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a Family Words a Family Words

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Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
a Family Words

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

a Family Words
Lesson 1
CVC with Medial a
-at Family Words

rases: hat of a catfat bat
at and a catpat the mat
e cat has a hat.
e cat is fat.
e cat pats the mat.
Cat on a Mat
e cat is on the mat. It is fat. It has a hat. It saw a rat on the mat.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

Lesson 1
-an Family Words
CVC with Medial a
-at Family Words bancanmandan
Phrases: a man with a pan fantanpanran van
a can and a pan
hrases: hat of a catfat bat a pan in a van
rat and a catpat the mat Sentences:
entences: The fan is in the van
he cat has a hat. Ben has the pan and the can.
he cat is fat. The man has a fan.
he cat pats the mat. The man ran after the van.

Cat on a Mat Dan’s Van

he cat is on the mat. It is fat. It has a hat. a man. Heonhas
a rat theamat.
van. In the van are pans and fans. He gets the pans and

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ap Family Words

-an Family Words
Phrases: a cap on his lap lapsapmaptap
with a pan fantanpanranGap
vanin his nap S
Tap the map
The fan is in the van
van Ben has the pan and the can.
and the can. The man has a fan.
an. The man ran after the van.
er the van.
Dan’s Van
Dan’s VanDan is a man. He has a van. In the van are pans and fans. He gets the pans and
e has a van. In the van are pans and fans. He gets the pans and the fans in the van.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ap Family Words -as Family Words

capnapgaprap Blaswas
Phrases: was a man
lapsapmaptap gashas
n his lap
S has a gas
has a pan
He has a gas.
She has to pass.
and the can.
They put on a gas mask.
The cap is as big as the bag.
er the van.
The Gas
Dan’s Van
Blas has a car. His car has no gas. Blas will get the gas, but there is a mass. After th
e has a van. In the van are pans and fans. He gets the pans and the fans in the van.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________ Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-am Family Words

-as Family Words
Phrases: a jam in a jar jampamram
a ham for Sam
Pam and Sam
Sam has a jam.
Pam is in the dam.
ask. The ham is for Pam.
the bag.
Pam’s Ham
Pam has a ham. She puts a jam on the ham. The ham is in the jar. Pam gives the h
The Gas
ar has no gas. Blas will get the gas, but there is a mass. After the mass, he get the gas.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________ Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ag Family Words

-am Family Words
hamdamSam tagwag
jampamram Phrases: tag of a bag
Hag with a rag

The bag has a tag.
The hag has a rag.
Pam’s Ham
puts a jam on the ham. The ham is in the jar. Pam gives the ham with a jam to Sam.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-i- Family Words

-ag Family Words
Phrases: tag of a bag
Hag with a rag

The bag has a tag.
The hag has a rag.
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-i- Family Words

-i- Family Words
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Lesson 2
CVC with Medial –i-
-i- Family Words -it Family Words
Phrases: sit in a pitfir for a pit
Sit and fithit the kit
The man sits on a kit.
The kit is in the fit.
This is fit for a pit.
The girl can knit.
In the Pit
Mit has a pit.Mit sits in the pit. When not fit. A bit of sitting in the pit m

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

Lesson 2 -id Family Words

CVC with Medial –i-
-it Family Words ridbidhid
Phrases: a big kid kidliddid
t in a pitfir for a pit
it the kit Sentences:
David is a big kid.
Sid hid under the bed.
ts on a kit. The kid can open the lid.
n the fit.
or a pit. A Kid’s Fish
n knit. David is a kid. He has a fish. He hid the fish. Sid wanted to get rid of the fish. So Sid open th

In the Pit
it.Mit sits in the pit. When not fit. A bit of sitting in the pit makes him fit.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ig Family Words

-id Family Words
ridbidhid Phrases: a big pig pigrigwig
kidliddid pin on the wig
Jig has a fig.
Vic’s Pig
The pig is big. The pig has six piglets. The pig and the piglets are in th
A Kid’s Fish
He hid the fish. Sid wanted to get rid of the fish. So Sid open the lid that hid the fish of David.

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________
Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ig Family Words

: a big pig pigrigwig
he wig
is pig.
Vic’s Pig
is big. The pig has six piglets. The pig and the piglets are in the pig pen.
-ip Family Words

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________
A tip for Pip
Pip there was no tip. Pip, did not just zip his lips. He ran after the man who did not give a tip

Parent’s Signature: _________ Teacher’s Signature: _________

Date signed: _________ Date signed: _________

-ip Family Words

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