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This chapter deals with the analysis and the interpretation of data
gathered. It includes discussion of the following; (a) Profile of the
respondents (i) Age (ii) Sex (iii) Grade level(iiii) Strand,(b) What are the
Factor causing absenteeism of the respondents (c) Ways to solve the
factor causing absenteeism as perceived of the respondents.

Profile of the Respondents

The part 1 shows the Profile of the Respondents, include Age, Sex,
Grade level and Strand.


In terms of age, 6 or 20% of the respondent were age is 17-18

years old, 1 or 33% of the respondents were the age is 19-20 years old, 3
or 10% of the respondent were the age is 21 years old and above.


In terms of 11 or 36.7% of the respondents were Male, 19 or 63.3% of the

respondent were female.

Grade level

In terms of grade level 8 or 36.7% were the responent is grade eleven, 7%

or 23.7% are grade 12.

In terms of strand 12 or 40% of three respondents were the GAS strand

2% or 6.7% were HUMSS 8 or 26.7 were ICT strand of the respondent 8
or 26.7 were STEM strand.

Part 1. Socio Demographic Characteristics Profile of the



n= 30 %

15-16 years old 6 20

17-18 years old 20 66.7

19-20 years ol 1 3.3

21 years old and above 3 10

Grade level

Grade 11 8 36.7

Grade 12 7 23.7

7-14 7 11.6

Preferred Strategies/ What are the factor causing absenteeism of the


The table 2 shows that what are the factor causing absenteeism of

the respondent "agree" in section 1 the question that they have unstable

Connectio (33.7%). in section 2 the factor causing absenteeism of the

respondent"agree" that they have lock of allowance (30.0 in section 3 the

factor causing absenteeism of the respondent "agree" the question is

they have family relate issues (33.3). moreover in section 4 the factor

causing absenteeism of the respondent "disagree" the question is that

they playing online games (33.3). in section 5 the factor causing

absenteeism of the problem Furthermore (agree) the question is bullying

(36.7). However in section 6

the factor causing absenteeism of the problem "Strongly disagree" the

question is they have health problem (33.3). moreover in section 7 the

factor causing absenteeism of the respondent "agree" the question is

they have illness/sick (40.0). Moveover the factor causing absenteeism of

the problem in section 8 (agree) the question is take care of my brothers

and sisters (40.0) Moreover, in section 9 (agree) that they have battery

and lag issues (30.0).in section 10 "disagree" the question is they have

lack of encouragement from the parent.

The result indicates that what the factor causing absenteeism of

the respondent all the student allowing to give to tell to their teacher

what is their problem causing absenteeism. This result is supported by

several theories and studies. It States that every student have their own

reason for being absence. Furthermore, questioning techniques that

personally involve students will allow them to respond in a way that

reflects their problem

Table 2. What are the factor causing absenteeism of the Problem



Unstable Connection 2.3667 Disagree

Lock of Allowance 2.3667 Disagree

Family- Related Issues 2.400 Disagree

Playing online games 2.2667 Disagree

Bullying 2.6000 Agree

Health problem 2.5333 Agree

Illnes/Sick 2.4667 Disagree

Take care of my brothers and 2.3333 Agree


Battery and lag issues 2.6000 Agree

Lack of incouragement from 2.4000 Disagree



Rating scale
1.0-1.49 Strongly disagree
1.50-2. 49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree
3.50-4.0. Strong Agre
Table 3. Ways to solve the Factor causing absenteeism as perceived
by the respondent.



Find a place with a strong cignal. 2.4000 Agree

Family Support. 2.2333 Strongly Disagree

Avoid interacting both parents. 2.8667 Agree

Time management and use properly 2.8667 Agree

Teacher must aware and observe 2.5333 Strongly Disagree

their student about bullying.

Consult a doctor about health 2.4333 Agree


Take a medicine as soon as possible. 2.9333 Agree

Time management to care of your 2.5000 Agree

brothers and sisters.

