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School Year 2021-2022


Title Page.....................................................................................................................................i
Table of
Statement of the Problem................................................................................................................7

Scope and
Significance of the
Review of Related
Review of Related

Research Procedure
Gathering of
Definition of
Appendix A. Transmittal
Appendix B. Survey Questionnaire..............................................................................................24-


COThe VID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human
history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Closures of schools,
institutions and other learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the world’s student
population. This has brought far-reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. Social distancing
and restrictive movement policies have significantly disturbed traditional educational practices.
Reopening of schools after relaxation of restriction is another challenge with many new standard
operating procedures put in place.
Within a short span of the COVID-19 pandemic, many researchers have shared their works on
teaching and learning in different ways. Several schools, colleges and universities have
discontinued face-to-face teachings. There is a fear of losing 2020 academic year or even more in
the coming future. The need of the hour is to innovate and implement alternative educational
system and assessment strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with an opportunity
to pave the way for introducing digital learning. This article aims to provide a comprehensive
report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online teaching and learning of various
papers and indicate the way forward.
Keywords;covid 19,covid 19 vaccine


First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank God Almighty for givingthem the
strength, knowledge, ability and opportunity to undertake this research studyand to
persevere and complete it satisfactorily. Without his blessings, this achievementwould not
have been possible.This paper takes on her fullest efforts, but the researchers will not take
all thecredits for the success of the study. The researchers would like to express her deep
andsincere gratitude to their research adviser Mr. John Ian C. Barrientos. He has been
there providing his heartfelt support and guidance at all times and has given the
researchersinvaluable guidance, inspiration and suggestions in their quest for knowledge.
He hasgiven the researchers all the freedom to pursue their research, while silently and
non-obtrusively ensuring that the researchers stay on course and do not deviate from the
coreof their research. Without his able guidance, this study would not have been possible
andthe researchers shall eternally be grateful to him for his assistance.The researchers
have great pleasure in acknowledging her gratitude to theirfriends, who has been
showering them with their love and full support, thus helping theresearchers when they
need them.Last but not the least;t
heir acknowledgement would be incomplete withoutthanking the biggest source

of their strength, the researchers’ families

Nobody has beenmore important to them in the pursuit of this project than the members
of their families.2
Senior High School
The Negative Effect of Procrastination on the Academic Performance of SeniorHigh School
Students of Mount Carmel School of Maria Aurora Inc.

The researchers would like to thank their own parents, whose love and guidance are
withher in whatever the researchers pursue. They are the ultimate role models.
Theresearchers thank them for putting up with them in difficult moments where
theresearchers felt stumped and for goading them on to follow their dream of getting
thisdegree. This would not have been possible without their unwavering and unselfish
loveand support given to the researchers at all times.

