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Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Real-time water quality monitoring using Internet of Things

K. Saravanan & E. Anusuya & Raghvendra Kumar & Le Hoang Son

Received: 8 May 2018 / Accepted: 8 August 2018

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Abstract Water pollution is the root cause for many (Metro city of Tamilnadu state, India) for automatic cap-
diseases in the world. It is necessary to measure water turing of sensor data (pressure, pH, level, and energy
quality using sensors for prevention of water pollution. sensors). SCADA system is fine-tuned with additional
However, the related works remain the problems of com- sensors and reduced cost. The results show that the pro-
munication, mobility, scalability, and accuracy. In this posed system outperforms the existing ones and produces
paper, we propose a new Supervisory Control and Data better results. SCADA captures the real-time accurate
Acquisition (SCADA) system that integrates with the In- sensor values of flow, temperature, and color and turbidity
ternet of Things (IoT) technology for real-time water qual- through the GSM communication.
ity monitoring. It aims to determine the contamination of
water, leakage in pipeline, and also automatic measure of Keywords Sensors . Internet of Things . SCADA .
parameters (such as temperature sensor, flow sensor, color Water quality monitoring . Water distribution
sensor) in real time using Arduino Atmega 368 using
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) mod-
ule. The system is applied in the Tirunelveli Corporation

Pollution in any form (e.g., air, light, noise, soil contam-

K. Saravanan : E. Anusuya ination, radioactive contamination, thermal, and water)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna
University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
greatly impacts the quality of human life. The social
ecology and environmental conditions are influenced by
pollution. Due to growing urbanization, polluted ele-
K. Saravanan ments get increased every day. Though there were seven
types of pollutions exist, water pollution is one of the
E. Anusuya major problems in the world today (Smith et al. 2017). It
e-mail: occurs due to contaminations discharged directly or
indirectly into water bodies. The bitter truth is that only
R. Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, LNCT
2% of planet water is fresh and 0.036% of water is
College, Jabalpur, MP, India accessible for use (Kim et al. 2017). It was indicated
e-mail: that polluted water is the root cause for many diseases in
the world (Panfili et al. 2017). A recent report in
L. H. Son (*)
VNU Information Technology Institute, Vietnam National
(PressReader 2018) has shown that more than 14,000
University, Hanoi, Vietnam people die daily around the world in which 580 people
e-mail: in India die due to water pollution and related illness.
556 Page 2 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Recent studies in India have shown that water pollution In this paper, we propose a new SCADA system that
is the major environmental challenge (Ahmed and integrates with the IoT technology for real-time water
Ismail 2018). Dumping of waste and untreated sewage quality monitoring. The contribution is threefold: (i)
are the reason for water pollution and several diseases to Sensors module: easy integration of sensors by using
living hood. In many countries, dirty or contaminated plug and play; (ii) Communication module: use of wire-
water is still used as drinking water (Barabde and Danve less 4G/5G technologies for real-time transfer of
2015a). Even though the basic need of all living being is SCADA data to the cloud; and (iii) Report generation
water, its distribution in major cities still remains the module: data analytics is performed in the SCADA
problem of rainfall and water leakage in the pipeline server to generate reports in web and mobile applica-
(Creaco and Pezzinga 2015). Nowadays, contaminated tions. Here, monitoring and maintaining the quality of
water causes more disease such as diarrhea due to con- water across different stations in continuous manner are
tamination of water in the water distribution system done using the SCADA via wireless GSM module. It is
(Sun et al. 2017). efficient to detect contamination of water and analyze
There have been many researches done for mea- water quality regularly and automatically. Several com-
suring water quality using sensors for prevention ponents are used for measuring such as water tempera-
of water pollution. Details of those researches can ture, flow, pressure, pH, and color. Water quality is
be read in the BLiterature review^ section. In sum- measured in terms of physical and chemical parameters
mary, those systems are built on the basis of to determine the condition of water.
online and reagent-free water monitoring SCADA BLiterature review^ section shows the related studies.
systems in wired networks. However, they have The BProposed system^ section proposes architecture,
the following disadvantages: followed by hardware design in the BDesign^ section.
Then, the BExperiments^ section presents experiments.
a) Data transferred between sensors and the core net- Finally, the BConclusion^ section concludes the work.
work use satellite-based communication technolo-
gies, which are quite costly and less comparatively
speed (Saravanan 2017). The Internet of Things Literature review
(IoT) technology generates huge data more fre-
quently and also off-loads computation and storage Smart integrated water management with intelligent sens-
to the cloud. Hence, it is necessary to use advanced ing techniques has been used for real-time processing and
communication models. Cloud-based IoT is the cost monitoring of flow data, e.g., the automatic water flow
effective and reliable solution the for the many meter (Zhenan et al. 2013), microcontroller-based automat-
sensor applications (Saravanan and Saraniya ic water level control system (Ebere and Francisca 2013),
2018). Patient health monitoring in hospitals and and grid-based wide area water quality measurement sys-
animal livestock monitoring are using IoT devices. tems for surface water (Silva et al. 2011). In (Barabde and
b) Most of the existing SCADA systems store and Danve 2015b), water environment monitoring based on
process data in a centralized server which displays IoT was designed to capture sensor data on web platform
sensor values only in site locations. Due to mobility using cloud services. Water quality monitoring system
and easy access of the platform, it is necessary to using ZigBee network was used to send data to a target
generate reports through mobile platforms. area (Satish and Amruta 2013). SCADA system was
c) The existing SCADA systems lack scalability of implemented in many smart city projects for effective
sensors since most of them were made with pro- monitoring and controlling of devices. Specifically, a
grammable logic control (PLC) controllers with real-time system for determination of drinking water qual-
analog/digital modules. Thus, it is hard to add new ity with advanced contamination event detection algorithm
sensors. was given in (Devi and Abirami 2014). Multi-parametric
d) Accuracy of sensor values from devices is not con- sensors are reviewed extensively to assist water quality and
fident enough to make decisions since output cali- measure pH values (Lin et al. 2017). Challenges in mea-
bration happens in the existing SCADA systems. suring water quality were illustrated in (Wong and Kerkez
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)-based SCADA IoT 2016, b). Water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen
alleviates this problem and improves the accuracy. level are measured and collected using IoT-based sensors
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 3 of 16 556

