other criteria that are mentioned above, go to all the competitors, go
up and down on scrolling through all the products, go back and forth switching tabs and spend
hours and hours of energy and you still may not come up with any product idea.

So, here is the ultimate tip to unveil some interesting products for your online business.

All you need is to access the Sellerapp’s tools and get everything in a single place. The tools
are exclusively designed to give you an estimate of monthly sales, monthly revenue, number of
reviews, and a bunch of other useful tools to make the research more enhanced, efficient, and
organized. It is a great way to quickly and easily validate your Product Research.

Product Categories to Avoid

If you are going to be a “private label seller,” then understand that not all items are created
equally. You need to avoid choosing some complex products such as Cameras, Photos,
Paintings, Home Appliances, etc. for some reasons.

Do not pick products that have complications with shipping and manufacturing, as they turn out
to be the biggest headaches later on. This is mainly because such massive products involve
liabilities, quality assurance, returns, and customer reviews.

In addition, anything that foes “in” or “on” your body – like foods, lotions, creams, nutritional
supplements tend to have potential liabilities. So, it is good to ignore such products.

On the other hand, categories like shoes and clothing are worth noting too. Since most
individuals have their brand preferences, creating your brand might not be successful.

Recommended: Guide For Amazon Restricted Categories

How to Verify Demand for a product during Product Research?

You find an excellent product that has high-profit margins and low competition, but it won’t
matter if there isn’t anyone looking to buy your product. That is why it is very important to
accurately estimate the demand for your product.

There are solid methods to measure the demand for a certain product and we are going to
cover each one of them below! They are excellent metrics to ease out the risk in your Amazon
product research phase.

#1 Price

Products of $15-$50 lie in the impulse buying decision range. At this price range, the
customer wouldn’t spend time trying to figure out the best product. As long as he thinks that the
product is a good fit, you win.

To draw in a bit more context, let’s take two examples.

Example 1: A product with a selling price of about $25 can be easily sourced from China for
about say $5. For sourcing 500 products it would require about $5000. Looks easy, isn’t it?

Example 2: A product with a selling price of about $100 can be easily sourced from China for
about say $25 For sourcing 500 products it would require about $12500. A higher initial cost!

#2 Sells around 10 products per day

Say I choose a product with a selling price of $30 that sells about 10 units per day and I get a
profit of $10 after the Amazon FBA fees, shipping, promotions, etc
The net gross I make per month is $30* 10 units * 30 days = $9000.

And if it all goes according to the plan, I get a profit of $10 * 10 units/ day * 30 days/ month
= $3000 per month in profits.

The better the average sale units per day, the better the profits. However, baseline criteria
choose products that sell at least 10 units per day.

#3 Similar products have a BSR of 5,000 or lesser in the main category

Figuring out how often a product sells is a hard thing to do. The best seller rank is a close fit for
understanding how well a product sells within its category.

For example, a product with a BSR of 20,000 is going to sell A LOT less than a product in the
same category with a BSR of 2,000. The last thing you would want to do is choose a product
that sells only a meager number when you hit the top spot.

Having 3-5 products that have a BSR ranking of 5000 in the main category can ensure that you
will sell a huge number of products once you reach the top spot. More the number of products
with low BSR rating, better the chances of success.

You can see that the product is actually in the 421 positions in the ‘Baby’ category. Since
‘Baby’ is such a huge category you can be super sure of selling a good number of units.

For example, when you find a product, you might see Amazon BSR of 17,309 in “Pets and
Supplies”. You also see a BSR of 296 in “Basic Collars” for the same product. To get an
accurate estimate, focus on the main category which in this case is the “Pets and Supplies”. To
find the right revenue and sales estimates for a particular product, you can use SellerApp for
amazon product research, which estimates the lowest as well as the maximum demand of the
product in their respective categories.

#4 Top 3 product keywords together have 100,000+ monthly searches

One of the other important ways to find whether there is enough customer interest in your
product is to find out how many users are searching for your product on Amazon or Google.
What is more crucial is to find out the demand for your primary keywords in Amazon since data
suggests that Amazon typically has a conversion rate of anywhere between 12 – 17%! So if our
top three product keywords together get over 100,000 monthly searches on Amazon, then it is
a good sign that there is enough demand for us to sell. Try SellerApp for free to do find
keyword search volume

#5 Lightweight – preferably under 2-3 pounds.

The heavier the product, the heavier the FBA fees. As the size and the weight of the product go
higher, the profit margins go lower.

Shipping costs can get very high if the product weighs more than 2 pounds. Let’s take the
example of the bag we considered before.

It is about 9.9 ounces – read affordable shipping!

#6 About 2-3 products with < 50 reviews on page 1

The number of reviews in the first page can help you understand how difficult it is for you to
gather sales, Though it is not a very important rule, especially in categories where there are
good sales. The number of reviews can still help you understand how easy it is for you to
secure the top spots.

The more points in the checklist you can verify, the better. Though they are not hard rules to be
followed they are the basic criteria that are recommended for a successful start.

#7 Is there Year-Round Demand?

This is important information to know while doing Amazon Product Research. Do you have a
product that is only purchased during a particular season? Are people buying this product
consistently throughout the year?

The best way to determine this is to head on over to Google Trends and type in the main
keyword for your product. Once there you will be able to see if your product is seasonal or not.

If your product is seasonal then you will see big dips in the line graph, an example of a
seasonal product is pictured below.

An example of a non-seasonal product is one with small swings and consistently bought
throughout the year. Determining if your product is seasonal or not isn’t very hard, but it is
important to make sure that you know before you make an order since you may have stocks
stuck in warehouses if it is a seasonal product. Some people don’t mind selling seasonal
products, but I would rather sell all year long.

#8 No big brands in the product category

This is something that deals exactly with buyer mentality. A shopper will obviously choose a
famous branded product over a new product or brand. Rather than trying to compete for a
product that already has famous brands, and competing with them for the sales, it is better to
start on with a product that has relatively lesser competition.

SellerApp Product Research Filters

SellerApp Product research filters help you track down the exact products that cover all of the
checklists. Enter the data according to the product launch checklist above and hit the search
Adding an Amazon Chrome Extension to your browser can help you quickly analyze products
as you browse the Amazon marketplace. On finding an interesting product, click the on
SellerApp chrome extension which loads all the data required to analyze the product. Find the
product interesting, add it to your tracked products category to research and analyze the
product for a period of time.

How to get product ideas – Tip of a lifetime!!

Now I will give you the tip of a lifetime for uncovering interesting products. You can either do all
of the above, visit all the websites, click on all the potential products, put in all the price, weight
and other criteria that I mentioned above, go to all the competitors, go up and down on scrolling
through all the products, go back and forth switching tabs and spend hours and hours of energy
and you still may not come up with any product idea. Or all you need to do is go to SellerApp
and get all these tools and services at a single place.

What SellerApp does is give you an estimate of monthly sales, monthly revenue, # of reviews
as well as a bunch of other helpful tools that will make you more efficient and organized. It is a
great way to quickly and easily validate your Amazon Product Research.

