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€ lnversions / PossessiYes
:- v#rsscffis wiffo megat$ve adarerfuiad wer#s ar: # pfur'ases
of a sentence for emPhasis,
When we put some negat ive adverbial words and phrases at the beginning
verb, even thoug h
the subject and the verb'i nvert'. This means we use the question form of the
used in conversat ion
the sentence is not a questi on. lnversions are quite formal and are not usually

Form negative adverbial word/phrase + question form

Nisooner had I accepted the iob than they told me t had to work weekends.

il{e at!'"re adverbEaI L.{?iiipi€

Never Never have lworked so hard in allmY life.


ii Rarely Rarely have I worked so hard in all my life

Seldom Seldom have I worked so hard in all my life.

No sooner (...than) No sooner hod Mott started work than he resigned'

Hardly (...when) Uarary naa Uaft statted work wfien he resigned'

Not only (... but also/too) Not only wereYou late for work, but you had also forgotten the report'
Under no circumstances lJnder no circumstonces are employees al!owed to leavethe building without

At no time/Point At no timelpointwas I told what the iob involved.

Little Littte did t realise that lwould become managing director just two years later.

Not until Not untit the next day did I hear that I had got the iob.

Only Only ot the end of the interview did I think t had a chance of getting the iob.

@ Littte is used with verbs of thought (realise, know, suspecr, etc) and means 'l did nat realise/etc at all ...
outl "/ tittie did I kn,:r+r hcw thinqs v,tere gainq tc tu{n oLiT'
rNatch (= I did not knol at all how tl'rings were gcing to ti;in cut )
,& Witn nat unrri and cnly,you have tc be carefurl abor'lt rnrhlch verb tc inr;eri
,,/ t'lat untii I hsd finished my honev'tcrl< "ucs I clloat*d ta gc cut'
wl';eva l hsd frnished my hamewcrk l'vss J sijullved ro go cut'

#tfuer snversi,sms
Use L,'{.ErTlDi€

'l'm a plLtmber.'
ln short answers and other similar 'Really? S'ooml!'
structures using sq neifher and nor My sister doesn't like getting ready for work, and neither do I / nor do l'

The manager was nervous about the director's visit, as were the rest of the staff .
After a5 so and such So late wos it that there was no one in the office.
Such a hot day was it that no one wanted to work.

Were our staff better trained, we might make a larger profit, (= lf ou r staff were
ln conditional sentences better trained ...)
Had t known about the vacancy, I would have opplied. (= lf I had known ...)

s Remember tirat 'So cm/Co/haye /' is t-tse,-l io agree with a positlve statemeni an d'Neither/Nar
ottrlt' crn/aciha'.re l' is r-rsed to agree v'rith a neEative st;tement'
$latch / 'l reaiiy like my iob.' 'So da t.'
/ 'i reaily dcn'i lii<e my iob.' 'Neitker do I / Nar do l
Unit 27 Grammar

;& '#rit* w*en cr ffoam ir: e*ch gap"

I Hardly had we started when .. the fire alarm went.
2 No sooner had we set off than .. my brother needed the toilet.
3 No sooner were the animals caught than they escaped again
4 Hardly had I closed my eyeswhen .. I dropped off to sleep.
5 No sooner do I do the washing than there's another pile to be done.
6 Hardly were we in position when the bomb went off.

I Choose the correct answer,

1 No sooner down than the phone 7 Rarely about the environment

rang. enough to give up their car.
A lhadsat B dolsit A do people care B people care
C sat
had I D was I sitting C are people care D care people
2 Never a greater day in the history I Only when mayvehicles cross
of mankind. the train tracks.
A did there be B was there A is the green light on
C there was D there has been B the green light is on
3 At no time that he was the killer.
C did the green light be on
A I didn't suspect B was I suspect D on is the green light
C I had suspected D did I suspect 9 Seldom such a rude person!
4 Little ............ that I knew his secret.
A have I met B I have met
A did John know B John did know C did lmet D am lmeeting
C wasJohn know D John knew 10 Only after doing his chores ............ to go
to meet his friends.
5 Not until her did I realise how
A Jason was allowed
beautiful she was.
A lsaw B didlsee B did Jason allow
C lsaw
was D saw I
C was allowed Jason
D was Jason allowed
6 Not only my keys,l've lost my
A lost
I have B are I lost
C ldid lose D have I lost

"f lf arvard0rphras*inhol,liscorrect,putaticl.l tli^li itisinrar'reci,rewriteitcarrectly

1 Hardly Tom had opened the door when the dog ran out into the street.
had Tom opened
2 Only when I read the book did I realise why it was so special.
3 Not only you passed the exam, but you also got an A! did you pass
4 Not until do I see Greg next week will I know whether he got the job.
I see
5 No sooner had we found our seats than the film began.
6 At no point while the race is taking place members of the public are not allowed
onto the track. are members of the public allowed
7 Under no circumstances do the equipment to be used without supervision.
is the equipment to be used
I Little ! thoLigE?t that one day my best friend lvould becorne prirne minister.
did I think
9 Never did I be so pleased to see someone else succeed.have I been
10 Hardly I had put the baby to bed when she started crying. had I put

D Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets.

No sooner (1) had I started (l / start) working at Taylforth Nielsen, the computer
company, than I realised it was the perfect opportunity for my hobby: hacking! Don't Eet me
wrong. At no point (2) have I (l / have) ever stolen anything. I do it for the
challenge. Not only (3) do I like (l / like) proving I can do it, but sometimes
(4) ................
it helps ........... (it / help) a company to build a better security system. Rarely
(s) do they see (they / see) it like that, of course. I decided I would see if I could
break into the Grand Bank system. Little (6) did I realise (l / realise) what was
waiting for me.
The second day of working there, hardly (7) had everyone else left (everyone else / leave)
when I started to try simple passwords. Seldom (8) is this (this / is)
enough, though. You usually have to work much harder than that. Not until midnight
(e) did I get (l / get) access to the Grand Bank system. Hardly
(10) had I had (l / have) time to look around the system when the door
to my office flew open and three men rushed in. Only when (11) they showed
(they / show) me their lD (12) did I realise (l / realise) that it was the police.
They had been expecting something like this and had traced my computer! Not only
was I fired they kept (they / keep) all my
computer records, too. Maybe itt time to find another hobby.


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1 Photographs are not permitted under any circumstances. lii

Under . no circumstances are photographs permitted
2 We've never faced such a serious problem as this.
Never before have we faced such a serious problem at this
3 Ionly realised it was Vanessa when she removed her hatr.
Only when Vanessa removed her hat did I realise it was her ................... .....................{......
4 The audience didnt laugh at any point during the show.
At no point during the show did the audience laugh

5 As soon as Patrick had finished the e-mail, he sent it.

No sooner had Patrick finished the e-mail than he sent it

6 lt wasn't clear who was going to win the match until the last few minutes.
Not ........
until the last few minutes was it clear who was going to win the match

7 Dennis passed his driving test and had an accident almost immediately afterwards.
Hardly had Dennis passed his driving test when he had an accident


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