CELCHA2 Prac Manual 2021

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BEng Tech




1. Preliminary Note ___________________________________________________________ 3
2. General Instructions ________________________________________________________ 4
3. Laboratory Safety __________________________________________________________ 5
4. Guidelines for Technical Report Writing ________________________________________ 9
5. Lab Assignments __________________________________________________________ 14
Gas Diffusion Coefficient _________________________________________________________ 14
Liquid Diffusion Coefficient _______________________________________________________ 20
Heat Exchanger _________________________________________________________________ 24
Lab Practicals __________________________________________________________________ 29
Fluid Dynamics _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pumps ________________________________________________________________________ 32
Fluid Mixing Apparatus __________________________________________________________ 36
Course Information and Laboratory Schedule _____________________________________ 47

1. Preliminary Note

 You MUST arrive for your Practical on time. Please ensure that you study the Lab
rooster carefully.

 Before entering the lab please make sure that you have read and understood the
Laboratory Safety rules.

 Please do not place your bags in the walkway. There are designated areas in the lab
where you must place your bags.

 All Practicals will be conducted according to the Lab rooster. Please follow the schedule
as per Lab rooster.

 If you have missed a Practical, please provide a doctor’s note or valid reason (according
to UJ’s policy) to the respective Laboratory Assistant, so that you could be given an
opportunity to perform the Practical.

 Any misbehavior in the lab will mean that you will be asked to leave the lab with
immediate effect, and you will get zero for the practical.

 You are to listen to your Laboratory Assistant at ALL times. Failure to do so will mean
expulsion from the lab.

 Lab Assignments need to be submitted within 5 working days.

 Lab Practical report need to be submitted within 10 working days.

 Late submissions of assignments/practical reports will be considered invalid and you will
obtain a zero mark for the assignment/practical.

2. General Instructions
A. Clothing requirements

 Closed shoes.
 Long sleeves (not loose fitting).
 Unless it is hot, long pants to be worn.
 No dangling items of clothing or jewelry.

B. General Laboratory checks

 Always do a visual check on the area in which you are working. Look for a fault that
stands out.
 Is there any water on the floor? Wipe before you start.
 Are your shoes slipping on the floor? Make sure you walk carefully.
 Are you working with dangerous chemicals? If so make sure that you are provided with
the necessary safety gear (gloves, respirators for volatile gases and safety goggles for
corrosive substances and other volatile substances).
 If you are working with flammable substances, ask the Laboratory Assistant where the
nearest fire extinguisher can be located.

Be aware of the other practical in progress in the laboratory. If there is an accident anywhere in
the lab it will affect you and your peers.

C. Specific equipment used

 Think of what emergencies you could encounter while using this piece of equipment.
What could go wrong? Then decide on the quickest and safest way of dealing with it.
Keep that in the back of your mind just in case.
 You need to obtain a good idea of what needs to be done and what the aim of the
practical is before you start.
 Do not touch the equipment until the Laboratory Assistant has explained to you on how
to use it.
 Do not fiddle with any equipment settings unless you are instructed to do so.
 Make sure that you know if any part of the equipment is going to be hot. Do not touch it
with your bare hands!

Report any breaks or damage done to the equipment to the Laboratory Assistant. PLEASE do not
hide the damage. It may result in someone from another group being severely injured.

D. Behavior in the laboratory

 No cell phones on!! The Staff members may have theirs on for employment reasons.

 No loud talking or yelling.

 No man-handling of each other.

 No touching any equipment that is not directly involved in your practical.

3. Laboratory Safety

The University of Johannesburg is committed to providing a safe laboratory environment for its
staff, students and visitors. All laboratory workers should be aware of the properties and
potential hazards of chemicals they use in the laboratory. Chemical manufacturers or
distributors perform an assessment of the physical and health hazards of each chemical they
produce. This information is included in a material safety data sheet (MSDS) and, in part, on
container labels. A copy of the MSDS sheets is available on file in the laboratory for easy

Safe laboratory practices attempt to limit the exposure of chemical hazards to the laboratory
user. In devising procedures the user should be aware of what is a safe exposure, and proper
handling techniques. The following criteria are used to determine and implement control
measures to reduce exposures to hazardous chemicals.


 Exposure Monitoring

Exposure monitoring is conducted upon request if there is reason to believe that exposure levels
for a particular substance may routinely exceed either the action level or the permissible
exposure limit set forth by Occupational Safety and Health Act 85 of 1993 (OSHA).

 Control Measures

Engineering controls are the primary means of control for exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Local ventilation, including fume hoods, ducted bio-safety cabinets, glove boxes, vented storage
cabinets, and vented canopies are the most common types of engineering controls.
Protective equipment, including gloves, face shields, safety glasses, safety goggles, lab coats and
aprons, are used when engineering controls are not sufficient to adequately control exposure.
Specifically, this equipment is used to prevent exposure to the skin or eyes. Personal protective
equipment is carefully selected to ensure that it is compatible with the chemicals used.
Information about selection of appropriate protective equipment is available from the laboratory

 Administrative Controls

It may be necessary to supplement engineering controls and protective equipment with

administrative controls, such as restricting access to an area, restricting use of particular
chemicals to a limited group of people, or limiting the length of exposure. Laboratory and office
space should be separated as much as possible to minimize inadvertent chemical exposure.
Chemicals should only be stored and used in the laboratory. Food and beverages should
NEVER be brought into or consumed in the laboratory.

 Particularly Hazardous Substances

Particularly hazardous substances are defined to include select carcinogens, reproductive toxins
and substances that have a high degree of acute toxicity (such as cyanides and dimethyl

 Reproductive toxin includes any chemical that may affect the reproductive capabilities
including chromosomal damage (mutations) and effects on fetuses (teratogenesis).

 High acute toxicity includes any chemical that falls within any of the following

A chemical with a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 mg or less per kg of body weight when
administered orally to certain test populations. A chemical with an LD50 of 200 mg or less per kg
of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours (or less if death occurs
within 24 hours) to certain test populations. A chemical with a median lethal concentration
(LC50) in air of 200 parts per million (ppm) by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2mg/l or less of
mist, fume, or dust, when administered to certain test populations by continuous inhalation for
one hour, provided such concentration and/or condition are likely to be encountered by humans
when the chemical is used in any reasonably foreseeable manner.

A hazardous substances list is filed in the lab and is available for perusal on request.

 Controlling Chemical Exposure


Personal protective equipment (PPE) is special gear used to protect the wearer from specific
hazards of a hazardous substance. It is a last resort protection system, to be used when
substitution or engineering controls are not feasible. PPE does not reduce or eliminate the
hazard, protects only the wearer, and does not protect anyone else.

PPE includes gloves, respiratory protection, eye protection, and protective clothing. The need for
PPE is dependent upon the type of operations and the nature and quantity of the materials in use,

and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Workers who rely on PPE must understand the
functioning, proper use, and limitations of the PPE used.

