Significant Aspect Analysis/Impact Register

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Revision: 5

Condition N / AN / E

Duration of Impact
Legal requirement

concern (Yes / No)

Business concern
Interested party

Significant OR
(Yes / No)


Dept. / area
Sl. No. Aspect ref. Activity Aspect Potential Impact Existing control measures Review Comments based on review conducted on 05.12.2015

Proper caution exercised while using paper so

as to avoid wastage. Efforts shall be made to
minimize the usage and recycle; the unprinted
Documentation / Printouts side is used for rough work in case of single
1 COM - 01 All departments Consumption of paper Depletion of resources N N N N 3 1 3 2 18 S
/ Report generation. sided printed sheet. Reference:
WI/Waste/01.And adoption of soft copies
through WBPMS and LPO to reduce
consumption of paper.
Sanctioning of estimates through soft copies followed. Package scheme
has reduced the consumption. Significant status continued, Monitoring to
be continued. Consumption monitoring through store issue register.

An account of printer cartridges consumed is

Consumption of toners, kept by EE (System). Spent printer cartridges
2 COM - 02 Computer Print outs All departments Depletion of resources N N N N 3 1 3 2 18 S
cartridges, ribbons etc are returned to the manufacturer / authorised Laser technology procurement planned. Once the procurement is done
distributor monitoring of consumption to be monitored. Consumption monitoring
through store issue register. Status remains as of now.

All the e-waste generated shall be collected

Disposal of used Printer
Land / soil and stored in one place and suitable buy-back-
3 COM - 02 Computer Print outs All departments ribbon, ribbon and toner N Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
contamination for-disposal mechanism with the supplier is in
place. To be made mandatory in PO for return to supplier. (Contracts). To be
collected at single point. Status remains

Disposal of obsolete all items of e-waste are safely stored by EE

PCB assemblies and Land / soil (System) for safe disposal after
4 COM - 03 Office activities All departments AN Y N N 3 2 1 2 12 S
defective electronic contamination consolidation.and disposal is ensured to
components (E-waste). authorised agency. Controls are in place. Waste generated are minimal. Significant status
remains unchanged.
Switching over to electronic chokes, high
efficiency fluorescent and CFL lamps and
Consumption of
using glass façade whereever possible;
electricity due to usage
5 COM - 04 Office activities All departments Depletion of resources N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I KSPHC is a leader in design and construction
of electrical lamps and
of Green buildings to facilitate energy All the electrical fittings in HO has been changed. LED 36 watts 2x2
consumption among the consumers of its fittings and LED street lights been installed. The data on power
products. consumption reveal reduction in consumption.
Preventive maintenance of all cooling
Board room, server equipment to be done regularly; AMC with
Leakage of Freon gas
6 COM - 05 Office activities room and new Ozone depletion AN Y N N 2 3 1 2 12 I suppliers in place; adoption of a phased plan to
from air conditioners.
premises replace all freon based air conditioners and AMC in place. No leakage observed. All the old Air conditioners are
refrigerators. phased out.

Usage of plastic for packed food items has

Generation of plastic Land / soil been reduced by Hotels itself. Minimum
7 COM - 06 Office activities All departments N N Y N 2 2 2 2 16 I
waste and disposal contamination plastics used is also disposed as per local
muncipality norms

Office activities - Usage

Contracts dept is monitoring the PUC of all Contract dept is monitoring emmission norms of all vehicals on a periodic
8 COM - 07 of vehicles for going to All departments Emission from vehicles Air pollution N Y Y Y 2 2 2 2 16 S
vehicals periodically. basis. Use of PMS for monitoring the project status has reduced movement
construction sites
of officials. Significant because of legal requirement
License from forest / required authority will be
Depletion of green obtained before tree felling is undertaken in
9 CONS - 01 Land clearance Construction site Cutting of trees N N Y N 3 2 2 1 12 I
cover the designated area. Green belt development
and planting of trees in the process.

Corporation can't control this process as the construction has to be done in

the identified area. However if any tree is cut, fresh planantion is done.

Erosion of top soil

10 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site Cutting of trees N N N N 2 2 2 1 12 I As above Corporation can't control this process as the construction has to be done in
the identified area. However if any tree is cut, fresh planantion is done.
Probability can be reduced to 2. No longer a significant aspect.

