Technological Advancements: Presentscenario Internet Technology

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created by our minds, with our imaginations. Without imaginations,
no technology would have been created. Technology has made people
rely heavily on the new advancements thus making them lethargic.
People prefer riding a car rather than traveling in a bicycle or a
bus or any other means of public transport. They don't care about the
environment or the harm they do to the atmosphere by smoking out
hazardous gases thereby depleting the Ozone layer and leading to
overall global warming. Further, people prefer to use calculators
even for small calculations which can be easily done manually.
Additionally technology has become a part of their glitz and pride, and
their greed has aggrandized.
 Do Machines Displace People From Workplace?
 Machines do not create jobs, they definitely eradicate the need for
human effort. People make mistakes, machines do not. People get
tired and cranky, machines do not. People are erratic and unreliable,
machines are not. People think and act slowly, machines do not. People
have very definite limitations of endurance and concentration, machines do
not. But this did not mean that mechanized systems would always be
dependent on human assistance. The development of artificial
intelligence and advances in mechanical miniaturization has overcome
these short
Technological Advancements: Presentscenario
Internet Technology
Another prominent technologicalinnovation that well represents our
humanitytoday is the Internet. The Internet is theworldwide,
publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that
transmitdata between themselves.The Internet allows for us to, in
some waysmake the world smaller.
In the days of today’s stock markets,
 financial infrastructure, global newsorganizations, powerful
militarizes, stronggovernments and
big corporations, instantaneouscommunication is an asset we
cannot afford tolose. The Internet allows for our humanity inmodern day
times to interconnect and promoteglobalization and information sharing.
Medical Technology
Perhaps one of the most vitaltechnological advances in our society today is
inthe field of human medicine and health sciences.This field deals with the
maintenance,prolongment , and restoration of human health
One machine can do the work of fiftyordinary men. No
machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. Elbert
through the study, diagnosis, treatment, andprevention of disease and
injury.Today, modern medicine is practicedwithin a well-developed
framework of health-care infrastructure. Research in the field
of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments,
drugs, medicines, andsolutions that have allowed for the
dramaticprolongment of the human lifespan. Today, withthe influence of
medicine, the lifespan of theaverage human is only increasing. Medicine in
today’s world provides the most vital of all
services; it ensures the survival of the humanityas a whole.
Nuclear Technology
It has many vital applications in modernsociety, the most prominent of
which are nuclearweapons, nuclear medicine, and nuclear power.The
most controversial of these is, without adoubt, nuclear
weapons.When you look at the usage of nucleartechnology, you must
look at the situation fromthe viewpoint of human society as a whole,
andnot from a standpoint of an individual.Even in the area of peaceful
uses of nuclear energy, there are great concerns aboutnuclear accidents,
damage from nuclearradiation and the question of safe disposal
of radioactive wastes.
Agriculture Technology
In agriculture, improvements have beeneffected so far on a gradual
basis. For example,in animal husbandry, one has gone fromselection
and crossing, to artificial insemination,and embryo transplant
technologies None of these have given rise to fears. But
geneticengineering arouses fears because one movesacross
species boundaries. Multiplications andmutations can develop
and progress rapidly inbiological systems. Risk assessment is
muchmore difficult and uncertain, compared tophysical engineering
systems. In biology, onealso deals with systems interactions, such
as inecology, those are complex. It is, therefore,important to
continuously monitor what ishappening in the field, using the very
samepowerful techniques of biotechnology.
 It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has
exceeded our humanity. Albert Einstein
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of
a very averagestar. But we can understand the Universe. That
makes us something veryspecial.Stephen Hawking
Needless to say that like any other aspectof development, the
technological developmentis similar to a double edged sword which on
oneside can kill someone and on the other side can
lead to one’s own protection. However, the
decision to use it proficiently in proper
 perspective is one’s

own decision and choice.If technological advancements are put inthe best
uses, it further inspires the developmentin related and non-
related areas but at the sametime its negative use can create havoc in
thehumanity or the world. Technology has, andwill, change the moral
fabric of humanity; it isup to the present generation to heed this
warningand not allow such societal travesties of immense
proportions ever to occur againTechnological Advancements will continue
toadvance rapidly as we move into the nextmillennium. What is important
is to ensure thatthese advances benefit humanity as a whole

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