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g A Cold Welcorne

On Wednesda-v evening, we went to the

Town Hall. It was the last day of the year
and a large crowd of people had gathered
under the Town Hall clock. It would
strike twelve in twenty minutes' time.
Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five
to twelve, the clock stopped. The big
minute hand did not move. We waited
and waited, but nothing happened. Sud-
IO denly someone shouted, 'It's two minutes
past twelve! The clock has stopped!' I
looked at my watch. It was true. The big
clock refused to welcome the New Year.
At that moment) everybody began to the clock stopped
r5 laugh and sing.

Comprehension Précis and Cornposition

Ansrver these questions in not more than 5o »ords.
r. Where did we go on New Year's Eve?
z. Were there many people there or not?
3. In how many minutes would the Torvn Hali clock strike twelve?
4. At what time did it stop ?

5 Did it refuse to welcome the New Year or not ?

6. What did the crowd do then ?

Key Structures
\\-hcn clid rou arrire: I arrired at ro o'clock.
Re acl these scntcnces carefullr . P¿rr closc attention to the phrase in italics. \\ie can use
phrases like these to ans\\er clucstions beginning.. r,rith ll hcn.
¿r Phrases uith ¿¿l:
I alnavs leave home ut ,3 ticlotk.I begin uork ¿/ t1 o'tlock . I rvork all dav and ofien get
honre lirte tl rtigltt.
1, Phrrses rrith i¡¿:
I'nr g'oing out no\r. I'11 be back in len minulcs or tn htl.f'un httur.
'I'he seconcl \\'orld \\ ar be-9an itt t
93t¡ ¿nd cnclerl irt t t11-;.
\l¡nl tcrurists come here i¡¡ !tuntil(r.'I'hev usu¿llv come rn -/trl.y tnd irr '1ugus¡. It is
rerv quiet here ¡z ninter.'l'he hotels are often emptv in -/unuar.¡', Fehruar.l'and i¡¡
.lIu¡ h.
I'll see tt¡tt t¡t lhr' tnorrrirt3.I can't sec -vou in tht ,r.f'lcrn,,on or itt lltc ctrttttt'!.
¿ Phrases lr ith ¿¡¡ :

I shrrll see him ¡,r¡ Il alttcs,ltL.,'.I'm not fiee r,¡¡ 'f itcstltl'rtr 7-httrstll.l'.
\lr blothel riill ¡n'irc fl'om Gern.ranr lrt 1¡,ril .z¡th.ILe uill retult.r rttr \[t.1' .;th.
¡1 Othcr phrases:
'l' shops are oper.r ).ottr t1 till
.f -;.
It rainecl he*r ilr tlrtrittg tltt trrght.
\le siU not arrir e tttlil to ri¡lr,¡l¡.

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