Prior to start of the project activity a detailed

study shall be conducted to determine the
likely consequences of deforestation leading to
Destruction of natural
11 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site Cutting of trees N N N N 2 2 2 1 12 I disruption of natural habitat and loss of
biodiversity suitable measures shall be planned
and implemented to eliminate or minimize
such ill effects.
Corporation can't control this process as the construction has to be done in
the identified area. However if any tree is cut, fresh planantion is done.

Contractors advised to ensure maintenance of

Consumption of diesel
machinery to be done regularly so as to have a
by diesel driven
12 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site Depletion of resources N N N N 1 2 2 2 8 I check on the quantity of diesel consumed;
excavating and other
periodical checking of FC, PUC, driver's
license, etc in place.

Status continues
Noise generation (by
13 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site Noise pollution N Y Y N 2 2 2 2 16 S As above
machinery) Status continues

Steps taken to ensure that the pollution levels

are within the limits. Suitable sheet structures
are erected to mitigate dust pollution to
neighbors suitable dust suppression measures
14 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site Dust generation Air pollution N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I such as periodic watering is undertaken to
minimize generation of dust. The excavated
earth shall be carried in trucks provided with
tarpaulin covers to mitigate dust release during
Status continues

Prior to start of the project activity, the

Generation of excavated Increase in demand for concerned Project Executive shall ensure
15 CONS - 01 Land excavation Construction site N N N N 1 2 2 1 4 I
soil land fill volume availability of suitable dumping site for
excavated debris.
Small site. Used in the same place. BC soil dumped in designated areas by
the civil authorities. Status continues
Use of chloropyriphos Chloropyriphos is usually diluted with water in
Ground water
16 CONS - 02 Pest control treatment Construction site and other anti-termite N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I the ratio 1:20 and then used thereby reducing
chemicals the chances of ground water contamination:
Surface water contamination is reduced by dilution. Status continues
Use of chloropyriphos Chloropyriphos is usually diluted with water in
17 CONS - 02 Pest control treatment Construction site and other anti-termite Soil pollution N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I the ratio 1:20 and then used thereby reducing
chemicals the chances of soil pollution
Status continues

Proper caution exercised while usage of

bitumen so as to avoid wastage. Usage of
18 CONS - 03 Water proofing Construction site Use of bitumen sheet Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I
bitumen sheets is reduced to a minimum
wherever possible
limited usage. Status Continues
Proper caution exercised while usage of LPG
19 CONS - 03 Water proofing Construction site Use of LPG Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
so as to avoid wastage. Status continues
Fire due to LPG Air pollution / Damage
20 CONS - 03 Water proofing Construction site E N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
catching fire to property / humans
Status continues

Transport of cement
Steps taken to ensure that the pollution levels
21 CONS - 04 Laying of PCC Construction site bags to mixing site and Air pollution N N N N 1 1 4 1 4 I
are within the limit. The cement bags shall
unloading; generation of
Status continues
Use of cement;
generation of empty Increase in demand for Cement bags are segregated and disposed as
22 CONS - 04 Laying of PCC Construction site N N N N 1 1 4 1 4 I
HMHDPE bags / PL land fill volume recyclable waste.
jute bags Status continues
Disposal of empty Conservation of
23 CONS - 04 Laying of PCC Construction site N N N N 1 1 4 1 4 I Positive impact. Advice to the contractor to
cement bags to recyclers resources by recycling
periodically dispose off empty bags to Status continues
Laying of column
Reuse of sheets is ensured to minimize the
24 CONS - 05 foundations and erection Construction site Use of plywood Depletion resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
of column currently reusable Sheets are used.
Laying of column
Disposal of used Conservation of Positive impact. Ensure used plywood is
25 CONS - 05 foundations and erection Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I
plywood for recyclers resources by recycling disposed off to a recyclers.
of column Status continues
Fabrication of beam Disposal of used Conservation of Ensure used plywood is disposed off to
26 CONS - 06 Construction site N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I
frames plywood for recyclers resources by recycling recyclers.
Status continues
Bar bending and cutting
27 CONS - 07 Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N N N N 1 2 3 1 6 I
with machine Status continues

Efforts taken to ensure the wastage is reduced

Use of steel and other Resource depletion; to a minimum. Economical Design is done to
28 CONS - 08 Fabrication of Shuttering Construction site items; generation of increase in demand for N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I reduce the usage of steel wherever possible.
waste land fill volume The scrap generated is disposed off through
vendors for recycling.