Chapter I

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China at the end of
December 2019, and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on
March 12, 2020 [1]. The virus has affected almost all countries, resulting in more than 140
million cases recorded, and at least 3.0 million global deaths. In the Philippines, more than
900,000 cases and 15,000 deaths have been confirmed [2].
Because the virus was new, antivirals and therapeutic solutions have not been developed;
minimum health standard measures were put in place to slow the spread of the virus. The public
was asked to wear face masks and practice physical distancing. In many instances, especially
when infections rise quickly, strict quarantine measures were implemented. While these
countermeasures are remarkable, they are still not sufficient to completely halt the spread of
COVID-19 [3]. Vaccination is considered an important additional tool and the most successful
way to control the viral infection and spread of
COVID-19 [4,5]. The rapidly growing global infection rate of the virus has forced international
governments and organizations to urgently produce vaccines as soon as possible [5]. Several
vaccines have been approved for general, limited, or emergency use in countries like China,
Russia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US) [6]. In December 2020, the WHO
issued its first emergency validation for the Comirnaty COVID-19 mRNA vaccine developed by
Pfizer/BioNTech [7]. UK was the first to roll out a mass vaccination program, followed by the
US [8,9]. As of February 2021, more than 100 million doses have been administered globally,
with countries like Israel and the United Arab Emirates making swift progress to immunize their
citizens, while others are vaccinating small proportions of their populations [6].
Data from the WHO has revealed that there are 181 vaccines in pre-clinical developments, while
another 69 are in clinical development as of February 2021 [10]. Some of the vaccines currently
in the clinical stage are being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, Cansino
Biological Research, Gamaleya, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinovac, and Sinopharm to name a few.
The Philippine government originally aimed to start its vaccination program as soon as February
2021 [11]. The government was aiming to secure at least 148 million vaccine doses and
vaccinate 50 million to 70 million Filipinos within the year to reach herd immunity against
COVID-19 [12]. The Philippine Department of Health (DoH) has also expressed optimism that
the country will receive around 44 million doses through the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access
(COVAX) facility, which “provides governments with the opportunity to benefit from a large
portfolio of COVID-19 candidate vaccines using a range of technology platforms, produced by
more manufacturers across the world, with abigger market to provide security of demand [13,7].”
Two brands of COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be delivered by end of February and early
March 2020 – Sinovac and AstraZeneca [14].
Even though immunization has successfully reduced the global burden of illness and death,
public confidence in vaccines can be affected by various concerns [3]. Concern about vaccines
has been growing worldwide, with several factors being found responsible for vaccine
acceptancy when a new vaccine is developed [15–19]. Even the WHO has identified vaccine
hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health [20]. The problem of vaccine refusal has
many contributing factors [4,21,22]. Some of the factors resulting in vaccine hesitancy include
the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, side effects of the vaccine, misconceptions about
vaccination, and lack of knowledge [23,24]. Vaccine hesitancy and misinformation have caused
substantial obstacles to achieving coverage and herd immunity, which could put public health at
risk, especially if it persists during the present crisis [15,16,18]. In fact, in many cases, people’s
hesitation to be vaccinated or have their children vaccinated has resulted in localized outbreaks
of vaccine-preventable diseases [25]. The most well-known example in the Philippines is the
outbreak of measles in 2018-2019 and resurgence of polio in 2019 [26; 20], which were
attributed to the fundamental breakdown in public trust in vaccines after local health authorities
withdrew a dengue vaccine (Dengvaxia®) in 2017 [27].
A report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 2019 showed that the measles
immunization coverage in the Philippines has declined from 88% in 2013 to 73 % in 2017, and
moved further down to less than 70% in 2018 [28]. DoH Secretary Francis Duque admitted that
vaccine hesitancy contributed to the worsening problem of low vaccine coverage [27]. When it
comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, a national survey conducted by Pulse Asia from November 3 to
December 2, 2020, revealed that almost half (47%) of Filipinos said they are not willing to get
vaccinated against COVID-19. Meanwhile, an independent survey in NCR by the OCTA
Research, an independent interdisciplinary group composed of scientists from the University of
the Philippines (UP), the University of Santo Tomas (UST), and Providence College in the
United States, showed that only 25% percent of 600 respondents aged 18 above are willing to be
vaccinated against COVID-19 [29].
The WHO has recommended a preemptive strategy to overcome vaccine hesitancy and build
trust in a vaccine to prepare for maximum efficacy when a vaccine is available [4]. The efficient
and effective distribution and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among the general public is a
crucial challenge to ensure that herd immunity can be achieved. The negative issues toward
vaccines in the past have negatively affected the public’s intention to be vaccinated against
COVID-19 with an approved vaccine as shown by various literature. To come up with an
effective vaccination program, authorities must understand the willingness of the public to
receive vaccines and the reason behind the hesitancy, if there is.
Previous studies have shown that people will have high vaccine acceptability if it is
recommended by their healthcare providers and professionals [30,31]. Several health beliefs
have been correlated in past studies with vaccine acceptability, such as the perceived vaccine
effectiveness and potential vaccine harms. This, according to Reiter, Pennel, & Katz (2020), are a
central construct of multiple health behavior theories such as the Protection Motivation Theory
[31,32]. Meanwhile, a meta-analysis conducted by Xiao & Wong (2020) on vaccine hesitancy
and perceived behavioral control demonstrated the behavioral health model like the Theory of
Planned Behavior in explaining vaccine hesitancy [17]. Several studies have urged to enhance
tailored interventions and policies to target. such beliefs related to vaccine hesitancy in
improving knowledge and attitude towards vaccines and increasing vaccination uptake