 Eye protection

 Safety glasses

Safety glasses look much like normal glasses but have lenses that are impact resistant and frames
that are far stronger than standard street-wear glasses. Safety glasses must have side shields and
should be worn whenever there is the possibility of objects striking the eye, such as particles,
glass, or metal shards.

 Chemical Splash Goggles

Chemical Splash Goggles should be worn when there is potential for splash from a hazardous
material. Like safety glasses, goggles are impact resistant. Chemical splash goggles should have
indirect ventilation so hazardous substances cannot drain into the eye area.

 Protective clothing and footwear

When the possibility of chemical contamination exists, protective clothing that resists physical
and chemical hazards should be worn over street clothes. Lab coats are appropriate for minor
chemical splashes and spills, while plastic or rubber aprons are best for protection from corrosive
or irritating liquids. Disposable outer garments (Tyvek suits) may be useful when cleaning and
decontamination of reusable clothing is difficult. Loose clothing (such as overlarge lab coats or
ties), skimpy clothing (such as shorts), torn clothing and unrestrained hair may pose a hazard in
the laboratory.

Shoes should be worn at all times in buildings where chemicals are stored or used. Perforated
shoes, sandals or cloth sneakers should not be worn in laboratories or where mechanical work is
conducted. Such shoes offer no barrier between the laboratory worker and chemicals or broken

Chemical resistant overshoes or boots may be used to avoid possible exposure to corrosive
chemical or large quantities of solvents or water that might penetrate normal footwear

Not only can many chemicals cause skin irritation or burns, but also absorption through the skin
can be a significant route of exposure to certain chemicals. Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO),
nitrobenzene, and many solvents are examples of chemicals that can be readily absorbed through

the skin into the bloodstream, where the chemical may cause harmful effects. Protective gloves
should be worn when handling hazardous materials, chemicals of unknown toxicity, corrosive
materials, rough or sharp-edged objects, and very hot or very cold materials. When handling
chemicals in a laboratory, disposable latex, vinyl or nitrile examination gloves are usually
appropriate for most circumstances.

4. Guidelines for Technical Report Writing
4.1 What is technical writing?

Technical writing generally is written reports, grants, proposals, and other similar papers. Aside
from writing ethically, the main goal of technical writing is to convey information precisely and

Simply put, being ethical in writing implies not making up data, not making up sources,
not taking credit for what’s not yours, and citing your sources accurately. Misleading
information in a technical report can lead to incorrect conclusions.

 Some guidelines are:

 Be accurate in your work

 Be honest in your work
 Honor your obligations
 Don’t use the ideas of others without giving proper credit.
 Don’t violate copyright laws
 Don’t lie with statistics
 Don’t hide truth with ambiguity.

4.2 Why do Chemical Engineers need to write technical reports?

Chemical Engineers need to be good, clear technical writers in order to communicate better.

 Engineering students generally have several misconceptions about technical writing:

 Engineers are naturally poor writers.
 Writing is not important for engineers.
 The rules for writing technical prose are different from those for non technical prose.

The first two misconceptions tend to go together with some sort of reciprocal justification, and
we simply contradict them. The third is mistaken impression gained from wide exposure to

Engineers are not poor writers naturally. They may learn to be poor writers, or may not gain
good writing skills. Writing well comes from practice. Reports and papers are one of the main
methods for scientist and engineers to report their research to each other. And, contrary to
popular belief, proper grammar is extremely important in technical writing. The rules for proper
non-technical and technical writing are the same.

4.3 General Guidelines for better writing

One main goal in writing reports is having readable writing.

The first principle of readable writing: Express important actions as verbs, and the characters
associated with those actions as the subjects of those verbs.
The second principle of readable writing: Keep subjects as short as possible so that sentences
move quickly from short, specific subject to an action verb.
The third principle of readable writing: Sentences should begin with old information and end
with new information. As chemical engineers we need to be sure to make ethical decisions in the
work place.

4.3.1 Overview on report writing

This section describes a general format for lab reports that one can adapt as needed.
Lab reports are the most frequent kind of document written in engineering and can count for as
much as 25% of a course and yet so little time is devoted to write good reports.

Regardless of the variations, however, the goal of lab reports remains the same. A good lab
report does more than present data; it demonstrates the writer’s comprehension of the concepts
behind the data. Merely recording the expected and observed results is not sufficient; you should
also identify how and why differences occurred, explain how they affected your experiment, and
shows your understanding of the principles the experiment was designed to examine. Bear in
mind that a format, however helpful, cannot replace clear thinking and organized writing. You
still need to organize your ideas carefully and express them coherently.

4.3.2 Typical Components (Format) of a Technical report

Title page
Declaration and Acknowledgment
Table of Contents
Experimental Procedure
Results and Discussions
It is recommended that each heading should start on a new page.
Font size: 12, NORMAL
Headings: 14, BOLD
Subheadings: 12, BOLD

What you need to put under the different headings

 Title Page (Cover Page)

The title page needs to contain the name of the Institution, name of the Department, name of the
experiment, student name, student number, Group number, Date of submission. The title should
be straightforward, informative, and less than ten words.

For example: To develop the drying curve characteristics of sand and pulp.

 Synopsis (Abstract)

Synopsis summarizes five essential aspects of the report: the purpose of the experiment, method
or procedure, key findings (results), significant point of discussion and major conclusions. The
synopsis often also includes a brief reference to theory or methodology. The information should
clearly enable readers to decide whether they need to read your whole report. The synopsis
should be one/two paragraphs of 100-250 words.

For example: The experiment examined the effect of flow rate on the performance of a double-
pass shell and tube heat exchanger. This was conducted by a counter current flow arrangement.
Both fluid and temperatures at the inlet and the outlet of the heat exchanger were obtained. The
fluid flow parameter and Nusselt Number was characterized. The ratios of convective and
conductive heat transfer rates were compared. Higher Nusselt Numbers were obtained with
increasing Reynolds Number for the same fluid. This shows that the heat exchanger performance
was enhanced with higher Reynolds Number. This is an agreement with the Diltus-Boelter –

 Declaration

Declaration declares that the report was done by you and the work is not a copy of someone
else’s work (see ethical).

 Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement list all assistance received during the practical and writing of the report.

 Table of Contents

Table of Contents it is a complete list of numbered headings and subheadings, together with the
respective page numbers.

 Introduction

The Introduction is more narrowly focused than the synopsis. It states the objective of the
experiment and provides the reader with background and theory to the experiment.

For example: Heat exchangers are important equipment found in process industries .The two
mechanisms are conduction and convection by which heat is exchanged in this equipment. The
heat load being transferred per unit time is high when the convection heat transfer co-efficient is

A good introduction also provides whatever background theory, previous research, or formulas
the reader needs to know. Consider adding subheadings such as: Theoretical Principles or

 Experimental Procedure

Experimental Procedure describes the process in chronological order. Using clear paragraph
structure, explain all steps in the order they actually happened, not as they were supposed to
happen. All you are trying to convey is a mental picture of what you did. Remember that your
audience should be able to repeat your description if they wish to do so. A diagram of the
apparatus used may be helpful but should not replace a good verbal description.

