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The different farm tools and equipment in agronomic crop work have
been profoundly taken up in your lessons last year. Their proper operations
and maintenance were discussed, too. But for you to be able to perform
properly the different rice production activities, the important tools and
equipment to be used will be discussed in this lesson with emphasis on their
correct operation and maintenance as well as safety precautions in using them
and the protective gears to be used.

1.1. Identify the required materials, tools and equipment according
to lists provided and/or authority instructions.

Shrub-is a small- to medium-sized perennial woody plant. Unlike herbaceous
plants, shrubs have persistent woody stems above the ground.

Furrow- a trench in the earth made by a plow

Hand tools – tools that are usually light and are used to do minor operation in
the farm.

Farm implements – accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machines to

make the farm operation easier.

Equipment – powered tool machines used in farming operations.

Repair – to restore to good condition and make it functional.

Prepare – to gather all the needed materials ready for a specific work.

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Identify the answer for the following statement from the choices given
inside the box.
1. Used for cleaning the ground and leveling topsoil.
2. Used for cutting of weeds particularly tall shrubs and
3. Used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from
one place to another, and for mixing soil media and fertilizers.
4. Used for tilling large areas, making furrows and ditches to
facilitate irrigation and drainage.
5. It is equivalent to the combined effect of one plowing and
harrowing in land preparation.
6. Used for tilling and pulverizing the soil.
7. Used to draw irrigation water from a source.
8. Used to pull disc plow, disc harrow and rotavator in
preparing much wider area of land.
9. Variously curved blade typically used for harvesting rice.
10. Equipment performs the harvesting and threshing at the
same time.

Bolo Sickle Rake

Shovel Plow Harrow
Four-Wheel Tractor Water pump Combine Harvester

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Farm Tools and Equipment

Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of animals
or machines. They are being used in performing farm activities which involve
small yet important jobs to be done. Below are some of the examples:

1. Bolo. There are different

kinds of bolo used for
different purposes. In crop
production it is used for
cutting of weeds
particularly tall shrubs and

2. Shovel is used in removing

trash, digging loose soil,
moving soil from one place
to another, and for mixing
soil media and fertilizers. It
is also used in the repair
and construction of levees
and in irrigation

3. Rake is used for cleaning the

ground and leveling the
topsoil during seedbed
preparation particularly in
the dry method of seedling

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4. Sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool
with a variously curved blade typically
used for harvesting rice.


These are accessories which are being pulled by working animals or

mounted to machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in the
preparation of large tract of land. These are usually made of a special kind of


1. Plows. These are farm implements used in rice production

operations either pulled by a working animal or a tractor. The plow
is specifically used for tilling large areas, making furrows and
ditches to facilitate irrigation and drainage.

Plows pulled by working animals are made of either a combination of

metal or wood or pure metal. Due to intensive farm mechanization it is
becoming extinct in some regions. They are used to till areas with a
shallower depth than that of the disc plows which are pulled by tractors.

Carabao drawn plow Disc plow drawn by a tractor

2. Harrow. The native wooden harrow is made of wood with a metal

tooth and pulled by a carabao while the disc harrow is a metal
mounted to a tractor. Harrows are used for tilling and pulverizing

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the soil in upland rice production where the soil is tilled dry while
waiting for the rain or water supply.


3. Rotavator. The rotavator is an implement attached to a tractor used

for land preparation. It could be used for wet and dry land
preparation. One passing of rotavator is equivalent to the combined
effect of one plowing and harrowing in land preparation.


These are machineries used in farm operations especially in rice

production. They are used in land preparation and in transporting farm inputs
and produce. Using this equipment requires a highly skilled operator.

1. Hand tractor. It is the most useful and convenient equipment of the farmers.
It is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a wide area of land. It is
also used to transport other materials from the house to the farm and a very
important equipment in the mobility of most farmers.

2. Four-wheel tractor. It is used to pull disc plow, disc harrow and rotavator in
preparing much wider area of land. It is also used to draw a trailer to
transport bulk of materials, equipment, farm inputs, and harvest. It is very
useful during harvest and other post-harvest activities.

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3. Water pump. This equipment is very important to draw irrigation water
from a source such as deep well, rivers and lakes. In some areas where water
is scarce, second cropping of rice could be done using a water pump.

4. Combine harvester. This equipment performs the harvesting and threshing

at the same time. The grains are deposited in its compartment and could be
easily transported to the nearest road when hauling the harvests.

Hand Tractor Small Tractor Big

Four- wheel Tractor

Combine Harvester Rice Thresher

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Practice Task 1

Identify the tools used in land preparation and write their uses.

Students will be asked to draw from the box containing the names of
farm tools and equipment and explain how and when it will be used in
accomplishing rice production activities.

Tools Name Uses

Equipment Name Uses

1. Why is important to identify the required materials and equipment in

preparing the land?

2. Does using of right tools and equipment for the specific farm
operation makes it easier and more economical? Explain.

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