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HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules



No Working Party shall carry out work on, or in close proximity to, exsposed
Circuit Conductors normally Live at High Voltage unless the person in charge of the
Working Party is Competent and fully conversant with the nature and also the extent of
the work to be done and unless such Circuit Conductors are:


Isolated and all practicable steps have been taken to lock off from Live Circuit
Conductors and from Dead Circuit Conductors which may become Live or Charged.
Isolated (The opening of a circuit-breaker is not Isolation) and locked of from all
voltage transformers which might normally be connected to them except in cases where
connections are bolted or otherwise permanent.
Earthed at all points of disconnection of High Voltage supply to such electrical
equipment and High Voltage Caution Notices affixed.

Screened from other exposed Circuit Conductor where necessary to

prevent Danger. In such cases High Voltage Danger Notices shall be displayed to
warn of the Danger from these exposed Circuit Conductors.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules



Released for work by the issue of a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test.

Where such Electrical Equipment can be controlled remotely or

automatically, the remote or automatic control feature shall first be rendered
inoperative, where practicable kocked off, and Caution/Danger Notices posted at each
point of such control.


All High Voltage switching should be carried out by an Authorised Person, or by a

Competent Person authorised for that specific switching.

Switching for the routine energising or de-energising of any High Voltage Electrical
Equipment shall be carried out either by a person authorised to do so or a person
competent to do so and using equipment provided for the purpose and for use by that
person in the normal course of their duties aboard the vessel.

In an Emergency High Voltage Switching to cut off supply may be carried

out by any Competent Person using equipment provided for that purpose and readily
accessible. 2

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules



After such Emergency Switching, the Authorised Person must be notified

immediately by the person who carried out the switching and in no circumstances shall
such power supplies be restored without the consent of the Authorised Person.


All Electrical Equipment on the High Voltage System shall be clearly,unambiguosly and
correctly identified at all times, the identity of any such Electrical Equipment shall not be
changed without prior consulation and Authorisation.
Such identification shall include the rear panels of Electrical Equipment where they are
accessible even though such access is restricted to Authorised personel.
Instructions for work on or in close proximity to High Voltage Electrical Equipment shall
be so worked as to identify the High Voltage Electrical Equipment correctly.

Before any work is carried out on High Voltage Electrical Equipment which is intended to
change the form or function of the Electrical Equipment The Authorising body shall have
given sanction to a written programme of work agreed by all parties involved and which
shall nominate the person or persons who will ensure that adequate safety precautions are
taken including the updating at the appropriate time of Electrical Equipment identification.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Whenever any work is done which results in a change of the identity of any High Voltage
Electrical Equipment or associated equpment, it is the responsibility of the person, who
cancels the Permit to Work on or before such cancellation, ensures that all
identifications have been altered in a proper and durable manner and that all obsolete
inscriptions have been effectively obliterated or removed.

Where in the High Voltage Safety Rules the word “practicable” occurs and where any
doubt or dispute exists concerning the practicability or otherwise of a specific operation, the
decision shall be the responsibility of The Authorising Body who shall make known and
record his decissions in writting. Until such decision is made, the operation in this instance
shall not commence.

Authorising body shall lay down a procedure in the Establishment, Vessel or

Structures Supplement to ensure that it is reported whenever any lock, locking device or
interlock on any High Voltage Electrical Equipment, its operating mechanism or its
enclosure, is found to be defective. The action taken shall be determined in each specific
instance by a person authorised to do so for the purpose of avoiding Danger in any of the
foregoing circumstances. Any action taken shall be reported in writting to The Authorising
body by person so authorised.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Any alternations, additions or delections other than deletions specifically invited in text
will render any Permit To Work Sanctions For Test or similar document invalid and no
work shall be carried out under such a document unless provided for by The Authorising
body in the Establishment, Vessel or Platform Supplement. The use of abbrevation is

The Authorising body shall review all High Voltage authorisation ratified by
him and detailed in Appendix A at intervals of not more than three years or more
frequently as circumstances may require. (This may take the form of High Voltage
refresher courses).

