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The danger in the shadows

As soon as I saw the danger they were in, I knew I had to do something. No one
knew what was stalking them it the shadows. Shivers are going down my spine
every time I remember that story. It was a warm and sunny Saturday. Me and
my friends decited to go for a leasure walk in the forest.
We packed our backpackes and headed to the deapths of the forest. To break
the silence, we started singing. After a while, we decited to stop in a meadow
to have lunch. The sweet sound of the singing birds delighted my ears. The gold
sunshines gently touched the soft grass and the blowing wind was making the
leafes above me dance. ”This is such a beautiful scenery!” I whispered.
We all got up to leave when I suddenly saw something moving behind an old
tree. Terror started flowing through my veins when I realised what it was, a
giant bear! I was the only one that saw it and it took me a few seconds to get
the words out of my mouth,’’There is a bear behind you, stay calm and don’t
run!”. We all stayed there without moving a bone for a few minutes until the
bear disappeared. I sighted in relief and ran out of the woods.
That day I learned my lesson, ”Never wander around into the forest!”.

Iliaș Emilia

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