Functional & Technical Specification: 1. Version History

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Functional & Technical Specification

1. Version History
Version Date ISP No. Transport Revised by Reason for Revision
No Updated Request No.

2. General Information
Short Description
ISP Number
Process Owner
Priority (H/L/M)
Functional Consultant Anna-Marina Vogt
Technical Consultant
User Manual Required No If yes, specify the file
(Yes/No ) name
Approved / Reviewed Function / Role

3. Development Overview
Development Type () Report ( ) Interface ( ) Conversion
( ) Enhancement ( ) Form ( ) Workflow
( ) Infoset/Queries ( ) InfoProvider / Cube / Package
( ) Process Chain (X) App
Report / class/ Enh /
InfoProvider/ etc
T-Code to start the
Lock Objects
Called Programs / T-
New Development / X If new development,
Existing Development Package name
SAP System (X ) SAP R/3 ERP (X) HGP ( ) SAP BW

4. Business Requirement (Mandatory)

General wordings / information:

Technical Excel file:

All technical information including required z-tables with fields and entities etc. are stored in a separate Excel file which
is stored in the community ‘Replacement of workflows for program positions / investment and cost requests’. The Excel
file also shows which (input / output) fields are filled / shown on the different screens for the involved users in the
workflow. Also the detailed workflow and (SAP standard / SAP user / Fiori ) status information is stored in that file.
You find the file via the following link:

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Functional & Technical Specification

Attachments: Open topic, how can we link the documents to the program positions? Or can we store them in the
archive (similar to credit limit attachments)?

In total five z-tables are required; the details are stored on the table sheet ‘Tables’ in the community.
(1) Program position table (Name convention: ZFI_Numberofapp_PROGPO_CONTENT)
(2) Budget table (ZFI_Numberofapp_PROGPOS_BUDGET)
(3) Attachment table(ZFI_Numberofapp_PROGPOS_ATTACHMENT)
(4) Conversation table (ZFI_Numberofapp_PROGPOS_CONVERSATION)
(5) Workflow table (already exists ZCA_WORKFLOW_DEF  new entries for the new app required)


- FK1 = Management
- FK2 = First level under the Management etc.
- For data adjustments in SAP we would like to use BAPIs whenever it´s possible – hard data base updates
should be avoided
- In the app we do not distinguish between the planned value and the budget in the program position. But in
SAP there are two different values which have to be maintained (plan value after the first part of the workflow
and budget after the completion of the entire workflow)
- Program position: It´s like an idea for a new project, a program position has a value of at least 100.000 euros.
Once a new order is created in SAP, it needs to be assigned to a specific program position.
- Approval process: As known for the credit limit app already, we will keep the approval workflow flexible. The
approval steps mentioned in the functional specification just present the current status. If the worklow , the
ranges, the number of required steps change in future, only the table ZCA_WORKFLOW_DEF (and the
corresponding Excel file) will be updated. In this app we are using different status – depending on the level of
the request. Of course the status table will also be adjusted in case of any required changes.
Process flows:

The process flows are stored in the community:
Creation of user status for program positions and orders required

The Notes request should be replaced by the following Fiori apps

(1) Required Fiori apps for the creation of a new program position:

 A Fiori app for requesting a new planned program position (1.1)

 A Fiori app for the approval of the planned program position (Result: SAP Status Created / Eröffnet
(EROF)) (1.2)

 A Fiori app for requesting the release of the planned program position (1.3)

 A Fiori app for the approval of the released program position (Result: SAP Status Released / Frei
(FREI))) (1.4)

(2) Required Fiori apps for the creation of a new cost / investment request:

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 A Fiori app for requesting a new order (cost order / investment order, selection via radio button)

 Approval for the creation of the new order (cost order / investment order)

1.1 Fiori app for Requesting a new planned program position

Request for a new program position by FK2 and FK3

Authorisations: The requestor who has the competence FK2 and FK3 (app for requesting a new program position is
only assigned to FK2 and FK3  All these users have to create an authorization request for this app) can create a new
request for a new program position.
Cancellation of request: The request can be cancelled before the request has been approved by the first approver.
(The Fiori status of the request changes to ‘Cancelled’.)