Vaccines are considered as the most effective and reliable public inventions to be
implemented to save lives.In the study conducted by Wu et Al (2020),he eloquently indicated
that when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic in March 2020,
pharmaceutical companies and scientist experimented to develop vaccines immediately.Vaccines
were considered as interventions that can help to reduce the worldwide disease.Vaccine
hesitancy,on the other hand,is a pertinent issue in global health.With the development of COVID-
19 vaccine s, knowledge on acceptability, safely,and attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine is

In addition Park(2021) mentioned that"vaccination is a vital methodology to stop the

acceleration of the COVID-19 pandemic".It was important for Philippines public health to have
effective intervention and strategies before a vaccine was introduced as vaccine misconceptions
about COVID-19 vaccine acceptability.

COVID vaccines have only been developed in the past months, it’s too early to know the duration of
protection of COVID-19 vaccine. However, it’s encouraging that available data suggest that most people
who recover from COVID-19 develop an immune response that provides at least some period of
protection against reinfection – although there still learning how strong this protection is, and how long it

This study only focused on the factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine acceptability to the grade 12 gas
students in Goa National High School.According to Wang,by determining if their vaccine
acceptability was high,the success of the immunization can be determined.Therefore,the researchers
investigated the factors affecting the acceptability of the future vaccine.The researchers investigated the
factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among the grade 12 gas students.The results of this
study could give an idea to the policymakers in order for them to have well-designed strategies and
campaigns that will empazise the importance of vaccination,and encourage vaccine uptake and
acceptance toward community.


This study aims to look into the factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine acceptability of grade
12 General Academic Strand students in Goa National High School. Specifically,the study
sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting the acceptability of the COVID-19 vaccine to the grade 12
general academic strand students in Goa National High School?

2.What is the advantage and disadvantage of the COVID-19 vaccine to the grade 12 gas students
in Goa National High School?

3.Why the grade 12 gas students should get vaccinated in Goa National High School?

4.How the COVID-19 vaccine acceptability affects the following in terms of

4.1 Age

4.2 Beliefs

4.3 Parents

4.4 Students

Hypothesis (null)


The focused of this study is to look for the factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine
acceptability to the grade 12 gas students in GOA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL.The
respondents of this study are the randomly selected 30 students in different grade 12 gas section
in Goa National High School . The data were collected using descriptive and using survey
questionnaire The period of this study is limited to school year 2021-2022.


This will give a definite description of the numerous significance of the study.The
following constituents will benefit in studying the factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine
acceptability to the grade 12 gas students in Goa National High School.

STUDENTS: The findings of this study will serve as enlightenment to the students in accepting
or rejecting the COVID-19 vaccine.It will also give them the corrective ideas to misconceptions
that have been circulating around them.

PUBLIC HEALTH: This study gives the answer to the stigma of the community about
COVID-19 vaccination.This will aid them in accepting or rejecting the vaccine based on the
facts.It will give enlightenment and clarification of the truth about immunization.

GOVERNMENT: This study will open opportunities for the government to improve their
campaign regarding vaccination.It will help them to find appropriate ways to conduct the
immunization program by knowing the needs of their subjective people.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS:The findings on this study will be great use in the field of applied
research that can develop a further study.


COVID-19: It is a variant of corona-virus .An infectious disease that spread through droplets
from saliva or nose of an infected person by means of cough or sneeze .This has been the cause
of 2021 pandemic .

VACCINE: It is a product that stimulates the immune system for immunity and usually
administered through injection.

VACCINE ACCEPTABILITY: It represent a variety of behaviors and opinions or beliefs from

the acceptance of all the vaccines to actively support the immunization recommendations.

