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Kylee Jaquish

Ms. Nelson

English 12, Hr. 4

18 February 2022

Background of Climate Change

According to the article “Climate Change” by ProCon, points out how the earth’s

temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since the early 20th century. This is caused

by the increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. The pro argument in

the “Climate Change” by ProCon, stated that the increasing levels of greenhouse gases are an

immediate outcome of human activities that include the burning of fossil fuels. Resulting in

extreme climate change such as global warming, loss of sea ice, sea-level rise, stronger storms,

and more droughts. The con side of “Climate Change” by ProCon, argues that greenhouse gasses

caused by human activities are too small to significantly change the earth’s climate. One might

ask, what’s causing the rise in carbon dioxide? This might lead others to say the industrial

revolution was what start the rise in Co2 emissions.

The article “The industrial revolution in Europe- 1783-1914” by John Haywood,

indicates, the start of the industrial revolution was first seen in Europe where small communities

were rebuilt into modern industrial nations that sparked a rise in economic growth and an

increase in population. That soon lead Britain to become the place to pioneer and develop mass

production. According to the article “Industrial Revolution” by Editors, goods and

services that were being handcrafted were starting to be produced in mass productions by

machines in factories. Creating new jobs that helped people escape poverty. Along with the new
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technologies being developed and new factories being built meant more factory pollutions

especially Co2 being released into the atmosphere increasing the overall temperature of the earth.

In conclusion, the rise of new technology and new factories/businesses created a lot of

jobs and untimely brought a lot of growth and good to humanity. But in the long run, the

industrial revolution didn’t do a whole lot of good for our planet. Thus, it brought upon climate

change resulting in global warming, loss of sea ice, sea-level rise, stronger storms, and more


Annotated Bibliography

"Climate Change." ProCon, edited by, ProCon, 2018. Credo Reference, Accessed 16 Feb.


This source provides information on climate change. It describes factual evidence such as

how the earth's temperature has been increasing by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since the early

20th century. Also, during this time greenhouse gas levels have increased such as carbon dioxide

and methane. The pro side argues that the increasing levels of greenhouse gases are an

immediate outcome of human activities that include the burning of fossil fuels. Resulting in

extreme climate change such as global warming, loss of sea ice, sea-level rise, stronger storms,

and more droughts. The con side argues that greenhouse gasses caused by human activities are

too small to significantly change the earth's climate. Therefore, the earth can absorb the increase

in greenhouse gases. This source is for anyone looking to learn about the pros and cons of

climate change. The author does a good job explaining the effects of climate change and

provides good evidence to back the information up. There is no visible weakness to this article.
Jaquish 3 Editors, editor. "Industrial Revolution.", edited by

Editors, A and E Television Networks, 29 Oct. 2009,

revolution/industrial-revolution. Accessed 18 Feb. 2022.

This source provides information on the industrial revolution. It explains how England

was the birthplace of the industrial revolution and the impacts it caused. Such as the rise of steam

power, the rise in new transportation, the effects of communication and banking, and how the

industrial revolution occurred in the United States. For example, in the early 1700s, Thomas

Newcomen designed a prototype for a modern steam engine that he called the "atmospheric

steam engine". Another impact described how goods that were being handcrafted were starting to

be produced in mass productions by machines in factories. With new techniques in textiles, iron

making, and other industries. This source is very good for anyone interested in learning about the

industrial revolution. The author does a good job of emphasizing the impact the industrial

revolution provided. There is no visible weakness to this article.

 "The Industrial Revolution in Europe - 1783-1914." Concise Atlas of World History,

Andromeda, edited by John Haywood, Windmill Books (Andromeda International),

1997. Credo Reference,

783_1914/0. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.

This source provides information on the industrial revolution (origins in Britain). It outlines how

Europe was rebuilt into modern industrial nations that sparked a rise in economic growth and an

increase in population. This in turn helped people escape poverty as there were many new jobs
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available such as coal mining, textile, and metal industries, the building of new railroad

networks, cotton, and woolen industries, and many more. Soon Britain was the place to pioneer

and develop mass production. However, the growth between 1840-70 proved otherwise because

it brought about an increase in unemployment and more dangerous work environments. So, the

solution that most people came up with during this time was to simply move to places more

promising and bring the ideas they had learned in Britain with them. Starting the industrial

revolution. This is a very good source for anyone who is looking to learn about the industrial

revolution. The author does a good job describing how the industrial revolution started and the

pro and cons of it during the period. There is no visible weakness to this article. 

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