(1.1.1) Requestor creates a new request for a new program position and selects the approver (FK1, FK2 and a
Controller are possible)
The following Excel file stores all the required fields which must be filled out by the requestor. Furthermore
the approver has to be selected (FK1, FK2 and a Controller can be selected, the function module will be
developed by the HR team due to sensible data. The HR FM selects all FK1´s, FK2´s and Controllers of
the selected company code from the organization structure.)
Remark 1: If the entered planned value is less than 100.000 euros, the system will display an error
message ‘Please enter a minimum value of 100.000 euros.’ (Bitte geben Sie einen Mindestwert von
100.000 Euro ein.)
Remark 2: The description of the requested program position should be enhanced by the 5-digit-ID (for
example 0010-000090: The user has entered the description ‘New forklift project at HPH’  The
description 00090 – New forklift project at HPH’ should be saved.
(1.1.2) The new request can be either saved or forwarded to the next level. (The Fiori status of the request
changes to ‘Saved’ or ‘IMF10 – With FK1/FK2/Controller’.)

Requestor (FK2/FK3) Mock Up Screenshot:

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Functional & Technical Specification

The above screenshot represents the Requestor Screen.

Following are the contents of Requestor Screen:
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list for the concerned requestor.
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request.

Master Page Details:-

Contains list of request assigned to the requestor.
By clicking on the specific request, the details of that request are opened on the detail page.
Along with the request status, SAP status are also displayed along with the request

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Saved, Rejected & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
New Request To create new Request - Click on the button to
create new request
Forward – To forward the request
for approval
Save – To save the request for
later processing.
Cancel – To discard the request
Saved Request Request saved by the requestor Forward – To forward the request
but not yet forwarded for approval for approval
Cancel – To discard the request
without forwarding
Rejected Request Request forwarded but rejected Re-initiate – To carry forward the
by Fk1 / Fk2 details of rejected request in a

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new request.
Discard – To Discard the request.
(Request will be removed from the
request list)
In Approval Request Request forwarded and is in Cancel – To discard the in
approval with Fk1/Fk2 approver approval request.
(Request can only be rejected
while in approval. Once the
request is approved, it can’t be
rejected by the requestor)

Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

(1.2) Fiori app for the approval of the planned program position

Authorisations: All FK1’s, FK2’s and Controllers require the authorization for the approval app.

The request is forwarded to the selected approver FK1, FK2 or a Controller who was selected in the previous step. The
requestor has the chance to update all request data.
Remark: If the updated planned value is less than 100.000 euros, the system will display an error message ‘Please
enter a minimum value of 100.000 euros.’ (Bitte geben Sie einen Mindestwert von 100.000 Euro ein.)

The approver can either accept or reject the request.

When the request is rejected, the rejection reason must be entered.
Two options:

(1.2.1) The request has been rejected:

 The request receives the status ‘IMF90-Rejected’.
Technically endless-loops should be avoided (due to complexity of change history) so that the same
request may not be adjusted and forwarded once again. Instead the user should get the chance to re-
initiate the workflow.
The rejected request is shown as open request on the tyle for the requestor.
Two options:
(1) The user can archive the request if he does not want to re-initiate the workflow.  The status of the
request changes to ‚IMF99 - Archived‘. Then the request is no longer displayed as open request on the
(2) The user has the chance to re-initiate the request by clicking on the button ‘Re-initiate’. All data
from the previous request is copied to the new request and can be adjusted. Then the workflow follows
step (1.1.2)  The status of the request changes to ‚IMF10 – With FK1/FK2/Controller’. The old
request is archived and gets the status ‘Archived’.
When the requestor opens the request, the rejection reason is displayed. All other request information
is also displayed.
Two options:
The user finally cancels the requests.  The request receives the status ‘Cancelled’?
The user has the chance to correct the data and send it to the approver again.  The process steps
into (1.2.) again.

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(1.2.2) The request has been approved:

 A new program position is created in SAP, all fields from the request have to be transferred to SAP
with the usage of the BAPI (see Excel file and ISP HMS2019040029). The status of the program
position in SAP is ‘Created Eröffnet (EROF)’. The status of the request in Fiori is ‘Planned program
position created’.
 The status of the program position is changed to ‘Created / Eröffnet (EROF) automatically.
 The new program position is stored in the hierarchy ‘00XX-P-E’ and will be shifted after the approval in
the second part of the workflow (see Excel file).
 The planned value of the new program position 00XX-XXXXX and the master program position 00XX
(for example 0010) has to be increased with the usage of a BAPI (see screenshots in Excel file and
ISP HMS2019040029). Generally the planned value for the requested program position is filled for all
requested years and the planned values of all program positions which are assigned to that master
program position are summed up.

