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Karla Aguilar 37 years old Female


Bloating, belching or burping

Most likely cause is Low Stomach Acid

This symptom is usually a gallbladder problem due to low amounts of bile. Bile is the fluid that helps break down fats and may be thought of as
a detergent that helps dissolve the grease. Your gallbladder stores, concentrates, and releases bile. Bile is recycled in the body but many
people lose bile if they have high stress levels or a fatty liver. If the gallbladder is removed, there will certainly be a deficiency in bile. The other
cause of this bloating, belching, or burping is a lack of stomach acid. It takes a strong acid to trigger the release of bile. Stomach acid also helps
break down food higher up in the digestive tract (in the stomach), and without acid, food can end up being undigested (called indigestion). The
addition of an acidifier plus a bile supplement is the best combination to reduce this symptom. As people age, their body may lose the ability to
produce stomach acid. High stress (shown with high cortisol levels), high estrogen, and high insulin levels can all reduce bile production.


Low Stomach Acid


Cysts (fibrocystic breasts and ovarian cysts)

Most likely cause is High Estrogen


This symptom could occur due to an iodine deficiency or an estrogen excess. The ovary and breast need iodine just as much as the thyroid
needs it. Female organs have many receptors for estrogen and estrogen makes things grow. The growth of the tissue could result in cysts,
fibroids, endometriosis (extra tissue growth in the area of the female reproductive tract), tumors, and even cancer. Iodine can regulate and
clean out excess estrogen.


High Estrogen


Dizzy When Standing Up Too Fast

Most likely cause is Autonomic nervous system dysfunction


The adrenal glands regulate your body when you change positions. They alter the inner pressure, based on body position. When the adrenals
are weak, the adaptation of the body to alter the blood flow to the head after getting up too quickly can be sluggish and delayed. This can cause


Autonomic nervous system dysfunction

Dry Scaly Skin

Most likely cause is Low Bile


Dry, scaly skin could be caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A has the ability to go deep into the cells and actually affect the genes that
control what skin looks like and how it acts functionally. Vitamin A acts like a hormone and without this vitamin, skin can become dry, scaly, and
rough. But then, for many people who do not have enough bile from the gallbladder to absorb the vitamin A, they end up with dry, scaly skin. A
congested gallbladder or a missing gallbladder can cause vitamin A deficiencies.


Low Bile


Excessive worrying and anxiety

Most likely cause is High Cortisol

Excessive worrying and anxiety are often caused by an overactive adrenal gland. An overactive adrenal gland could cause high levels of
cortisol. A body under a lot of stress is depleted of three main nutrients: calcium, potassium, and vitamin B1. Since the adrenal gland is the
stress gland and is supposed to counter stress but fails to do this, the feelings of stress you have stick around for awhile. Over the years, I have
observed that a person in adrenal fatigue tends to feel unstable, can't make decisions, and has feelings that he or she isn't surviving. This goes
along with constant thinking (brain chatter) with specific attention on solving problems related to “survival”, yet the feeling like you’re never
surviving with plan A, B, C, etc.


High Cortisol


Frequent Urination (women)

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


Polyuria (excessive urination) could be due to a problem in regulating blood sugar (either insulin resistance or diabetes). It could also be
because of high calcium levels in the blood, or even because of having low levels of estrogen. An anatomical structure in the bladder called
trigone (controller of urination in the bladder) may not get enough estrogen so frequent urination occurs. This happens after menopause.

Insulin Resistance


Hair Loss

Most likely cause is Trace Mineral Deficiency


Hair is made of protein. There are several things that can cause hair loss. 1. The most common cause is a trace mineral deficiency. Trace
minerals are minerals needed in small amounts. Trace minerals allow protein to form properly in the body. For example, low selenium, iron, and
zinc can cause hair loss. 2. When women have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), insulin causes a higher level of androgens. In this case,
fixing insulin resistance can lower the level of androgens and save your hair. 3. Biotin can also be good for hair strength. A biotin deficiency
causes hair loss. Biotin deficiency may occur from eating raw eggs. 4. Another cause of hair loss is having high levels of androgens. This is the
problem in the case of alopecia and male pattern baldness (loss of hair on the top of your head). This comes from higher levels of DHT, a
powerful form of testosterone. In the presence of too much 5-alpha reductase (conversion enzyme), testosterone can be converted to excess
DHT. Stinging nettle root can lower this enzyme, thereby reducing this conversion. Stinging nettle root is an 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.