Top 9 Unconventional Ways To Do Amazon Product Research

SellerApp gives you some more unconventional ways of doing Amazon product research using
powerful data. SellerApp puts the power of real-time Amazon data at your fingertips and helps
you discover countless possibilities for Amazon product research.

At SellerApp, we have a curated list of Amazon FBA product ideas for you by your area of
interest. The following shows how we curate product ideas so that you don’t have to look for
inspiration elsewhere!

Step 1: 999 Method Of Finding Demand

Among the many methods available, the 999 method remains the most popular Amazon
Product Finder tactics. Here are the steps to find out how many items a seller currently has in
his FBA inventory and how many units he sells on a daily basis.

 Go to the Amazon page of the product of your interest

 Add the product to your cart
 In the shopping cart, click on the quantity and edit it to 10+
 Type 999 (the highest number allowed) and click update
 If that seller has lesser than 999 items left in his inventory stocks, it will state, “This seller only
has XX of these available.”
 Do this for the next 7 days and keep tracking the inventory remaining on a daily basis
 The difference in inventory shows you how many products are getting sold for this product &
seller on a daily basis

Note: One important point to note is that if there are multiple sellers, you may want to do this
for all the sellers to arrive at the right number. This method fails if the seller has put in a
restriction on the maximum products that a user can buy.

You reveal the maximum number the seller has allowed to be ordered for that product by
entering the 999 value. This method is more accurate for Amazon FBA products rather than
merchant fulfilled.

Also, if there is an inventory update at any point in time, there may be inaccurate numbers for
the inventory.

Based on the time during which you calculate the count, caution has to be kept regarding any
major sales or seasonal events that may adversely affect the sales. But the 999 method is the
most accurate method to find real sales during the defined period of time!

Step 2: Optimization Of Current Listing

What we mean by this is that if there are results on the first page that have poor listings, there
exists an opportunity to outrank and outsell them even if they are selling well now.

This generally means that the competition is going to be weak and that it will be easy to reach
the first page ourselves even if we have a product very close to it!

SellerApp has a free tool to check the quality of any listing. Some reasons that may make a
listing poor include:

 Zero or Only One Product Image

 Low-Quality Product Images
 Short/Non-Descriptive Title
 Weak Bullet Points
 Minimal Description
 Important Information Left Out

Step 3: BSR Movers

This includes products whose BSR has significantly jumped in the past 24 hours. Now, why
is this important and why should you track interesting products in this list for your Amazon
product research?

As mentioned earlier in this blog, the product’s BSR is calculated by the number of recent sales
for that specific product. It also takes into account historical sales data relative to any other
products in that same category.

So, if the BSR is increasing suddenly and on multiple days, something about that listing or
product is working really well and needs to be evaluated or understood more. This can also
give us more ideas on whether we can find products that can be privately labeled or sold
through Amazon retail arbitrage or wholesale.

Fidget Spinners took over the summer sales of 2020 in the US and the worldwide, quickly and
unexpectedly. However, using our data, we saw Fidget spinners suddenly gaining BSR back in
early January itself.

Even in July when the market was flooded with fidget spinners, some of them were performing
better than the competitors. What made them unique? Can we check how they have made their

What is the type of images that they are using? What specific discounts or promotions
are they giving? Further analysis of the data can reveal a lot about what you can do for your
listing and even for your next Amazon FBA private label product idea!

Step 4: New Arrivals

Find out products that are top-selling new releases on Amazon. This list is curated basis
products that are hot new releases! These products are selling well despite the fact that is
recent launches. An example would be products like solar eclipse sunglasses gaining
momentum in July due to the major solar eclipse event happening in the USA on Aug 21st! All
we see is money that sellers like you can make!
Product Ideas
Step 5: Trending Products!

This includes products that are hot and top trending products. These are products that are
the top seller in their respective category and have a huge demand from the customer side. A
good example is the bathing tub for the new-borns in the Babies category. They are hot selling
throughout the year! You may want to create an accessory that goes along with it!

Step 6: Most Wished Products!

Find out the most gifted and amazon wish-listed products in your category of interest here!
Isn’t this so cool to know! This will greatly save your time in getting interesting products to sell
while doing Amazon product research.

In this list, you could find an awesome product that has great profit margins and low
competition which can also have a huge sales demand during the holiday season.
A good example, the Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser which was among the most gifted
products during the prime day period! I’m pretty sure that many of the most gifted products in
your category can be private labeled for the upcoming holiday season!

Step 7: Track Products of Successful Sellers

More than anything else, with SellerApp we can help you track other successful Amazon
sellers and their listings. You can quickly see any new products that the seller is listing. This
can inspire you for your next product and in your Amazon FBA Product Research.

Step 8: Use the power of keyword research to drive product research!

With SellerApp, you not only have a customized list of product ideas but also uncover product
ideas by keyword search volume and their monthly usage. This will help you understand the
seasonality of a particular product!

With our keyword research tool, you can find the expected monthly search volume, the ad
campaign costs as well as the number of products for that particular keyword.

When you expand the tab, you can further find out the top products which are ranking for those
specific keywords along with the average price point, reviews, etc. on the right-hand side.
Not only that we can also find out the months in which the search volume is the maximum, and
this will give you an idea about the demand peaks and its best selling months!

If you can find out keywords which have high competition but with low competition, along with
the average results of the top 10 products meeting the traditional criteria of price demand, etc.,
you may be able to identify product ideas basis that.

Once you find a category and niche, you can find the top-selling products for keywords with
high search volume and low competition and low CPC rates.

With the keyword details table on the right you will be able to qualify the products in the
traditional way (check if it falls in the right range for reviews, price, etc.)

Step 9: Amazon Product Research Bundling Ideas

A good way to quickly determine the demand for a product is to think about the users of that

Ask yourself some questions and you will normally be able to tell if there is a demand for this
product. If you have an idea in mind, identify the Facebook groups which respond to your ideas

Is the product of a specific activity?

Can you find YouTube videos and reviews of similar products in the niche?

How many views do they have? What are people commenting about them?

Find more and understand how it is used.

Can we bundle some items together to make them more valuable?

Is there an accessory that you can add together with the main product?

Closing Notes:
For all the 9 ideas that mentioned above, you can get your product to sold in any of the ways
mentioned below

 Taking the same product with or without some improvement

 Creating a color or size or feature variation of the same
 Creating an accessory for a high performing product which may also sell well
 Create variation with more gift-able packaging
 Bundling is very advantageous. You can bundle the products at a reduced price. This way you
provide more value to the user as well as increase your profits for the same product.
 Packaging innovation of the same high selling product that may increase the appeal of buying the

For every product on Amazon, you can find the items that are typically brought along with it for
you to get more product ideas! Going through this section for some of the high selling products
will give you new product ideas to choose from.

If you follow these steps, your Amazon Product Research will not only be comprehensive but
super competitive. To get the ball rolling, identify exciting products to sell and competitively list
your products to start playing with the big boys.

To make that happens, it’s a smart idea to have SellerApp by your side. We will handle
all the tricky bits you might not think about and allow room for customization when you
want to step in and take control.

Download Product Checklist Now

What Not To Do While Doing A Product Research?