 Results and Discussions

Results are usually dominated by calculations, tables and figures (graphs). Graphs need to be
clear, easily read, and well labeled (e.g. Fig.1: Moisture Content vs. Time).
In most cases, providing a sample calculation is sufficient in the report. Leave the remainder in
an appendix. Likewise, your raw data can be placed in an Appendix. Refer to Appendices as
necessary, pointing out trends and identifying special features.

Discussions are the most important part of your report, because here, you show that you
understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it. Explain. Analyse. Interpret.
Some people like to think of this as the “subjective” part of the report. This part of the lab
focuses on a question of understanding “What is the significance or meaning of the results?” To
answer this question, use both aspects of discussion:

 Analysis: What do the results indicate clearly?

 What have you found?
 Explain what you know with certainty based on your results and draw conclusions.
 Interpretation: What is the significance of the results?
 Find logical explanations for problems in the data.

Focus your discussions with the following strategies:

 Compare expected results with those obtained.

 Explain your results in terms of theoretical issues.
 Relate results to your experimental objectives.
 Compare your results to similar investigations.
 Analyze experimental error.
 Analyze the strengths and limitations of your experimental design.

 Conclusions

Conclusions can be very short in most undergraduate laboratories. Simply state what you know
now for sure, as the result of the lab:

For example: Heat transfer in heat exchangers is enhanced with higher fluid flow rates.

 Recommendations

Recommendations can be very short, recommend on the quantitative observations of the

experiment on how will you obtain better results.

 References

Please use HARVARD – ANGLIA 2008 style of referencing.

For example:

Felder and Rousseau: Elementary principles of chemical Engineering, 5th Edition Chapter 14;
page 125-140
Harriett, P., McCabe, W. L., & Smith, J. C. (2005) Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
(Seventh Edition) Singapore: McGraw-Hill
Pilusa TJ; DMS Quality Control Systems; DeBeers CHQ Diamond Processing 2003;Chapter
2;page 12-22

 Appendices

Appendices typically include such elements as raw data, sample calculations, graphs or tables
that have been included in the report itself. Each kind of item should be contained in a separate
appendix. Make sure that you refer to each appendix at least once in your report.

For example:

Appendix A [Glossary; Acronyms and Abbreviations]

Appendix B (Equations; Sample Calculations]

Appendix C [Extras; Data, Figures and Tables]

5. Lab Assignments
Gas Diffusion Coefficient

1. Objective of the experiment

 To determine the coefficient of a gas by evaporation from liquid surface.

2. Theoretical Background

Physical and chemical processes depend on the properties of the materials involved. Process
engineering involves the transformation and distribution of materials in bulk. The design and
operation of engineering plant to achieve the desired changes in materials therefore has to take
into account the physical and chemical properties of these materials. The most convenient
medium is the fluid state, and hence the majority of plant operations involve gases or liquids.
One of the most important properties of fluids in such situations in diffusivity. Fluid flow and
mass transfer operations depend partially on this property and such data is always needed in
plant design. The diffusivity of the vapour of a volatile liquid in air can be conveniently
determined by Winklemann’s method in which liquid is contained in a narrow diameter vertical
tube, maintained at a constant temperature, and an air stream passed over the top of the tub to
ensure that the partial pressure of the vapour is transferred from the surface of the liquid to the
air stream by molecular diffusion.

The rate of mass transfer is given by:



D = Diffusivity (m2/s)

CA= Saturation concentration at interface (Kmol/m3)

L = Effective distance of mass transfer (mm)

CBm = Logarithmic mean molecular concentration of vapour (kmol/m3)

CT = Total molar concentration = CA + CBM (kmol/m3)

Considering the evaporation of the liquid:


Where: PL is the density of the liquid.

Thus = (3)

Integrating and putting L=Lo at t=0

L2-L20 = t (4)

Note: L0 and L cannot be measured accurately but L-L0 can be measured using the vernier on the

(L-L0) (L-L0 + 2 L0) = (5)


= (L-L0) + (6)

Where: M = molecular weight (kg/mol), t = time (s)

If s is the slope of a graph of against (L-L0), then:

s= or D = (7)


CT = (kmol volume = 22.414 m3/kmol)

CB1 = CT (8)

CB2 = (9)

CBM = (10)

CA = (11)

3. Apparatus to be used

The Armfield Gaseous Coefficients Apparatus will be used in this experiment and it allows

students to measure to a reasonable degree of accuracy this property, by a well-established

technique. The practical exercise involve in this measurement allows students an introduction to

acquiring the basic equations of mass and momentum transfer, and is a complement to, rather

than a substitute for the more exacting measurements made by physical chemists.

The MKII version of CERa utilizes a high definition digital microscope linked to a PC to

observe and measure the movement of the phase boundary of the liquid inside a capillary tube as

the liquid diffuses into stationery air. The liquid sample contained inside a capillary tube is

maintained at a constant temperature by a PID controlled heated metal block.


gure 1.: CERa MKII Gaseous Diffusion Coefficients Measurements Apparatus.

5. Experimental procedure

Note: To prevent the acetone from boiling, do not set the temperature controller above 50 oC.

1. Partially fill the capillary tube with acetone to a depth of approximately 35 mm.
2. Carefully insert capillary tube through the rubber ring, push the tube through until it cannot go
any further.
3. Ensure the liquid level is in view and the whole range in covered on PC screen.
4. Connect flexible air tube to one end of the ‘T’ piece.
5. Switch on temperature controlled heater (adjust set point on controller to 40 oC) and obtain a
steady temperature.
6. The fan should also be blowing a low velocity air stream across the capillary ‘T’ piece.
7. Take a reading of the liquid level on the capillary using the image captured on the screen.
8. Repeat this reading of the liquid level approximately every 60 minutes until the level is out of the
range of the microscope.

Measuring the level in the software:

1. To measure the level change in the liquid, take an image and using the software measure tool.
2. Measure the distance from the very edge of the screen (ensure the correct magnification is set),
record this value.
3. Repeat this measurement and the change in level is given by the difference of the two readings.

5.1. Important information to consider

1. The vapour pressure of acetone changes with temperature.

2. At 313K (40 oC) the vapour pressure Pv is 56 kN/m2.
3. If the experiment is performed with the water-bath, set to different temperatures it will be
necessary to obtain suitable values for Pv.

4. The density of acetone is 790 kg m-3. Take the kmol volume as 22.4 m3. The molecular weight is
58.08 kg mol-1.

5. Repeat the experiment at different temperatures and comment on the effect of temperature on the
diffusivity D.

6. Note: (L-L0) at time t = initial level – level at time t

6. Results and Discussion

From the data you have gathered:

 Plot: t/(L-L0) versus (L-L0) to determine the gradients from the graph.

 Calculate the diffusivity D using your results.

 Discuss the effect of changing temperature on Diffusivity D.

6.2. Typical Results

A set of typical results is presented below.

Diffusivity of Acetone in air at 313K (40 oC) and atmospheric pressure (Pa = 101.3) from the
following experimental data.