VACCINE HESITANCY: Reluctant or unwilling to accept vaccine even if it is available in

which it varies from time,place,and vaccine itself, which influenced by several factors.





The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in human
history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Closures of schools,
institutions and other learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the world's student
population. This has brought far-reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. Social distancing
and restrictive movement policies have significantly disturbed traditional educational practices.
Reopening of schools after relaxation of restriction is another challenge with many new standard
operating procedures put in place. Within a short span of the COVID-19 pandemic, many
researchers have shared their works on teaching and learning in different ways. Several schools,
colleges and universities have discontinued face-to-face teachings. There is a fear of losing 2020
academic year or even more in the coming future. The need of the hour is to innovate and
implement alternative educational system and assessment strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic
has provided us with an opportunity to pave the way for introducing digital learning. This article
aims to provide a comprehensive report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online
teaching and learning of various papers and indicate the way forward. (Pokhrel, Sumitra;
Chhetri, Roshan Higher Education for the Future, v8 n1 p133-141 Jan 2021)

Broadly identified challenges with e-learning are accessibility, affordability, flexibility, learning
pedagogy, life-long learning and educational policy (Murgatrotd, 2020). Many countries have
substantial issues with a reliable Internet connection and access to digital devices. While, in
many developing countries, the economically backward children are unable to afford online
learning devices, the online education poses a risk of exposure to increased screen time for the
learner. Therefore, it has become essential for students to engage in offline activities and self-
exploratory learning. Lack of parental guidance, especially for young learners, is another
challenge, as both parents are working. There are practical issues around physical workspaces
conducive to different ways of learning.

The innately motivated learners are relatively unaffected in their learning as they need minimum
supervision and guidance, while the vulnerable group consisting of students who are weak in
learning face difficulties. Some academically competent learners from economically
disadvantaged background are unable to access and afford online learning.

The level of academic performance of the students is likely to drop for the classes held for both
year-end examination and internal examination due to reduced contact hour for learners and lack
of consultation with teachers when facing difficulties in learning/understanding (Sintema, 2020).

The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people around the world, causing
more than 3.7 million deaths and large-scale social impact that has impacted everything from
healthcare, people’s livelihoods, mental health to enormous economic losses.For more than a
year the world leaders and public health experts have fought hard and strong to bring an end to
the current pandemic by developing an effective vaccine against COVID-19.
(Ganesan,A.F.,&,James,A.,et al.(2021)

Vaccines have specific storage and shipment requirements to maintain its effectiveness . Once
vaccines are available for COVID-19, frontline workers should be vaccinated first followed by
the elderly and people with preexisting conditions, according to various government protocols.
The Philippine government plans to follow the same prioritization of people for vaccination but
with the addition of indigenous people and uniformed personnel in the list by ( Mc Arthur L.

Vaccines are effective interventions that can reduce the high burden of diseases globally.
However, public vaccine hesitancy is a pressing problem for public health authorities. With the
availability of COVID-19 vaccines, little information is available on the public acceptability and
attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccines ( El-Elimat T, (2021)

. COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and cost are important factors affecting its uptake. However,
little is known about acceptance and willingness to pay for the vaccine.Shitu, K., Wolde, M.,
Handebo, S. et al.(2021).With the development of multiple effective vaccines, reducing the
global morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 will depend on the distribution and acceptance of
COVID-19 vaccination.Skjefte, M., Ngirbabul, M., Akeju, O. et al.2021..
The acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination has also been shown to be influenced by demographic
factors such as age, sex, marital status, and education level Sirikalyanpaiboon, M.,
Ousirimaneechai, K., Phannajit, J. et al. 2021

Countries around the world are facing challenges to get people vaccinated. There are a lot of
speculations and myths about the virus and development of the vaccine against COVID-19 that
are being discussed and shared in various media platforms . These factors have caused delays
due to unwillingness in people to get vaccinated, leading to vaccine hesitancy. . Ahamed, F.,
Ganesan, S., James, A. et al.(2021