Reusage is done .
Disposal of waste
Conservation of
29 CONS - 09 Fabrication of Shuttering Construction site shuttering materials for N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I Positive impact
resources by recycling
recycling Status continues
Caution exercised while using shuttering oil.
30 CONS - 09 Use of shuttering oil Construction site Spillage of shuttering oil Land contamination N N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I Work carried out under supervision to avoid
wastage and usage is restricted to a minimum
Status continues

Wooden materials to be reused to minimize its

31 CONS - 10 Cutting of wood to size Construction site Use of resources Depletion of resources N N N N 3 2 2 1 8 I usage and disposed off for recycling.planting
of trees for all the projects is made mandatory.

Limited usage .
Steps taken to ensure that the pollution levels
are within limits. Suitable dust suppression
measures such as covering the wooden
32 CONS - 10 Cutting of wood to size Construction site Generation of dust Air pollution N N N N 2 1 3 1 6 I shavings and saw dust by tarpaulin sheets,
regular house keeping and disposal in covered
bags are undertaken to minimize generation of
Status continues
Disposal of wooden Conservation of
33 CONS - 10 Cutting of wood to size Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 P Positive impact
shavings and saw dust resources Status continues
Generating empty
34 CONS - 11 Silicon sealant gluing Construction site Land contamination N N N N 2 1 3 1 6 I Disposal at designated sites
containers Status continues

Generation waste
containing paint such as
Land contamination /
35 CONS - 12 Painting, vamishing Construction site waste cloth and disposal N N N N 2 3 3 1 18 S Disposal at designated sites
Water contamination Empty containeres are used by contractors. Clothes/POP covers used for
of empty containers of
paints and chemicals collecteing the paint waste to be segragated. Awareness to be given. Status
continues as the controls planned is not fully effective.

Storage of Paints and Land contamination /

36 CONS - 12 Painting, vamishing Construction site N N N N 2 3 2 1 12 I Normal storage condition
varnish Water contamination Paint storage is done normally at the end of the project cycle. Paints are
consumed within a week. Normal usage for a 12 PC quarters is around 170
Project Manager to ensure that adequate fire
Fire due to paint / Air pollution / Damage
37 CONS - 12 Painting, vamishing Construction site E N N N 2 3 1 1 6 I fighting arrangments are made at construction
thinner catching fire to property / humans
site. Status continues
Removing tiles from Generation of empty Increase in demand for
38 CONS - 13 Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I Disposal at designated sites
carton boxes carton boxes land fill volume Status continues
Removing tiles from Disposal of waste Conservation of
39 CONS - 13 Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 P Positive impact
carton boxes cardboard boxes resources by recycling
Status continues
cleaning and laying of
40 CONS - 14 Construction site Use of acid and water Water pollution N N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
tiles Status continues
Leakage / spillage of
41 CONS - 15 Storage of acid Construction site Water pollution AN N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
acid Status continues
Covering tiles with
Generation of waste Increase in demand for Wastes are segregated and disposed. WI /
42 CONS - 16 plaster of paris & plastic Construction site N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I
plastic materials land fill volume Wastemgmt / 01
sheet Status continues
Covering tiles with
43 CONS - 16 plaster of paris & plastic Construction site Use of resources Depletion of resources N N N N 2 1 3 1 6 I
sheet Status continues
Disposal of waste carton Recycling of waste Conservation of
44 CONS - 17 Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 P Positive impact
boxes materials resources Status continues
Carrying out sanitary
Increase in demand for
45 CONS - 18 piping & fitting Construction site Generation of waste N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I
land fill volume
installation Status continues
Installation of water /
sewage / fire dousing Increase in demand for
46 CONS - 19 Construction site Generation of waste N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I
water / recycled water land fill volume
lines Status continues
Carrying out electrical
Increase in demand for
47 CONS - 20 wiring, fixing controls Construction site Generation of waste N N N N 1 2 3 1 6 I
land fill volume
and switches Status continues
Construction / installation
Generation of debris and Increase in demand for Disposal at designated sites / disposal for
48 CONS - 21 of water storage sump Construction site N N N N 1 1 3 1 3 I
waste materials land fill volume reuse / recovery
and OH tanks
Status continues
Generation of sewage
Camping of workers at and other waste water at Land contamination /
49 CONS - 22 Construction site N N N N 2 2 3 1 12 I
project site workers' temporary Water pollution
residence around project
Status continues
Operation and
maintenance of sewage Recycling of water for Conservation of
Post handing over
50 CONS - 23 treatment plant sanitary and green belt resources; beneficial N Y N N 1 1 3 1 3 P Positive impact
subsequent to occupation watering purposes impact
of office / residences built
Status continues
Based on the type of waste generated it either
Installation of lifts,
Increase in demand for gets disposed / recycled. Recycling is done by
51 CONS - 24 controls and obtaining Construction site Generation of waste N Y N N 1 1 2 1 2 I
land fill volume sourcing it to a suitable vendor. Disposal is
done at nonagricultural land.
Status continues
Operation and Use of electricity for The usage of lifts will be after constrction.
52 CONS - 25 Construction site Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
maintenance of lifts operation Hence KSPHC&ID is not responsible .

