Sittie Aima Group (Chapter 4&5) Spine

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This chapter presents the data gathered together with their

corresponding answer from the subjects.

The table 1 presents the data gather about the personal profile of the


The table 1 shows the sex, grade and position of the respondents. A

shown, out of the 30 respondents or 100%,

11 or 36.7% belonged to the male and 19 or 63.3% belonged to the

female. The table means that the most of the respondents are female.

In item 4 or 13% of the respondents were Grade 11, 26 or 86.7% of

the respondents were grade 12. The table means that most of the

respondents are grade 12.

In item 9 or 30% of the respondents were Stem, 8 or 26.7% of the

respondents were Gas, 9 or 30% of the respondents were Humss, 1 or

3.3% of the respondents were H.E, 3 or 10% of the respondents were

ICT. The table means that most of the respondents were Stem and

In terms of position, 3 or 10% of the respondents were Presidents, 3 or

6.7% of the respondents were V-Presidents, 3 or 10% of the respondents

were Secretary, 5 or 16.7% of the respondents were Treasurer, 5 or

16.7% of the respondents were Auditor, 12 or 40 of the respondents were

Normal Students. The table means that most of the respondents are

Normal Students.

2. Effects of Student's Involvement in Organization of leadership

and management skills.

The table 2 presents the data gathered about the effects of Student's

Involvement in organization of leadership and management skills.


(f) (%)

Male 11 36.7

Female 19 63.3


11 4 13.3

12 26 83.7


Stem 9 30

Gas 8 26.7

Humss 9 30
H.e 1 3.3

ICT 3 10


President 3 10

V-President 2 6.7

3 10


Treasurer 5 16.7

Auditor 5 16.7

Normal Students 12 40

The table 2 shows the Effects of Student's involvement in Organization of

leadership and management skills.

The table shows that the most respondents " Strongly agreed" to

the statement that they learned how to work with a team (3.50), they

wanted to be able use the skills their have learned in class (3.36) and

also gain new experience and knowledge that are not offered in the four

concerns of classroom (3.36) furthermore, they learned how to socialize

with other after joining in organization (3.34)

Moreover, the repondents "agreed" that they wanted to spice up

their curriculum vitae to make their look better in their college

application or even their future job application (3.13), and also they

wanted to closer to their school while getting a break from their studies

(3.6) Also they had presents opportunities for their to develop their skills

such as leadership, communities social, managements and others (3.4)

In item 3.3 percent of respondents answered "agreed" that they

wanted to expand their resume, also they wanted to build their socials

and connections to others and even outside the community (3.3)

furthermore, they also visit many place that in line with leadership (3.2).

The result indicates that the respondents learned how to work with

a team. According to Andrew Carnegie “Teamwork is ability to work

together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual

accomplishment toward organization objectives. It is fuel allows common

people to attain uncommon results." (Carnegie, 2017).

However, they "disagreed" to the statement that they “wanted to

provide opportunities for their back to their community by volunteering

for fund raising and other community events" (2.49)

Table 2



Do you have well learning how to work 3.50 Strongly agree

with a team?

Do you gain new experiences and 3.36 Agree

knowledge that are not offered in the four
concerns of the classroom?

Do you have present opportunities for you 3.4 Agree

to develop your skills such as leadership,
communities social, management, and

Do you want to spice up your curriculum 3.13 Agree

vitae make you look better in your college
application or even your future job

Do you want to build your socials and 3.3 Agree

connections to others and even out side
the school community?

Do you want to be able to use the skills 3.36 Agree

you have learned in class?

Do you want to expand your resume? 3.3 Agree

Do you want closer to your school while 3.3 Agree
getting a break from your studies?

Do you learn how to socialize with other 3.36 Agree

after joining in organization?

Do your personality, attitude, and values 3.4 Agree

become good?

Do you want to visit many place that in 3.2 Agree

line with leadership?

Do you want to provide opportunities for 2.49 Disagree

you to give back to your community by
volunteering for fund raising and other
community events?



This chapter presents the Restatement of the problem, summary of

the study, conclusion and recommendation.

Restatement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the students involvement in school

organization; Its effects on the leadership and management skills of high

school student leader of Senior High School of Gani L. Abpi College


Specifically, this sought to answer the following:

1. What are the personal profiles of the respondent?

a. Gender

b. Grade

c. Strand

d. Position

2. What are those effects of student's involvement in organization of

leadership and management skills?

3. What are the qualities of a leader that they may acquire in joining

student's organization?

Summary of the Findings

Based on results, this study revealed the following summary of the


1. Personal profile of the respondents

Majority of the respondents are female and Grade 12 also most of

the respondents were Stem and HUMSS. All of the respondents were

equally distributed to the five major officers, 16.7 were Treasurer and


2. The effects of students in organization of leadership and

management skills.

3. The research revealed that most of the respondents strongly agree

that they develop social skills team work and learned how to work

in a team.

4. There are some who disagree to the statement " wanted to provide

opportunities for them to give back their community by

volunteering for fund raising and other community events"


Based on the summary of the findings, this study found out that the

officer of Senior High School of Gani L. Abpi College Incorporated are

very satisfied with what they have experience on being leader.


Based on the summary of the findings and conclusion of this

study, the following recommendations are formulated.

1. Student Organization creates the clear mission statement that

accurately reflects the organization and make sure that all members

believe in and support it. Also evaluate your organization and survey

your membership.

2. Teacher should encourage the students to join any school


3. The school must support, students leadership and activity

4. The chairperson of each organization shall suggest activity that

would help developing the skills and abilities of student leaders, also

conduct a team building.

5. Community must conduct a seminar for the youth to develop their

leadership skills and social skills.

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