Final Task

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FINAL TASK : Singing your identity

Your mission :

-Pick 1 artist or 1 band you love.

-Pick 1 song or videoclip to show your friends (NO nudity, NO hate speech or swear words!)

-Make a short powerpoint to illustrate your presentation (pictures and a few keywords)

-Prepare 1 paper of keywords to take with you to the board.

Your presentation

-Follow the methodology we’ve seen together (main question, plan, etc.)

-MAIN QUESTION: What artist/band represents your values, your generation and/or society


1/ Presentation of the artist/band

2/ Reasons why I love him/her/them

3/ Reasons why he/she/they represent my values, my generation and/or society nowadays?

 You decide what the sub-parts will be.

You MUST use :

-vocabulary about music (cf list)

-adjectives (meliorative/pejorative)

- Expressions to give a piece of advice

-connecting words

On D-day :

-3 minutes minimum

-use as many mandatory elements as possible

-don’t read your notes, just use them if you can’t remember something

-your presentation must be clear and organised. Pick relevant information only, don’t use everything
and anything (REASONING SKILL)

-speak loudly and be presentable

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