Table 1: Experimental datasheet

Time from commencement Liquid Level

of experiment (L-L0)
Ks mm Ks/mm
0.00 0.00 0.000
3.60 2.20 1.636
7.20 4.20 1.714
11.160 6.30 1.771
15.900 8.80 1.807
19.980 10.80 1.850
23.400 12.40 1.887
78.780 34.50 2.233
83.520 36.10 2.313
87.240 37.30 2.339
91.800 38.90 2.360
97.320 40.80 2.385
101.100 42.00 2.407

From resulting graph:

s = 0.0175 ks/mm2 or 1.75 x 107s/m2

CT = (1/22.4) (273/313) = 0.0389 kmol/m3

M = 58.08 kg/mol

CA = (56/101.3) (0.0389) = 0.0215 kmol/m3

pL = 790 kg/m3

CB1 = 0.0389

CB2 = [(101.3-56)/ 101.3] (0.0389) = 0.0174 kmol/m3

CBM = [(0.0389-0.0174)]/ [ln (0.0389/0.0174)] = 0.0267 kmol/m3


D = (790 x 0.0267)/(2 x 58.08 x 0.0215 x 0.0389 x 1.75 x 107)

D = 21.09/1.7 x 106
D = 12.4 x 10-6 m2/s

7. References
 Marrero, T.R., Mason, E.A. (1972). Gaseous Diffusion Coefficients Practical. Journal of
Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1(1).

Mark Allocation:
Content Mark allocated (%)
Attendance 5
Handing in on time 5

Formal assignment:
Title page 5
Introduction/Background 10
Experimental procedure 5
Results (Tables, Figures, Calculations) 35
Discussions 15
Conclusions 5
Recommendations 5
Referencing 5
Appendices 5
Total 100

Liquid Diffusion Coefficient

1. Objective of the Experiment

 Determine the liquid diffusion coefficient of NaCl solution distilled/de-ionized water.

2. Theoretical Background

The knowledge of physical and chemical properties of certain materials is important because
very often process engineering deal with the transformation and distribution of these materials in
bulk. One such property is diffusivity. Mass transfer takes place when there is a concentration
gradient of the diffusing component. When a concentration gradient exists within a fluid
consisting of two or more components, there is a tendency for each constituent to flow in such a
direction as to reduce the concentration gradient. This is known as mass transfer. It takes place in
either a gas or a liquid phase or in both phases simultaneously.

Rate of diffusion is given by:

Where: mol/cm2s

The negative sign indicates that the flow is high to low concentration.

By expanding Eq. 1 using respective terms and constitutive relations, we get

Rearranging gives



The slope is obtained from the plot of conductivity as function of time can be used to calculate
the diffusivity.

3. Apparatus

This liquid diffusion coefficient apparatus is used to determine the diffusivity of NaCl solution in
distilled water. A known concentration of NaCl solution is placed in a diffusion cell immersed in
distilled water. A magnetic stirrer and a conductivity meter are provided to monitor the progress
of diffusion over time. A plot of conductivity against time will allow for the determination of the
liquid diffusivity. The concentration at the chosen lower ends is taken to be constant while the
concentration at top end is effectively zero during experiment.

Figure 1.: Liquid Diffusion Coefficients Apparatus

4. General Start-up Procedures
1. Fill the diffusion vessel with 1.1 L of distilled/de-ionized water.
2. Connect the conductivity probe BNC connector into the socket on the conductivity meter. Insert mini
phono jack temperature sensor (built in) into the socket on conductivity meter.
3. Plug the magnetic stirrer main cable to electrical supply. Ensure that the supply voltage is correctly
suit the equipment.
4. Press the ON button on the conductivity meter.
5. Switch on the magnetic stirrer.
6. Read the conductivity value. Distilled water shall give a very low reading.
7. The equipment is ready for the experiment.

5. General Shutdown Procedure

1. Switch off the magnetic stirrer and conductivity meter.
2. Disconnect both the BNC connector and mini phono jack from the conductivity meter
3. Drain the solution in the diffusion vessel and cell and rinse them.
4. Salt solution may attack the metal part of the equipment. Wipe off any spillage from the unit

6. Experimental Procedure
6.1. Pre-experimental Procedures
1. Read and understand the theory of liquid diffusion.
2. Read and understand the equipment used in the experiment (liquid diffusion coefficient).
3. Read the safety precautions before conducting the experiment.
4. Prepare the following materials needed for the experiment:
 Prepare 200 ml I M NaCl solution.
 Prepare 200 ml 2 M NaCl solution.
 Prepare 200 ml 4 M NaCl solution.

6.2. Experimental Procedures

1. Start-up the unit according to procedure in section 5.

2. Fill the diffusion cell with 1 M NaCl solution. Ensure that the capillary tubes are in place.
3. Carefully immersed the cell into the distilled water and position the cell until the top of the capillaries
are about 5 mm below the water level.
4. Switch on the conductivity meter and the magnetic stirrer.
5. After 10 minutes, record the conductivity reading. Take reading very 5 minute intervals for 40

6. Repeat step 1 to step 5 for 2 M and 4 M NaCl solutions.

Experimental Datasheet
Time, t 1 M NaCl Solution 2 M NaCl Solution 4 M NaCl Solution
(s) Conductivity, k (µS) Conductivity, k(µS) Conductivity, k(µS)

7. Results and Discussion

Discuss all your results.
NB: The questions below only serve as a guideline. Your discussion should not only be limited
to these questions
1. Plot a graph of conductivity versus time. Determine the liquid diffusivity of NaCl solution from the
obtained slope.
2. Compare the experimental value with theoretical value predicted from empirical equations
3. Comment on the diffusivity values obtained at different NaCl concentration.

8. References

 Othmer, D.F., Thakar, M.S. (1953). Correlating Diffusion Coefficient in Liquids. Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry, 45 (3):589–593.
Mark Allocation:
Content Mark allocated (%)
Attendance 5
Handing in on time 5

Practical report:
Title page 5
Introduction/Background 10
Experimental procedure 5
Results (Tables, Figures, Calculations) 30
Discussions 15
Conclusions 10
Recommendations 5
Referencing 5
Appendices 5
Total 100

Heat Exchanger
1. Objective of the Experiment

 The objective of this experiment is to determine internal convective heat transfer coefficient and
verify if it falls within the acceptable range. You will learn how to work with empirical
correlations as well as dimensionless numbers.

2. Theoretical Background

Heat exchangers are a vital part of chemical engineering process designs. There are many
different types of heat exchangers, each having various applications. Three examples include
regenerative, plate, and shell and tube heat exchangers. Shell and tube heat exchangers are used
widely in many different chemical processes because of their numerous advantages. Shell and
tube heat exchangers are capable of having a large surface area for heat transfer to take place.