Outlined are the five key mistakes that sellers often tend to do while researching a product on
Amazon. So, make sure not to do them.

 Choosing a very small niche

It is important to choose an active market – where your products get noticed and sold. Never
do the mistake of narrowing down too much, especially in some obscure product categories.

 Setting up products for an extremely low price

As a seller, the moment you start racing by offering the lowest price than the competitors,
understand that you are sabotaging your income in a great way.

Your pricing decision should never be based on what your competitors have put up, as you
aren’t aware of their profit margins, sourcing costs, or the logic behind their scheme.

Nevertheless, if you put up the product price below your planned price (considering the
competition), you will undermine your online business.

Consequently, your unit finances are out of whack, or even worse, you put your selling
occupation in the “low-quality and low-cost” quadrant.

 Selling undifferentiated products

You need to realize that Amazon is no longer like the one it used to be a few years ago. Those
god olden days are gone. It has become more saturated and competitive today. You cannot
private label BBQ gloves, silicone wedding rings, or yoga mats and collect that hefty check. If
you are choosing undifferentiated items, it becomes even harder to sell.

 Not calculating the profit margins

This is another big mistake new sellers tend to do. They underestimate the kind of impact
Amazon’s fee can have on the products they prefer to sell. Hence, it is very important to use a
good FBA calculator to know proper estimates for a product ASIN.

 Failing to improve the product

If you see that your competitors have a bunch of poor reviews and bad ratings for the same
product that you selling, and you still do not do anything to improve from your end, you are
doing the biggest hard in terms of sales.

Download Amazon Product Launch Checklist

 eA complete guide to finding Best Selling Amazon products

 Best Amazon Predictive Analytics Tips You Will Read This Year (2021)
 Amazon Product Listings: Optimization 2021 & Guidelines For Increased Traffic
 The Ultimate Amazon Product Launch Checklist – 12 Steps to Success

6 thoughts on “Top 10 Better Ways to do Amazon Product Research Like A Pro! (Updated)”

The Ultimate Amazon Product Launch

Checklist – 12 Steps to Success

Launching a successful Amazon product can be exciting and challenging too. It

takes time, knowledge, and effort to achieve success. Many sellers often fail to
succeed and it takes a lot more effort than you realize. It’s not just a matter of listing
your product.

We’d say that you have to come up with a core strategy that works well with your
product. These early steps will define your product’s long-term success on Amazon.

In this article, we’ll help you formulate your Amazon product launch plan. We have
divided the plan into three parts:

1. Pre-launch strategy
2. Launch strategy
3. Post-launch strategy

Let’s dive right in.

Here’s a quick peek into the content:

a. Pre-launch strategy

 Getting started – Learn how the Amazon A9 algorithm works

 Launching a successful product starts with the right product research
 Build your brand
 Determining sales target

b. Launch strategy

 Get a grip on the tools that accelerate your business growth

 Optimizing your listing

i. Keyword research:

ii. Keyword optimization

iii. Keyword tracking

 Amazon terms of service

 Drive external traffic to your listing

c. Post-launch strategy

 Get Reviews – Create social proof

 Restock your inventory
 Craft an outstanding marketing strategy
 Run PPC campaigns

Final thoughts

a. Pre-launch strategy
#1 Getting started – Learn how the Amazon A9 algorithm works

Why? Let me explain.

The main issue sellers face after the product launch is not generating enough sales.
That’s where the Amazon A9 algorithm comes into play.

The first thing you need to learn about the A9 algorithm is that Amazon is not
Google. While Google loves relevancy, Amazon is all about sales. Of course, there
are other ranking factors, such as reviews, listing optimization, and more, but the
dominating factor is still sales!

The main reason behind low sales is that your product may not be ranking on the top
of search results. This eventually leads to little or no sales. So the cycle continues,
and you eventually give up!

So, if you want to rank high and generate more sales on Amazon, you need to
understand how the Amazon search algorithm works.
#2 Launching a successful product starts with the right product research

During the product development stage, it is important to choose the right product and
the right business model that fits you. While choosing the right product, you need to
understand a few things like:

Customers: This may seem a bit obvious, but make sure you are targeting the right
customers. While conducting your product research, you need to understand a few
things like:

 If you are targeting the right customers for your product

 What they want
 How often they purchase your product
 The challenges they face while buying a similar product

These are a few things that you should keep in mind before launching a product.

Your passion: Well, this goes without saying. You need to sell the products which
you are passionate about or at least have some interest in. This is the key to building
long-term profitability of the product.
Competition: The more competition you have, the harder it is to rank a specific
product. So it’s important to study what your competitors are up to and learn from
them. You may want to pick a narrow niche with a small market, and expand as you
go, because having low competition will aid your sales growth.

#3 Build your brand

Branding is no longer optional on Amazon. If you are ambitious about your e-

commerce business, then you should consider branding as part of your product
launch strategy.

During the product development phase, take a step back and think about your brand.
Determine what you want to offer, how you define your brand to your customers and
the difference between your product and a competitor’s. This includes product
packaging, design, brand colors, and customer perception of your product/brand. All
these aspects will help you determine your business strengths, target audience, and
help you craft your brand story.

To know more about the Power of branding on Amazon Click Here.

#4 Determining sales target

The next thing you need to do is determine how much revenue you want to generate
with your product. You need to be specific with your goal-setting. Why do we say

As a seller, you should calculate your costs and fees you pay, and estimate the
sales potential of your product. For this, you can conduct some basic research and
check Amazon’s website to calculate your sales potential. However, if you want to
have a better understanding, we suggest using the SellerApp chrome extension to
get your job done.

Recommended Guide: Amazon Seller Fees Structure 2021

Install the SellerApp chrome extension, and search for the product of your choice or
you can go to a product listing page (that is similar to yours or a competitors’) and
click on the chrome extension.
Our chrome extension will help you identify the sales potential of a product or an
entire category. You should observe a few metrics such as average price, estimated
revenue/month, and opportunity score of the top 100 products in the category to
identify the product potential. Take a deep dive into a specific product that is similar
to yours.

This will help you identify how much you can sell, and you can set your profit
margins accordingly. Besides, you can also set a budget for your PPC campaigns.

b. Launch strategy
#5 Get a grip on the tools that accelerate your business growth
A successful product launch involves several phases with each phase layered
further. Therefore, you need to identify the right and accurate tools that automate
and smoothen your launch phase. You want to get a grip on the marketing, product,
and task management tools to manage each process in your e-commerce product
launch. Along with that, learn how Amazon advertising and brand analytics work.
Understand the core metrics and why you need to track them.

#6 Optimizing your listing

We divide the listing optimization into three parts – Keyword research, keyword
optimization, and keyword tracking.

i. Keyword research:

Think of all the possible phrases and keywords related to your product, and list them
in order. Pick up the major keywords, and use a keyword tool like Google keyword
planner. However, using a generic keyword tool may not give you accurate results,
so we suggest using the SellerApp free keyword research tool to get Amazon-
specific keywords. In addition, you can also take a look at a competitor’s product,
and see for which keywords they are ranking high.

Filter these keywords based on your product features and functionality.

ii. Keyword optimization

Once you have a set of keywords in hand, target these keywords in your listing title,
bullet points, and description.

