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What is a satellite?
satellite a satellite is any obejct
that revolves in a curved path
around a planet

Types of satellites
Natural satellite is any celestial body in space that orbit
around a larger boody
Artificial: Satellites that are made by people and
lauched into orbit using rockets are called artificial.

Major satellite navigation

a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is a
network of satellites broadcasting timing and
orbital information used for navigation and
positioning measurements

Satellite communication
satellite comunication has two main
components: the ground segment, wich
consists of fixed or mobile transmission
reception and ancillary equipment and the
space segment wich primarily is the satellite

Creador: Alan Estrada Juarez 6D

T ypes of satellite orbits
Orbits by inclination.
Orbits by altitude.
Orbits by shape.

Orbits by inclination
Equatorial orbit: Is when the satellite rotates in
an orbit directly above the equator.
Inclined orbits: Are virtually all orbits except
those that travel directly above the equator or
directly above the North and South Poles.
Polar orbit: Is when the satellite rotates in a path
that takes it over the North and South Poles in an
orbital pattern that is perpendicular to the
equatorial plane.

Orbits by Altitude
Low Earth orbit: Low-earth orbit satellites
operate at a distance of about 160 to 2,000
kilometers above the Earth's surface.
Medium Earth orbit: This satellite operates at
altitudes between 2,000 kilometers and 35,000
786 kilometers.
Geostationary orbit: A geostationary satellite is
an Earth orbiting satellite it placed at an altitude
of approximately 35,000 786 kilometres directly
over the equator

Orbits by Shape
Circular orbit circular orbit is the orbit with a
fixed distance around the Baris Center that is in
the shape of a circle.
Elliptical orbit: This satellite operates at altitudes
between 2,000 kilometers and 35,000 786

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