The heat transfer rate equations:

Sensible heat is the mass, specific heat capacity and change in temperature. It is represented by
the equation below:


Overall heat supplied is sensible heat plus latent heat of vaporization. It is represented by the
equation below:

Log mean temperature is represented by the equation below:

Overall heat transfer coefficient is overall heat supplied divided by the product of heat surface
area and log mean temperature. This is represented by the equation below:

Equation below is used to calculate hi


3. Apparatus to be used

The double pipe heat exchanger (E3) consists of two thin wall copper tubes mounted
concentrically on a trolley. Heat can be transferred co-currently and counter-currently .The hot
water flows through the center tube and the cold water flows in the outer tube. Valves are used to
set up the desired flow configurations and the flow meters have a direct read scale in liters/hour.
Hot water represented by the black pipes while cold water flows through the transparent pipes.
Thermometers are placed near the entrance and exit of each pipe (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Double pipe heat exchanger.

4. General Start-up Procedures

 Before the start of the experiment familiarize yourself with the equipment.
 Make sure all the valves are fully closed.
 Keep V1 and V4 closed.
 Fully open V2 and V5, open V3 partially.
 Turn the main switch on.
 Adjust temperature of hot water to 60 °C (thermostat on D1).
 Switch resistor J1 on and start pump G1.
 When TI3 stabilizes, adjust flow rate of hot water.
 Cold water flow rate is set to 500.
 The hot water flow rate is set to 50 + (YZ/100*500) where YZ are the last two digits of
your student number.
 Wait for “steady state” before taking the readings.

6. Results and Discussion

 Define the equations used and state all assumptions made before any calculation can be carried
 Use the obtained experimental data to calculate values of the relevant parameters in details (with
 Present your calculated values (results) using Figures and Tables (labeled clearly).Use the
relevant theoretical concepts to support your discussion.
 Calculate hi using equation (5).
 Plot graphs to obtain values for C and n.

Experimental Data:

Include your data and your team members

Pipe dimensions: Pipe length =? (Measure this yourself)

Inner diameter = 18.3 mm
Outer diameter = 30.7 mm
Pipe Length = 56 mm
Exchange surface Area = 0.14 m2

Cold water

Tin ( 0C ) = T I 1

Tout ( 0 C ) = T I 2

Q(l.h 1 )
Hot Water
Tin ( 0C ) = T I 3

Tout ( 0 C ) = T I 4

Q(l.h 1 )

7. References
 Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels, by Satish G. Kandlikar,
Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stéphane Colin and Michael R. King.

 Fundamentals of heat exchanger design, Ramesh K. Shah and Dusan P. Sekulic. Full electronic
copy can be accessed in this link:

Mark Allocation:
Content Mark allocated (%)
Attendance 5
Handing in on time 5

Practical report:
Title page 5
Introduction/Background 10
Experimental procedure 5
Results (Tables, Figures, Calculations) 35
Discussions 15
Conclusions 5
Recommendations 5
Referencing 5
Appendices 5
Total 100

Lab Practicals
Process Control

Assessment of a system’s performance (PC)

Practical 1: Batch Heating Control


 The experiment aims to demonstrate the operation of batch control in heating process

Process to Control is contained in the SYSTEM RIG and it consist of the following

1 4

1. Control Panel
2. Control Tank
3. Sump Tank
4. Fan Cooler
5. Stirrer
6. Flowmeter

 Control panel to observe and record process parameters

 Stirrer is installed to distribute the heat/energy evenly in the process tank
 Sump – process fluid is pumped from here and the temperature of the process fluid is
monitored. Made of stainless steel with holding capacity of 20L
 Pump – centrifugal type pump to facilitates circulation of process fluid around the system
and is driven by DC Motor. Flow rate of 2 LPM

 Flow meter – to monitor the process fluid flow rate
 Level transmitter to detect the level inside the level control tank and provide
measurement to the level controller
 Process tank – which consist of: A “tank full” indicator, an Electrical heating element,
Temperature sensor, Stirrer, an overflow pipe, Manual drain valve and an automatic
solenoid drain valve. 10L holding capacity
 Cooler – if cooling is required instead of heating, the fluid is diverted via a three-way
valve to a fan cooler
Experimental Procedure

 Fill the sump tank with distilled water

 Close the manual diverter valve and open the priming valve
 Switch the equipment on to prime the pump for pump to manual mode from the
Computer to 1 to 2 minutes
 After priming the pump close the priming valve and open the diverter valve.
 The rig is now set up for the trial runs to begin.
 Open valve HV3 and HV4
 Close HV1, HV2 and HV5
 Switch the selector to BATCH Temp. Control Loop, and then switch the loop selector on
the panel to Batch control
 Switch the stirrer on
 Turn on the ON/OFF batch temperature control by activating the AUTO mode on the
TIC 1, TCI 2 & TCI 3 panel
 Set the set point of TIC 1 to 50 oC
 Press “para” button for few seconds and press down to select Eu. Set the “Eu” value
equivalent to the set point.
 Set the set point of TIC 2 and TIC 3 to 40 oC
 Record the reading for every cycle until the water in the sump tank exceed the set point.
 The fan cooler will turn on to cool down the flow to below setpoint and it will go off.
Time TIC 1 (OC) TIC 2 (OC) TIC 3 (OC)
(minutes) Control Tank Control Tank inlet Sump tank
(TT1) (TT2) (TT3)

Practical 2: On/Off Process Temperature Control


 To demonstrate the operation of On/Off Temperature Control

Experimental Procedure

 Fill the sump tank with distilled water

 Close the manual diverter valve and open the priming valve
 Switch the equipment on to prime the pump for pump to manual mode from the
Computer to 1 to 2 minutes
 After priming the pump close the priming valve and open the diverter valve.
 The rig is now set up for the trial runs to begin.
 Open valve HV3 and HV4
 Close HV1, HV2 and HV5
 Switch the selector to Temperature Control Loop and switch the loop selector on the
panel to Flow and Temp control
 Switch the stirrer on
 Set the set point (SV) of TIC 2 and TIC 3 to 40 oC, switch on the heater then set the
output (MV) of TIC 1 to 100% and set point (SV) to 50 oC
 Switch the FIC 1 to MAN mode and turn the on the pump. Then set the output (MV)
of FIC to 100%.
 Record the data until the temperature in the process tank reaches the set point
Time TIC 1 (OC) TIC 2 (OC) TIC 3 (OC) Pump Speed
(minutes) Control Tank Control Tank inlet Sump tank (%)
(TT1) (TT2) (TT3)


1. Objective of the experiment

 To determine total head, overall efficiency, pump efficiency for both pumps in series and
in parallel.

2. Theoretical Background

The terms slurry and mixture are used interchangeably to describe a mix of any loose solids,
made up in any proportions and combinations of any particle sizes and any conveying liquid.
The subscript ρ refers to densities and specific gravities of liquids ̶ mostly, but not exclusively,
water. The term water is often used here when the term liquid would be more correct. It is on
rare occasion when it is essential to differentiate between water and some other liquid. Note that
w is also used to designate a function of weight or mass, as in concentration by weight. The
subscript m identifies the density and specific gravity of a slurry. Often, to avoid repetition, the
words head of fluid are used in units of head measurements when the word fluid refers to either
liquid (when pumping a liquid) or slurry (when pumping slurry). The subscripts s and d are used
to identify pipes, valves, gauges or physical conditions respectively at, or upstream of, pump
suction flange and at, or downstream of, discharge flange.