Vaccine hesitancy forms a critical barrier to the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine in high-income
countries or regions. Aw, J., Seng, J. J. B., Seah, S. S. Y., & Low, L. L. (2021, August 1).Vaccine
hesitancy is referred to “the delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of
vaccine services”. The WHO has stated that vaccine hesitancy is a global threat and lack of
confidence in vaccination and inconvenience in accessing are the two key factors contributing to
hesitancy and unwillingness to get vaccinated [14]. Ahamed, F., Ganesan, S., James, A. et

.Misinformation spread through multiple channels could have a considerable effect on the
acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine8. The accelerated pace of vaccine development has further
heightened public anxieties and could compromise acceptance9 Cornwall W. 2021

Student assessments are carried out online, with a lot of trial and error, uncertainty and confusion
among the teachers, students and parents. The approach adopted to conduct online examination
varies as per the convenience and expertise among the educators and the compatibility of the
learners. Appropriate measures to check plagiarism is yet to be put in place in many schools and
institutions mainly due to the large number of student population. The lockdown of schools and
colleges has not only affected internal assessments and examinations for the main public
qualifications like General Certificate of Secondary Educations (GCSE), but A levels have also
been cancelled for the entire cohort in the UK. Depending on the duration of the lockdown,
postponement or cancellation of the entire examination assessment might be a grim possibility
(United Nations, 2020). Various state-level board exams, recruitment exams, university-level
exams and entrance exams have been postponed across India due to the COVID-19 outbreak and
national lockdown. Various entrance examinations (such as BITSAT 2020, NATA 2020, CLAT
2020, MAT 2020, ATMA 2020) have also been postponed/rescheduled. The education system in
schools, colleges and universities across the country has been severely impacted due to the
ongoing situation.
It is also possible that some students’ careers might benefit from the interruptions. For example,
in Norway, it has been decided that all 10th grade students will be awarded a high-school degree.
A study carried out in France shows that the 1968 abandoning of the normal examination
procedures in France, following the student riots, led to positive long-term labour market
consequences for the affected cohort (Maurin & McNally, 2008).


According to World Health Organization (WHO) there are several COVID-19 vaccines
validated for use by given Emergency Use Listing. The first mass vaccination programme started
in early December 2020 and the number of vaccination doses administered is updated on a daily
basis on the COVID-19 dashboard. Vaccines are assessed to ensure they meet acceptable
standards of quality, safety and efficacy using clinical trial data, manufacturing and quality
control processes.

People still have doubts about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, including the longevity of
protection against COVID-19, as several cases of reinfection have been reported. Moreover, the
rapid development of vaccines casts doubt on safety. Al-Qerem WA and Jarab AS (2021) With
COVID-19 vaccines slowly being rolled out in many countries, it is important to understand the
public’s acceptance of being vaccinated.Bautista Jr., A.P.; Bleza, D.G.; Balibrea, D.M.; Equiza,
C. (2021)

Despite of the Government’s effort to persuade the public to participate in its vaccination
program against COVID-19, vaccine hesitancy remains to be a big challenge in the Philippines.
While various efforts were undertaken to promote the safety and efficacy of vaccines against
COVID-19, it is imperative that the Philippine government considers social traumas as a factor
in vaccine hesitancy. Raymond John D Vergara(2021).

As the world welcomes the availability and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, coupled with it
is the 'hesitant' predicament of some Filipinos to get vaccinated because of the confusing
information regarding its efficacy. With this, the government needs to build up public trust to
assure a successful vaccination program.

A recent study suggested that a more 'localized' public education and role-modeling from public
officials and health authorities can help in building public trust.Dalmacito A Cordero. J Public
Health (Oxf). 2021.In many countries, vaccine hesitancy and misinformation present substantial
obstacles to achieving coverage and community immunity5,6.