Except as permitted in these rules, no person shall interfere with High Voltage safety
devices provided to prevent danger.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


A Circuit Main Earth shall be applied and removed only by an Authorised person or by
a person competent to do so in his presence and to his instructions.

No Circuit Conductor normally Live at High Voltage shall be Earthed until such
Circuit Conductor has been Isolated at all possible points of supply.

A Circuit Main Earth shall be so applied that it ensures that all High Voltage
Conductors of the Electrical Eqiupment are Earthed at the point where it is applied.

Before the application of any Circuit Main Earth, the Electrical Equipment shall be
proved Dead by the application of a potential indicator of Approved type by an
Authorised person

Potential Indicators shall always be tested IMMEDIATELY BEFORE AND


HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules

A potential indicator need to not be used before applying a Circuit Main Earth provided it
is applied by means of an Approved circuit-breaker or an Approved Earthing switch.
The intention of this rule is to allow The Authorising body to exercise this option where
the High Voltage Electrical Equipment consists of purpose made integral or transfer
earthing switchgear. He has to judge the risk involved by either:

(a) The frequent use of voltage detectors and the possibility of Danger to the person
operating it in the event of deterioration or malfunction, or,

(b) The risk of damage to Electrical Equipment and people by closing a Live circuit
to earth.

It is considered that where the Electrical Equipment is suitable and certified for the duty
(i.e. closing a live circuit to earth) and the operation is carried out in accordance with all
the other provisions of these rules then (b) has the lesser risk.

The decision, however, whether to apply rule ((Potential Indicators shall always be tested
IMMEDIATELY BEFORE AND AFTER USE)) will depend on the situation on any
particular vessel and could be conditioned by uniformity of operations or where the range
of Electrical Equipment makes the option confusing.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules

Practicable Circuit Main Earth connections shall be made by use of an Approved
circuit breaker or Approved earthing switch. After Electrical Equipment has been
Earthed in this way, electrically and mechanically initiated trip mechanisms associated
with the circuit breaker or earthing switch shall be made inoperative.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


High Voltage enclosures may only be opened by an Authorised Person or a

Competent person authorised to do so.
Where such enclosures contain Low Voltage Equipment the High Voltage Electrical
Equipment shall be PROMINENTLY and unambiguously delineated.

Special locks with different keys shall be used by Authorised Persons to lock
covers or shutters before issuing a Permit to Work certificate. These locks and keys
shall be kept in a locked cabinet when not in use.

On completion of an Isolation, and before a Permit to Work is issued, the key or keys
shall be put in a Key Safe and not released without clearance and surrender of the Permit
to Work concerned.

The use of CastellTM type interlocks and keys as operational interlocks is to be

recommended but do not costitute Safety Locks as defined in these Rules.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Before any work is carried out on High Voltage equipment, or anyone

allowed to approach bare conductors, and before a Permit to Work is issued, the
Authorised Person shall ensure that such apparatus is made “Dead” in accordance with
the following procedure.

The equipment shall be isolated from all points of supply i.e. Transformers
shall be Isolated both on the Primary and Secondary sides, and all circuit breakers
racked out and locked or otherwise immobilised as detailed in the vessel´s
supplementary rules.

A test shall (should) be made with a suitable High Voltage Potential Indicator
to verify that the circuit is “Dead” the Indicator being tested IMMEDIATELY BEFORE AND

If any equipment adjacent to that being Isolated is to be left Live then “Danger
Notices” are to be attached to that equipment or other means of warning applied as laid
down in the vessel´s Supplementary Rules.


HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Before work on High Voltage apparatus other than Metal-Clad switchgear spouts and
cables the following operations shall be carried out in sequence:

1) The Electrical Equipment shall be switched OFFat all points of supply

2) Isolated from all points of supply, including voltage and auxiliary transformers
and common neutral earthing equipment from which the Electrical Equipment
may become Live
3) Where practicable the Electrical Equipment shall be checked by means of an
Approved Potential Indicator to verify that the circuit is not Live, THE
4) The Circuit Conductors discharged to Earth.
5) Efficiently connected to earth by Circuit Main Earths and secured with Safety
6) Where practicable connected to Earth at all points of Isolation
7) All covers and shutters covering Live conductors shall be locked closed, using
Safety Locks.
8) Caution Notices shall be attached at all points where such Electrical
Equipment can be made Live
9) An Electrical Permit to Work shall be issued
10) Where practicable Temporary Earths should be applied at the point of work