Flow Sensor
Temperature Sensor Colour Sensor Tank


Server GSM Module Mobile


Fig. 1 Architecture of the proposed water quality monitoring system

(Pranata et al. 2017). Light weight and low-cost turbidity electrochemical and optical sensors was implemented
sensors are used with Light Emitting Diode (LED) trans- to assess water contamination in drinking water distri-
mitter, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) receiver, and PIC bution systems (Lambrou et al. 2014). Hydraulic net-
16F777 processor for instant monitoring of water quality work simulation models are linked with SCADA system
in domestic environments (Azman et al. 2016). Water and to extract consistent data from sensors (Riis 2016).
air monitoring system with four slave robots (two robots Federated SCADA was proposed for the integration of
for air; another two for water) was developed in (Agarwal interoperated and associated SCADA systems using
et al. 2018). IoT-enabled master drone can monitor the common information space (Stoian et al. 2016). IoT-
conditions and alert the authorities when the water/air based monitoring sensors to detect water quality param-
contaminations found. An adaptive Kalman filtering burst eters (e.g., pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and
and leakage detection algorithm is implemented for con- turbidity) were proposed in the Kerala state (Ramesh
tinuous monitoring of intermittent water distribution net- et al. 2017). Similarly, Short Message Service (SMS)-
work (IWDN) to reduce the water loss due to leaks and based water level indication system with secure IoT was
bursts (Afifi et al. 2018). IoT-based solutions for monitor- given (Parameswari and Balasingh 2018a, b). Cloud-
ing the different aspects such as health conditions and based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) scheme to
environments are proposed in different applications. monitor the pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen
Saravanan and Srinivasan (2017) listed the IoT applica- parameters from wastewater was implemented using
tions used in various cloud platforms. ThingSpeak platform (Zakaria and Michael 2017). Sim-
An effective water pollution detection approach is ilar parameters were measured using Message Queuing
proposed based on hypothesis testing and algorithm Telemetry Transport algorithm (Mir and Mehwish
with implementation examples (Luo and Yang 2017). 2017). Secure Elliptic-Curve Cryptography algorithm
Another real-time, in-pipe water monitoring using was developed for data transfer and storage of water