Functional approval table of the planned program position (see part 1) of sheet ‘Approval table’ :
(the entries for the table ZCA_WORKFLOW_DEF are stored in the above mentioned Excel file)

Subsidiary Value from Value till Approver Competence

100.000 Requestor FK2 and FK3

100.000 One approver FK1 / FK2 and Controller

(to be selected manually) HR function module will
select the data, to be
developed by the HR

Approver FK1/ FK2 Mock up Screenshot:-

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Functional & Technical Specification

The above screenshot represents the approver Fk1/ Fk2 Screen.

Following are the contents of Approver Screen:
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list forwarded by the requestor for approval
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request along with the approver name and current status of the

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Saved & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
Saved Request Request saved by the requestor Forward – To forward the request
but not yet forwarded for approval to SAP
Reject– To discard the request
along with the rejection reason
In Approval Request Request forwarded to SAP and is Cancel – To discard the in
in approval. approval request.
(Request can only be rejected
while in approval. Once the
request is approved, it can’t be
rejected by Fk1/ Fk2 approver)

Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

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1.3 Fiori app for requesting the release of the new planned program position

General information about the approval details: Also the two previous workflow steps should be shown in the workflow
details (requestor + FK1 / FK2/ Controller). ok

Authorisations: All employees with the qualification of a project leader may initiate the second part of the workflow. In
table TCJ04 all employees with the qualification of a project leader are stored.
Cancellation of request: The request can be cancelled before the request has been approved by the first approver.
The status will be set to ‘Cancelled’ (see status matrix).

The project leader has to options:

(1.3.1) Speeding up the process: He creates a request for a completely new program
position by selecting the ‘dummy flag’ which triggers the workflow and the fields to be updated. In this case he
has to fill out all the relevant fields as input fields like the requestor has to do it in the first workflow step (See
1.1.1). In this case the first part of the workflow is completely skipped and the process follows (1.3.3). (See
Excel file) Remark: At the end of workflow after approval the program position has to be created in SAP with
the status Released and the planned and the budget values have to be maintained.
(1.3.2) Project leader creates a new request for the release of the planned program
position and selects the approver (controller)
The above mentioned Excel file stores all the required fields which must be filled out by
the project leader. All program positions with the status ‘Created’ can be selected by the
requestor (no restriction regarding the company code). The user should have the following
filter / search options: Date, Requestor, Description, ID, status (user status and system
status). Once a program position has been selected, all relevant data of the program
positopm is displayed on the screen (replicated from SAP / previous request of the
planned pgoram position). The project leader may adjust all fields of the planned program
position. He /she is the last person who may adjust the data in the workflow. Furthermore
the user has to select the first approver from the Controlling manually. Allso the other
approvers have to be filled by the project leader as they are not unique. (Here also the
functional modules have to be used.). So it has to be All controllers (or other approvers)
for the selected company code are displayed for selection in a drop down menue. The
function module for the selection values is developed by the HR team due to sensible
data. Remark: If the entered planned value is less than 100.000 euros, the system will
display an error message ‘Please enter a minimum value of 100.000 euros.’ (Bitte geben
Sie einen Mindestwert von 100.000 Euro ein.)

(1.3.3) The new request can be either saved or forwarded to the next level. (The Fiori
status of the request changes to ‘Saved’ or ‘IMF30 – With the Controller’.)

Requestor ( Project Leader) Mock Up Screenshot:

(The request can only be re-initiated post rejection by Project Leader, FK2/FK3 & FK1/FK2)

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The above screenshot represents the requestor (Project leader) Screen.

Following are the contents of requestor (Project Leader) Screen:
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list forwarded by the initial requestor (FK1) for approval. The project
leader can also initiate the request by selecting the program position / Dummy program position ID. These request will
also show up on the master page of the Project leader screen.
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request along with the approver name and current status of the

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Saved, Rejected & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
Saved Request Request saved by the Project Forward – To forward the request
leader but not yet forwarded for to next approver (Controller)
approval Reject– To discard the request
Rejected Request Request forwarded but rejected Re-initiate – To carry forward the
by Controller details of rejected request in a
new request.
Discard – To Discard the request.
(Request will be removed from the
request list)
In Approval Request Request forwarded and is in Cancel – To discard the in
approval with Controller approval request.
(Request can only be rejected
while in approval. Once the
request is approved, it can’t be
rejected by Project leader)

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Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

Approval app:

Controller & FK1 Mock up Screenshot:

(The approver Controller, FK2, Managing Director & Investment Controller cannot save the request. The
request can only be saved by FK2/FK3, FK1/FK2 & Project Leader)

Controller’s Screen

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FK1’s Screen

The above screenshot represents the approval screen for Controller & FK2 approver.
Following are the contents of Controller & FK2 approver.
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list forwarded by the Project Leader for approval.
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request & the requestor along with the next approver name and
current status of the request.

