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Time management: This includes prioritizing, For a stress-free life,

planning, setting
Back Panel goals and monitoring of the
Heading  Have some quiet time for yourself during
time. the day.
Effective communicating skills: This involves  Involve yourself in a meaningful activity.
learning to be assertive, using ‘I’ statements
This is a good place to briefly, but
 Express your feelings to someone who
especially whensummarize
effectively, one is expecting
your prod-a change in will listen.
the ucts

or services.
other person.Sales copy
cally not included here.
is typi-
KISS principle –

Short and Simple while

Eat a balanced diet.

Limit substance use.

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Resolving conflicts:
nonummy nibh It couldtincidunt
euismod be acknowledging
ut lacreet dolor et accumsan.
when there is a conflict and expressing

interest to resolve.

Changing thoughts: It involves identifying

stress producing thoughts and replacing

them with stress reducing thoughts. For

example a stress producing thought would be
‘My friends don’t like me. They think I am Stress Management and Lifestyle Clinic
boring. I will end up having no friends’ can be NIMHANS CENTRE FOR WELLBEING
Caption describing picture or graphic. 1/B, 9th main, 1st phase, 1st stage,
replaced with a stress reducing thought ‘My
BTM Layout, Bangalore– 560076
friends have told me several times that they Ph– 080 26685948/ 9480829670
like me and that I am fun to be with’ Email:
What is Stress? Physical Symptoms:
Stress is a part of everyday life. Stress • Aches and pains
is often the result of an imbalance between the •Digestive symptoms like diarrhoea or
demands made on the individual and the person’s constipation or nausea
ability to cope with these demands. However Coping strategies that deal with stress reac-
• Increased heart rate
stress is not always the same for everyone and tion are
• Decreased libido
what is stressful to one person may not be to Relaxation: Techniques like deep breathing,
• Shallow breathing and sweating
another. Stress is therefore a matter of progressive muscle reaction, mindfulness,
Behavioural Symptoms:
perception. In small quantities, stress is good; it guided imagery and, meditation, etc are
• Changes in appetite
can motivate you and help you become more helpful in reducing the negative impact of
• Changes in sleep pattern
productive. However, too much stress can be stress, and help in building coping skills.
• Staying aloof
harmful and may impact your health. Physical exercise: Taking some time to go out
 Increased use of alcohol or other substances
What are Stressors? for a brisk walk or a run, playing a sport,
Stressors are situations that provoke stress going to the gym or involving in any other
Coping Strategies
response. physical activities that one enjoys can help in
Coping is actually a set of efforts that people
How do we respond to stress? dealing with stress.
make to reduce the impact of stressful events.
There are many effects which have been Hobby: Involving in a creative or a skill building
At times these strategies are effective.
linked to the experience of stress. hobby like crafts, singing, gardening, cooking
However, at other times they may help only
Psychological Symptoms: etc. that provide contentment and
temporarily and alternative coping strategies or
 Difficulty in remembering, concentrating satisfaction can reduce stress
more than one strategy would be more
 Difficulty in taking decisions
appropriate. Coping strategies that deal with stressors are,
 Negative thinking
Problem solving: Directly focusing on the
 Constant worrying
Coping strategies can be used in two different problem can solve the stressful situation or
 Irritability
ways: problem at hand. This includes various
 Inability to relax
1. Coping strategies to deal with the stress strategies such as systematically trying to
 Feeling lonely
reaction solve the problem by finding alternatives and
 Sad mood
2. Coping strategies to deal with the stressors taking action.

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