Fig. 2 Block diagram of water monitoring device

556 Page 4 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Fig. 3 Block diagram for automatic water quality monitoring using Arduino

monitoring sensor data in the cloud (Jegadeesan et al. Proposed system

2018). Turbidity and Rotobotix sensors were proposed
for smart city water supply using IoT. It can be used to Architecture
find the water leakage in the pipelines. Wifi-based water
quality monitoring using pH, turbidity and flow sensors The architecture of water quality monitoring system (see
were implemented in Arduino Uno module (Kamaludin Fig. 1) consists of various sensors, communication mod-
et al. 2017). Others can be referred in (Asalmol et al. ule, and centralized server. In this architecture, sensors
2017; Anusuya and Saravanan 2017; Deutsch et al. are fitted in the pipeline and used to measure quality of
2018; Huang et al. 2017; Jácome et al. 2018; Jindal water in terms of temperature, color, and flow. Then, the
et al. 2017a, b; Wong and Kerkez 2016, b). sensed data are sent to General Packet Radio Service

Fig. 4 Block diagram of quality sensing unit (transmitting unit)

Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 5 of 16 556

Fig. 5 Block diagram of the

monitoring sensing unit
(receiving unit)

(GPRS) module. If water quality is unusual and any automatic reporting of the data. The proposed system
issues found in the sensor measurement, SCADA can consists of three modules:
control the GSM module to send data to the monitoring
center. At the same time, data are also sent to mobile i. Sensor module: This sensor block is the input for the
phone, which is easy to take instant decisions accord- system with interface parameters such as temperature
ingly. Sensor analytics can be viewed in the SCADA sensor, flow sensor, and color sensor from stations.
multidimensional report platform. ii. Processing module: This block is for processing
sensed data from the sensor module. It is used to
monitor water quality condition by using sensor
Block diagram of water monitoring devices parameters sent to the Arduino UNO (stands for
one in Italy) microcontroller.
The real-time water quality monitoring system (Fig. 2) iii. Communication module: This block is used for
consists of information tracking, storing, and continuous communication between the sensor module and
processing in the water distribution system and processing module with the help of the GPRS
modem which connect Arduino microcontroller
to the Internet. Through the mobile handheld de-
vices or Personal Computers (PCs) connected to
Start the GPRS modem, status of water contamination
level is sent to the server, so that the details of the
water distribution are displayed in the web page.
Inialize the sensor and geng value from sensor
GPRS provides mobile communication between
mobile users and the network with high-speed
Result of the sensor sends to the Arduino board wireless Internet Protocol (IP). The data rate up to
12 MBPS (megabyte per second).

Arduino values ≥
Threshold value
Block diagram for automatic water quality monitoring
using Arduino
The sense data goes to the GSM module and send The block diagram of Arduino Uno module with its
the status of the water module connected components is depicted in Fig. 3 for
automatic water quality monitoring sensors. The
Respecve user can get the report from the web system consists of three parts: sensor unit with
page different types of sensors, transmitting unit consists
of an Arduino Uno microcontroller to process the
data, and in the receiving unit, GSM modem con-
nects to the Internet. Then, data and status of water
Fig. 6 Flow chart for water quality monitoring system contamination are displayed on the web server.
556 Page 6 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Fig. 7 Circuit diagram for water quality monitoring system

Block diagram for transmitting and receiving unit Quality sensing unit

The proposed system water quality monitoring sys- Quality sensing unit, otherwise termed as transmitting
tem based on WSN can be divided in two parts unit is illustrated in Fig. 4. It consists of temperature
below. sensor, flow sensor, color sensor, a controller, and

Water monitoring Colour sensor

LM35 temperature system
sensor Arduino uno + GPRS

Flow sensor Pipe

Fig. 8 Hardware setup for water quality monitoring device in pipeline
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 7 of 16 556

Fig. 9 Hardware implementation

for water quality monitoring
device in pipeline

communication module. Here, the sensor data are given Flow chart for water quality monitoring system
to the microcontroller (ATmega 368). The inbuilt ADC
converts the analog signal to digital signal for further Flow chart of water quality monitoring system (Fig. 6)
processing with the help of the communication module. has two conditions to be performed to attain the desired
The sensor data is visualized in the Liquid Crystal results. If the observed value is equal to the threshold
Display (LCD) panel. Also, this data are forwarded to value, sensed data goes to the GSM module and it will
monitoring sensing unit via GSM/GPRS modem. send to the respective user. If the observed value is not
equal to the threshold value, it will go to the first step, to
Monitoring sensing unit get the sensor value.