Governments, public health officials and advocacy groups must be prepared to address hesitancy
and build vaccine literacy so that the public will accept immunization when appropriate. Anti-
vaccination activists are already campaigning in multiple countries against the need for a
vaccine, with some denying the existence of COVID-19 altogether.Jeffrey V. Lazarus, (2020)

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, and getting vaccinated will help protect you against developing
severe COVID-19 disease and dying from COVID-19. You may experience some mild side
effects after getting vaccinated, which are signs that your body is building protection..Typical
side effects include pain at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills and
diarrhoea.( WHO)


The availability of a COVID-19 vaccine has been heralded as key to controlling the COVID-19
pandemic. COVID-19 vaccination programme success will rely on public willingness to be
vaccinated.Most survey participants reported they would likely accept a COVID-19 vaccine for
themselves (Definitely 55.8%; Unsure but leaning towards yes 34.3%) and their child/children
(Definitely 48.2%; Unsure but leaning towards yes 40.9%). Less than 4% of survey participants
reported that they would definitely not accept a COVID-19 vaccine. Survey participants were
more likely to accept a COVID-19 vaccine for themselves than their child/children. Participants
that self-reported as Black, Asian, Chinese, Mixed or Other ethnicity were almost 3 times more
likely to reject a COVID-19 vaccine for themselves and their children than White British, White
Irish and White Other participants. Survey participants from lower-income households were also
more likely to reject a COVID-19 vaccine. In open-text survey responses and interviews, self-
protection from COVID-19 was reported as the main reason for vaccine acceptance. Bell, S.,
Clarke, R., Mounier-Jack, S., Walker, J. L., & Paterson, P. (2020).

Despite the research conducted worldwide, there is no treatment specific for SARS-CoV-2
infection with efficacy proven by randomized controlled trials. A chance for a breakthrough is
vaccinating the majority of the global population. 68.7% of respondents would like to be
vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The safety and efficacy of vaccination against COVID-
19 would persuade 86.3% of hesitant and those who would refuse to be vaccinated. 3.1% of all
respondents claimed that no argument would convince them to get vaccinated. 61.6% of
respondents declared a willingness to receive an influenza vaccination, of which 83.3% were
also inclined to receive the planned COVID-19 vaccination. Although a significant part of
respondents - 62.5% (262/419) indicated, they trusted the influenza vaccine more than the
COVID-19 vaccine in direct comparison, more respondents intended to get the COVID-19
vaccination than the influenza vaccine in the 2020/2021 season.Grochowska, M.; Ratajczak, A.;
Zdunek, G.; Adamiec, A.; Waszkiewicz, P.; Feleszko, W 2021

Studies from other countries have identified many factors that influence the acceptance of the
COVID-19 vaccine. These include risk perception of the disease, perception of vaccine safety
and efficacy, general vaccination attitudes. Past vaccination history, doctors’ recommendation,
vaccination costs, vaccination convenience and sociodemographic characteristics [16, 17]

Neumann-Böhme S, Varghese NE, Sabat I, Barros PP, Brouwer W, van Exel J, et al. Once we
have it, will we use it? A European survey on willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Eur J Heal Econ. 2020;21(7):977–82 Available from:

Governments, public health officials and advocacy groups must be prepared to address hesitancy
and built vaccine literacy so the public will accept immunisation when appropriate [14.Lazarus J
V., Ratzan SC, Palayew A, Gostin LO, Larson HJ, Rabin K, et al. A global survey of potential
acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. Nat Med. 2020; Available from:


This study aims to study the willingness and motivations among residents of the cities of
Caloocan, Malabon, and Navotas, Philippines to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Based on an
online survey of 137 respondents, who willingly participated in the study, 71% will take a
COVID-19 vaccine if it becomes available, with similar rates among respondents from Caloocan
(82%), Malabon (83 %), and Navotas (81%). If a vaccine is proven safe and effective, more
respondents (82%) will take a COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, safety against COVID-19 as
well as the safety and effectiveness of vaccines are the primary factors why respondents are
willing or unwilling to get a vaccine..Bautista Jr., A.P.; Bleza, D.G.; Balibrea, D.M.; Equiza, C.