Keep in mind that you need to optimize your listings for Amazon SEO as well
as buyers’ intent. Knowing your customer in and out will help you succeed on the
Amazon marketplace. You need to understand what they are looking for and
showcase your product listing in a way to make them buy the product.

There’s just one last thing to consider – All of these need to be within the scope of
Amazon SEO.

It’s worth mentioning that SellerApp can help you with your Amazon listing
optimization. We are experts in handling thousands of PPC accounts, product
listings, and the A+ content of our clients. If you want to get your job done without
hassle so you can spend quality time launching your new product, you can set up a
free consultation here.

If you’d rather do it yourself, continue reading.

iii. Keyword tracking

Once you optimize your products with the right keywords, you need to ensure if they
are working well with your listing. For this, you need to start tracking the keywords,
and see how they are performing. Monitor the performance metrics such as click-
through rate (CTR), number of clicks, and conversions. You can eliminate the non-
converting keywords, and optimize the listings with the high-performing ones. If you
want to improve your ranking for a specific set of keywords, you can target them in
your ad campaigns.

If you want to learn more about Amazon product listing optimization and finding the
right keywords for your products, check out this video. In this two-part series, Ankitha
Nagraj from SellerApp’s Customer Success team will help you find profitable
Amazon keywords and target them in your listings to rank high and improve your
sales performance.

Amazon Keyword Research 2020 - Find Profitable Keywords for Your Listings (Part 1)
#7 Amazon terms of service

While launching a new product, you need to ensure that you are abiding by
Amazon’s terms of service. If you want to give your best shot to succeed on
Amazon, you should definitely comply with Amazon’s guidelines and policies.

#8 Drive external traffic to your listing

Ideally, you need to start working on it before your product launch. You need to
create brand awareness among your target customers. This can be done in various
ways such as:

 Creating a blog post that drives traffic to your listing

 Having a website to gain initial traction
 A social media account (like Facebook or Instagram page) with ample followers
 An email list that you’ve been growing
 Identifying early adopters or influencers, and asking them to review your product

While Amazon has a large customer base, the competition is also significantly high.
So it makes sense to drive external traffic to make your listing visible and drive initial
sales momentum.

c. Post-launch strategy
#9 Get Reviews – Create social proof

Generating the first few sales can be challenging, but convincing the customers to
leave reviews can be more daunting. Amazon product reviews are crucial for two
 Customers trust reviews like personal recommendations. Therefore, better reviews
lead to more sales.
 Reviews also play a prominent role in the product ranking. Also, it is hard to
generate PPC campaigns without reviews. So you need to concentrate on receiving
more reviews initially.

Amazon has a set of rules while asking for a product review or seller feedback. Also,
the e-commerce giant takes action against anyone who abuses the system. So
make sure you check the policies. Besides, here are your options for collecting
reviews on Amazon:

Amazon Early Reviewer Program: This review program was introduced by

Amazon to help sellers get initial product reviews. You will be eligible if your product
has less than five reviews, and costs at least $15. Amazon will contact random
shoppers who purchased your product, and requests to leave a review. The buyer
receives a $1-3 voucher for leaving a review, irrespective of whether it’s positive or
negative. Amazon charges you $60 after you received at least one review for the
enrolled product.

Amazon Vine Program: This program invites the most trusted reviewers to post
their reviews on your products. Amazon invites specific shoppers to become ‘Vine
Voices’ based on their reviewer rank so they provide honest and unbiased product
reviews to educate fellow shoppers. Amazon shares free products to these
reviewers from participating sellers.

#10 Restock your inventory

Estimate your sales and be prepared to restock your inventory ahead of time. You
may be tempted to wait until the last minute, but you will risk running out of inventory
before you replenish. So effective inventory management is essential as running out
of stock will negatively impact your product rankings and sales.

#11 Craft an outstanding marketing strategy

How do you generate sales if your customer doesn’t know your product, or how it
solves their problems?

Make sure you have a strong marketing team to project your product in the best light
possible. Customer retention is the ultimate goal of any effective marketing plan.
So ensure you create high-value and loyalty driven marketing strategies.

Few things to keep in mind while launching a new product on Amazon:

 Sell benefits not features

 Understand how different sales channels work
 Target the right customers on social media platforms. Know what they want from your
 Focus on customer needs and wants.

#12 Run PPC campaigns

Amazon PPC campaigns are your best bet to make your products visible in front of
your customers, especially for a newly launched product.

 Target the top-performing keywords in your campaigns to improve your rankings

 Target a competitor’s product or brand to reach a broader audience
 Use bidding strategies to target the right audience and improve your sales

While creating PPC campaigns, keep in mind that you need to set a specific
budget so you don’t run out of money. Furthermore, organize your campaigns so
you don’t lose money by bidding against yourself.

Final thoughts

There is always so much to do during your Amazon product launch, but in short,
we’d say to:

 Make your product launch big and eventful

 Organize your shipping and storage costs, and fix your profit margins
 Conduct thorough product and keyword research
 Build an optimized listing. Optimize your product title, bullet points, images, amazon
backend keywords, and description. Make the best use of Amazon A+ content
 Track your keywords and eliminate the non-performing keywords
 Use Amazon PPC campaigns to rank high for specific keywords on Amazon search
 Restock inventory in time
 Drive external traffic. Use social media, paid campaigns, and influencers to gain initial
 Encourage customers to buy your product and leave a review after their purchase.
Make use of Amazon reviewer programs

Amazon Product Listings: Optimization 2021

& Guidelines For Increased Traffic

With an 8% incline in the overall competition from last year on

Amazon, you can interpret that sellers are using different strategies
to make their Amazon product listings rank and perform better on
the marketplace.

They modify their prices often, research, and scout for different products efficiently,
enhancing their marketing tactics to carefully align with their selling objectives, and
automate the business process in a way to increase profitability.

Amazon’s E-Commerce Preeminence Continues To Grow

According to the latest reports published by Statista, Amazon generated a total net
sales of 87.44 billion USD in its last quarter, up from 69.98 billion USD in its
preceding quarter.

In 2018, alone generated a total revenue of $178 billion USD, making it
the biggest e-retailer in the U.S.

With this data, it is evident that Amazon will continue its growth, making bigger
opportunities for third-party sellers on the e-commerce pulse. So, the more the
sellers, the higher the competition.

Hence, as a seller, it is vital to understand how to create and optimize product

listings that can drive more traffic and convert better. Also, it is even more vital as a
seller to comprehend what other sellers do on Amazon marketplace.

Doing this will help sellers learn to acquire more visibility, identify the room for
improvement and development, and unveil tricks, practices, and tools that other
sellers are using to perform better.

On that note, let’s learn in depth about Amazon SEO and what guidelines to follow to
optimize your Amazon product listings so that they have higher conversions.
Quick Guide:

1. Introduction To Amazon’s A9 Algorithm

2. Factors That A9 Algorithm Looks for
3. The Elements Of Amazon Product Listing
4. How To List A New Product On Amazon?
5. Amazon Product Video Guidelines
6. How To Optimize Your Product Listing?