The monitoring sensing unit (receiving unit) is the com- Circuit diagram for water quality monitoring system
munication system for transfer of sensors data. It is the
remote monitoring device (illustrated in Fig. 5) which The circuit design of water quality monitoring system is
consists of GSM/GPRS module to receive the data from plotted in Fig. 7. The temperature sensor has three pins:
the quality sensing unit. These data will be fed to a power supply pin which is connected to the Arduino board
server PC via GSM modem. The obtained value will with + 5 v, GND represents the ground pin, which is
be represented in graphical representation and it will be connected to Arduino board in GND, and then the data
stored for further reference. Also, data are compared pin, which is known as the output pin, is connected in
with the threshold values of the predefined water pa- Arduino board as 4th pin. The flow sensor has three pins,
rameters. If the obtained value does not match, SMS will power supply and ground pin connected to the Arduino
be sent to the authorized user to take the measures in the board and the data pin connected as 5th pin to the Arduino
water quality monitoring system. board. The color sensor has eight pins, s0, s1, s2, s3, and

Fig. 10 Hardware
implementation of water quality
monitoring system
556 Page 8 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Table 1 Temperature sensor Table 3 Turbitidy sensor

Parameters Details Parameters Details

Model LM 35 Model WQ770-B

Operating temperature range − 55 to 150 °C Maximum pressure 30 psi
Scale factor .01 V/°C Method Nephelometer with correction
Supply 60 μA Output 4–20 mA
Accuracy ± 0.4 °C (at room temperature) Operating Temperature − 10 to + 50 °C
Accuracy ± 0.8 °C range of 0 to + 100 °C

modem to verify the status of water contamination with

s4; these pins are connected as 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th pin to the help of the Arduino Uno board.
the Arduino board. LED pin is connected as 13th pin to the
Arduino board. Data pin is connected as 14th pin in the
Arduino board. Power supply and ground pin also con- Hardware implementation for water quality monitoring
nected in the Arduino board. The LCD display is connect- device in pipeline
ed in the Arduino board and then, the GSM module is also
connected with the Arduino board with the help of the Hardware implementation of the proposed system
Max232 cable. In the GSM modem, it represents two pins with required hardware is shown in Fig. 9 in the
called as TX and RX, which are connected to the Arduino water pipeline. In the pipeline, the two ends con-
board. nected with the flow sensor, to measure the running
flow of the water in Litre Per Minute (LPM). If the
observed value is lesser than the threshold value
then it indicates the leakage in the pipeline. If the
Design observed value is equal to the threshold value, it
indicates the normal flow of the water. If the ob-
Hardware setup of water monitoring device served value is greater than the threshold value, it
indicates the overflow of the water. The temperature
The hardware setup design to deploy the sensors in sensor is placed in the pipeline to measure the water
pipeline with the water quality monitoring device is temperature. If the observed temperature value is
presented in Fig. 8. The sensors are placed directly in equal to the threshold temperature then, it indicates
the pipeline, and the sensed data are sent to GSM that the normal temperature of the water. If the
observed temperature value is greater or lesser than
the threshold temperature, it indicates the hot or cold
Table 2 Flow sensor temperature of the water. The color sensor is used to
Parameters Details find whether the water is contaminated (or) not. If
the water is dirty, it will be indicated in the RGB
Model YF-S201 ratio with the range of 0–255. The steps involved in
Sensor type Hall effect the color sensor are:
Working voltage 5 to 18 V DC
(min tested working voltage 4.5 V)
a) The color sensor value is identified by the primary
Max current draw 15 mA @ 5 V
color RGB, which is a human understandable
Output type 5 V TTL
Flow rate pulse characteristics Frequency (Hz) = 7.5* Flow rate (L/min)
Pulses per liter 450
b) Then, the RGB value is converted to the hex value
Durability Minimum 300,000 cycles to find the color of the water to identify which type
of the contamination is mixed in it.
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 9 of 16 556

