Quiz 1. Ballon Debate Quiz

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You are all crew members and travelling in a ship and due to
an accident it is about to sink. A fire on board has destroyed
the radio. From the rate the water is rising inside the ship you
estimate that it will sink in between two hours and two and a
half hours. You did not tell the authorities of your destination.

It will take about 45 minutes to launch the only life boat and
it will take 15 minutes for each person to be lowered into the
life boat and they can only go one at a time. They can't jump
as the water is shark infested. The nearest land is an
uninhabited tropical island at 30 km distance.

Your task as a group is to decide which people will enter the life boat. Each
one of you have to assume a role and mutually you all have to decide who
will survive and who will not. Items held by individuals must stay with the
owner; they cannot be transferred to other people.


 Captain: age 57. Married three times; five children aged between 5

and 27. His youngest child has Down's syndrome. Drinks and smokes
heavily. Plays flute. Carries a bottle of rum.
 Ship's engineer: married; accompanied by his pregnant wife. His
heroism in fighting the fire had given his fellow-passengers time to
launch the lifeboat but he has sustained severe burns. Carries a
shaving mirror.
 Radio operator: Ex-Shrilanka Navy. Brought up on an agricultural
place. A fitness fanatic and champion kick boxer. He escaped the fire
which destroyed his radio as he was on deck trying to impress the
food scientist with a display of his kickboxing skills at the time. Carries
a length of rope.
 Cook: a former Special Forces officer reduced to working as a cook
after being court-martialled following an unfortunate incident involving
a torpedo and the prime ministerial yacht. Carries a knife.
 Tirupati temple priest daughter: a Philosophy graduate who taught
Tamil as a foreign language in South America for several years before
returning to her home town to look after her disabled mother (now
aged 85) with whom she still lives. Trained as a counsellor. Carries a
first aid kit.
 Diving instructor: After 20 years as a stockbroker in London, he has
just moved to Pondicherry to set up his own diving school. Divorced,
with a son at boarding school in Lonawala. Goes bird shooting in
Maldives every August. Carries a signed copy of the final Harry Potter
 Indian ship's carpenter: Married with
four children aged between six months
and seven years old. Was convicted of
violent fight following a demonstration in
Mumbai ten years ago. Writes poetry and
has had two poems published in Indian
literary magazines. Has a magnifying
 Gujarati Botany student: Lived in
the Brazilian rainforest for eighteen
months while carrying out Ph.D. research
into plants that can be used in anti-cancer drugs: these are now
undergoing testing by a major multinational pharmaceutical company.
Voted for Narendra Modi in the last election. Has a rifle.
 Retired soldier. Recently registered a civil partnership with his long-
term partner, a 45-year old political journalist. Together, they have
campaigned for improved healthcare for soldiers wounded in Pakistan
and China wars. Carries a compass.
 Food scientist. A vegetarian whose research centers around
developing plant-based, low-cholesterol alternatives to meat. She has
been involved in a number of demonstrations against the use of
animals in medical research. Carries a box of Mars bars.
 Nurse. Came from Bangladesh eight years ago as a teenage refugee
who spoke no English on arrival. Gained 6 GCSEs and has recently
qualified as a nurse. A devout Muslim who plans to complete the Haj
next year. Carries a box of matches.
 Ship's engineer's wife: Aged 35 and about to begin maternity leave
from her work as a medical sales representative. About to give birth
to their first child in 4 months time. For some reason known only to
herself she happens to be carrying a fishing line and hook.
 Bank manager: Lives in a village in Gujarat: Guide, leader, district
councillor and president of the local allotment society in spare time.
Has 50,000 notes of Rs. 100 carried in a small suitcase.

As a group, come to a consensus on who to choose to be carried on the

boat. Keep in mind the following points:

 Consensus is hard to achieve but much better to argue with logic

than to use a majority vote.
 Avoid win-lose stalemates: everyone needs to buy in to the
eventual solution if possible.
 View differences of opinion as creative: the more ideas the more
potential for conflict, but also the richer the pool of resources to
choose from.
 Be careful of reaching agreement too soon, before all options
have been carefully considered.
 Try to argue your case calmly and with logic: appreciate the views
of others even if different from your own.
Assessment Form

You have to assume the role of one character from the above. Rank
the characters to be lowered into the life boat in the order of their
priority. 1 means it is highly necessary for this character to survive,
2 means less than 1, 3 means less than 2 so on and so forth….

There are 50 marks max in total if you are a group of 7. The grading
will be as follows:

Priority Name of the Name of the Student Roll No. *Marks

Order Character
1 08
2 08
3 07
4 07
5 07
6 06
7 06
8 06
Suggest who should be given the remaining 2 Marks.
*There are 2 quizzes of 10 marks each in your course and each has equal

How this list came to be?

What criteria did you use?

What do they tell you about your behavior?

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