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Open, Rejected & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
Open Request Request forwarded by the Project Forward – To forward the request
leader but not yet approved by the to next approver (FK2)
controller. Reject– To discard the request
along with the rejection reason.
Rejected Request Request forwarded but rejected Rejected request cannot be re-
by FK2 Approver initiated but can only be available
for display to the controller along
with the rejection reason.
In Approval Request Request forwarded and is in Cancel – To discard the in
approval with FK2 approval request.
(Request can only be rejected
while in approval. Once the
request is approved, it can’t be
rejected by the Controller).

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Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

Managing Director Mock up Screenshot:

( The approver Managing Director cannot save the request, can only forward it or reject it)

The above screenshot represents the approval screen for Managing Director as an approver.
Following are the contents of Managing Director screen
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list forwarded by the FK2 for approval.
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request & the requestor along with the next approver name and
current status of the request.

(Please note managing director can directly approve the request below 249,999 Euro. All request above
249,999 Euro have to be forwarded to Investment Controller for approval)

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Open, Rejected & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
Open Request Request forwarded by FK2 Forward – To forward the request
approver but not yet approved by to next approver (Investment

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the Managing Director. Controller, only when amount

exceeds 249,999 Euro)
Reject– To discard the request
along with the rejection reason.
Approve – To approve the
request. ( When amount is equal
to or less than 249,999 Euro)
Rejected Request Request forwarded but rejected Rejected request cannot be re-
by Investment Controller initiated but can only be available
for display to the Managing
Director along with the rejection
In Approval Request Request forwarded and is in Cancel – To discard the in
approval with Investment approval request.
Controller (Request can only be rejected
while in approval. Once the
request is approved, it can’t be
rejected by the Investment

Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

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Investment Controller Mock up Screenshot:

( The approver Investment Controller cannot save the request, can only forward it or reject it)
Please note Investment controller can approve request with amount more than 249,999 Euro. If the amount is
less than that it can be approved directly by managing director.

The above screenshot represents the approval screen for Investment Controller as an approver.
Following are the contents of Investment Controller screen
Left side (Master Page) – It includes request list forwarded by the Managing Director (Amount > 249,999) for
Right side (Detail Page) - It includes details of the request & the requestor along with the next approver name and
current status of the request.

Master Page Type of Request:-

Includes three types of request, Open, Rejected & In Approval.
Request Type Request description Action buttons
Open Request Request forwarded by Managing Approve – To approve the request
Director approver but not yet forwarded by the previous
approved by the Investment approver (Investment Controller,
Controller only when amount exceeds
249,999 Euro)
Reject– To discard the request
along with the rejection reason.

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Rejected Request Request forwarded but rejected Rejected request cannot be re-
by Investment Controller initiated but can only be available
for display to the Managing
Director along with the rejection

Detail Page Content:-

Content of the detail page for requestor / All approvers can be found in excel below.

1.4. Fiori app for the approval of the release of the planned program position:

Authorisations: Controllers, FK1, Managing Directors and Investment Controllers should have access to the app. The
number of involved approvers depend on the value of the request (see functional table below and Excel sheet with
detailed workflow steps)

The request is forwarded to the selected approver FK1 who was selected in the previous step. The request data is
displayed, but the approver does not have the chance to adjust the data.

The approver can either accept or reject the request.
When the request is rejected, the rejection reason must be entered.

Two options:

(1.4.1*) The request has been rejected:

 The request receives the status ‘IMF90 - Rejected’.
Technically endless-loops should be avoided (due to complexity of change history) so that the same
request may not be adjusted and forwarded once again. Instead the project leader should get the
chance to re-initiate the workflow.
The rejected request is shown as open request on the tyle for the project leader.
Two options for the project leader:
(1) The user can archive the request if he does not want to re-initiate the workflow.  The status oft he
request changes to ‚IMF99-Archived’. Then the request is no longer displayed on the tyle as open
(2) The user has the chance to re-initiate the request by clicking on the button ‘Re-initiate’. All data
from the previous request is copied to the new request and can be adjusted. Then the workflow follows
step (1.3.2). Also here the old status is archived and receives the status ‘Archived’.