Always check the battery and lag 2.5000 Agree


Always motivate and encourage you 2.6667 Strongly Agree



Rating scale:
1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree
1.50-2.49 Disagree
2.50-3.49 Agree
3.50.40 Strongly Agree
The table 3 shows the way to solve the Factor causing absenteeism

as perceived by the respondent. "Agree" in section 1 the question is find a

place with a strong cignal(46.7). In section 2 ways to solve the factor

causing absenteeism as perceived by the respondent “agree" the question

is family support (36.7). In section 3 way to solve the factor causing

absenteeism as perceived by the respondents "agree" the question is

avoiding interacting both parents (36.8). In the section 4 ways to solve

the factor causing absenteeism as perceived by the problem "agree" the

teacher must aware and observe their student about bullying (46.7).

However in section 6 way to solve the factor causing absenteeism

as perceived the respondent "agree" the question is Consult a doctor

about health problem (40.0). Moreover in section 7 way to solve the

problem as perceived by the respondent "agree" the question is take a

medicine as soon as possible (50.0). Moveover in section 8 way to solve

the factor causing absenteeism as perceived by the respondent "agree"

the question time management to take care of your brothers and sisters

(40.0). Moveover in the section 9 ways to solve the factor causing

absenteeism as perceived by the respondent "agree" the question always

check the battery and lag issues (43.3). In section 10 way to solve the
factor causing absenteeism as perceived by the respondent "agree" the

question always motivate and encourage your children (36.7).

The table 3 result the way factor causing absenteeism as perceived

the respondent that all students find the ways for attending class in

different ways to avoid absence. In this result supported by the theories

Furthermore, the student will find a way for always attending in class for

getting stable grades.



This chapter discussed the summary, summary of the findings,

conclusions and recommendations of the study.

The study is entitled “Factor Causing Absenteeism Of Senior

High School Student of Gani L. Abpi College Incorporated”. The

student addressed the overall research of the profile of the

respondent, what factor causing absenteeism of the respondent and

Way to solve the factor causing absenteeism as perceived by the


Summary of the Study

The study indicates the following reason for student absenteeism

arising from the family:family socio-economic level,psychological problem

and its include dissison of the following (a) Profile of the respondent (i)

Age (ii) Sex (iii) Grade level (iii) Strand (b) What are the factor causing

absenteeism of the respondent (c) Ways to solve the factor causing

absenteeism as perceived by the respondent.

In terms of age, 6% or 20% of the respondent are age 15-16 years old

20% or 66.7% are age 17-18 years old, 1% or 33% are 19-20 years old,

3% or 10% are 21 years old above. In terms of sex most of all are female

19% or 63% or 3% while male 11% or 36.7% of the respondent, In grade

level 8% or 36.7% are the respondent is garde 11, 7% 23.7% are grade

12. and what factor causing absenteeism absenteeism of the

respondent like lack of allowance 1.0 or 1.49 or the respondent were

strongly disagree and 1.50 - 2.49 Disagree and 2.50 -3.49 “agree” and

3.50 - 4.0 “strongly agree”. And Way to solve the factor causing
absenteeism as perceived by the respondent like family support 1.0-1.49

of respondent “Strongly disagree” and 1.50 – 2.49 “Disagree” and 3.50-

3.49 “Agree” 3.50 - 4.0 “Strongly Agree”


This study was design to examine personal factors, family factors and

academic achievement.

The findings of the study that student who have negative

academic, self-perception, Negative attitudes towards teacher and school

lack of motivation are more likely to have school absenteeism, findings

also showed that student whose parents have low education level and

low income, finally noticed that student academic performance was

affected by the absenteeism.

The findings of this study contribute to the growing body of the

literature suggesting that improving student academic self-perfection,

attitudes to wars teacher and school motivation and family motivation

and self-regulation.

The following recommendations are given ideas of finding and


1. For the teachers accurately monitor attendance.

2. For the parents inform your child about the importance of school a

good education.

3. Establish a good working relationship with the school and particularly

your child and their teachers.

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