Trace Mineral Deficiency


Heavy Menstrual Cycle

Most likely cause is High Estrogen


When the ovaries are on overdrive, they create excess estrogen, thus causing heavy cycles. This is an estrogen dominance problem. Most
likely, a person gets exposed to environmental estrogen such as those from foods, etc. This interacts with the ovary, causing it to produce
excess estrogen. You see this with younger girls going through their first menstruation earlier and earlier, not to mention having larger breast
size – this is all excess estrogen. GMO foods – like corn and soy are estrogenic; this is probably why there is a rise in the number of breast
cancer cases.


High Estrogen

Loose Skin (loss of collagen)

Most likely cause is Low Stomach Acid


There are several causes of loose skin or loss of collagen: 1. If your stomach is not acidic enough, you can develop a lack of digestion for
proteins (collagen). This is common and happens as we age or take antacids. 2. If your vitamin C status is low, collagen will not be formed and
you can develop loose, flabby skin. This is not as common as the first one, but can occur. 3. If your adrenals are overactive, high cortisol can
destroy your body's protein collagen pool and turn protein into carbohydrates. An overactive adrenal gland (high cortisol) is very common. 4.
Insulin resistance due to diabetes. Insulin's function is to allow amino acids to enter the cells. When you have diabetes or insulin resistance,
insulin can no longer drive amino acids into the cell, which results to the deterioration of your body proteins – this is the most likely cause of
flabby skin in women in the ages of pre- and post-menopause. 5. The last cause could be a deficiency in trace minerals. Trace minerals are
those minerals needed in small amounts and are required for the formation of protein in the body.


Low Stomach Acid


Loss of Memory
Most likely cause is High Insulin


The most common cause of a loss of memory is having high insulin. This could be due to a pre-diabetic situation called Insulin Resistance.
What happens is that glucose can't enter the brain to the degree it should because there is resistance to insulin. Insulin also functions to provide
nutrition to the cells, not just glucose but also amino acids, minerals, and fatty acids. Basically, the brain cells are starved of nutrition when you
have a problem with insulin, thus the memory loss occurs. The adrenal gland may also have a connection to memory loss. High stress (high
cortisol) can starve the brain of oxygen. There are 3 nutrients that act like insulin (reduce the need of insulin): potassium, magnesium (in wheat
grass juice powder), and vitamin B1 (in Adrenal Day Formula).


High Insulin


Low Libido (woman)

Most likely cause is High Estrogen

There are multiple reasons for this symptom. Low libido can be because of high stress and adrenal fatigue (high cortisol). This results in having
high cortisol and in blockage of testosterone. Insulin problems can also shut off libido like a switch. In addition, insulin blocks testosterone. Lack
of sleep can turn it on as well. Menopause will create a strain on the adrenals because they now have to act as the backup organ to
compensate for a loss of ovarian function. But this is really due to adrenal fatigue. Also, high estrogen can block testosterone, so women with
estrogen dominance have lowered libido. Isolate your problem and address the specific cause. If, after doing this, your problem still persists,
consider that there are certain remedies people take. Don’t laugh, some people use black mountain ants, silkworms or ginkgo biloba. But unless
you focus on the real cause, everything will become expensive.


