Keluaran 2: The Birth of The Deliverer

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Keluaran 2 

The Birth of the Deliverer
2:1 1 A man from the household 2  of Levi married 3  a woman who was a
descendant of Levi. 4  2:2 The woman became pregnant 5  and gave birth
to a son. When 6  she saw that 7  he was a healthy 8  child, she hid him for
three months. 2:3 But when she was no longer able to hide him, she
took a papyrus basket 9  for him and sealed it with bitumen and pitch.
She put the child in it and set it among the reeds along the edge of the
Nile. 10  2:4 His sister stationed herself 11  at a distance to find out 12  what
would 13  happen to him.
2:5 Then the daughter of Pharaoh 14  came down to wash herself 15  by
the Nile, while her attendants were walking alongside the river, 16  and
she saw the basket among the reeds. She sent one of her
attendants, 17  took it, 18  2:6 opened it, 19  and saw the child 20  – a
boy, 21  crying! 22  – and she felt compassion 23  for him and said, “This is
one of the Hebrews’ children.”
2:7 Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get 24  a
nursing woman 25  for you from the Hebrews, so that she may nurse 26  the
child for you?” 2:8 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Yes, do so.” 27  So the
young girl 28  went and got 29  the child’s mother. 30  2:9 Pharaoh’s daughter
said to her, “Take this child 31  and nurse him for me, and I will pay
your 32  wages.” So the woman took the child and nursed him.
2:10 When the child grew older 33  she brought him to Pharaoh’s
daughter, and he became her son. 34  She named him Moses, saying,
“Because I drew him from the water.” 35 
The Presumption of the Deliverer
2:11 36 In those days, 37  when 38  Moses had grown up, he went out to his
people 39  and observed 40  their hard labor, and he saw an Egyptian man
attacking 41  a Hebrew man, one of his own people. 42  2:12 He looked this
way and that 43  and saw that no one was there, 44  and then he
attacked 45  the Egyptian and concealed the body 46  in the
sand. 2:13 When he went out  the next day,  there were  two Hebrew
 47   48   49 

men fighting. So he said to the one who was in the wrong, 50  “Why are
you attacking 51  your fellow Hebrew?” 52 
2:14 The man 53  replied, “Who made you a ruler 54  and a judge over us?
Are you planning 55  to kill me like you killed that 56  Egyptian?” Then
Moses was afraid, thinking, 57  “Surely what I did 58  has become
known.” 2:15 When Pharaoh heard 59  about this event, 60  he sought to kill
Moses. So Moses fled 61  from Pharaoh and settled in the land of
Midian, 62  and he settled 63  by a certain well. 64 
2:16 Now a priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came and
began to draw 65  water 66  and fill 67  the troughs in order to water their
father’s flock. 2:17 When some 68  shepherds came and drove them
away, 69  Moses came up and defended them 70  and then watered their
flock. 2:18 So when they came home 71  to their father Reuel, 72  he asked,
“Why have you come home so early 73  today?” 2:19 They said, “An
Egyptian man rescued us 74  from the shepherds, 75  and he actually 76  drew
water for us and watered the flock!” 2:20 He said 77  to his daughters, “So
where is he? 78  Why in the world 79  did you leave the man? Call him, so
that he may eat 80  a meal 81  with us.”
2:21 Moses agreed 82  to stay with the man, and he gave his daughter
Zipporah to Moses in marriage. 83  2:22 When she bore 84  a son,
Moses 85  named him Gershom, for he said, “I have become a resident
foreigner in a foreign land.” 86 
The Call of the Deliverer
2:23 87 During 88  that long period of time 89  the king of Egypt died, and
the Israelites 90  groaned because of the slave labor. They cried out, and
their desperate cry 91  because of their slave labor went up to
God. 2:24 God heard their groaning, 92  God remembered 93  his covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, 2:25 God saw 94  the
Israelites, and God understood…. 95 

  1 sn The chapter records the exceptional survival of Moses under the decree of death by Pharaoh
(vv. 1-10), the flight of Moses from Pharaoh after killing the Egyptian (vv. 11-15), the marriage of
Moses (vv. 16-22), and finally a note about the Lord’s hearing the sighing of the people in bondage
(vv. 23-25). The first part is the birth. The Bible has several stories about miraculous or special
births and deliverances of those destined to lead Israel. Their impact is essentially to authenticate
the individual’s ministry. If the person’s beginning was providentially provided and protected by
the Lord, then the mission must be of divine origin too. In this chapter the plot works around the
decree for the death of the children – a decree undone by the women. The second part of the
chapter records Moses’ flight and marri

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