So, let’s get started.

Introduction To Amazon’s A9 Algorithm

Like search engine algorithms, even Amazon has its set of rules to rank its products
based on the queries users type.

Amazon’s product search algorithm, popularly known as the A9 algorithm is

something that is most talked about by sellers and experts.

The Amazon A9 algorithm is an efficient and iterative search methodology that

reads, scans, and analyzes all the data on the Amazon marketplace.

It is an AI algorithm which determines the products that are ideal matches for a
customer’s query and ranks them with the most relevant on the top results.

One of the A9’s principles is relevancy and Amazon strives to obtain the best results
for its users. Therefore, a seller needs to optimize his/her listings for SEO as well as
for relevancy of the customer searches.

Amazon ranking algorithms are designed to automatically combine different

relevance features. The structured data in their catalog provides them the necessary
features required to present the best results to its users.

The algorithm also learns from its former search patterns and adapts to display
important results to its customers.

Factors That A9 Algorithm Looks For

Though Amazon does not reveal its recipe about A9, there are a few factors that
play a key role in determining your conversions and sales success. These aspects

1. Text Match Relevancy

As said above, “relevancy” plays a vital role. It is a valuation done to check how
good the content of your product listing is (i.e. product title, description, features). It
shows the listings on the top results if its content matches the search terms or
keywords searched by the users.

Now, the better the text relevancy, the higher the rankings. This factor makes it
extremely important for you to optimize your listing. Creative titles, keyword-rich
content, engaging descriptions, and clear bullet points ranks the listing on the top.

2. Sales Velocity

This is another crucial factor that the A9 algorithm considers while determining the
product rankings. Amazon defines this as the dollar amount and number of the
seller’s transactions that has occurred during a given month.

While assessing the sales velocity, it compares the seller’s velocity with its
competitors for the exact search terms the user has typed. The seller with the
highest sales velocity wins out.

3. Stock Availability

You must have heard many experts stressing to keep your item in stock. Ever
wondered why? Well, that’s a key factor that the algorithm takes into account when
ranking a listing. If it says – out of stock – know that, your listing is never going to
make it to the top results. On the other hand, running out of stock negatively impacts
your Amazon account health too.

Amazon doesn’t like to miss out on sales. If your product runs out of stock, you are
disappointing your customers and this is something that Amazon is not going to like
it either.

4. Price

Besides displaying the top-selling and relevant products, the A9 algorithm also
checks if the product has been aptly priced. However, this part can get a little tricky
because A9 not only looks at the best price but also looks how well the listing has
been represented. So, try to balance these aspects.

Though the factors listed above are the most significant ones for A9 algorithm while
assessing your product listings, a few other aspects also play a key role (but

5. FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon)

The FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is one of the most valuable resources for sellers.
When you have your products stocked in any of the Amazon warehouse, it helps you
achieve the status of “featured” merchant, reaching you to the Amazon Prime

This also increases your possibility of winning the Buy Box. Together, these benefits
pave a big way towards increasing the sales velocity and conversions.

6. Advertising

Sales velocity is yet other most vital factor that Amazon’s A9 search algorithm looks
for. But the question is how to increase your sales velocity? Well, the answer is
through “advertising.” Even a few dollars allotted for advertising can do a big deed
in driving visitors to your product listings. And if the product is impressive enough,
you get to generate more sales.

7. Customer Reviews

Undeniably, reviews play a key role in enhancing the overall sales. Positive ratings
and reviews from customers help the A9 algorithm in determining whether buyers
are engaging positively or not.

To outshine in this part, create an incredible customer experience for visitors

browsing through your listings. Engage them by providing answers to them in the
Q&A section of your product listings. Attempt for favorable and good reviews while
mitigating and minimizing the negative feedback.

8. Images (High Quality)

In an online marketplace where buyers cannot interact with the product physically,
image is truly everything. Bright, clear, and high-quality pictures of a product with
Amazon’s “zoom” feature enhances the conversion rate. Images that are visually
appealing increases the dwell-time of your listings. Upload as many as acceptable
images, taken in all angles, as this appeases the A9 algorithm to boost rankings.

Amazon’s recommendation is to have at least 1280 pixels on the longest side.

Ideally, you should go for ultra-HD images that have 2560 pixels (or more) on the
longest side. You can also try images with 3D rendering. These images give
authentic appeal to your visitors.

9. Promotions

Yet other best way to boost sales velocity and increase conversions is through
promotions. A word of caution though. Discounting your product can provide a quick
bump in sales, but it is not a long-term strategy for improving your rankings. There
are many other more important, more sustainable “A9” factors to focus on – such as
your text match relevancy and product availability.

10. Premium Content

Using A+ Content for seller central and vendor central results in a sales incline by
5%. Amazon A+ content content gives buyers a better perception of the product,
frequently resulting in lower returns and higher customer satisfaction.

The Elements Of Amazon Product Listings

Talking about an Amazon product listing, there are 6 elements associated with it. Be
it a private label or retail arbitrage, these aspects are important to comprehend as a
1. Product Image
2. Product Title
3. Product Description
4. Product Features
5. Product Ratings
6. Product Reviews

Make sure to follow the guidelines for every element related to your product listings,
followed by optimizing and improving them to make them convert. This helps you
outrank your competitors, add value, and increase your customer base.

But, What We Did First?

To build the best product listing, you should learn from the top sellers. At SellerApp,
we knew that there had to be an essential difference between a not-well-optimized
listing and the top-performing listing.
With our set of tools, we not only figured them out but also will explain the key tricks
to optimize to improve your rankings.

So, this is what we did. We took a product listing from Amazon and analyzed how
and why it performed so well. We analyzed its:

1. Listing quality
2. Keywords they used
3. Number of images they used
4. ASIN index
5. Number of characters used in the product title
6. The way bullet points were featured
7. The way the product was described
8. Number of reviews and ratings it had
9. Whether it was Fulfilled by Amazon or not

So, here are the results we found in each element:

1. Product Image

Of course, your product images should be clear, high quality, and extraordinary to
help you convert. But the question is how many images are you including?

Not many are aware of the fact that 62% of the top listings tend to have at least 5 or
8 images. According to SellerApp’s findings, the sweet spot is 6 images.

Amazon Listing Quality Checker | SellerApp Feature Tutorial

This was the product listing we took from Amazon and did a complete analysis on its
images first.
Best Product Listing Example
Here’s the answer to it:

Product Sales Report Based Organic Listing

This product generates an estimated sale of 43 to 61 on a daily basis, with a decent
revenue. Though multiple factors call for it, product image is one of them.

When its images were analyzed, it scored a total 10. That’s because they had set up
6 high quality images in different angles, each taken on white background with clear
light. This is indeed a wise move. The more a customer sees your product, the more
they are convinced to buy it.

Listing Image Checker

You can evaluate the quality of your images with the following criteria:
 Close-up and clear shots of the images
 Images shouldn’t be blurred
 The product should be well lit and properly focused
 The product must be easily recognizable
 The product should occupy 80% of the space provided

Besides providing quality images, include as many pictures as possible. Also

note that, many product categories let you to include swatch & alternate
images. Though Amazon allows you to upload 9 images, we recommend you
to stay around 5 – 6.