High Estrogen


Mid-back Pain or Tightness

Most likely cause is Low Stomach Acid


You would think that mid-back is simply some pain that came from an injury, but what if there was no injury? There can be two sources. First,
the heart and the other is digestion (stomach). A tired heart can be caused by adrenal fatigue. Check for potential heart problems. It could be a
tired heart due to a lack of sleep. As the heart works harder, it anchors to the breastbone and back causing tension in the mid-back or in the
front chest area. If the person is a smoker and then abruptly stopped smoking, many times, they end up with heart problems. The adrenals are
so used to this drug nicotine and they become dependent on it. Stopping it then creates weakness. Nicotine relaxes the coronary artery. If this
is the case, they need to support the adrenals with Cortisol Support. But the heart problem can come from many other causes. If digestion is
involved, simply add more acid such as Apple Cider Vinegar Plus (three before meals) and the stomach can now digest foods and the pain will
go away.


Low Stomach Acid



Most likely cause is Low Vitamin B1


Vitamin B1 is needed for mental power and energy. A deficiency in vitamin B1 can create nightmares and very vivid dreaming. Vitamin B1 gets
depleted with stress and when you consume sugar and refined carbohydrates. Adrenal fatigue from lots of stress can deplete your vitamin B1.
Refined grains: breads, pasta, cereal, crackers, pancakes, and waffles, etc.

Low Vitamin B1


PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder)

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


This condition could be caused by insulin resistance. The excess insulin converts to androgen (the male hormone). Androgens in excess cause
PCOD. Many people think insulin resistance is an associated symptom of PCOD - no, it's the root cause of it. You fix the insulin resistance and
you fix PCOD.


Insulin Resistance


Poor Night Vision

Most likely cause is Low Bile


This could be caused by vitamin A deficiency. However, it could be a gallbladder problem where the absorption of vitamin A is being blocked.
The gallbladder releases bile to help dissolve fats and extract the vitamin A from the foods needed to make the eye work correctly. Vitamin A
allows things seen at night to be magnified in the eye and without it, light will not be reflected properly.


Low Bile


Stubborn Weight

Most likely cause is High Estrogen


Hormonally, there are 3 hormones that must be lowered: (1) insulin, (2) cortisol, and (3) estrogen. The best principle to use on stubborn weight
is to get healthy first. This speeds up the metabolism and goes beyond just weight loss. What I mean by getting healthy is to do things to get
your sleep, energy, digestion, stress tolerance and cravings improved instead of taking meds to camouflage your symptoms. The most
successful action for getting to the deeper root causes of one's weight problem is to sign up for the membership site. Here, you will find 200+
videos to address every possible situation you will run into.


High Estrogen


Wakes up in the Middle of the Night

Most likely cause is Insulin Resistance


This problem lying behind this symptom is either an adrenal symptom or a problem with glycogen (stored sugar). With adrenal fatigue, the
hormone cortisol spikes in an opposite way. Normally in the body, hormones go through a circadian rhythm, with cortisol at the lowest point at
2:30am in the morning, and cortisol at its highest at 8:00am. But during adrenal fatigue, you get a spike of cortisol at 2:30am, making you more
awake in the middle of the night, even more than during the day. Then you're completely exhausted in the early morning when you should be
waking up when the alarm clock goes off. Have you ever woken up by your alarm clock and said, "If I could just sleep now, I could probably
sleep the best?" Then we know your hormones are “out of balance” in this manner of speaking. Normally, the liver should store sugar and
release it slowly through the night and if this doesn't happen, the sugar level can go up or down, bumping you out of the sleep. The name for
this is insulin resistance (IR). IR will also force you to urinate through the night and this is merely because your blood sugar levels are off.

Insulin Resistance



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Electrolyte or type unknown

Provides a complete electrolyte blend with trace minerals.

Keto &notIntermittent
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*Electrolyte Powder

This remedy is recommended for the following causes:

High Estrogen
Low Estrogen
High Androgens
Low Magnesium

*Keto & Intermittent Fasting Booklet

This remedy is recommended for the following causes:

High Estrogen
Low Estrogen
High Androgens
Low Magnesium
Low Blood Sugars
Insulin Resistance
High Insulin
Low Vitamin B1

Dr. Berg Nutritionals

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