Observational studies of the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are needed to inform
real-world use. Such studies are now underway amid the ongoing roll out of SARS-CoV-2
vaccines globally. Although traditional case-control and test-negative design studies feature
prominently among strategies used to assess vaccine effectiveness, such studies may encounter
important threats to validity (Lewnard,j.A 2021)

Lewnard, J. A., Patel, M. M., Jewell, N. P., Verani, J. R., Kobayashi, M., Tenforde, M. W., Dean,
N. E., Cowling, B. J., & Lopman, B. A. (2021). Theoretical Framework for Retrospective Studies
of the Effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 32(4), 508–

Governments, public health officials and advocacy groups must be prepared to address hesitancy
and built vaccine literacy so the public will accept immunisation when appropriate [14
.Lazarus J V., Ratzan SC, Palayew A, Gostin LO, Larson HJ, Rabin K, et al. A global survey of
potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. Nat Med. 2020; Available from:



Students survey questionnaires Acceptability of the covid 19 vaccine

Beliefs data gathering

age statistical tool




The reviewed literature and studies from local and foreign shows the samethought and gives us
more ideas about the current study. Their differences has also been explored as being reviewed.
The current research may involve different respondent that will mainly focus on the factors
affecting the covid 19 vaccine acceptability.



For the study, the researcher used a quantitative approach. A quantitative research is a formal,
objective, systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect
interactions among variables (Burns and Grove 1993).

A descriptive research was followed. A descriptive research describes what exists and may help
to uncover new facts and meaning. The purpose of descriptive research is to observe, describe
and document aspects of situation as it occurs (Polit & Hungler 1999). This involves the
collection of data that will provide an account or description of individuals. In this study, the
information was collected through the survey questionnaires send through online.

The researchers conducted the study to the Goa National High School representing the grade 12
gas students .The researchers chose this place since it is ideal of the said study .The study took
place on the school so that the researchers will not have difficulties on the research method
research study itself.


According to Burns and Grove (1993), a population is defined as all elements

(individuals, objects and events) that meet the sample criteria for inclusion in a study. The study

population consist of 26 students from the senior high school, the researcher randomly

distributed the questionaire to random students in general academic strand through online

survey questionnnairec.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used in this study was the questionnaires. The researcher designed a self-

administered questionnaires for the data gathering process to get the quantitative information.

Data Gathering Method

The following were the steps followed in order to finish the research paper:

Step 1: Selection of the topic. After the research paper was introduced, the researcher was told

to come up with a topic wherein they can identify the issues or different problems that they

have encountered while studying, in that way the researcher can learn about the problem and

have opportunities for collecting data and to decide what next steps to take.

Step 2: Approval of the topic. After formulating the topic of the study, it undergone the

process of checking and revising for a few times before it was finally approved.
Step 3: Formulation of the Chapters. After having the topic approved, the researcher now

moved on to formulating the first chapter. Wherein the researcher introduced the problem and

its settings. It underwent a few revising before moving on to the second chapter. Then, the

researcher started working on the second chapter after a few weeks of finishing the first one.

Step 4: Formulation of the Research Instrument. After finishing the second chapter, the

researcher formulated the questionnaires which are to be given to the subject that is where the

data will be collected. The questionnaire took time in preparing and revising. After being

approved, the researcher then moved on to the next step.

Step 5: Selection of Subjects. Goa National High School has 6 sections of general academic

strand from senior high department. The population of the study is 26. To select the subjects,

the researcher randomly chose students from the different section of general academic strand

to meet the said population equally.

Step 7: Formulati1on of Chapter 3. After collecting data from the subjects using the research

instrument, the researcher then moved on to the next step. This chapter presents the research

method used,the respondence of the study , the research instrument, formula the researcher will

be using to compute the given data, and the data gathering method.

Research Processing Method

After getting all of the necessary data needed, the researcher then carefully tallied all of

the data by a calculator and computed the percentage using the formula presented on the

statistical treatment.

Statistical Treatment
The data taken from questionnaire will be analyzed by using simple percentage. Using

the formula below:



P= Percentage of interest and expectation

F= The number of frequency of the respondent answer

N= The number of respondent



Demographic Profile: (N=26)

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