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Before work is to be carried out on High Voltage Circuit orifices or voltage transformer
spouts the following operations shall be carried out in sequence

1) The spouts on which work is to be carried out shall be Isolated from all points of
supply from which they can be made Live
2) The Isolating arrangements shall be secured so that they cannot be operated and the
shutters of Live spouts shall be locked closed.
3) Where practicable the spout contacts shall be checked by means of an Approved
Potential Indicator to verify they are not Live. THE INDICATOR ITSELF BEING
4) The circuit shall be Earthed with Approved earthing equipment at all points of
Isolation where this is practicable or between the point of work and source of supply.
5) Such earths which are to be designated Circuit Main Earths shall be
secured with Safety Locks and the keys then deposited in a Key Safe, which in turn
should be locked with a unique lock.
6) Additional Earths shall be applied at the spouts on which work is to be carried out but
may be removed one at a time to facilitate the work. The Circuit Main Earths may
only be removed when the Permits to Work has been cleared and surrendered to the
7) Caution Notices shall be posted at all points where the circuit can be made Live
8) A High Voltage Permit to Work shall be issued.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Before any work is attempted (including the changing of High Voltage Fuses) on High
Voltage Ring main Units comprising Load Break Switches and a Transformer Fuses Switch,
the following operations shall be carried out in sequence.

1) The Secondary side of the Transformer shall be Isolated and secured with Safety Locks
2) 2) The load break switches forming part of the Ring shall be closed ontothe Bus-Bars a
secured closed. The remote ends of such feeders shall be Isolated and where switchg
design permits closed to circuite arth position and secured with Safety Locks as Circ
Main Earths. Where no such facility is available they shall be secured in the open posi
with Safety Locks.
3) The transformer Fuse Switch shall be closed onto the Bus-Bars andsecured with Saf
4) The Bus-Bars shall then be proved by means of an Approved Potential Indicator to ve
5) The Bus-Bars shall then be Earthed with Approved earthing equipment at the points
Isolation where this is practicable or between at the point of work and source of sup
Where switchgeare design allows the Secondary of the Transformer shall also be Earthed
6) Such Bus-Bars earths which are to be designated as Circuit Main Earths shall
secured with Safety Locks and the keys then deposited in a key safe, which in turn sho
be locked with a unique key.

HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Before any work is attempted (including the changing of High Voltage Fuses) on High
Voltage Ring main Units comprising Load Break Switches and a Transformer Fuses Switch,
the following operations shall be carried out in sequence.

7) Additional Earths shall be applied at the point of work but may be removed one at a
time to facilitate the work. Circuit Main Earths may only be removed when the Permit
to Work has been cleared and surrendered to the issuer
8) Caution Notices shall be posted at all points where the circuit can be made Live
9) A High Voltage Permit to Work shall be issued


HV Safety and Operational Procedure of MES - Part 6 – High Voltage Safety Rules


Where work is to be carried out on High Voltage Bus-Bars and/or Bus-Bar Spouts the
following procedure shall be carried out in sequence
1) The whole of the Bus-Bars or the section on which work is to be carried out shall be
switched OFF
2) The section(s) shall be Isolated from all points of supply from which they can be made
Live and all circuit shutters locked closed with Safety Locks. This includes any voltage
or earthing transformers
3) Where outgoing circuit switchgear incorporates Circuit Earth Switches these shall be
closed to Earth
4) The Bus-Bars shall then be proved by means of an Approved Potential Indicator to
5) The Bus-Bars shall then be discharged to Earth through a Circuit Breaker or Earthing
6) Circuit Main Earths of an Approved type shall be applied at a panel other than one on
which work is to be carried out on the Isolated section and secured. (This may mean
that ALL the work cannot be completed under a single Permit to Work
7) The Bus-Bar spouts shall be proved Dead at each panel and Additional Earths
applied to the Isolated section Bus-Section spouts.
8) A Permit to Work shall be issued.

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