Fig. 11 Output screenshot for temperature sensor

c) The results of the hex value are related to the color presented in Fig. 10. The proposed water quality mon-
name, which indicates the water color is contami- itoring system device was implemented in hardware
nated or not. with the help of the temperature sensor, flow sensor,
color sensor, Arduino microcontroller, Relay, Submers-
ible Motor and GSM modem. The system is designed
for easy operation, small size, lightweight, high sensi-
Hardware implementation of water quality monitoring tivity, and low cost. The system consumes low power
system and the advantage of the proposed system is to reduce
the manpower. The aim is to ensure the safe drinking
The water quality monitoring system is designed using water, with the help of the GSM modem which is used
ATmega 328 Microcontroller. Arduino code is written to receive the data and then, the controller unit is used to
in embedded C programming language using the send the sense data which is from the sensor. It shows
ARDUINO IDE1.6.5 and compiled, uploaded to the the result immediately; when the abnormal condition is
ATmega 328 microcontroller. The water quality moni- happened in the water distribution system, the informa-
toring system is implemented with sensor, ATmega 328 tion is transmitted to the authenticated user by means of
microcontroller and GSM modem. The hardware model the mobile phone through GSM modem then, the user
deployment with water quality monitoring system is can take the action of the device. These all are viewed by

Fig. 12 Raw water vs. filtered

water graph
556 Page 10 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Fig. 13 Water temperature graph

the central room monitoring system called SCADA distribution in various water pumping stations. All sta-
system. These systems are used to collect the data com- tions are equipped with various sensors to monitor flow,
ing from sensors of different stations. These results are level, and pressure pH value and power consumption of
sent in the real time to the respective user. running pumps. The centralized SCADA server can
receive these sensors data in real time and process the
data for report generation. As part of the implementation
Experiments of our proposed system, we integrate three sensors such
as temperature, turbidity, and color sensors with the
The proposed real-time monitoring device is designed existing SCADA. Also, these sensor values are commu-
using ATmega 328 microcontroller. The code is written nicated to SCADA server using GSM instead of the
for Arduino are known as sketches in embedded C. satellite communication. Table 1 discusses about the
Once the program is compiled and run, the TX and temperature sensor with different parameters. Table 2
RX LED’s in Arduino board LED flash. shows the flow sensor with different parameters. Table 3
discusses about the turbitidy sensor.
Evaluation metrics The implemented system is evalu-
The proposed system is tested at Tirunelveli City Cor- ated with several metrics such as time, accuracy, and
poration (Tamilnadu, India) to monitor water data rate. All these sensor values are live streaming to

Fig. 14 Water temperature graph

for different stations
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 11 of 16 556

Fig. 15 Flow of water in

different stations

SCADA server for immediate reporting purposes. Ac- the updated values in the monitoring device. The output
curacy of the sensors are evaluated with the actual of the monitoring device displays the result in the an-
output values. Also, these sensor values are dependent droid application. The web server updates results from
in proportion. e.g., flow and pressure sensor values are the server via GSM technology and displays the results.
direct proportional. Hence, it is important to measure
and evaluate the dependancy between sensor metrics.
Performance analysis
The comparative parameter values between raw water
The results of temperature sensor values captured in the and filtered water are presented in Fig. 12. Here, the
android device are plotted in Fig. 11. The average water graph represents comparison between the natural water
temperature is 17 °C. If it falls below the average value, and tap water. The graph shows the result of the raw
water temperature is cold and if it is above the average water which is known as the natural water and the
value, water temperature is hot. It also shows the output filtered water which is known as tap water.
for temperature sensor through the webpage. The mon- The temperature of the water in raising pattern is
itoring device makes the protected environment by set- plotted in Fig. 13, when the water is heated. Here, the
ting the unique IP address to authenticate the user to see graph represents the temperature measured by the sensor

Fig. 16 RGB color ratio of water

in different stations
556 Page 12 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