Operation and Generation of waste oil, Generation of The usage of lifts will be after constrction.
53 CONS - 25 Construction site N Y N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
maintenance of lifts used grease hazardous wastes Hence KSPHC&ID is not responsible .
Prevention of ground
Construction of office Erecting cement KSPHC has included roof top rain water
water percolation;
54 CONS - 26 premises, living quarters, Construction site structures of large roof N N N N 2 3 2 2 24 S harvesting in all its construction projects to
depletion of ground
etc area improve the ground water level
water resource RWH is implemented in all the projects
Conservation of
Construction of rain Storage of roof top rain Rain Water harvesting is mandatory in all
55 CONS - 27 Construction site resource - beneficial N N N N 1 1 2 3 6 P
water harvesting systems water KSPHC construction projects
impact Status continues
Construction of rain Surface rain water led to Regeneration of ground Rain Water harvesting is mandatory in all
56 CONS - 27 Construction site N N N N 1 1 2 3 6 P
water harvesting systems rain water soak pits water source KSPHC construction projects
STP planned in big sites.
Construction, operation
57 CONS - 28 and maintenance of Construction site Use of water Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
swimming pool
Status continues
Construction, operation Use of chlorinating
58 CONS - 28 and maintenance of Construction site chemicals; spillage / Water pollution N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
swimming pool leak
Status continues
Usage of water during
Excess consumption of
construction for personal
59 CONS - 29 Construction site water for personal use Resource loss. N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I
purposes by on-site
by construction workers.
Status continues
Usage of water during
Whereever possible the sewage water is
construction for personal
60 CONS - 29 Construction site Sewage water Water pollution N N Y N 2 2 2 2 16 I disposed by connecting to the drainage system
purposes by on-site
available after
Status continues
Receiving and unloading Insist on maintenance of trucks to be done
Use of diesel driven depletion of limited
61 CONS - 30 of cement / Concrete Construction site N N N N 2 1 2 2 8 I regularly so as to have a check on the quantity
truck for transport resources
Blocks / materials of diesel consumed
Status continues
Receiving and unloading Insist on maintenance of truck to be done
Use of diesel driven Air pollution due to
62 CONS - 30 of cement / Concrete Construction site N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 S regularly and emissions are checked regularly
truck for transport exhaust gases
Blocks / materials to ensure they are within the prescribed limits.
PUC check in place. Status to be continued
It is ensured that the machinery employed are
Receiving and unloading
of recent vintage with adequate noise control
63 CONS - 30 of cement / Concrete Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 S
measures, and maintained in good working
Blocks / materials
condition. Status continues
Caution is exercised while storing diesel. The
quantity stored is also minimal thereby
Construction site / Potential for leak / Soil / ground water
64 CONS - 31 Storage of diesel AN N N N 3 3 1 1 9 I considerably reducing the potential for any
Office spillage pollution
spillage / leakage. Plastic diesel barrels stored
on wooden pallets
Status continues
Construction site / Fire due to diesel Air pollution / Damage
65 CONS - 31 Storage of diesel AN / E N Y Y 3 4 1 1 12 I
Office catching fire. to property / humans
Status continues
The quantum of welding done at sites is
Generation of waste
66 CONS - 32 Arc welding Construction site Air pollution N N N N 2 1 1 1 2 I minimal to have any adverse effect on the
gases / fumes
environment Status continues
Fire due to inflammable
materials (say dry grass) Air pollution / Damage
67 CONS - 32 Arc welding Construction site AN / E N Y Y 3 3 1 1 9 I
lying around catching to property / humans Very minimum. Fabrication done outside. Probability to be reduced as
fire well as duration of impact. No longer a significant aspect
68 CONS - 33 Gas cutting and welding Construction site Use of resources Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
Status continues
Fire due to inflammable All flammable materials are removed prior to
materials (say dry grass) Air pollution / Damage start of welding operations. Containers with
69 CONS - 33 Gas cutting and welding Construction site AN / E N Y Y 3 3 1 1 9 I
lying around catching to property / humans sand and water are kept close by to douse any Very minimum. Fabrication done outside. Probability to be reduced . No
fire accidental fire. longer a significant aspect
70 CONS - 34 Stone / slab cutting Construction site Dust generation Health hazard N N N N 3 2 1 2 12 I
Status continues
Based on the type of waste generated it either
Waste generation - Increase in demand for gets disposed / recycled. Recycling is done by
71 CONS - 35 External finishing Construction site N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
miscellanceous land fill volume sourcing it to a suitable vendor. Disposal is
done at designated sites.
Status continues

