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Please help to answer the bellow questions which was generated as I tried inputing the

first answers you gave me.

Will your project be known by an acronym?

If yes give Study acronym

You have chosen these methodologies

Qualitative research

Quantitative research

Online/electronic Questionnaire

Paper-based questionnaire

Validated questionnaire(s)

Non-validated questionnaire(s)


Focus group(s)


Database (creation of new database)

Database analysis (data not in the public domain)

Anonymized data (data not in the public domain)

Confidential data
Identifiable data

Internet research (including data collected from social media)


Covert observation

Ethnographic research


Cross-sectional study

Case control

Case series/Case note review

Controlled study/trial (with randomization)

Controlled study/trial (without randomization)

Laboratory study

Human tissue



Highly sensitive areas*

Health/Social Care Service Evaluation**

Clinical audit**

Virtual Reality

Other (please specify)

*defined as questions which may cause anxiety because of the nature of the question or of the
population being asked. NB the assessment of a question's sensitive nature might be influenced by
whether the answers are to be anonymized.

 **not requiring HRA/NHS ethics approval.

C.10 Please provide further details of the methodology selected

See 'i' for guidance notes

quantitative research method help in gathering primary d

C.10.Q Do you intend to use online surveys, Qualtrics or MS Forms for your

Q electronic/online questionnaire?
Please note Qualtrics is restricted to Psychology


If you selected yes, please select which online survey platform you will be using
MS Form
If you choose no:
Please provide justification why you do not intend to use Online
Surveys, Qualtrics or MS Forms for your electronic/online questionnaire.
e through communication while conducting the survey.

Eligibility Criteria

This section should set out precise definitions of which participants are eligible for the study,
defining both inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria should define the population the
study is aiming to include. The choice of criteria can affect recruitment to and attrition from to the
D.3 Please list all inclusion (selection) criteria: Consideration should be given to: gender, age range,
health status (if relevant) and profession

age limit: 18-50, Participants: Male, Female, Others.

D.4 Please list all exclusion criteria (those not eligible to take part): Consideration
. should be given to other factors that may exclude someone from taking part in the research, and not just mirror the
inclusion criteria. 

Identification of participants

D.5 How will potential participants / records / samples (human tissue) be

. identified? (e.g. direct approach, use of mailing list, database search, snowballing)
Who will make the initial approach to participants?
archer is the one involved in taking the initial approach.

D.6 Do you intend to use any of the following recruitment methods? (tick all
. that apply) 
Please ensure you follow the University Guidelines for the Production of Research Recruitment Materials


Advert on UoL 'Staff News Blog'

Advert on UoL 'Student News Blog'


Leaflet (separate to the information sheet)


Social Media


Amazon MTurk, Prolific, other participant recruitment platform


None of the above

Overburden of Participants
D.7 Will you recruit any participants who are involved in current research or
. have recently been involved in any research prior to recruitment?
D.7.1. If your answer is yes, please, provide justification. How will you ensure
that the participant is not overburdened? You may wish to consider if participation is voluntary
and the time involved 

Participant Information

Where you are providing participants with a participant information sheet, you should use the templates
available under Help > Templates. Use of the template ensures compliance with university policy,
privacy notices and any relevant legislation(s).

D.8. Do you intend to provide a

Participant Information Sheet

D.8.a If no, please provide justification for not providing a participant
information sheet to participants.
The interview shall be conducted online, thus no such information sheet shall be provided.


Where you are providing participants with a consent form, you should use the templates available
under the 'help' tab. Use of the templates ensures compliance with university policy and any
relevant legislation.
D.10. Will you obtain written informed consent or electronic consent
D.10. Do you intend to obtain consent / eConsent as part of any
Q questionnaire(s)?
D.10a If no, please give justification for not obtaining written / electronic

Obtaining consent
D.15. How long will you give participants to decide whether or not to take part?
Participants should ideally be given a minimum of 24 hours to consider whether or not to take part in a study. If you plan
to give less time that this, this must be clearly justified. 

at they have enough time to think about the researches.

Research Procedures
View As Table

E.1. Give details of all procedure(s) or methods that will be carried as part of the
research protocol. Repeat as necessary.
e.g. Interview, X1, 30 minutes, Lead Investigator, Sarah Swift Building UoL Campus

Frequency refers to how many times each participant will need to undertake the activity. 



Time (min)

Who will conduct


E.2. Do you intend to debrief participants at their end of the participation?

E.2. If yes Do you intend to provide a debrief verbally or in writing?
A debrief template is available to download under Help > Templates 


E.2.2 Please provide additional details of how you intend to debrief participants
if yes (including any verbal debrief text).

Research outside the UK

Q.5 Will ANY of your research be undertaken outside of the UK?
If yes give justification.

Publication and Dissemination

U.1 Will you inform participants individually of the general findings?
Note: this does not include publications being made publicly available. Any summary provided to participants should be
in lay terms.

U.1.2. Please justify why you do not intend to inform participants of the general
U.2 How do you intend to report and disseminate the results of the study? (tick
. all that apply)
Access to raw data and right to publish freely by all investigators in study or by Independent Steering
Committee on behalf of all investigators


Conference presentation

Dissertation / thesis


External report

Internal report

Online Media

Peer reviewed journals

Open Access Journal

Printed media

Publication on website

Research led teaching

Other (please specify)

No plans to report or disseminate the results

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