Fig. 17 Water monitoring IoT

sensors in Kurukuthurai
headworks graph

in every 5-s interval. It is measured by a LM35 temper- supply the water by gravity. This RGB value indicates
ature sensor. The temperature is defined in the °C. the clarity of the water based on the reflections in the
Temperatures of the water in different water dis- suspended particles in the water.
tribution stations (usually Pump houses, Booster There were various headworks (in which water is
stations, and Over Head Tanks) in Tirunelveli Metro pumped from the river water to sump and then to Over-
Corporation are plotted in Fig. 14. This temperature head Tank) as part of the water distribution pipeline of
is an average value taken at different times from the the city. These are the source of bringing the river water
stations. to the citizens. Fig. 17 shows the water monitoring IoT
Similarly, Fig. 15 indicates the flow sensor values in system in Kurukuthurai headwork station. The graph
different stations. It is useful to measure the flow of the shows that the water monitoring sensor values taken in
water during the inlet and outlet opening of the valves. the continuous manner in the Kurukuthurai headworks.
The difference between two flow sensors placed in the Here, the graph shows the time vs. range, which
both end of longer water pipeline can help to identify the depicted the water monitor continuously by every hour
water loss and leakage. in the headworks. As the values are taken in real time
The RGB color ratio of water based on the turbidity with the running water of river flow, it varies at different
values is shown in Fig. 16 in different stations. These times of the day. The cumulative flow for the day gives
stations are water distribution Over Head Tanks to the MLD supplied from the specific station.

Fig. 18 Comparison between

proposed and existing methods
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556 Page 13 of 16 556

Table 4 Comparative analysis

No Criteria Existing methods Proposed work

1 Sensors pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen is only dealt Temperature, turbidity and color sensors
(Pranata et al. 2017; Lin et al. 2017; Ramesh et al. 2017)
2 Micro controller Microcontroller not integrated with IoT (Ebere and Francisca 2013) Arduino Uno integrated with IoT
3 Communication ZigBee (Satish and Amruta 2013, Wifi (Kamaludin et al. 2017) GPRS with 4G Volte
GSM/GPRS (Zhenan et al. 2013)
4 SCADA server Local area network (LAN)/satellite-based transfer of data Web/mobile-based transfer of data
(Asalmol et al. 2017; Zhenan et al. 2013)
5 Speed Relatively low (Satish and Amruta 2013; Lambrou et al. 2014) High speed networks
6 SCADA platform Proprietary (Zakaria and Michael 2017; Riis 2016) Open-source platforms

The comparison between the proposed and existing c) Reports are immediately available to operators in
SCADA monitoring system (Stoian et al. 2016) is each station to take the decisions, which is the
shown in Fig. 18. It is derived that proposed IoT system primary advantage of SCADA system.
outperforms the existing in terms of sensors, communi- d) New sensors can be easily added in the proposed
cation, and technology. IoT SCADA network, which increases scalability
Table 4 represents different metrics between the pro- and reliability.
posed system and the existing ones in (Zhenan et al.
2013; Lambrou et al. 2014; Stoian et al. 2016; Asalmol
et al. 2017; Parameswari and Balasingh 2018a). The The minimum and maximum ranges supported by
proposed method accelerates the existing works in the the different communication modules are shown in
following ways: Fig. 19. The graph represents different modules com-
pared to different GSM communication modules.
a) Satellite-based communication is replaced with Sum up the advantage of the proposed system:
GPRS-based communication. Availability of 4G/
5G with high-data rate speed greatly helps the com- Sensors: Existing sensors are computational inten-
munication overhead and importantly the network sive and not connected to IoT network. They act as
speed. standalone sensor devices. The proposed IoT-based
b) Integrated sensor with the help of IoT is de- system has the capability to off-loading the compu-
ployed to analyze the accuracy of data in real tation in the cloud, thus make them thin devices and
time. As these sensors are part of IoT networks, part of sensor nodes.
they can share data among different water dis- Microcontroller: Most of the SCADA systems are
tribution stations in the city. made with PLC controller. Now the proposed

Fig. 19 Range vs.

communication module
556 Page 14 of 16 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:556

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