Installation, operation and Maintenance of transformers to be done

72 CONS - 36 maintenance of electrical Construction site Use of transformer oil Resource depletion N N N N 2 2 1 2 8 I regularly so as to have a check on the quantity
transformers of oil consumed
Status continues
Waste generated is sold as scrap for
73 CONS - 37 Aluminium fabrication Construction site Waste aluminum scrap Resource depletion N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
reprocessing Status continues
Increase in demand for
74 CONS - 38 Fabrication of scaffolding Construction site Waste generation N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
land fill volume Status continues
Signs put a relevant places to ensure that water
Water curing of RCC
75 CONS - 39 Construction site Use of water Depletion of resources N N N Y 2 2 3 2 24 S is not unduly wasted. Taps are checked
regularly for any possible leakages
Status continues
Fly ash based cement is used in all KSPHC
76 CONS - 40 Construction activity Construction site Use of cement Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
construction activities Status continues
77 CONS - 40 Construction activity Construction site Use of Sand Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
Status continues
78 CONS - 40 Construction activity Construction site Use of ballast Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
Status continues
Land contamination /
Site clinic - First Aid Construction site / Generation and disposal
79 CONS - 41 air pollution / water N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
facility Office of Biomedical waste
contamination Status continues
Demolition of old
80 CONS - 42 Construction site Generation of dust Air pollution N N N N 2 2 1 2 8 I
structures Status continues
Demolition of old
81 CONS - 41 Construction site Generation of Noise Noise pollution N N N N 2 1 1 1 2 I
structures Status continues
Maximum salvage of items is made from
Demolition of old Generation and disposal
82 CONS - 42 Construction site Land contamination N Y N N 2 2 3 2 24 S demolished debris. Rest construction waste is
structures of debris
used for road laying and reused. Status continues
Storage of un used and Fire due to wood Air pollution / Damage
83 CONS - 43 Construction site AN / E N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I
partly used wood catching fire to property / humans
Status continues
use of glass for windows Generation and disposal
84 CONS - 44 Construction site Land contamination N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
and other places of debris
Status continues
Consumption of All lifting equipment, tackles, hooks
Operation and
85 CONS - 49 Construction site moderately renewable Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I periodically tested and certified as per
maintenance of hoists
resources Construction Workers Welfare Act Status continues
Operation and Land contamination / Waste oil disposed off through licensed
86 CONS - 45 Construction site Use of oil / grease N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I Usage of hoists are very rare considering the height of the construction.
maintenance of hoists Water pollution reclaimer
Probability to be reduced. No longer a significant aspect
Movement of vehicles
Dust generation due to
87 CONS - 46 during construction Construction site Air pollution N N N N 2 1 3 2 12 I
movement of vehicles
period Status continues
Contractors should be instructed about the
Compacting by diesel
88 CONS - 47 Construction site Consumption of diesel Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I need for regular maintenance of fuel oil driven
operated vibrators
vibrators. Status continues
Maintenance of compacting machines to be
Compacting by diesel done regularly and emissions checked
89 CONS - 47 Construction site Exhaust emissions Air pollution N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 S
operated vibrators regularly to ensure they are within the
prescribed limits Status continues
Compacting by diesel
90 CONS - 47 Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N 2 2 1 1 4 I
operated vibrators Status continues