(1.4.2*) When the request is approved, it is forwarded to the next approver (see details below).

(1.4.2) The request is forwarded to the controller who has to check the data. The process follows 1.4.*
If the request is approved, it is forwarded to the next approver which is FK1.

 The Fiori status and the SAP user of the request changes to the next level IMF40 - With FK1
 The system status is not changed at that time.

(1.4.3) The request is forwarded to FK1 who has to check the data. The process follows 1.4.*
If the request is approved, it is forwarded to the next approver which is the Managing Director.

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 The Fiori status and the SAP user status of the request changes to the next level IMF50 - With the
Managing Director
 The system status is not changed at that time.

The request is forwarded to the Managing Director who has to check the data. The process follows 1.4.*
If the request is approved, the next action depends on the the value of the request.

( If the request is less than 250.000 euros Caution: It´s just the current status, we are using the workflow table
to keep the process flexible), the request is approved.  See (1.4.4)

( If the request is greater than 250.000 euros (Caution: It´s just the current status, we are using the workflow
table to keep the process flexible). it is forwarded to the last approver which is the Investment Controller.
 The Fiori status and the SAP user status of the request changes to the next level IMF60 - With the Investment

( The request is forwarded to the Investment Controller who has to check the data. The process follows 1.4*.
If the request is approved, see (1.4.4)

 The program position is updated in SAP according to the request data
The responsible is the initiator of the workflow (initiator of part two of the workflow)??.
 The SAP user status is changed to ‘IMF70 – Approved
 The SAP system status changes from EROF to ‘FREI’ (Created to Released)
 The program position is shifted from ‘00XX-P-E’ to ‘00XX-P-F’ (see Excel file).
 Remark: If the planned value has been updated in the second part of the workflow by the project
leader, the planned value of the requested program position and the master program position have to
be updated according to the currently requested value (same procedure than in the first part of the
workflow after approval: Generally the planned value for the requested program position is filled for all
requested years and the planned values of all program positions which are assigned to that master
program position are summed up.
  The requested program position receives an additional status ‘BUDG’.
 The planned value and the budget of the requested program position have to be equal.  The budget
of the requested program position and of the master program position have to be increased according
to the request data. Generally the budget for the requested program position is filled for all requested
years and the budget of all program positions which are assigned to that master program position are
summed up (Again a BAPI should be used, see screenshots in Excel file)
 .Remark: For dummy program positions at the end of workflow after approval the program position has
to be created in SAP with the status Released and the planned and the budget values of the master
program position have to be increased and the planned and budget values for the requested program
position have to be maintained.

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Functional & Technical Specification

Functional approval table for the approval of the release of the planned program position:
( the entries for the table ZCA_WORKFLOW_DEF are stored in the above mentioned Excel file)

Subsidiary Value from Approver Comment

100.000 Responsible / All project leaders are

Qualification project leader stored in table TCJ04

100.000 ? Controller Is this workflow step

(to be selected manually , example required?
positions for company code 0010 in HR HR function module will
50017053 and 50017051 for the leader) select the data, to be
developed by the HR team

100.000 First level below the Managing Director HR function module will
(FK2) select the data, to be

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developed by the HR team

100.000 ?? Managing Director Is this workflow step

required? Or should it
depend on the value?
HR function module will
select the data, to be
developed by the HR team

250.000 Investment controller HR function module will

(there are two world wide (Controller + select the data, to be
substitute), new positions will be created developed by the HR team
for the investment controllers by the HR

1.000.000,0 Geschäftsleitung HR function module will

1 (manuelle Auswahl aus den drei select the data, to be
vorgeschlagenen: developed by the HR team
Dr. Hettich, Fr. Schönfeld, Hr. Gross)

5. Business Impact

6. Detailed Process Flow / Flow Charts

7. Tables / Structures
Table / Structure Table / Structure Field Field Description
Name Description

8. Selection Screen Details

9. Output Details

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Functional & Technical Specification

10. Programming Details

Selection Logic
Processing Logic
Output Processing

11. Test Scenario

Date Variant Variant Provided By System Test Date

12. Transport Request Log

Date Request No Request Created Date of Transport
By HI1 HP1

13. Further Remarks / Issues

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