RTM Practicals

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Date o : | PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENTSJ-—— | tion. equcpments protect eg Stim Personal _psatec blood. aisborne pathogens | Aor 4. | Fos paatection | Weas, aprons O% 3. | Fok protection a 4 | Face masks oh _| protection c 5. Always wear psatectiion —______— 6-| Fos hearing protection, Wwe must use earplugs. _ as Always wash got ty _evsuse Aygiene : and eth substances of eth» _qaggitd Ok lasses. shauld be used. fab taats 39%. body papvection, P -honds, wearing gloves Is nuit i sespitadors are wed 0X Heat in laboratory aoe foot enclosed shoes we hands with soap ov hand-was ‘steel Neve vaccum unloys ey shielded. | tw —deaige “f Shi ie _| Never handle token glans ul with base hands Use | oy deat par Aluays diy bins —<$ 5 Use a bAeirp te cean-up broken glas , broken alas m2 gla bin on shay ard nd in & genexal waate bin - tmmerse__hot. glassware in_cold wal , tk nau not ei aware Prcid__ exposure Press one ae a should _be chetkea. glaws ree aia, any, : i meaue is used ARES ok DNA as well gs rie is uet ent th Pre, Sos eed Lapa ae [componenr ne se 4 _yuseal 40 phat ah ent dated Tie Various componerita Aegutred Rt wh DNA_psirners z ae PCR include a DNA [sample be DNA Meena SO ee polymesa ‘ Bs fergie, : | NSTRUMENTS USED:- R_ machine _(Thamocycler) PCR tubes F Date ¢ | the temperature is then _Covtes down betueen yo and |The. precise temperature 1» cuttial ond PCR systers has t be. defined and opli mised » | Decrea eta in 7 ature _allpw5 bending of piimer ea6 of / ir gle_atrand of DNA we an 4a | a ee “ool the _hyb sai gui psiemers. The a ed ee act as primus 4a DNA polymeare The___third _Atep_ extension _in_ which DNA ts camued oul by 2 thesamnostable DNA polymsrtire . commoly talad Tay, DNA pos merase the temperature iu _saiszed upto ZC PCR_eye. fasta 10-™/nules ancl the amount of DNA HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY. PRINCIPLE :- ares eee | The basic _psimciple of High Pargormance _Liquiel _|_chiomate raphy (HPLC) is “that the comple p_gorced. E | __ fraugh acolunn of the stationary _phare pail a) | pumping a Oui at high _prcwute through the Sar vil |_ column. ee. ee ee | ipa) rece |e ee COMPONENTS OF HPLC:- eeaataias 2 ‘5 Colunn:- St is _madeup _of stainless steel which tan ss uithstand piessuse pte 50 MP. the length of _ column —__| varies between 5-25 em with Internat _ditameler > 4-Smn§ The gi Pop mobile phase _fprough the cob i 4- 3m min | Stationas ae ei = = | salient prose in prod up of an adsosbent |) _ mated tat hay voy smal paslete size Te _particle || sige Kept uniform — b_oblain __béler_pesformance._ ally chemically rmodijretd Aileen plans — aie as tationa pha vet Me g a |_ [sua are Sample Injector :- i Launple Injector allows inthioducter, } Sf sample ints the column . Se _ls__ present 4st depp the column Detector :- : Sr_oider ty detect the eluale (sample coming cut of folumn » the HPLC colemp 4 attached wit detector Cortat of —deteclou i.e W detector, TR deteziny we index. detector , Mars spectiomnelin, Electrochemical detector, ele can be wed Chast econder ter :— eu i dy cletectoxr and collect; inppundlion about ekution LINORKING OF HPLC: . HPLC, alo Known ap High Presuse Lil elrsom ato Pf ox high presse uid ehtematopaphy is a modiplect colums ecanaiane ie ie cn P JAN ‘NTMI | Glucose i / Sucrose | (sin) Time (8 min 0 unlsnouin ia peak obtained tn, cheat am minutes indicate Kno peak at glib om “mare mkt are T_peak obfained at | Paesernce fatcre in bles | xe ino sample ote n— Joe _dample detection , we must have standard iol TO _ FIND CONCENTRATION OF €aMpOUND IN conten ation compound Zt have standasd cue. ss in IS ert vation , IM area wrdler tho peek in unknown _ —

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