Ensure that the main pictures are on a clear, white background. However, the
background for others can be clean and simple.You can also use lifestyle images to
provide a better understanding of the product and its features.

2. Product Title

We tried to figure out the correlation between the product’s title length and the
number of sales it generated. And yes, there was a relation between the two.

First of all, the first five words of your title makes up to the canonical URL. What is a
canonical URL? Amazon generates canonical URLs for your product listings for
search engine optimization. These URLs will help you rank better. Most of the time,
Amazon takes the title into consideration to generate canonical URLs. Therefore, the
first five words of your title should be very relevant to your product. Avoid using
generic words like ‘the,’ ‘a,’ or ‘and’. According to Amazon’s guidelines, your title
should start with your brand name. Ensure you use potential keywords in the order
of their relevance.

A product listing that contains between 50 and 80+ characters generally top their
place amongst 1000 products. Now, this literally means that your listing should
contain at least 80 characters.

Amazon allows up to 200 characters for most of the categories (including spaces).
To provide a better experience to the customers, we suggest you maintain at least
100-150 characters in the title.

That’s exactly what this listing has done.

The listing has all the potential keywords or search terms shoppers search for.

Hence, it is vital to take some time to work on the titles because it is one of the
crucial factors that decides its CTR (Click-through Rate) on the results page.

3. Product Description

If a buyer gets to your product description, he/she is more likely to purchase your
product, however are still not sure yet.

Different experts have different opinions in making a great description. But what it
actually takes to create one? Well, it all comes down to creativity and optimization. A
blend of both can improve rankings and convert better.

The description has a direct impact on the customers. Tell them why you are selling
the product for so much? Try convincing the buyers how your product can make a
difference in their day-to-day lives and why is it important to buy it from you rather
than your competitors.
Considering the sample example, here’s what they have done with your product

Again, it scored 10 points for its description.

Best Product Description Example

Keep these guidelines in mind:

 Keep the description precise, clear, and short

 Describe how your product can make your customers lives easier and better.
 Talk about its functionality and features. Demonstrate using real life examples if it is
 Start with a heading and elaborate your point
 Talk about the product quality and warranty if you offer any
 Include information only that is related to your product
 Do not use quotes or testimonials here
 Ensure that your description matches the images
 Avoid using HTML tags
A product description should be concise, clear, and should be clear in
explaining what your product does. We recommend keeping it a minimum of
250 words. But don’t make it too long either.

4. Product Features

Product features are one of the key elements of a product listing. They are usually
listed using BULLET POINTS rather than chunks of texts or large paragraphs.

This is because bullet points are simplified and easier to read than paragraphs
containing lots of texts.

And that’s exactly what this product listing did.

It hit a complete score, proving that bullet points can do wonders in conversion rates.

Upon analyzing, we also found that most top sellers on Amazon not only use
bullet points to write their product’s features but also don’t overdo it. They do
not exceed 5 bullet points.
The bullet points must include every important feature that distinguishes from your
competitors. Keep it interesting and convincing enough for a buyer to make a

Also Read: How to write bullet points that it sells?

5. Product Ratings

A product’s reviews have a direct impact on the ratings. They go hand in hand with
each other. So, the more the reviews, the higher are the ratings.

The below listing has 4.3 ratings out of 5, which is certainly a good score but there is
still a room for improvement.

As far as the score is considered, this example listing got 8.6.

One of the best things about our tool is that it is not only convenient to check if your
listing is properly optimized or not but also highlights with quick tips to improve the
score. That’s exactly what has happened with this listing. You can see a highlighted
button that read – How to improve.

Now, if you happen to be in the realm of 4-5 stars, it means that your products are
performing really well. However, if your product struggles and has very less ratings,
here is what you can do to improve:

 Look for patterns in bad or negative reviews. What’s the common thing that your
customers are complaining about? Then, come up with an idea or solution to fix it.
 Gather as much feedback as you can via email campaigns (automated) because this
can at times, help you resolve the issue before a customer leaves a bad review.
 Accumulate as many reviews as possible and balance them so that you can have a
good rating and review overall.

6. Product Reviews

In general, a successful product listing tends to have between 500 and 1000
reviews. generating a good amount of sales on a daily basis.

It has more than 650 reviews, most of which are positive.

Undeniably, most online shoppers rely on product reviews. Hence, it is important to

encourage your customers to leave their honest opinions on your product page.
So, here is an interesting fact that experts had to say. Products with 4.3 stars and
400 reviews are certain to perform better (in terms of sales) than products with even
4.8 ratings and 14 reviews.

If a shopper is willing to purchase your product, your reviews have the potential to
influence him or her to make a purchase. So, the higher the reviews, the better it is.

You can use Amazon’s Reviewer program to gather a few initial reviews.
Furthermore, you can opt for Amazon’s Request a Review and request your buyer to
review your product within 4-20 days from the time they bought the product.

How To List A New Product On Amazon?

Listing a new product on Amazon involves two things, which you must always keep
in mind:

 If you sell your own product, you should create a new listing on Amazon. This means
that you are the first seller to sell that product in the Amazon marketplace.
 If you have multiple merchants selling the same item that you do, then they share a
common Amazon listing. You have to use the same and shouldn’t create a new listing
for it.

Steps to create a new listing:

Step 1: Login to your seller central account and go to the dashboard.

Step 2: On the main menu, hover to “Inventory.”

Step 3: A sub-menu pops up. Click “Add a Product” from the list.

Step 4: You will be redirected to a detailed page where you can add the product.
Step 5: Here, you will have the choice to either select an existing item or create your
own. You can search from the Amazon’s catalog or choose to add a new product
that is not sold on Amazon.

Step 6: Choose the product category and subcategorize to classify the item that you
sell. If you feel that your product can be listed under two categories, then look at the
other sellers and see in which category they are listing their products.

Step 7: Once you choose the appropriate product category, you will be enabled to fill
the product listing’s information.
Step 8: You will be asked to fill the product title, product description, product images,
and so on. Now, this is the part that can make or break your listing. The details that
you give should be engaging and yet informative. Most importantly, it should be
convincing enough for the buyers to purchase your product.

Step 9: You will have to fill details in every tab named Variations, Offer, Images,
Description, Keywords, etc. If you see a red warning symbol on any of these tabs, it
signifies that you have missed entering the essential details required to make the
listing available on Amazon Marketplace. Until you don’t do this, your listing will not
be published.

If you still face issues in publishing the product listing, you can always
contact Amazon Seller Support team by clicking on the link – “Help” on the top, right
side of the page. Follow the necessary steps to get assistance for the issue.

Amazon Product Listing Step by Step Tutorial:

How to Create Your First Product Listing on Amazon in 2020? [Step by Step Tutorial]
Amazon Product Video Guidelines

If you have shopped on Amazon, then you must have come across products that
would have included a video about their product. This is actually a smart move and
one of the best ways to convince a buyer to purchase your product, given that it is
good enough and solves their day-to-day issue.

Online shoppers like it if there is a video included for the product. 90% of them say
that videos featuring the product help them in making the right decision.
Product listings with videos tend to have higher conversion rates because shoppers
feel that videos help explain the product benefits and features much better.