Repair / Maintenance of Generation of used oil Land contamination / Ensure disposal of used oil to licensed
91 CONS - 48 Construction site N Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
vibrators and disposal water contamination reclaimers. Ref:
Status continues
Records of maintenance of DG sets as per
Operation and Construction site / manufacturer's recommendations, exhaust
92 CONS - 49 Consumption of diesel Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I
maintenance of DG sets Office emission reports to be periodically checked.
Ref: Status continues
Records of maintenance of DG sets as per
Operation and Construction site / Air pollution due to
93 CONS - 49 Exhaust emissions N Y N N 3 3 2 1 18 S manufacturer's recommendations, exhaust
maintenance of DG sets Office exhaust gases
emission reports to be Status continues
Ensure that the DG set has a noise enclosure
Operation and Construction site /
94 CONS - 49 Noise generation Noise pollution N N N N 2 2 3 2 24 S as per standards specified. Check records of
maintenance of DG sets Office
noise levels outside the enclosure.
Status continues
Operation and Construction site / Generation of used oil Land contamination / Ensure disposal of used oil to licensed
95 CONS - 49 N Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
maintenance of DG sets Office and disposal Water contamination reclaimers.
Status continues
Use and maintenance of Construction site / Leakage of acid and Water pollution due to Maintenance carried out by trained personnel
96 CONS - 50 AN N N N 2 2 2 1 8 I
batteries/ups/invertors Office electrolytes spillage under supervision to avoid any
Status continues
Generation of dead
Use and maintenance of Water pollution; lead Ensure that spent batteries are returned to
97 CONS - 50 Construction site batteries; improper AN Y N N 3 3 1 2 18 S
batteries/ups/invertors poisoning suppliers; verification of records.
Disposal bye back. Usage is very less in sites. Probability to be reduced
Excess consumption of
Operation and
diesel due to operation
98 CONS - 51 maintenance of diesel Construction site Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
of equipment when not
driven compressor
Status continues
Operation and
99 CONS - 51 maintenance of diesel Construction site Exhaust emissions Air pollution N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I
driven compressor
Status continues

Operation and
Not to be used after 6 PM in urban / semi
100 CONS - 51 maintenance of diesel Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
urban areas
driven compressor
Status continues

Operation and
Generation of used oil Land contamination / Ensure disposal of used oil to licensed
101 CONS - 51 maintenance of diesel Construction site N Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
and disposal Water contamination reclaimers.
driven compressor
Status continues
Operation and Generation and improper
Lead contamination of Spent batteries are returned to suppliers in
102 CONS - 52 maintenance of fork lift Construction site disposal of used lead AN Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
water resources exchange of replacement
trucks acid batteries
Status continues
Operation and
Consumption of Periodic maintenance done to maintain it in
103 CONS - 53 maintenance of power Construction site Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
electrical power good working condition
saw Status continues
Consumption of diesel Vehicle FC, PUC, Driver's License papers to
104 CONS - 54 Receiving RMC Construction site by truck used for Depletion of resources N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 S be periodically checked to ensure compliance
transport with prescribed standards. Status continues
Vehicle FC, PUC, Driver's License papers to
Exhaust emissions from Air pollution due to
105 CONS - 54 Receiving RMC Construction site N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 S be periodically checked to ensure compliance
operation of truck exhaust gases
with prescribed standards. Q92
Status continues
Usage of trucks for Generation of used oil Land contamination /
106 CONS - 54 Construction site N Y N N 2 2 2 2 16 S
transporting RMC and disposal Water contamination Status continues
Vehicle FC, PUC, Driver's License papers to
107 CONS - 54 Receiving RMC Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N 2 2 3 2 24 S be periodically checked to ensure compliance
with prescribed standards. PUC along with trip sheet
108 CONS - 55 Batching plant operation Construction site Generation of dust Air pollution N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
Status continues
109 CONS - 55 Batching plant operation Construction site Generation of Noise Noise pollution N N N N 2 2 2 2 16 I
Status continues
Use of diesel for mixer To the maximum extent possible, mixers used
110 CONS - 56 Concrete mixing Construction site Depletion of resources N N N N 2 1 2 2 8 I
machine in KSPHC sites are run on electric power.
Status continues
Exhaust emissions from
Maintenance of mixer machines to be done
111 CONS - 56 Concrete mixing Construction site operation of concrete Air pollution N N N N 3 2 2 1 12 I
regularly and emissions checked
mixer Status continues