3. Apparatus to be used

Two centrifugal pumps are available with pressure gauges before and after the pumps to
calculate the pressure drop over the pump. Flow meters measure the flow rate through the pump
in l/min. A diagram of the pump is as follows:

Figure 1: Centrifugal Pump Rig

Water enters the pump in the middle by the suction eye. The impeller vanes rotate in an anti-
clockwise direction, throwing water into the discharge.

4. General Start-up Procedures

 Fully open the valves for G1 and close the valves for pump G2.
 Set G1 to 100 + YZ × 20 rpm.
 This will give the maximum flow rate.
 Take the flow rate reading as well as the pressure before and after the pump.
 Change the valves to get two pumps in parallel and set G2 to the same rpm as G1.
 Change the valves to get two pumps in series.

5. Results and Discussions

Fill the data in the given Table. Also include the readings from your group. Enter your own
readings on Blackboard. Also answer the questions relating to you graphs, etc.

Experimental Data for Pumps in Parallel and Series Experiments

Date: Group:

Time G1 (rpm) F1 (l/min) P1 (Bar) P2 (bar) G2 (rpm) F2 (l/min) P3 (bar) P4 (bar)

Single Pump
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Reading 5
Reading 6
Reading 7
Reading 8
Pumps in Parallel
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Reading 5
Reading 6
Reading 7
Reading 8
Pumps in Series
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Reading 5
Reading 6
Reading 7
Reading 8

To get the head of a pump (hp), divide the pressure difference measured over the pump by the
density of water (ρ) and the gravitational constant (g). Check that your units are correct; you
should get meters.

P  PDisch arg e  PSucthio  ghP

 Draw graphs of pump head vs flow rate for the single pump and the pumps in parallel on the same
 Also draw the graph of pump head vs flow rate for the single pump and the pumps in series on the
same axis.

 Discuss whether putting pumps in series and parallel doubles the flow rate of water or doubles the
pressure drop.

6. References

 Corbitt R.A. (1990). Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering. 2nd Edition, McGraw-
 Hwang N.H.C., Houghtalen, R.J. (1981). Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems. 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Mark Allocation:
Content Mark allocated (%)
Attendance 5
Handing in on time 5

Practical report:
Title page 5
Introduction/Background 10
Experimental procedure 5
Results (Tables, Figures, Calculations) 35
Discussions 15
Conclusions 5
Recommendations 5
Referencing 5
Appendices 5
Total 100

Fluid Mixing Apparatus

1. Objective of the experiment

 The objective of this practical is to provide students with an experience in the mechanics of
mixing by investigating the effects of the various impeller and fluid parameters. A brief
theoretical background of mixing is provided, with the formulations necessary to perform
calculations of the impeller performance.

2. Theoretical Background
Fluid mixing is common in food, mining, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. One way of
mixing is by a rotating impeller in a vessel. Many different mixing operations exist, involving
fluids of low or high viscosity. Solid-liquid mixtures, emulsions of immiscible fluids, gas-liquid
solutions all fall in the range of mixing operations. Mixing efficiency is measured in terms of the
mixing time required to obtain a perfect mixture, and the homogeneity of the mixture. It is
affected by a number of factors i.e. the viscosity of the liquids, and the properties of the mixing
impellers. The latter include various designs, which will be addressed below. A schematic
representation of the Fluid Mixing Apparatus is shown in Figure 1.

2.1. Mixing mechanism and impeller type

Fluid particle motion on small, microscopic scale takes place during a mixing operation in a
stirred tank. It is this small scale fluid particle motion that results in mixing of fluid and different
phase components. Particle motion conveys bulk motion in the mixing tank, caused by the
impeller. The motion of the agitator creates turbulent eddies which in turn creates bulk flow. The
type of impeller used for a specific mixing process depends on a number of parameters including
the area/or volume of the vessel and the viscosity of the fluid. The selection is also based on the
mixture e.g. liquid-liquid, solid-liquid, and immiscible suspension in liquids.

2.1.1. Impeller types Laminar flow impellers

Laminar flow impellers cause a laminar bulk in fluid. These are applied with viscous fluid

mixing and are used without baffling in the mixing tank to enhance the laminar regime. Turbulent flow impellers

Turbulent flow impellers induce turbulent motion and high shear rate in the fluid. These are used
for a number of low-viscosity fluid mixing applications. Turbulent flow impellers are broadly
categorized into two classes. Axial flow impellers

Axial flow turbulent impellers impart an axial flow distribution in the mixing tank, i.e. the fluid
direction is generally parallel to the axis of the as shown schematically in Figure 2a. The most
common types of axial flow turbulent impellers are the hydrofoil or marine propeller and angled
flat blade impeller, shown in Figures 2a, b, and c. hydrofoil impellers are available in various
pitch and curvature configurations, or in adjustable form as in the picture. Often, these impellers
are moulded to given specifications. Flat blade impellers are devices with flat impeller blades, in
different numbers. Usually, the angle of the blades is adjustable to improve mixing. Radial flow impellers

Radial flow impellers impart a radial turbulent flow pattern, generally radiating outwards from
the edge of the impeller, as illustrated in Figure 3a. A typical radial flow turbulent impeller is the
well-known Rushton turbine, shown in Figure 3b. This consists of a disc onto which blades are
mounted perpendicularly. Various configurations are available for mixing optimization, and
include angled and curved bladed. The fluid Mixing Apparatus contains a hydrofoil axial
impeller, an angled flat blade axial impeller with different blade sizes and adjustable blade
angles and a Rushton turbine radial impeller.

Figure 1: Fluid Mixing Apparatus.

Figure 2a: Axial fluid pattern.

Figure 2b: Hydrofoil impeller.

Figure 2c: Angled flat blade impeller.

Figure 3a: Radial fluid flow pattern.

Figure 3b: Rushton turbine.

2.2. Power consumption

Impellers expend energy to impart motion and shear to the fluid. This energy is supplied to the
impeller shaft by a motor, e.g. an electrical or combustion motor. Power consumption by an
impeller is given by:



P = Power [W]

N = Impeller speed [rps]

T = Shaft torque [N.m]

The power is correlated to the speed of the impeller through two dimensionless numbers:

Power number is given by:



Reynolds number is given by:



p = Fluid density [kg.m-3]

D = Impeller diameter [m]

µ = Dynamic fluid viscosity [Pa.s]

These two numbers characterize an impeller in terms of an impeller constant for any given

Reynolds number presented by:


2.3. Mixing time

The concentration of a component, mixed into another bulk component, at a point in the mixing
tank grows exponentially until an equilibrium concentration is reached. This point represents the
optimum mixing in the tank. The concentration change can be represented by the equation:



C (t) = Concentration at a point at time t

C0 = Concentration at a point at time t

Ce = Concentration at the point at equilibrium, i.e. after an infinity long time

3. Apparatus to be used
A Fluid Mixing Apparatus, shown in Figure 1, will be used in this experiment. A mixing tank
consisting of an internal diameter of 290 mm and height of 450 mm will be filled with liquid
under test to filling depth of 340 mm. The tank is provided with a drain valve to remove liquid.
A 120 W mixing motor and drive shaft is provided for insertion of any of a range of impellers.
The speed of the motor is electronically varied by VSD, while the torque and electrical power
exerted by the motor on the impeller is measured. Zero to four baffle plates can be installed in
the vessel by sliding these into baffle guides in the walls of the tank.