Now, as a seller, if you are trying to add a product video to your listing along with the
images, then it is simple. But first learn what type of videos are there and what each
type contributes to.

Types of product videos that you can create:

Generally, there are 3 types of video concepts that you can create to help your
product reach the right audience and keep them engaged.

 Product Highlighter Video: This type of video is clean, simple, and features
completely on the product. They are usually a 360° video with the product on a plain,
white background.
 Customer Experience Video: This type of video is usually captured by the reviewers,
fans, or customers. It offers a realistic experience for other buyers to comprehend the
product better.
 Product Explanatory Video: This type of video is of impeccable quality with an
engaging script and explains the benefits of using the product.

Note: You can add video to Amazon listing in the following ways:

 A+ Content Manager (Enhanced Brand Content) – Professional sellers who are brand-
registered can access A+ content manager and add a video
 Amazon vendor central – Adding videos with Amazon vendor central can be hard as it
is an invite-only program.
 Adding video with customer reviews – Getting good video reviews from your customer
has the ability to provide a positive impact on your product listing.

Guidelines For Adding A Product Video on Amazon

Before you upload a video, make sure to keep a few things in mind:

1. Make sure that you have the copyrights to the product video that you are going to
2. A product video should be created with high quality resolution.
3. The product video should either be in its usual YouTube orientation or with 16:9
aspect ratio.
4. The product video should have a minimum resolution of 1280 × 720 but the ideal
resolution is 1920 × 1080.
5. The product video should be recorded with a RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color profile
with 300 DPI. However, 72 can be acceptable.
6. The product video cannot contain multiple brand logos. It has to be only one.
7. The video should be in of any one of these file formats: MP4, MOV, FLV, AAC, AVI,
3GP, MPEG-2. Even if you have created using Apple ProRes, you have to convert it
before uploading.
8. The thumbnail image of the video should either be in PNG or JPEG format.
9. The video’s thumbnail image should be of high quality.
10. The product video cannot contain your contact information.
11. The product video cannot contain distributor or company or seller details.
12. The product video cannot contain your competitor’s products.
13. The product video cannot contain your status showing that you are an
authorized seller or it is solely sold by the authorized resellers.
14. The product video cannot contain product’s price.
15. The product video cannot contain descriptive promotion information (e.g.
on sale, hot selling, affordable, etc.).
16. The product video cannot contain time-sensitive information (e.g. hot this
year, on sale now, new item this year, etc.).
17. The product video cannot contain timeline or shipping cost details.
18. The product video cannot contain anything that shows it can be used for
criminal activity.
19. The product video cannot contain information about customer reviews.
20. The product video cannot contain third party or editorial quotes.
21. The product video cannot contain guarantee or warranty details.
22. The product video cannot contain brand logos that you don’t own.
23. The product video cannot contain links to any website other than Amazon.
24. The product video cannot contain perverse or offensive content.

Bear in mind that Amazon keeps updating their product video guidelines. So, make
sure to look at the EBC’s help page or directly go to the link that says Video
Guidelines within the EBC UI.

How To Add A Product Video On Amazon?

Adding a product video is simple, given that you have been enabled to use this
option. Follow these step-by-step guidelines:

 Step 1: Login to your Amazon Seller Central account.

 Step 2: Go to theAdvertising and click on A+ content manager.
 Step 3: Search for your product’s SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
 Step 4: Click on the button “Get started” to add the video to the respective ASIN.
 Step 5: Upload the video file.
 Step 6: Add the thumbnail for the product video, title, and description.
 Step 7: If the uploaded video includes content that isn’t appropriate for audiences
under the age of 18 years, then make sure to select the box that says – “adult
 Step 8: The process of adding a product video is now done.
It takes a maximum of 6 hours for the video to be available on the product’s page.
Once it is published, it shows up on the image block on the upper left pane, and
again, in the related videos under the product’s information section.

If you want to remove the product video from the page, do this:

 Step 1: Go to the EBC dashboard.

 Step 2: Look for a box that says “delete video from detail page.”
 Step 3: Submit the required changes.
 Step 4: Once submitted, your uploaded product video will be removed in 6 hours.

How To Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings?

The higher you rank, the more you sell!

To rank higher, you definitely need to know and understand what “optimization” is all

Amazon product listing optimization is a process where you optimize your listing to
help impact organic rankings and sales.

Most product listings that you see on Amazon aren’t optimized correctly. The sellers
either do not know what it is or fail to understand how it is done.

Whatever the reason is, it is vital to keep your listing optimized to boost more sales.

When we talk about “optimization,” we stress on two things here:

 Optimized with potential keywords to help rank for search terms that buyer search for.
 Optimized with the right set of images, title, and description to generate greater
conversion rates.

Now, what most sellers tend to forget is the concept behind Amazon’s A9 algorithm.
Even though you have an incredible listing that is well optimized for Amazon, if a
buyer feels that “it isn’t good,” then he or she is not going to buy it. This is obvious.

It isn’t just about an optimized product listing. It is also about your product’s
quality, its features, and what customers think about it. Everything has to
come together to make your listing successful.

When you say “optimization,” it is not only about accomplishing higher rankings on
Amazon’s search results. It is also about building a better and rewarding product

3 Key strategies that will help you be successful on amazon

1. Come up with a fantastic and quality product
2. Optimize your Amazon product listing
3. Rank higher on Amazon search results page

While #1 is completely in your hands, #2 and #3 is also something you can do but in
partial ways because it’s the A9 algorithm’s job to get it ranked. However, you can
work on the optimization part to enhance your listing in the search results.

Fact: If someone seeing your listing gets the idea what you are selling, and finds it
interesting in under 5 seconds, then know that the ladder to success is for sure. But
if they don’t, then it might not work as expected.

These are the 4 factors buyers tends to see in the first 30 seconds after
arriving at your product page:

 The image of the product

 Product video (if applicable)
 The title of the product
 The price of the product
 The reviews of the product

If you impress them with these five, know that you are half way through the process.
The rest comes the optimization part. If you hit these details right, you can easily
convert 90% of the users.

Now, before you could actually get into the actual “optimization,” there is an
important step that you need to do, which is keyword research.

First perform a keyword research

Though you have Google Keyword Planner handy, it is best to have a keyword
tool that only gives the stats of what buyers are searching on Amazon’s search box.
Though this is completely your freedom of what you want to go with, our “keyword
research” feature can discover some of the top searched keywords on Amazon in no

You can search for potential keywords based on the product that you are selling.
Type the product category or product that you are selling on Amazon.
Perform Keyword Research
You will get a detailed list of keywords associated with what you have typed and its

Selection of Keywords

You can even track a few related products if you want to. The tool is that simple. It
also allows you to search for long-tail keywords and its difficulty to rank on Amazon.
Once you decided what keywords you want to target, the next step is to optimize
your listing.

Amazon Product Listing Optimization Checklist

Optimizing the listing involves working on every element that we have described
above. Make sure that you follow the guidelines given below:
1. Product Title

A product title is one of the most important elements of a listing. There are specific
amazon product title guidelines to follow before writing one. If it is optimized and yet
creative enough, it can instantly tell Amazon, buyers, and searchers what you are
actually selling.