Generation of used oil

Land contamination /
112 CONS - 56 Concrete mixing Construction site by the Diesel engine and N Y N N 3 2 2 2 24 S
Water contamination
Status continues
Land Around 80% of the projects, RMC is used. In Awareness to the contractors to be improved. Designated washing area to
Washing of concrete
114 CONS - 56 Concrete mixing Construction site conatamination/water N N N N 1 2 3 2 12 I small projects, concrete mixers are used. For be used for washing. The layer formed after regular washing can be used
contamination coloumn work. for other filling work.

115 CONS - 56 Concrete mixing Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N 2 2 3 2 24 S Noise level to be monitored using a meter. Each division to procure the
KSPHC & ID is responsible until the
Operation of DG sets
116 CONS - 57 Construction site Use of diesel Depletion of resources N N N N installation. Once the building is handed over
after occupancy Even if KSPHC & ID is responsible for maintenance this is limited to any
the user dept is responsible for the operation.
defects observed and not for operation.
KSPHC & ID is responsible until the
Operation of DG sets
117 CONS - 57 Construction site Exhaust emissions Air pollution N Y N N installation. Once the building is handed over
after occupancy Even if KSPHC & ID is responsible for maintenance this is limited to any
the user dept is responsible for the operation.
defects observed and not for operation.
Occupants instructed about the need to
maintain the DG set in good condition to
Operation of DG sets
118 CONS - 57 Construction site Noise generation Noise pollution N Y N N provide optimum performance at low noise
after occupancy
levels. DG set provided will be of eco friendlyEven if KSPHC & ID is responsible for maintenance this is limited to any
type defects observed and not for operation.
Water / land pollution
Operation of DG sets Use of oil / grease; Occupants instructed to dispose off used oil
119 CONS - 57 Construction site by improper disposal N Y Y N
after occupancy generation of spent oil through licensed vendors. Even if KSPHC & ID is responsible for maintenance this is limited to any
defects observed and not for operation.
Use of batteries; Lead poisoning by Occupants instructed to exchange spent
Operation of DG sets
120 CONS - 57 Construction site generation of dead unauthorized lead N Y N N batteries for new ones with authorised Even if KSPHC & ID is responsible for maintenance this is limited to any
after occupancy
batteries recovery suppliers. defects observed and not for operation.
Oiling of shuttering Land contamination /
boards, To avoid water Work instructions issued to all for controlling
Oiling of shuttering
121 CONS-58 Construction site damage to casted contamination,when N Y N N 2 2 3 2 24 S the splilage of oil/uasge of oil for applying it to
concrete while spiled on ground while shuttering boards.
deshuttering. applying Status continues

The aspect & Impact register was reviewed on 25.11.2015 with the cross functional team (CFT) including representative from all divisions. A brief training was given during the meeting. Later the aspects and impact was reviewed in each divisions by the EEs and AEEs
along with site engineers. Based on the feedback received from ech division, the register is again reviewed at Head Offie on 05.12.2015. Accordingly the rating is reviewed. The comments received during external audit was also reviewed and the aspects are rated.

Approved By : Syed Nayeem Ahmed (MR & EE)

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