The impellers provided are turbulent mixers of axial and radial flow design, with variable blade
size. Blade angle is adjustable on the axial flow impeller, using an angle guide to accurately set
angles. Visualisation of the mixing flow pattern in the tank is done by filling a small vessel,
mounted on a bridge over the tank with coloured liquid, and injection of this into the tank centre.

The small vessel is also used to determine the homogeneity of mixing by filling with a
conductive salt, and measurement of the liquid conductivity against time.

4. General Start-up Procedures

4.1. Measurement of power consumption

1. Remove the bridge and vessel from the mixing vessel

2. Remove the baffles from the baffle guides

3. Close the drain valve on the mixing vessel and fill with water to the full mark

4. Remove the impeller drive shaft from the motor and mount the hydrofoil impeller on the shaft at

a distance of 70 mm from the bottom. Reinsert the shaft in the motor and ensure that the bottom

tip of the shaft fits into the shaft support on the base.

5. Start the motor at a low speed of 50 rpm.

6. Record the power consumption and shaft torque from the display.

7. Repeat step 6 at 100 rpm, and therefore at intervals of 250 rpm until the maximum speed of 2500

rpm is attained.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Measurement of power consumption

8. Calculate the power consumption at each speed from Equation 1, and plot the calculated

value against the measured power value. Do the calculated values correspond with

measured values? (Slope).

9. For each speed value, calculate the power number and Reynolds number from Equation 2

and 3. Plot the power number against the Reynolds number. This is the characteristics

performance curve of the impeller.

10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 with the angled flat blade impeller, with the small blade width, and

blade angle at 90 oC.

11. Repeat steps 4 to 9 with angled flat blade impeller but set the blade angles to 45 oC.

This is done by slightly loosening the grub screws on the collet, and inserting the angles

guide between the blade edge and collet. Press the half circle in the guide onto the blade

shaft, ensuring that the 90 oC mark is parallel with the collet sides (upright). Then turn

the blade to coincide with the 45 oC mark and set the grub screw.

12. Note that the same measurements can also be performed at angles 30 and 60o, using the

same procedure. Similarly, the characteristics curves can be measured for the blades with

wider dimensions.

13. Compare the power number vs. Reynolds number curves.

14. Remove the drive shaft and angled blade impeller, and install the Rushton turbine on

the drive shaft at the same height.

15. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the Rushton turbine, and compare the power number curves with

those of the flat blade impeller.

16. Discuss the significance of measuring power consumption in industries, why is it

important to measure this parameter?

5.2. Mixing time and colorimetric flow pattern visualisation

1. Reinstall the angled flat blade impeller, with blades at 90o.

2. Install the bridge on the mixing vessel and set the mounting screws.

3. Install the flow visualisation vessel and tube on the bridge, ensuring that the vessel is closed. Fill

the vessel with food colourant.

4. Start the motor and set to the lowest speed.

5. Set a stop watch to zero, and slowly open the valve until a thin stream of colour emerges from the
tube. At this moment start the stop watch.

6. Observe and photograph the initial evolution of the flow pattern as the colourant mixes into the

fluid. Compare the flow pattern with the schematic of Figure 2a.

7. Record the time when the colour first appears homogeneously mixed. This is the mixing time at
that speed.

8. Steps 4 to 7 can be repeated with other blade angles by draining the water and refilling the mixing

tank for selected angle.

9. Repeat the experiment with the Rushton turbine, and compare the initial flow pattern with the

schematic of Figure 3a. How does the mixing time with the Rushton turbine compare to that

with the flat blade impeller?

10. Repeat the experiment with the flat blade impeller with blade angles set to the best mixing time.

Install two and then four baffles in the baffle guides. Compare the mixing efficiency to that

without baffles.

5.3. Mixing time by conductivity measurement

For this experiment, a conductivity probe is required; it is not supplied with the apparatus.

1. Drain and refill the mixing vessel with water.

2. Remove all colourant from the vessel and flush thoroughly with clean water.

3. Fill the vessel and add a tablespoon of table salt. Dissolve; add more table salt until the solution is

saturated. Install the vessel ensuring that the valve is closed.

4. Install the flat blade impeller, with blades set to 90o.

5. Start the motor and set to the lowest speed of 50 rpm.

6. Insert the conductivity probe into the water, at the opposite side of the bridge to the visualisation

tube. Record the conductivity value, at the concentration at time zero (C0 of Equation 5) and set a

stop watch to zero.

7. Slowly open the valve and let half of the solution run into the mixing vessel before closing. Start

the stop watch.

8. Record the conductivity values at times intervals of 10 seconds as concentration as time t (C(t) in

Equation 5).
9. When the conductivity value between readings does not change by more than 5% the equilibrium

value of concentration (Ce in Equation 5) had been reached. Plot the concentration C(t) against

time, indicating C0 and Ce.

10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 with fresh water in the mixing vessel, and at speeds of 200, 1000, 1500 and

2500. Plot the time evolution of concentration C(t) on the same graph.

11. Repeat steps 6 to 9 at a different blade angle and the same speed steps. Compare the graphs to

investigate the effect of impeller speed and blade angle on the mixing time.
12. Repeat the experiment with the Rushton turbine at the same speed steps, and compare the mixing

efficiency (power and mixing time) between the impeller types.

5.4. Mixing time for immiscible liquids (emulsions)

1. Remove the bridge from the mixing tank.
2. Fill the mixing tank with clean water to the full mark and add 20 mm of sunflower oil on top of

the water surface.

3. Install the Rushton turbine on the shaft.

4. Start the motor and set to the lowest speed. Start a stop watch.

5. Observe the flow pattern of the oil and record the motor power and shaft torque.
6. Oil will gradually become emulsified in the water. If this does not happen, and equilibrium seems

to occur, increase the motor speed in steps of 200 rpm until a homogenous emulsion is obtained.

7. Plot the power number of the Rushton turbine vs. Reynolds number and compare with the case of

pure water.

6. References

 Coulson, J.M., Richardson, J.F., Backhurst, J.R., Harker, J.H. (1900). Chemical Engineering. Vol
1. Pergamon Press, p 225.
 Harnby, N., Edwards, M.F., Nienow, A.W. (1992). Mixing in process industries. 2nd Edition,
Butterworth Heinemann.
Mark Allocation:
Content Mark allocated (%)
Attendance 5
Handing in on time 5

Practical report:
Title page 5
Introduction/Background 10
Experimental procedure 5
Results (Tables, Figures, Calculations) 35
Discussions 15
Conclusions 5
Recommendations 5
Referencing 5
Appendices 5
Total 100

Course Information and Laboratory Schedule


The main objectives of this laboratory course module are:

1. To verify various theoretical concepts by simple experiments.

2. To familiarize the student with the operation of laboratory scale equipment.
3. To evaluate the performance characteristics of the various unit operation equipment.
4. To obtain insight into the design and operation of full scale chemical engineering plants
and equipment.
5. To learn how data are collected in experiments.
6. To critically analyze the results of experiments and to properly report such results.