There is a way to present this. Including important search terms in your title copy can
help your listing to be “clicked.” Make sure you follow the below checklist while
writing a title.


 Include potential keywords in the title but use dashes (-) or pipes (|) to break the
keywords. This improves readability and doesn’t look confusing.
 Use primary keywords or search terms while including long-tail variations.
 Include USP (Unique Selling Point) of the product.
 Do not go beyond 200 characters for the product title.
 Use connectors if possible (before or after the main keyword).
 Use brand name.
 Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title except the, or, and, a, for, in, an, with,
 Include color, model number, series, and quantity (if required).
 Write numbers like numerals (2 and not “two”)
 If the product is a multipack. Mention the quantity. Example: 15-pack, set of 5, etc.


 Capitalize all the words in the title.

 Include particular details of your listing. Example: Free shipping.
 Include subjective adjectives like “fantastic, awesome, great, etc.”
 Use special characters or HTML tags.
 Include too much information. Do not overstuff with keywords.

If you are still struggling to come up with a good product title, here is a quick
new formula to help you:

Title Format - [Brand Name] [Product Identifiers] [Product specifications Or Product

Attributes/Properties] [Benefits Or Where to use/ Who can use]

2. Product Features

The product features are listed in clear bullet points to make it look attractive. This is
the part that buyers read if they are making a decision to buy your product. Bullet
points must clearly convince the buyer as to why he/she should buy your product.

 List the most important feature of your product on the first two points followed by the
less important ones.
 Use only 5 bullet points. However, if it is really important to write a little, extend to 6
but not more than that.
 Incorporate call-to-action words in these points.
 Make sure that the first letter of every bullet point is capitalized.
 Include points that help distinguish your product from your competitors.
 Use a few keywords. But don’t just shove them. It should be sensible while reading.


 Use too many keywords unnecessarily.

 Use exclamation marks to 3-4 full stops.
 Use too many bullet points.
 Use special characters or HTML tags.
 Include shipping or promotional information in bullet points.
 Include time-sensitive or subjective comments like “hot selling” or “great value.”
 Use terms like “unique design, stand out from the crowd, etc.”

3. Product Images

Quality and clear product images help in increasing the sales. This section is a great
way to showcase your product to your potential buyers. Therefore, quality in every
picture matters.


 Every image should be clicked in bright white light.

 Focus the product at the center.
 The main image should only include the main product. It shouldn’t have accessories,
box, or other items with it.
 Keep the image background white.
 Make sure that the image is large enough to allow the zoom function to work.
 Include a tagline to explain the durability of the product.
 Include an infographic about the product’s benefits to help generate more sales.
 Make sure to use only JPEG (.jpg) file format.
 Keep the resolution 72 pixels per inch with a minimum size of 1000 pixels (for longest


 Include logos, texts, or watermarks on the images.

 Show multiple pictures if the product is a multipack.
 Include a background on the main image. But it is okay if you are doing for any other
secondary image.
 Show various views of a product in the main image.
 Include accessories and other things that you are not selling with your product.

4. Product Description

A good, precise, short, and clear product description steals the deal. You should be
creative enough to convince them that your product will solve their day-to-day issues
that they are facing.

Though product descriptions are shown on the detail page, they also feed into
Amazon’s search results and other external search engine results.


 Keep it short, clear, and precise.

 Give descriptive and factual information.
 Highlight the important features.
 Capitalize the first letter of every sentence.
 Give a page break when writing a new paragraph.
 Check for grammatical and spelling errors.
 Include brand name, model number, and series even if they are used in the title
 Include color, size, and compatibility information.


 Use time-sensitive or subjective terms like “hot-selling this year, great value, etc.”
 Include shipping or promotional information.
 Use HTML tags.
 Include email or web address here.
 Use symbols or special characters.

5. Search Terms

The section – search terms – is shown only in the listing’s back-end. There is still a
whole lot of discussions around this part, but it isn’t that complicated. All you have to
do is to put your main keywords, one per line.


 Use other primary keywords that you couldn’t use in the product title.
 Include a few other secondary search terms.
 Use abbreviations, misspellings, and applications of the product or any other variant.

 Include keywords that you have already used in the title.

 Use brand name again here because Amazon will pick this up automatically.
 Use subjective terms like “available now, best, on sale, etc.”
 Use the seller name.

How much does it cost to sell on Amazon?

What’s great about selling on Amazon is that you can get started without spending any money.

However, if you’re planning to use the private label business model there are costs involved in
order to purchase your inventory before you sell it (at a higher price). But, it may not be as
expensive as you might think.

In fact, according to a Jungle Scout survey of more than 1,000 Amazon sellers, 17% started
their businesses with less than $500 — though the average reported cost is $3,836.

Plus, regardless of your chosen fulfillment method, there will be some fees associated with your
seller account.

What are Amazon’s fees?

Here are a few of the Amazon fees that you may be required to pay:

 Amazon referral fees: This is the fee that Amazon takes as a commission for selling on its
platform. It varies from category to category, but ranges between 12-40%. Most products have a
15% referral fee.
 Individual seller fee: This is a flat $0.99 added to each sale you make on top of the referral fee.
But, sellers only have to pay this per-item fee if they’ve opted for an individual seller account,
rather than a professional plan.
 FBA fees: If you use Amazon’s FBA program, you’ll have to cover the shipping and handling
costs for Amazon. This usually works out to roughly $3.00 for small items weighing no more than
a pound. The fees go up as the items get heavier or larger.
 Other Amazon fees: You may also have long-term inventory storage fees (if you use Amazon
FBA), media fees (if selling books, DVDs, etc), and advertising costs.

What else should you know before selling on Amazon?

Here are a few more Amazon-selling basics that you should know.

Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR)

Amazon organizes all of its products by giving each a Best Sellers Rank (BSR); the more
popular an item (and the more sales it makes), the higher the BSR.

In addition, departments (also called parent categories) on Amazon have their own taxonomy of
BSRs, as do their sub-categories.

Selling on Amazon Prime

If you’re using Amazon’s FBA program, and you have enough inventory to spread around
through its fulfillment network, then your product will qualify for Amazon Prime.

Selling Prime is key to being successful on Amazon as it means your products will be shipped to
customers within 2-3 days.

Plus, you get the “Amazon Prime” badge on your listing, which means you’ll have a better
chance of selling your product. Customers love fast shipping.

But if you’re selling FBM, you can still sell Prime as a Merchant Fulfilled Network seller. To do
so, however, you’ll have to apply to Amazon’s Seller Fulfilled Prime program.

Training for new Amazon sellers

Here at Jungle Scout, we know that learning everything you need to know about selling on
Amazon can be overwhelming. So, to help you ramp up more quickly, we have an extensive
library of free resources.

In addition, if you already have a Jungle Scout subscription, you have access to our members-
only Academy. It has video lessons for both beginners and advanced sellers alike.

Now that you know how easy it is to go through the Amazon seller registration process
(and start an Amazon business), don’t waste any more time.

Start your selling journey today!

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