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City profile

Name of the city

Mission of the city administration


History of the city with summary

Organizational structure in JPG or PNG format in a high resolution, detail description

Logo of the city in PNG format with a high resolution

address of the city municipality

contact information such as email address, phone number and fax number

social links not limited to (Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)

established year, total population and total area

2. Mayor profile


Image high resolution in solid background

Background/ experience/ CV

Contact information – office number, email, phone number

social links not limited to (Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)

3. City level Elected official profile (to be filled for each using the same format)

Full name

Current office

Current Job position

Image high resolution in solid background

Background, experience, CV

Contact information – office number, email, phone number

social links not limited to (Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)

4. City council Information

Administrative Council

Council Speaker

Standing committee





5. Sub administration information

Copy the table for each Sub administration.

Sub administration name

Total population
Total area
Male Population Female Population

total sub administrative area

address of the Sub administration office GPS location of the Sub administration office


P. o box


Social links to Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube

6. Programs and projects

Use the table per project

Program Name

Program Description

Implementation Period: from x to y in Ethiopian Calander (Start Date and End Date)

Implementation area

Total Allocated budget in ETB



Images if any

Use the next table per project.

Project profile

Project owner/ leader

Implementing Office


Total Allocated budget in ETB

Implementation Period: from x to y in Ethiopian Calendar

Implementation area
Project contact information: phone no, email, website

7. Bureau/ office information

Copy the table per office/ bureau

Bureau name

Full address

Office contact information – phone number, fax no, email address

Services provides if any

Profile of the official lead the office having

Full name

Background/ experience

High resolution image in JPG Format

Contact information: email, office phone no

Social link of the office

social links not limited to (Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)

8. Service profile

Use the table below for each service provided by the city or specific bureau/ office

Bureau/ office name:

Service name

Service description



Total estimated time for processing

Name of the service provider

Location of the service provider

Service Provision dates

Service provider contact information such as email address and phone number

9. Emergency Contact information

Per the following Category and area (copy the table for each sub city if needed)

Police Ambulance Hospital Fire Fighter

10. Landmark
List of landmark/ Iconic locations copy the table for each landmark

Sub city name Address

phone description Website

GPS Location

11. Testimony
Person Name Organization name



Website (if any)


12. Main images for Slider in the home page




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