Visit Blackboard Board or see on Notice board in front of Labs G403/6219


Experiments will be performed by groups of 6 students. Every student is expected to learn, by

independent study, the underlying theory behind each experiment and the procedures which must
be followed to obtain reliable experimental data.

A student will be designated by the group as the group leader for one experiment and others
assigned different roles within the team. These roles are expected to be rotational in subsequent


See the Lab rooster on notice board in front of Labs G403/6219.


It is expected from Students to come prepared to the Laboratories (e.g. Must be in possession of
his/her own Laboratory Manual, PPE, have an idea of what is expected during the
experiment).Students must have adequate background of the subject matter before conducting
the experiments. Each member of the group is expected to be thoroughly familiar with the

practical as well as the theoretical aspects of the experiments. Each group member will be judged
individually and the grade will be assigned accordingly.

Group leaders are expected to direct the experiment and coordinate data collection. The leader
should plan a division of tasks, know what data is to be acquired and devise an experimental
plan. The other Students are expected to be knowledgeable and provide technical assistance to
the group leader. Students will be judged by the Laboratory Assistants on their active
participation in the laboratory according to their role. Students will be quizzed by Laboratory
Assistants in the Laboratory (ad hoc basis). The quiz questions will cover both theoretical and
practical aspects of the experiments. Responses to questions as well as active participation in the
Laboratory will both contribute to the participation grade.

FORMAL REPORT (refer to the Guidelines for Technical Report Writing Manual)

Students will also be assessed based on their verbal presentation skills. All Students will be
expected to submit a group report (will be announced during the lab session) for the Fluid
Dynamics or Liquid Diffusion Experiment and make an oral presentation (not more than 10
slides) thereafter. It is highly recommended for Students to prepare their presentation on
Microsoft Power Point.

A timetable will be put out for the Presentations on a weekly basis (see notice board). It is
preferred that all the Presentations will take place on Fridays after the submission of the report
(see notice board for any other day/schedule).

Reports are due a maximum of two weeks/10 working days after the experiment; 5% will be
deducted for each day’s delay. The formal report should be no more than 15 typed pages in
length excluding Appendices (pending on the type of experiment).

All data and calculations presented in the reports must be in SI units.

Reports are due a maximum of two weeks/10 working days after the experiment; 5% will be
deducted for each day’s delay. The formal report should be no more than 15 typed pages in
length excluding Appendices (pending on the type of experiment).


Lab Assignments are due a maximum of 5 working days after the experiment. No late
submissions are accepted. The assignment should be no more than 10 typed pages in length
(pending on the type of experiment). The format will be explained during the Practical session.

Please keep in mind that the course module is a continuous assessment module, basically the
student need to write all lab tests and submit all Lab reports and assignments to pass the module.
A pass mark of 50 % must be obtained to pass the module.

The assessment criteria are designed as follows:

Assessments Number
Lab Tests 2
Laboratory assignments 3
Laboratory reports 3

Total 8

Weight percentage per assessment Weight

Lab Tests 30%
Laboratory assignments 30%
Laboratory reports 40%
Total 100%

Breakdown of Lab assignments:

Assessment type Practical Weight

Individual Gas Diffusion Coefficient 10%

Heat Exchanger and Liquid Diffusion Coefficient 10% each

Breakdown of Lab reports:

Assessment type Practical Weight
Group Fluid Dynamics 20%
Individual Pumps and Mixing 10% each

Breakdown of Lab Tests:

Assessment type Assessment Weight

Individual Safety Lab Practices 15%

Overall Experiments 15%


Pre - practical questionnaire – 5% (a pre - practical test will be written before the practical).

Group Report – 60 % (The mark obtained for the lab report will be assigned to each Student in
that particular Group).

Presentation – 35 % (each Student will receive an individual mark pending on the participation
during the presentation).

TOTAL – 100%

 Students will be examined on the following criteria during the presentations:

Criteria Mark
Appearance 3
Eye contact with 3
Clear speaking 3
Using of electronic 3
media etc
Answering of 8
Total 20


The final written report/assignment will be marked by the Laboratory Assistant/Lecturer

responsible for the experiment. The purpose of this is to ensure a close link between the lectures
in the class and the experiments in the laboratory. The Lecturer is expected to be in the
laboratory for at least 30 minutes to monitor the progress and answer any queries that may arise.

Students can consult with the Laboratory Assistant five days after submission of the report (See
Consultation Time Table of the Laboratory Assistant).

All the Students have five days to consult after the marks have been published on the notice
board. No marks will be changed after these prescribed five days.
It is therefore expected that Students must submit their Reports on time (BEFORE 12
0’CLOCK ON DAY OF DUE DATE), if fail to abide to this rule 5% will be deducted for each
day of late submission.

All lab reports/assignments must be submitted at the LABRATORY REPORT SUBMISSION

STATION in front of Lab G407 in the respective pigeon hole. No lab reports will be accepted by
any Lab staff member.


Please Note:

 Reproducing reports from previous semesters.

 Reproducing the Laboratory manual.
 Copying paragraphs from the internet.
 Copying some paragraphs or the entire report from fellow students.

The above mentioned are STRICTLY not allowed. Any student who fails to abide by these rules
will obtain 0% and will be given a final written warning. Please read the UJ Policy regarding

No exceptions will be made on this rule!


It is impossible to carry out the experiments in a useful and intelligent manner without adequate
knowledge of the principles of the particular subject matter. It is strongly recommended that
Students make a conscious effort to learn the underlying theory of the experiment being carried


Before starting an experiment a student must become thoroughly familiar with the equipment
provided in the laboratory and its safety protocol. The following procedure must then be

 Carefully start up the apparatus and note its transient behavior.

 Bring the apparatus to steady state conditions.
 Record operating parameters and collect reliable experimental data.
 Vary the operating conditions and note the resulting transient behavior.
 Bring the apparatus back to steady state operation under new conditions.
 Record the operating parameters and obtain adequate experimental data.
 Carefully shut down the apparatus according to the appropriate procedure.
 The equipment and work area must be left clean and tidy

In some cases, it may not be possible to complete an experiment within the prescribed time at
more than one or two set(s) of steady state conditions. In other cases, it may be possible to obtain
more than two sets of experimental data.


With the experimental data collected in the Laboratory it should be possible to make a
reasonably complete assessment of the performance characteristics of the experimental
apparatus. Detailed steps to be followed will obviously vary from one experiment to another.


All Students must abide by the laboratory safety rules. Lab coats and safety glasses must be
supplied by each Student. Please note that contact lenses should not be worn in the laboratory –
wear glasses instead. Details are provided in the Safety Protocol Manual.


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