English Grade 9 Model Paper (Doing This For Le Download)

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[Bharat - Transformers Academic Group]

Model Question Paper

Set 1

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ModelII Examination
Question (2021-22)
Class IX
English Language and Literature
Time allowed: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
1. Read the passage given below:

(1) The evolution of sports in the modern world is an interesting one. In the past, men took up spears to
hunt animals for food. He who could use the spear most expertly would usually bring home a bigger supply
of food. Nowadays, men take up spears only in sports, what we now call 'javelin throwing'. What used to
be essential skills in survival, such as running, shooting, and jumping, are now skills that are tested
primarily in the sports arena. Man no longer has to aim well to shoot at a deer grazing in the grassland or
jump over difficult terrain in pursuit of his prey. What he does have to do now is to prove to others that he
can shoot further or more accurately than the other competitors or outrun his opponents in a race.
(2) The pursuit of excellence in sports has become the desire and purpose of every true sportsperson
today. Sportspersons have to be armed with an indomitable spirit of determination and discipline in order
to reach heights ordinary men and women can only dream of. Carl Lewis, one of the world's fastest men,
ran the 100-meter race under ten seconds. Michael Jordan outjumped and outscored his opponents in
many basketball matches in the United Sates. Michael Owen captured the hearts of millions of fans when
he outsmarted the opposing team to dribble and kick home a crucial goal during the 1998 World Cup.
These sportsmen lay claims to glory through their amazing feats in the sports they play and excel in.
(3) However, what significance does sports hold for the ordinary people— people who cannot perform
extraordinary feats like the above-mentioned sports icons of modern times? Thankfully, sports exist for
another very vital reason. They promote health. When we engage in a sport, whether it is cycling,
swimming, playing football or tennis, it helps to build up our physical as well as mental strength. When the
body is strong, it means that we are able to fight off infections or illnesses, such as cold or fever, better and
faster than someone who is not physically healthy.
(4) Sports also help to build up our mental strength. Engaging in any type of sports demands focus. One
would not want to cycle right into the drain or be hit by a tennis ball coming right at you. Similarly, we
need discipline to complete the various exercises. It takes time and effort to train to play basketball or to
complete a long-distance run. Hence, sports have become an integral part of our lives and it is no wonder
that our country is encouraging its citizens to be a nation of healthy living by promoting sports.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

i. According to the writer, how did sports evolve?
ii. What does the phrase 'bigger supply of food' (paragraph 1) refer to?
iii. What qualities must a sportsperson possess in order to pursue excellence in any sport, according to the

iv. What does the phrase 'promote health' (paragraph 3) mean according to the passage?
v. What is the phrase in paragraph 3 that has the same meaning as 'resist'?
vi. Why do you think having a nation of healthy people is important?
2. Read the following excerpt from a factual study:

A large majority of the elderly in India do not get long term and palliative care, revealed a study conducted
for the United Nations. The survey of more than 10,000 respondents across Northern, Southern, Western,
and Eastern India during May-June 2018, showed that 62.1% of the elderly did not get such care. More
than half of these people, 52.4%, said they primarily need traditional family support, says a study by
AgeWell Research and Advocacy Centre.
Older people in India often face problems such as disability, restricted mobility, loneliness, poverty and
lack of awareness on accessing old term care. With a fast-growing population of older people, ever
increasing gap between generations and the fast and demanding lifestyles of young people, for a majority
of older people, life is still a struggle for independence.
“According to 64% of elderly respondents, loneliness, marginalization, and isolation are the most critical
issues faced by bedridden elderly patients as they cannot visit, meet and interact with their relatives,
friends and neighbours,” said Himanshu Rath, founder of AgeWell foundation.

The elderly have to compromise and make adjustments

in their lifestyles according to the wishes of the
younger members of their families to ensure that they
are cared for, the study revealed. It highlighted that
67.6% of the elderly being taken care of their family
members have to look after the children of the
families. They have to perform tasks such as baby
sitting in return for proper care and support. Around
73.7% said they have to take care of the house and
other properties of their younger family members to ensure long term care and palliative care in old age.
The study report said, “Over 75% of respondents have to limit their interactions as their family members
direct them to do so, otherwise, their family members can avoid providing their basic needs of food and
medicines.” Most elderly respondents (68.5%) said breaking up of the joint family system is one of the
biggest factors for the challenges they face in getting long term, palliative care.
“Healthcare equipment such as wheelchairs, relief materials such as adult diapers and care giving services
should be provided on a regular basis to destitute older people, who are bedridden and suffering from
acute mobility issues”, the report said. “Providing long term and palliative care to older people comes in
the purview of family responsibilities in India. It is observed that older people who are financially
independent, have a high net worth or hold property entitlements are treated comparatively well by their
family members.” said Rath. “Managing home care for the elderly is a massive challenge as multiple service
providers—nursing agencies, physiotherapists and medical suppliers – are small scale and unorganized and
therefore, provide incomplete care.” he said. “In India, health insurance coverage is essentially limited to
hospitalization. The concept of geriatric care has remained a neglected area of medicine so far in the
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

i. According to the passage what is the primary need of almost all the elderly in India?

ii. In which case do the elderly get proper care and support?
iii. What was the outcome of the survey done during May-June 2018?

iv. What does the above passage primarily focus upon?

v. Why is individual family system important for old people?
vi. According to the report, what are the essential requirements for the older people suffering mobility


3. Attempt ANY ONE from i. and ii. (5M)
i. You are Sushmita/Sumit, a student of class IX. You participated in an event promoting ‘Plantation of
Trees’ for a greener city. Write a diary entry in 150 words sharing your experience using the visual given

ii. You’ve been having strange dreams for the last few months. You observe that your dreams often come
true. Convert one such dream, in which you helped in saving a small child from getting kidnapped into a
short and interesting story in 150 words. You can take help from the visual given below. (5M)

4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write
its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has
been done for you. (3x1=3M)
Error Correction
Walt Disney is our hero. He left me a legacy that can e.g. me us

be enjoy time and again. He (a)

knew who to entertain us so well. (b)
He developed a process in creating animated films. (c)

5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the narration. (2x1=2M)

Watson and Holmes were sitting when suddenly Watson asked Holmes __(i)______. Sherlock replied that
Watson himself should talk about it. He added that the day before the previous day, he had been thirty-
two and that ___(ii)________ thirty-five. Watson was shocked and started thinking about it. For him, it
was impossible.


6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. (6x2=12)
i. Why did the narrator’s wife urge the curator to give Baba back to her? Did the curator agree to do
so?(bond of love)

ii. In the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’, in which context, ‘harvest’ and ‘war’ have been used by the poet?
iii. What was Jerome’s intention behind his offer of packing? How was Jerome caught into his own words in
‘Packing’? 3 men
iv. The poet has used irony in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’ to give a message. Elaborate.

v. In the poem ‘The Snake Trying’, what does the poet appeal to the readers?
vi. Name the creeper that Johnsy continuously looked at. Why was it shedding its leaves? The last leaf
vii. In the lesson, ‘A House is Not a Home’ why was narrator’s first year of High School awkward?

7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. (2x4=8M)

i. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Justify the above proverb with reference to
the story ‘The Beggar’.

ii. With reference to the chapter, ‘If I Were You’, justify how during the situation of crisis, one’s presence of

mind and the attitude of not giving up are the most useful qualities?
iii. Mental toughness and determination became a key for Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova’s success.
Elaborate. What does one learn from their journey to success? Reach for the top



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